Eng10 Q4 Week2 14p

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Quarter 4 – Module 2:
Giving Technical and Operational
What I Need to Know

To help you develop your critical thinking skills and literacy skills,
this module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help
you write effective technical definitions and interpret operational definitions
(EN10V-IIa-13.9). The scope of this module permits it to be used in many
different learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse
vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard
sequence of the course.

The module is divided into two lessons, namely:

 Lesson 1 – Technical Definitions
 Lesson 2 – Operational Definitions

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. give the meaning and purpose of technical and operational definitions
in research;
2. interpret technical and operational definitions; and
3. identify the difference between technical and operational definitions.

What I Know

Directions: This part serves as a pre-test which will determine your

background and prior knowledge about the lesson to be discussed. Read
and answer the questions below. Write the letter of the correct answer on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. What type of definition states or describes exactly the nature, scope, or

meaning of something?
A. Technical Definition C. Sentence Definition
B. Operational Definition D. Extended Definition
2. What is the meaning of operational definition?
A. It follows a set pattern; more complex terms are used.
B. It is defining a term by using more familiar synonym in parenthesis.
C. It states or describes exactly the nature, scope, or meaning of
D. It gives an obvious, precise, and communicable meaning by
specifying how the idea is measured and applied within a particular
set of circumstances.
3. Which of the following is NOT a guideline for writing technical definitions?
A. Be accurate. Use precise terms.
B. Be objective. Use facts, not opinions.
C. Use your personal experiences in writing the definition.
D. Grade your language. Match the knowledge level of your readers.

4. What type of operational definition can be constructed in terms of how

the particular object or thing operates?
A. Type A Operational Definition
B. Type B Operational Definition
C. Type C Operational Definition
D. None of the above
5. What is the differentiating characteristic used in the given sentence?
Bus is a large motor vehicle carrying passengers by road.

A. Bus
B. Motor
C. Vehicle
D. Carrying passengers by road

1 Technical Definitions
Research is a systematic investigation into and study of materials and
sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions. With this,
technical and operational definitions have a big contribution to help
researchers in conducting their study.

What’s In

Directions: Get to know some research terms. Write the letter of the correct
answer on a separate sheet of paper.

A. Literature Review C. Abstract E. Appendix

B. Results D. Methodology F. Introduction

_____1. It is a specific procedure or techniques used to identify, select,

process, and analyze information about a topic.
_____2. This includes review or survey of journals, periodicals, books,
scholarly articles, newspapers and any other sources relevant to a
particular issue, area of research, or theory.
_____3. It is the summary of the research that is usually composed of 300
words or less. It indicates the major aspects of the entire paper.
_____4. It contains materials that are essential part of the research.
_____5. It is where you report the findings of your study based upon the
information gathered.

What’s New

Directions: Define the indicated terms for each illustration. Write your
answer on a separate sheet of paper.

Clock or Time Heart or Love Bird or Freedom

What Is It

A technical definition states or describes exactly the nature, scope, or

meaning of something.
Guidelines for Writing Technical Definitions
1. Be accurate. Use precise terms.

Weak definition: Data is an information in digital form that can
be transmitted or processed.
Accurate and precise definition: Data are the quantities,
characters, or symbols on which operations are performed by a
computer, being stored and transmitted in the form of electrical
signals and recorded on magnetic, optical, or mechanical
recording media.
2. Be objective. Use facts, not opinions.

Opinionated definition: A questionnaire is not valid and
reliable for the study.
Factual definition: A questionnaire is a set of printed or
written questions with a choice of answers, devised for the
purposes of a survey or statistical study.

3. Grade your language. Match it to the knowledge level of your readers.

Complex and complicated definition: Research is a
systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources
in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions.
Simple and clear definition: Research is collecting of
information about a particular subject.

Types of Technical Definitions

1. Parenthetical Definition is defining a term by using more familiar synonym

in parentheses.

o The company’s recent history is a case study (report) in bad
o The book provides a general framework (outline) for
understanding modern politics.

2. Sentence Definition follows a set pattern; more complex terms are used.

o Statistics is a branch of Mathematics dealing with the
collection, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of
masses of numerical data.
o Deductive reasoning is a form of reasoning in which
conclusions are formulated about particulars from
general or universal premises.

Term Class Differentiating

Statistics branch of Mathematics dealing with the
collection, analysis,
interpretation, and
presentation of masses
of numerical data

Deductive reasoning form of reasoning in which conclusions

are formulated about
particulars from
general or universal

2 Operational Definitions

An operational definition gives an obvious, precise, and communicable

meaning to a concept that is used to ensure comprehensive knowledge of
the idea by specifying how the idea is measured and applied within a
particular set of circumstances.

Types of Operational Definitions

1. Type A operational definition can be constructed in terms of the
operations performed to cause the phenomenon to occur.

o Fear is a state produced by exposing an individual to an

object highest in his or her hierarchy of objects to be
o Conflict is a state produced by placing two or more
individuals in a situation where each has the same goal
but only one can obtain it.

2. Type B operational definition can be constructed in terms of how the

particular object or thing operates.


o Monitor is a television receiver used in a studio to select

or verify the picture being broadcast from a particular
o Keyboard is a set of keys on a piano or similar musical

3. Type C operational definition can be constructed in terms of what an

object or phenomenon looks like.
o Introversion is the tendency or characteristic of an
individual to prefer to engage in solitary rather than group
o Team teaching is a utilization of two or more teachers to
develop lesson plans and teach in one or more subject
matter areas to a fixed group of students.

Technical vs Operational Definition

Technical definition mostly refers to the aspect of explaining or

describing any technical terms or terminology. Technical definitions could
be used in expanding the vocabulary since most of these terms are
explained in the exact manner. Examples include the terms and definitions
of the words found in dictionary.

Operational definition, on the other hand, is more on the application of

the word. For example, these may include the various attempts to define or
explain a certain process and its properties including but not limited to the
characteristics of the event itself.

Terms Technical Definition Operational

It is a device or It is something used in
machine used in doing homework or
performing, assessing, browsing the internet.
evaluating and
following commands
set by the users.
Information in digital The quantities,
form that can be characters, or symbols
transmitted or on which operations
processed. are performed by a
computer, being stored
Data and transmitted in the
form of electrical
signals and recorded
on magnetic, optical, or
mechanical recording

What’s More

A. Directions: Complete the sentences by filling in the blanks with the

technical terms of the words in the parentheses. Write the correct answer
on a separate sheet of paper.

Methodology Validity Measurement Data Framework Hypothesis

1. The report provides a _____ (skeleton) for further research.
2. Their _____ (theory) explains so many facts.

3. We believe this is the first systematic review to investigate the _____
(dimension) of quality of data in primary care.
4. The _____ (procedure) and findings of the research team have been
5. This research seems to give some _____ (credibility) to the approach that
it might not deserve.

B. Directions: Underline and label the term, class, and differentiating

characteristics in the following sentences. Write the answers on a separate
sheet of paper.

Example: Respondent is a person who replies to something.

Term Class Differentiating Characteristics

1. A theory is a set of accepted beliefs or organized principles that explain

and guide analysis.
2. A person, place, thing, or phenomenon that researchers are trying to
measure in some way is called variable.
3. The sum of a set data divided by the number of data is called average.
4. Ethnography is a study that explores cultural phenomena from the point
of view of the subject of the study.
5. A parameter is a numerical quantity or attribute that is estimated using
data collected from the population.

What I Have Learned

Directions: Based on the discussion in “What Is It”, compare and contrast

the meaning of Technical and Operational Definitions in your own words
using the Venn Diagram below. Copy the Venn Diagram on a separate sheet
of paper.

Technical Operational

Definitions Definitions

What I Can Do

Directions: Look at the illustration, then provide an operational definition

about your observation. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

“Our troubles are over, coach. I found us a 7-footer.”

Scoring Rubric
Criteria 10 pts 8 pts 6 pts 4 pts 2 pts
Grammar, Sentences One to two 5-6 7 and
Sentence have no error sentences sentences sentences more
Structure at all. have have have sentences
, and errors. errors. errors. have
Spelling errors.
Content It has It has It has It has It has
substantial sufficientl limited limited superficia
and specific y content content l or
content developed with with minimal
demonstratin content adequate inadequat content.
g with definition. e
sophisticated adequate definition.
definitions. definition.
Accuracy All of the Most of Some of Few of the Only one
of definitions are the the definitions definition
definition factual and definitions definition are factual is factual
correct. are factual s are and and
and factual correct. correct.
correct. and


A. Directions: In this activity, your task is to come up with operational

definition for emotions and behaviors. For each of the following statement,
provide an operational definition for the underlined words. Write the
letter of the correct answer on a separate sheet of paper.

Choices for 1-5:

A. Score on a depression test
B. How long someone sleeps
C. How many times the person laughs
D. How many times a person helps someone else
E. One’s grade on a test divided by how long you studied

_____ 1. The researcher wants to determine how drugs affect a person's

sense of humor.

_____ 2. The teacher wants to find a way to help make Macky act more
friendly toward the other children.
_____ 3. A psychologist wants to know if his new form of psychotherapy will
make people less depressed.
_____ 4. I have to find a way to study more efficiently.
_____ 5. Does this drug help people overcome their tiredness?
Choices for 6-10:
A. Grade point average
B. Recording in a dream journal
C. How many dinner dates a person is asked out
D. How many times a person ignores other people
E. How many times they smile at others

_____ 6. She has deep affection for her parents.

_____ 7. He had a dream about climbing mountains.
_____ 8. College athletes are as smart as regular students.
_____ 9. Florante said that Charito was prettier than his ex-girlfriend.
_____ 10. Don’t be such a snob.
Choices for 11-15:
A. Are on more winning teams
B. How loud they yell at a pep assembly
C. How many number one hits they have
D. How many students go on to a four year college
E. How many times a person refers to something stereotypical female

_____ 11. The school spirit is at an all-time low.

_____ 12. He had a high and somewhat effeminate voice.
_____ 13. Overall, team A are better athletes than team B.
_____ 14. The band that performed a while ago is the best rock group ever.
_____ 15. My former school is a better school now.
B. Directions: Construct a sentence definition using the following technical
terms. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Sample 4. Probability
2. Testing 5. Reliability
3. Population

Additional Activity

Directions: Choose two words from What Is It and define each using a
parenthetical definition and a sentence definition. Write the answers on a
separate sheet of paper.

Parenthetical Definition
1. ___________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________

Sentence Definition
1. ___________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________

Key to Correction


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