2022 - 2023 QP HR 03

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MBNEIK.A3 rere ma EE MBA EM IV) THEORY EXAMINATION 2022-23 HR ANALYTICS Time: 4 Hours Total Marks: 100 Note: Attempt all Sections. If require uny mixsing data; then choose suitably SECTIONA 1, Attempt aff questions in brief. 2510=20 () HR Anulytics is # Continuum. How? (&) What is Minduree in FIR Analytics? ©) Describe Human Resource Policies? (dd) Describe Risk Factors in Demand Forecasting? (©) What do you Mean by Sercening? oO Define Manpower Analysis? (g) What is Intra- Personal relationship? (h) Describe Evaluative Mediation? w Define Importance of Metrics in an HR Repopf~> @ Define usc of SUMIF Function. v ~ Noe Segtion 8 Ss 2 Attempt the following: we ASuze3ey Read the Following Case Study and Answer any TWO Questions: > Toyota today is riddled: willi quality problems. Quality was once white usP of this company. The Problem reached to such a critical level eat company had to recall almost 9 million cars world -wide obviously, t to significant lowering of the brand valuc of the compuny and drop inis@lck. The failure of Toyota hus been utributed ax poor IRM function of the éhmpany? Further it was mentioned the root cause of the problem was higrsf error. Human error at time caused for factors which could we beyond He control of employees. It cascades tor the action of the senior manugementy people at operations level may have inadequate information and poor Job (raining. Toyota's poor HR practices are categorized in reward: and feCogaitiod. “training. hiring, Peformance Management process, corporate cultures leddership development and succession, retention and risk assessment mt ; In all these HR pracuces. company. failed to integrate with the business goals. Moreover, HR decisions were-not Backed with data, rather it was in accordance with the existing systems und standards. Hence, systemic failure of management contributed tw quality problems and subsequent recalling of cars. resulting several million-dollar losses (0 the company. an Describe the problems faced by Toyots company, from your perspective (b) Suggest the solution to the company to get rid of the problem. fe) In the Context of this Case Suidy, how HR Analytics could help the company \ mitigate its losses. aC Qp23EP1_506 | 12-06-2023 13:54:56 | 19> 2 https://www.aktuonline.com a s. I SECTION C Attempt any one part of the following: (a) Describe the difference between Analytical thinking & Intuition Thinking? {b) Describe Key elements of the HR Scorecard? Discuss benefits of HR 1Ox1=10 Scorecards? Attempt any one part of the following: 10x1=10 (a) Describe External and Internal factors which effects the HRP? (6) What do you mean by selection bias and its types. 10x1=10 Attempt any one part of the followim (a) Describe basis of Training Evaluation? Discuss Stages of Training Evaluation Methods? (b) Describe the term Optimizing selection and Promotion decisions in detail? Attempt any one part of the following: 10x1=10 (a) What do you mean by Stress Management&Pescribe Strategies of Stress Management? S (b) Describe Responsible investment in SRI7. “> : NO Attempt any one part of the ranges a2 (a) Describe HR Metrics in Erployee Value and Performance? (b) Explain the excel funcifongin creating HR Dash Board? https://www.aktuonline.com

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