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He was everything, he was everywhere, he was mine; but he is gone! In my entire life ,I
never felt so drained, so needy, so useless; yet utterly free. Even though my life - which
was now in ruins – was dreadfully perfectly built on me -- him. Was my life... over? No.
But did death, himself decide to turn my lemonade into sour-biting lemon? Yes
I stood there in a void of pain-piecing sadness. As I felt nothing ; and nothing was
everything. But everything was gone…
Glancing through our ancient authentic photos- alluring, exhilarating yet heartsrabbing
memories rushed into my crippled mind. A waterfall of tears gushed out of my crimson
eyes : My lips shook uncontrollably like a veil , chaotic earthquake while my skin
surrendered to a pale whitish colour. Why did this have to happen? Why am I affected?
Why did such a monster do this to him? Why can’t I forget him after millions of years?
While my thoughts was floating in my mind and emotions , my attention was caught by
a ding of the door from the living room. With my might , I jolted up on my ‘jelly ‘ feet
but stumbled on my own two feet as I tried to walk. Instead I led on the rough, dark black
rug and closed my dead eyes ready for my death to grasp me.
I was the living dead: dead of emotions, hope and love but living in insufferable
torment of this event. The death of my brother – my enemy! I didn’t want to love but love
is wild and uncontrollable.
Simultaneous crashes, deafening thuds and a distressed voice – that sounded familiar
was all I heard. “Maybe Mr death …and the world…was being so happy and cheerful to
meet me,” said to myself with awe. Finally , these roller coaster emotions will end and it
will end with peace and silence. Weirdly enough, my body still had some energy; The
energy to see my funeral. Using all the power I had , I tried to open my swollen eyes to
see Mr death. Maybe he's cute.
But as I opened my heavy eyes, there was my brother. I didn’t know if he was a ghost or
I was. But I was with him. With my brother! Swiftly , I hugged him as if I was a koala
grasped tight on his mother. No way. He can’t be real. But how? After hugging him for
ages , I let go and gave him a confused look.
“ I was never dead , I had been lost in the valley and the military couldn’t find me. So I
was announced dead”, he said as his face was painted with a wide cheerful smile and so
was mine.

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