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Year 7 End of Year Assessment

You have 45 minutes to complete the test. Answer as many questions as you can.

Name: _____________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________

Questions 1–3 are about this binary number:


1 How many bits are there in this binary number?


2 Convert this binary number to a decimal number.


3 This binary number represents the letter B in ASCII code. Work out what binary
number represents the letter C.


4 Add together these two binary numbers. Show your working and mark any overflow.


5 Give one piece of information you might provide on an online form.


6 People sometimes use content made by another person in their own work. If you
do this, you should add a citation. What is a citation?



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7 What is malware?


8 Explain how you can reduce the risk of malware getting onto your computer.
Include three different methods in your answer.




9 Here is a command in the Scratch programming language. Write a Python

command that produces the same output.


10 Here is a complete program in the Scratch programming language. Write a Python

program that does the same task.

11 An executable file is made of machine code. Is the program you wrote for
question 10 an example of machine code? Explain how you know.



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12 Imagine you are a Computing teacher. Would you teach your students Scratch or
Python? Explain your answer.



This Python program tells the user if they have entered the right password. The right
password is ‘pass99’. Look at the program, then answer questions 13–16.

13 There is a syntax error in the first line of the program. Rewrite the line without the
syntax error.


14 This program has another error. It outputs the message ‘the password is right’ when
the password is wrong. Rewrite the program without this error.

15 Rewrite the program so that the program loops until the user enters the correct

16 a State one feature that has made this program user friendly.


b State one feature that has made this program readable.


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Questions 17–20 are about this scenario: Your school has asked you to make a digital
recording of the school sports day, for parents who can’t be there.

17 What type of digital recording will you make? _______________________________________________________

18 Explain why you chose that type of recording.


19 After you make a recording you can use software to improve it. Describe one change
you can make to your digital recording.



20 Explain why this change will make the digital recording more suitable for its purpose.



This spreadsheet records the amount of fruit in a small shop. Look at the spreadsheet,
then answer questions 21–24.

21 In which cell would you enter the number of apples that were sold? ______________

22 What formula would you enter in cell E2 to calculate the number of apples left at
the end of the day?


23 Give an example of a value that the user should NOT enter in the ‘Deliveries’ column.


24 Bad data input by the user will cause spreadsheet errors. How can you stop the user
from entering bad data? Explain a spreadsheet feature that will help.



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