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The importance of English language in Mozambique

English is certainly an important and indispensable tool for Humanity, as it not only gives us the
privilege of communicating with others but also connects us with the world as it is a language
spoken in any corner of the world.

In the case of Mozambique, English has greater implications in the labor market and in other
areas such as (tourism, commerce, business, etc.) growing and attracting the international part.

Personally, I consider it super important to know how to speak English for two reasons: one
because we are the only country in a region where everyone speaks English, and another because
the best opportunities for business framing are in English, whether for tourism, oil and gas,
diplomacy, etc. .

Because the greatest opportunities are in English, it is easy for workers from neighboring
countries (who speak English) to seek and secure the opportunities we have in the country, in
hotels, restaurants, etc… and we cannot even seek and secure opportunities in neighboring
countries because we are already at a disadvantage of not knowing how to communicate in

As a Nation, we must know how to position ourselves to take better advantage of the region and
be better framed. And for that, I have two examples: One from the United Arab Emirates, which
15 years ago decided to add English to all their signs, and another example from the United
States of America, which put the Spanish language on the signs (due to the boom in visitors to
Spanish-speaking region).

Our native languages are not to be taught, but preserved. We must teach languages (even
Mandarin), which put Mozambicans on an equal footing with any other citizen of the world.

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