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In today's interconnected world, international business ventures offer unique opportunities for growth,
innovation, and access to new markets. The allure of global expansion is not just about increased
financial returns but also involves enriching cultural exchanges and broader socio-economic impacts.
The potential to tap into new customer bases, leverage cost efficiencies, and enhance competitive
positioning is compelling businesses to explore diverse and strategically significant opportunities.
According to Daniels, Radebaugh, and Sullivan (2016), international business activities are essential as
they involve a complex interplay of economic, social, and technological factors that affect strategic
decision-making. By strategically navigating these elements, companies can harness the potential of
global markets to foster sustainable growth and competitive advantage. This paper aims to provide a
comprehensive strategic plan for launching a unique and innovative international business venture by
analysing its competitive advantages, provide a detailed PESTLE analysis, and a comprehensive strategic
plan that includes a timeline, SMART goals, marketing concepts, and a SWOT analysis to navigate the
complexities of international business expansion.

International venture chosen outside of the U.S

Nature of the Business

An international venture outside of the U.S. I chose involves creating of a specialized eco-tourism
company named GreenGlobe Adventures. GreenGlobe Adventure is a unique eco-tourism firm devised
to provide responsible tourism and environmentally friendly travel services. This enterprise is designed
to serve the niche market of eco-tourists who want sustainable nature adventures that contribute to the
conservation of the environment and also support local populations. GreenGlobe Adventures works on
the basis of the principles of sustainability, ecological responsibility, and cultural sensitivity.

The business model of the company utilizes the organization of small group tours to reduce the amount
of environmental impact and enhance the interaction with local cultures and nature. The trips include a
guided nature walk, wildlife viewing, cultural exchange programs, and partaking in community
conservation activities. GreenGlobe Adventures cooperates with environmental scientists and local
conservationists to make sure that all activities promote biodiversity and ecological education while
respecting the highest standards of environmental ethics.

Background of the Company and Industry

Eco-tourism is a rapidly growing sector within the travel industry which is characterized by the
commitment to the environmental sustainability and the well-being of the local communities. In a world
where people recognize the importance of preserving the environment, travelers are now choosing
destinations that offer green plans. Consequently, eco-tourism industry grew even faster, gradually
diversifying to meet different tastes and needs of different market niches.
GreenGlobe Adventures was established by a team of environmentalists and travel professionals who
saw the need for genuine, impactful travel experiences that would help to protect the planet. The
founders have a collective experience on sustainable business practices, environmental sciences, and
hotel management, which guarantees that our company will operate with proper morals and high
professional standards. However, the industry itself is guided by some international guidelines and
certificates, such as Global Sustainable Tourism Council, which aim to unify trends and sustainability in
tourism worldwide.

Specific Target Market for the Venture

The specific target market for GreenGlobe Adventures is the environmentally friendly people, mostly the
millennials and the Gen Z, who put the sustainability as the main priority in their lifestyle, including
traveling. The travellers in this category are usually educated and have medium to high income, so they
can opt the travel services which are in line with their values. They are expected to be active on social
media during their traveling, they post their experience and share their travel decisions with others. This
demographic is drawn to the authentic experiences and prefers to travel that offers both adventure and
the learning of environmental and cultural issues.

Strategic Plan

Competitive Advantage of GreenGlobe Adventures

GreenGlobe Adventures will achieve competitive advantage with its innovative eco-tourism approach
that directly responds to the rising consumer demand for sustainable travel. The company’s
environmental stewardship along with community engagement is what sets it apart from other travel
agencies making it a leader in the niche market. Through the integration of sustainability in every aspect
of its operations, from the selection of destinations and activities to the partners with local conservation
groups, GreenGlobe Adventures will provide a travel experience that not only fulfills the desire for
adventure but also gives a sound contribution to the ecological and social environments of the
destinations visited. This USP becomes more and more attractive to a wide range of travelers, especially
millennials and Gen Z consumers who don't only take sustainability into consideration when making
their purchasing decisions, but they are also prepared to pay a premium for services that are in line with
their ethical values. Therefore, GreenGlobe Adventures will utilize these market trends to establish a
strong, recognizable brand that is known for responsible and fulfilling travel.

In addition, GreenGlobe Adventures will take advantage of the increasing popularity of digital influence
in travel decisions. The company will use a thorough online presence and digital marketing techniques to
seamlessly interact with its customers. Social media platforms that are primary inspiration sources for
the millennials and Gen Z will be used to demonstrate the different experiences offered by the
GreenGlobe. These will be done by showcasing the personal and environmental benefits of eco-
tourism. Through the sharing of engaging content, such as live videos of tours, testimonials from
satisfied travelers, and educational posts about conservation efforts, GreenGlobe will create a
community of eco-conscious travelers and increase the viral potential that can significantly expand its
market reach. Moreover, GreenGlobe will partner with influencers who reflect the lifestyle of
sustainability and can naturally advertise the products, thus making the company more authentic and
attractive. This strategic application of digital marketing will not only promote visibility but also create a
strong emotional attachment with the brand, which leads to bookings and repeat business.
PESTLE Analysis

Costa Rica, renowned for its rich biodiversity and commitment to environmental sustainability, presents
a unique landscape for the establishment of an eco-tourism venture like GreenGlobe Adventures.
Politically, Costa Rica is one of the most stable and democratic nations in Latin America and its
government is known to promote sustainable development and eco-tourism. This political stability
provides a favorable business operating environment and long-term planning conditions. The
government’s policies, such as the incentives for sustainable businesses and the stringent environmental
regulations, are in line with GreenGlobe’s mission, and they provide a supportive framework for
operations that focus on the preservation of the environment.

Economically, Costa Rica has been increasingly dependent on tourism, which is one of its largest sources
of revenue. The emphasis on eco-tourism draws a great number of international travelers interested in
sustainable traveling to GreenGlobe Adventures resulting in a prosperous niche market. Nevertheless, it
is important to consider the economic fluctuations that can influence the tourist flow, like the global
economic recession or the regional instability. Despite these potential obstacles, eco-tourism is the core
of Costa Rica market, which is a resilient one. Moreover, the country's cost of living and operational
costs is lower than in North America, thus, it is possible to have a more competitive price for tours and

Socially, Costa Rica is famous for its friendly people and diverse cultural heritage which are key features
to the ecotourism experience. The concept of "Pura Vida" (pure life) encapsulates the local lifestyle—
one of respect for nature and joyous living, which resonates well with the ethos of eco-tourism (Schmidt
a lifestyle of respect for nature and joy of living, which is in line with the spirit of eco-tourism (Schmidt,
2019). GreenGlobe Adventures can take advantage of this cultural alignment by incorporating local
cultural element into their travel packages and provide the tourists with an experience that goes beyond
routine activities.

Technologically, while Costa Rica may not be the most advanced in terms of cutting-edge technology, it
offers sufficient infrastructure to support eco-tourism businesses. Internet access and mobile
connectivity are widespread, facilitating digital marketing efforts and online customer engagement.
GreenGlobe should leverage this by using technology to enhance the customer experience, such as
through virtual tours or mobile apps for booking and in-tour experiences. Additionally, investing in
sustainable technologies for waste management, energy, and water conservation can further align the
company with the principles of eco-tourism.

Legally, Costa Rica has strict environmental laws that regulate land use, wildlife conservation, and
natural resources management, which are in favor of an eco-tourism company. GreenGlobe Adventures
will have to adjust to the local laws in order to demonstrate compliance and enhance its brand’s image
as a conscious eco-tourism destination company. Additionally, these regulations not only safeguard the
environment but also provide for a structured system in which all the sustainable businesses can run
effectively and transparently.

Lastly, environmental factors are very critical for GreenGlobe Adventures. Costa Rica's various
ecosystems, from the rainforests and beaches to the wildlife, are the main factors that make it an eco-
tourism destination (Echeverri et al., 2022). The protection of these natural resources is of great
importance not only for the sake of conservation but also for the business sustainability. The challenge is
to strike a balance between tourism and preservation activities whereby the tourism ventures should
not affect negatively the conservation processes. This calls for a well-designed operation structure that
considers group size, routes, and activities to minimize environmental footprint, and supports local
conservation initiatives, which can not only add value to visitor’s experience, but also enhance the
company’s image.

A 6- to 12-month timeline of the venture’s expansion

To ensure the successful establishment and growth of GreenGlobe Adventures in Costa Rica within the
initial six to twelve months, a structured timeline of key milestones and activities is crucial. This timeline
is designed to build a solid operational foundation while strategically advancing toward full-scale launch
and initial expansion phases.

 Months 1-2: Establish legal compliance, set up the local office, and hire key personnel.
 Months 3-4: Develop partnerships and initiate branding and marketing strategies.
 Months 5-6: Conduct staff training and test tours to refine offerings.
 Months 7-8: Officially launch GreenGlobe Adventures with robust marketing campaigns.
 Months 9-10: Monitor operations, gather customer feedback, and adjust strategies.
 Months 11-12: Plan for expansion based on initial performance and market feedback.

A list of SMART goals

To set SMART goals for GreenGlobe Adventures, it's essential to ensure that each goal is Specific,
Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Here are three SMART goals that can help guide the
company's initial operations and growth:

1. Achieve a 25% booking capacity for all tours within the first six months of operation. This goal is
specific to increasing tour bookings, measurable through the booking system, achievable with
effective marketing, relevant to business growth, and set within a specific timeframe.
2. Obtain at least two sustainability certifications from recognized global organizations such as the
Global Sustainable Tourism Council within the first year. This goal targets enhancing the brand's
credibility and appeal to eco-conscious travelers, is measurable by the number of certifications
obtained, achievable with focused efforts on compliance and sustainability, directly relevant to the
company’s commitment to environmental responsibility, and timed to be completed within the first
3. Increase social media followers by 50% on platforms like Instagram and Facebook by engaging with
influencers and posting regular, high-quality content related to eco-tourism within the first nine
months. This goal focuses on building a strong online presence, is measurable by tracking follower
counts, achievable through strategic digital marketing, relevant to reaching the target market
effectively, and includes a clear deadline.

A summary of start up human resources and marketing concepts

GreenGlobe Adventures will initiate its operations by assembling a team that embodies the company's
core values of sustainability and exceptional customer service. The initial hiring will be for the positions
that are critical for the operational success, such as a general manager to oversee the daily operations, a
marketing manager to develop and implement the branding and outreach strategies, and a tour
operations coordinator to manage the logistics and quality of the eco-tours. The positions will be filled
by people with expertise in eco-tourism or the related fields so that they can bring an in-depth
knowledge of environmental and cultural awareness to their roles.

In terms of marketing, GreenGlobe Adventures will leverage both digital and community-based
strategies to reach its target audience effectively. The marketing plan will comprise of a strong online
presence, through the use of SEO, social media, and content marketing to attract potential travellers.
The company will develop engaging, well-informed content that showcases the exclusive elements of
eco-tours, the attractiveness of Costa Rica, and the relevance of sustainable travel. Strategic
partnerships with eco-friendly influencers and actively participating in environmental forums and groups
are integral to building the brand and informing the public about the advantages of eco-travel.

A SWOT of the venture that evaluates at least four challenges and advantages

GreenGlobe Adventures exploits several strategic advantages to set up its eco-tourism venture in Costa
Rica. Firstly, the country's leading position in the global biodiversity in line with GreenGlobe’s mission
adds a competitive edge to eco-tourism. Additionally, Costa Rica has a stable government which assures
foreign investors for the long term and a friendly business policy for green businesses. Moreover, the
growing international demand for sustainable travel experiences makes GreenGlobe suitable for a
growing number of eco-conscious travellers. Lastly, the venture's partnership with the local
communities and environmental preservation initiatives strengthens its credibility that distinguishes it
from the ordinary tourism platforms.

However, GreenGlobe Adventures is confronted with some unique challenges. On the one hand,
complying with Costa Rica’s environmental regulations entails a lot of time and resources and is likely to
lead to changes in the activities of companies. Economically, GreenGlobe is heavily impacted by the
tourism industry worldwide and travel trends as this may also impact the company’s profits. Moreover,
the possibility of cultural misunderstandings is a problem in the marketing and the delivery of the
services that have to meet both the local and international expectations. Lastly, although the country's
technological resources may support standard operations, their inadequacy may constrain the venture
from embracing cutting-edge digital strategies and intricate operational structures that could take the
venture to the next level.

Recommendations to overcome the challenges from the SWOT

To address the challenges identified in the SWOT analysis for GreenGlobe Adventures, several strategic
recommendations can be implemented. Firstly, GreenGlobe should seek the help of legal and
environmental experts to handle the strict environmental regulations of Costa Rica and thus, to speed
up the bureaucratic processes. This preventive way will make the operation delay small and better
sustainability image of the company. Economically, GreenGlobe could deal with the global market
fluctuations that affect tourism by diversifying its customer base through marketing strategies that
target different regions and by collaborating with international eco-tourism networks to tap into more
potential markets (Weidenfeld, 2018). This diversification will ensure stable revenue streams even in the
fluctuating markets. Furthermore, in order to overcome the possibility of cultural misunderstanding it is
recommended to create culturally sensitive marketing materials and to train staff carefully in cultural
competence (Green-Moton & Minkler, 2019). Such a training will see services meet ever-changing
customer requirements and provide a positive contact with the local communities and international
visitors. Finally, to overcome the technological limitations of Costa Rica, GreenGlobe should focus on the
digital strategies that are robust and adaptable and do not rely on the latest technology but use the
existing infrastructure. Implementing mainstream sites and simple yet effective digital tools will
maintain this online presence and operational effectiveness. A collective result of these strategies will be
a company's capability to overplay the potential threats and to strengthen its market position as a
leading eco-tourism operator in Costa Rica.


GreenGlobe Adventures stands poised to redefine eco-tourism in Costa Rica by offering unique,
sustainable travel experiences that will appeal to the growing number of eco-minded travellers. Through
emphasizing environmental accountability, cultural sensitivity and community participation, the
company will be able to gain market share in the quickly increasing segment of responsible tourism. The
strategic plan, supported by an integrated digital marketing approach and the implementation of strict
environmental policies, targets to position GreenGlobe as a leader in the market of ecotourism.
Nevertheless, navigating regulatory landscapes and market fluctuations will be the key to long-term
success. GreenGlobe Adventures has a clear vision on sustainable growth, community partnerships and
innovative customer engagement strategies and thus, the company is able not only to withstand the
influence of the dynamic tourism sector but moreover to flourish becoming an example of responsible
tourism in the global markets.
Daniels, J. D., Radebaugh, L. H., & Sullivan, D. P. (2016). International business: Environments
and operations. Pearson.
Schmidt, B. (2019). Transformational Festivals and the Enchantment Economy: Performance
and race in Neoliberal times.
Greene-Moton, E., & Minkler, M. (2019). Cultural competence or cultural humility? Moving
beyond the debate. Health Promotion Practice, 21(1), 142–145.
Weidenfeld, A. (2018). Tourism diversification and its implications for smart specialisation.
Sustainability, 10(2), 319.
Echeverri, A., Smith, J. R., MacArthur-Waltz, D., Lauck, K. S., Anderson, C. B., Monge Vargas,
R., Alvarado Quesada, I., Wood, S. A., Chaplin-Kramer, R., & Daily, G. C. (2022). Biodiversity
and infrastructure interact to drive tourism to and within Costa Rica. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 119(11), e2107662119.

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