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University of Antique –

Main Campus Grade

School: Laboratory Highschool Level: 12
Student Ma. Carla Joanna C. Learning
Teacher: Fabila Area: MIL

Detailed Teaching
Lesson Dates and April 3, 2024 Second Semester,
Plan Time: (60 minutes) Quarter: 3rd Quarter

A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literature and other text
Standard types serve as sources of wisdom in expressing and resolving conflicts among
individuals, groups and nature; also, how to use evaluative reading, listening
and viewing strategies, special speeches for occasion, pronouns and
structures of modification.
B. Performan The learner skillfully delivers a speech for a special occasion through utilizing
ce effective verbal and non-verbal strategies and ICT resources.
C. Learning Learning Competencies
Competenc Critique a literary selection based on Moralist Approach.
Objectives Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the learners are able to:
1. Identify the themes of the story in order to critique a literary piece.
2. Integrate the principles and considerations of the Moralist Approach in
critiquing a literary piece.
3. Compose a structured essay analyzing a chosen literary work, delineating key
moral themes, and providing evidence from the text to support their critique.

Values Integration: Students will uphold integrity in their analysis, ensuring

honesty and truthfulness in their assessments. By grounding their interpretations
in textual evidence and acknowledging both strengths and weaknesses in the
literary work, students demonstrate respect for the author's intent and contribute
to meaningful dialogue about moral themes. Upholding integrity fosters ethical
decision-making and respectful interactions, extending beyond the classroom into
students' personal and professional lives
Topic: Critique a literary selection based on Moralist Approach
Subject Integration: Values Education
A. References
1. Teacher’s English 10-Q3-M2 Self-Learning Module to the English 10 Quarter 3 –
Guide pages Module 2: Critiquing a Literary Selection Based on the Following Approach:
2. Learner’s
3. Textbook
4. Additional
Materials from
Other Learning PowerPoint Presentation, Printed IMs, YouTube Videos:

IV. PROCEDU Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Preliminaries Good morning to each and every one of Good morning ma’am! It has been
(2 minutes) you! How was your day so far? good.

I would like someone to lead the (student comes in front and leads the
prayer. class)

Let us now check your attendance. Say

present if you are around. (every student says present)

It seems like everybody is here.

A. Reviewing So last meeting, you finished Yes, ma’am.
previous lesson discussing a topic. Can you recall what
or presenting the was discussed to you by ma’am Realen
new lesson last time?

What was it again? Critiquing using the Marxist Approach,

Very good! It seems like you listened
very well to her discussions.
B. Establishing a Today we will have a new topic. But
purpose for the before that, let us first watch a video.

Please lend me your eyes and ears, Okay, ma’am.


C. Presenting So, from the video you’ve watched,

ces of the new 1. Who is the main character in the It started with him helping the old
lesson video presented? What can you say woman cross the street.
about his character? Can you Stopping the elevator doors from
enumerate the acts that he did in the closing so that a woman could enter.
video? Helping a kid catch her balloon when it
was blown away by the wind.
Volunteering in a stall that was asking
for volunteers.
Igniting compassion in another man by
pretending to be blind so that the man
could help Billy cross the street.

2. What are the values that you can Kindness, Compassion, Gratitude,
observe in the video? Appreciation and Initiative, ma’am.
3. How does the story emphasize the It was emphasized through the simple
importance of gratitude and acts or gestures that the man named
appreciation in our lives? Billy did.

You are all brilliant and very observant,


What are these acts called in your Moral values, ma’am?

values education or ESP?

Good job! So, does anyone know what No ma’am.

is our lesson for today?

Okay then, as what you have seen in the Yes ma’am.

video, the acts that Billy committed are
what you called your moral values

Our topic for today is connected to that

which is Critiquing a Literary Selection
based on Moralist Approach.
D. Discussing new Before we start, can you first read your 1. Identify the themes of the story
concepts and expected learning outcomes? in order to critique a literary piece.
practicing new 2. Integrate the principles and
skills # 1 considerations of the Moralist
Approach in critiquing a literary piece.
3. Compose a structured essay
analyzing a chosen literary work,
delineating key moral themes, and
providing evidence from the text to
support their critique.

Thank you class! Before we go to our

topic which is the Moralist Approach,
we will first discuss the Elements of a

1. Plot: The sequence of events

that make up the story.

2. Characters: The individuals or

entities who drive the story
forward through their actions,
dialogue, and interactions.

3. Setting: The time and place in

which the story occurs.

4. Conflict: The central problem or

struggle that drives the plot
forward and creates tension.

5. Point of View: The perspective

from which the story is told.

6. Tone: The attitude or mood

conveyed by the author toward
the subject matter or characters
of the story.
7. Theme: The central idea or
message that the story conveys.
Themes often explore universal
truths about human nature,
society, or the world and can be
inferred through the events,
characters, and conflicts in the

So, do you have any questions

regarding the Elements of a Story? None, ma’am.
E. Discussing new Very good class! So now we will Moral values ma’am.
concepts and proceed to what you have answered in
practicing new the video a while ago. What was it
skills # 2 again?

Brilliant! So, one can discover the world

through reading. Reading is the way to
explore and to learn more about life.
The most important thing that a
reader learns is the moral value that
each story presents.

May I ask you what comes into your I think, ma’am, moral is
mind when you hear the word Moral? expressing or teaching an
idea of right behavior.

Thank you for that idea! What about No ma’am.

others? Does anybody have a different

Let’s illustrate what “moral” is

through a web map.

Considering the universal truth or

morals, it can be used to assess the
different kinds of literary texts, and
this is what we call the Moralist

Moralist Approach is a type of

literary critique that judges the value
of the literature based on its moral or
ethical teachings.

What are the principles of moralist 1. Morality can be a body of standards

literary approach? or principles derived from a code of
conduct from a particular philosophy,
religion or culture, or it can be derived
from a standard that a person believes
should be universal. Morality may also
be specifically synonymous with
"goodness" or "rightness".

2. Quality of human acts by which we

call them right or wrong, good or evil.
(Panizo, 1964)

3. Human action is right when it

conforms with the norm, rule or law of

What are the considerations in writing 1.This approach stresses the close
a moralist criticism? reading of the text with sensitivity to
the words and their various meanings.

2. It searches for structures, patterns,

imagery and motifs, and figurative
language along with the juxtaposition
(the fact of two things being seen or
placed close together with contrasting
effect) of scenes, tone, and other
literary techniques in order to come to
conclusions about the meaning of the
work and insists that all statements
about the work be supported by
references to the text.

3. Moral criticism evaluates the ethical

content of literary works. However,
these critics evaluate the work in its
totality, not passages taken out of
F. Developing Now that we’ve finished discussing
mastery what a Moralist Approach to Literature
(leads to is. I want to ask you some questions.
Assessment) For you, what role does moral value The role of moral values in literature is
play in literature, and how does it significant as it serves to convey
influence readers' understanding of life lessons, ethical teachings, and insights
and human character? into human behavior and societal
norms. Moral values in literature help
readers contemplate and evaluate the
choices, actions, and consequences
depicted in the narrative, thereby
enriching their understanding of life
and human character. By exploring
moral dilemmas, ethical complexities,
and universal truths, literature prompts
readers to reflect on their own values,
beliefs, and experiences, fostering
empathy, critical thinking, and personal

The Moralist Approach to literary

What is the Moralist Approach to critique focuses on evaluating the moral
literary critique, and how does it differ or ethical content of literature. Unlike
from other approaches? other approaches that may prioritize
aesthetic qualities, historical context, or
structural elements, the Moralist
Approach places emphasis on the
ethical teachings and messages
conveyed by literary works. It seeks to
determine whether a piece of literature
promotes virtuous principles, offers
meaningful insights into human
behavior, or contributes to readers'
moral development.
G. Making So the highlights of today’s discussion
generalizatio are:
ns and
abstractions Moralist Approach to Literary Critique
about the is an approach that assesses the value
lesson of literature based on its moral or
ethical teachings. It focuses on the
ethical content of literary works and
evaluates whether they promote
virtuous principles or lead readers

While the Principles of a Moralist

Literary Approach is due to the fact that
morality is multifaceted, drawing from
diverse sources like philosophy,
religion, culture, and personal
convictions, often linked with ideas of
"goodness" or "rightness." Evaluating
the quality of human actions hinges on
perceptions of right versus wrong, good
versus evil. Actions are deemed morally
correct when they adhere to established
moral norms, rules, or laws.

Therefore, you have considerations in

Writing a Moral Criticism which are:

1. Close reading of the text is

emphasized, paying attention to
the nuances of language and
2. Analysis involves identifying
structures, patterns, imagery,
motifs, and literary techniques
to discern the meaning of the
3. Moral criticism evaluates the
ethical content of the entire
literary work, emphasizing the
importance of considering the
work as a whole rather than
isolated passages.
H. Finding I will group you into three and you will
practical be given 3 different excerpts to criticize.
of concepts Group 1: The Lottery by Shirley Jackson
and skills in Group 2: The Necklace by Guy de
daily living Maupassant
Group 3: The Gift of Magi by O. Henry

Each of you will answer the guide

questions that is provided along with
the story assigned to you. Everyone
who would be tasked to present their
group’s answers should provide a
synopsis of the story that is assigned to
their group. You are given 10 minutes
to finish this task.


1. What moral or ethical themes

are present in the text? What moral
choices do the characters make, and
what are the consequences of these

2. Do the moral values depicted in

the text align with societal norms or
challenge them?

3. What might be the author's

purpose or intention in conveying
specific moral messages?

4. How does the text personally

resonate with your own moral beliefs or

Please select your Presenter/s and a

Secretary so that someone will
represent your group and the Secretary
will be the one to write all of your
Am I understood? Yes, ma’am.

You may now work on your activities.

I. Evaluating Now to test what you have learned, I
learning have here a 10-item quiz for you. Get ¼
sheet of paper and don’t forget to write
your names and your grade and section.

1. What is the role of setting in a story?

a) To introduce the characters
b) To establish the conflict
c) To create the mood and atmosphere
d) To resolve the plot

2. Which literary approach evaluates

the value of literature based on its
moral or ethical teachings?
a) Formalism
b) Structuralism
c) Moralist Approach
d) Reader-response criticism

3. What is the central idea or message

that a story conveys?
a) Plot
b) Theme
c) Conflict
d) Setting

4. According to the Moralist Approach,

what is evaluated in literature?
a) The quality of writing style
b) The adherence to grammatical rules
c) The ethical content and moral
d) The popularity among readers

5. Which element of a story refers to the

sequence of events that make up the
a) Characters
b) Setting
c) Plot
d) Theme

6. What is the perspective from which a

story is told?
a) Plot
b) Setting
c) Point of View
d) Theme

7. Which of the following is NOT a type

of conflict commonly found in
a) Character vs. Character
b) Character vs. Technology
c) Character vs. Society
d) Character vs. Self

8. What are the principles of the

Moralist Approach to literary criticism?
a) Quality of human acts
b) Aesthetic beauty
c) Rhetorical devices
d) Metaphysical elements

9. What does moral criticism evaluate

in literary works?
a) The author's personal life
b) The historical context
c) The ethical content
d) The genre classification

10. Why is it important for moralist

critics to closely analyze the text and
provide evidence from the text to
support their interpretations?
a) To demonstrate their knowledge of
literary theory
b) To impress their peers
c) To ensure their interpretations are
grounded in the text
d) To make wild assumptions about the
author's intentions

J. Additional Assignment:
activities for For your assignment, read the
application summarized version of William
or Golding’s novel “The Lord of the Flies”
remediation adhering to the following rubric that I
will provide to you. It should be printed
in an A4 size bond paper, Trebuchet
font, 11 font size with normal margin.
A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
remediation who
scored below
C. Did the remedial
lessons work?
No. of learners
who have caught
up with the
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
worked well?
Why did this
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized
materials did I
which I wish to
share with other

Prepared by:


Student Intern

Checked by:


Critique Teacher

Noted by:



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