Case Study Ap G4

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Examine Identity and Expression: A case study of

crossdressing of selected grade 10 students in Gen. Tomas

Mascardo NHS
In recent years, talks about gender identity and expression have gained traction,
challenging old standards and encouraging a more inclusive society dialogue. Schools are
increasingly becoming focus locations for learning and fostering diversity, including gender
expression through cross-dressing. Wearing clothes often associated with a different gender than
oneself, or cross-dressing, is a complex phenomenon that combines identification, expression, and
social conventions. Cross-dressing is a complicated form of self-expression and self-discovery for
many people, despite the fact that it is frequently sensationalized or misunderstood.
The purpose of this case study is to examine the experiences of cross-dressers in a particular
educational setting, illuminating the reasons, difficulties, and effects that go along with this
practice. there has been a growing recognition of the importance of creating inclusive and equitable
educational environments for all students, regardless of their background, gender expression and
sociological perspective. This research delves into the imperative to study and support initiative
aimed at empowering LGBTQ+ youth, School-based Inclusivity and igniting transformation in
General Tomas Mascardo. These issues not only resonate with the principles of Cross-dress
Inclusivity but also have a profound impact on the overall well-being and future prospects of
students. Schools have been struggling with the need to provide inclusive settings that recognize
the identities of all students, including those who express their gender through crossdressing, as
society's ideas of gender continue to change. Gaining insight into the perceptions, experiences, and
accommodations around cross-dressing in the context of a single school can be very helpful in
understanding the complexity of gender expression among teenagers. This Case study propels to
look for Inclusivity in General Tomas Mascardo National High.
One aspect of this evolution is the phenomena of cross-dressing, in which people dress in
attire associated with a gender other than their own. While cross-dressing has always been a source
of fascination and debate, its prevalence in educational settings has received increased attention.
This article investigates the concept of inclusive cross-dressing in the context of schools, looking
at the implications for creating understanding, acceptance, and a supportive atmosphere for all
students. This study seeks to look into the dynamics of inclusive cross-dressing within a specific
school setting, analyzing its manifestations, ramifications, and the broader socio-cultural
background affecting these expressions.
Methodological approach
The collected data that we gathered it by working with quantitative method, using google
form as our questionnaire. The form was created on April 13, 2024, this was given and shared to
selected students in Tomas Mascardo national high school. We used purposive method to select
students that have the characteristics that we need in our data, the google form was conducted by
using a mobile device. it took about 2 to 3 days for our participants to respond and answer our
questionnaire, the sample size of our google form that answered are 7 participants from the
section of Grade 10 – burgos, Grade 10 – Rizal, Grade 10 Bonifacio, Grade 10 – Silang, Grade
10 – Palma.
Our group recruited the participants by asking consent to them if it’s alright for them to
answer our google form questionnaire, we used an electronic technology to conduct our
questionnaires. Our google form questionnaire was conducted originally by primary data which
was collected ourselves, our data was gathered by experimental data that had to do with us
controlling and manipulating variables. The form we did in our questionnaire was a two choice,
our survey was conducted virtually, we used purposive sampling method to select participants,

• Are you a Male or Female?

• Do you think Dress code policies affects Transgender and Non-binary students?
• What are the Challenges you face as a part of LGBTQIA+ community in terms of cross-
• If you were given chance to wear with your Perspective. Would you wear a Uniform that
fits to you?
• Is Cross-Dressing a Valid Reason from your Perspective, Psychological, and Physical?

• Do you believe/do you think Cross-Dress Inclusivity should be considered in General

Tomas Mascardo National Highschool?
Limitations :

The study we aim to focus on selected Grade 10 students at General Tomas Mascardo
National High School is the incorporating a diverse sample in terms of gender, and cultural
backgrounds to understand the specific perspective. Examination of how students perceive and
express their identities, with a specific focus on the impact of school policies regarding cross-
dressing. This might include personal interviews, surveys, and observations. Explore various
aspects of students personal and social identities, with a special focus on how they express these
identities through clothing, particularly cross-dressing Within 7 participants. It seeks to
understand the motivations behind clothing choices and their significance to personal identity.
for Example, a transgender student who wears an Appropriate Long dress, for it to express
herself/himself what are her/his perspective a current grade 10 student in General Tomas
Mascardo National High School

This study aims to propel what does the case study does not have. The limitations of this study
gathered and Restrictions on our case study are Sample Size, only a Limited participants are
available to answer the survey given. Second, is Bias we aim to Get the Real participants that
reflected to our studies such as Transgender and Gay. Third, Validity and Reliability that survey
that made is consist with 5 questions which only Leads with two choices and Descriptive.
Resources, the study had a lack of access to a certain data where we unable to have a full access
due to Internet connection, and Time Constraints. Last is Cultural,
Cultural, sociological, and personal factor
which can change greatly between educational environments and geographical locations
have an impact on cross-dressing.
Studies conducted in schools can miss this variation, which could result in a limited and possibly
biased view of cross-dressing behavior.

Formal Problem

Crossdressing, a practice involving the wearing of clothing traditionally associated with a

gender different from one's own, continues to be a topic of societal significance. Despite its
historical prevalence, it remains a subject of misunderstanding in contemporary discourse. This
phenomenon presents a unique opportunity to explore the complexities of gender identity, social
norms, and individual expression. In dissecting the nuances of crossdressing, we confront
entrenched societal expectations and their implications for personal authenticity and acceptance.
Through a critical examination of prevailing attitudes and the experiences of those who engage
in crossdressing, we endeavor to foster empathy, understanding, and a more inclusive society for
all individuals, regardless of their adherence to traditional gender norms.
that supportively stands and that’s not against the cross dressing of the transgenders and gay
people. Cross-dressing may challenge societal stereotypes and prejudices about gender roles and
presentation. Schools play a vital role in challenging these stereotypes and promoting acceptance
and respect for diversity.

Cross-dressing is often associated with gender nonconformity, where individuals express

themselves in ways that do not align with traditional gender norms. It's crucial for schools to
foster an understanding of diverse gender identities and expressions, creating an environment
where students feel supported regardless of how they choose to present themselves,

Schools should develop inclusive policies that protect the rights of cross-dressing students and
promote a safe and supportive learning environment for all students. This may include updating
dress codes to be more inclusive and ensuring that disciplinary actions are not unfairly applied
based on gender expression. The study shows different problems also a Educating students, staff,
and parents about gender diversity and the experiences of cross-dressing individuals can help
foster empathy, understanding, and acceptance within the school community, And Students that
identify as cross-dressing may experience issues with bullying, discrimination, and mental
health. Counseling and support groups are examples of the kinds of services that schools should
offer to assist students in overcoming obstacles and achieving both academic and personal
Steps Taken To Address the problem

In this current School year, the inclusivity of cross-dress isn’t applicable where as
Transgender/Gay aren’t allowed to Cross-Dress. The problem of the cross dressing of
transgender/gay people is The problem with cross dressing is that people are often judged
because of their display of clothing and because of their identity, because of those who are
judgmental they cannot express themselves even by wearing only the clothes they want. People
who always discriminate other people because of their gender identity. Ang main issue ng cross
dressing ay verbal bullying and discrimination, being treated differently or unfairly at school can
happen just because of what they wear. Discriminating people by their gender identity can
manifest in various forms, such as verbal harassment, physical assault and denial and basic
opportunities it can cause depression and affect their mental health.

The solution of the problem of the cross dressing among the LGBTQ+ members in General
Thomas Mascardo can require promoting understanding, and inclusivity within the school
premises to create a more accepting and supportive environment for the transgender people and
gay to freely express their clothing and desired presentation. Giving them a freedom to wear they
want to wear to express themselves. The school must allow crossdressing so the students can
express their self by wearing clothes they want to present.

Experimenting with clothing, hairstyles, and even make-up is a way for teens to explore their
identities and test the limits of socially acceptable behavior.

Some students demanding to express their gender or sexual identities by crossdressing. Although
crossdressing is not particularly widespread in school, a lot of students begun dressing according
to their gender identity they have chosen, which may not necessarily reflect to their true identity.
The other solutions that can happen in Tomas Mascardo Highschool is a campaign or an
Appropriate advocacy for other students to voice out, to give them the Rights to freely express
their gender identity by dressing the clothes they want to wear and present as who they are
without any restrictions and feeling invalidated in the school premises. Also making an
advocacy, A varied strategy is needed to address the issues and guarantee a welcoming
atmosphere for those who identify as cross-dressing in schools. The following actions can be

1. Policy Development: Develop and implement comprehensive policies that explicitly

prohibit discrimination based on gender identity or expression. These policies should
outline procedures for addressing harassment, ensuring access to facilities that align with
a student's gender identity, and providing other necessary accommodations.
2. Education and Awareness: Provide training for staff, students, and parents on
understanding gender diversity, including cross-dressing. This can help provoke myths,
reduce stigma, and promote empathy and acceptance.

3. Safe Spaces: Establish safe spaces within the school where cross-dressing students feel
welcome and supported. This could include LGBTQ+ clubs, gender-neutral restrooms, or
designated staff members trained to provide support.

4. Curriculum Integration: Incorporate discussions on gender diversity, including cross-

dressing, into the school curriculum. This can be done through age-appropriate lessons in
subjects such as social studies, health education, or literature.

5. Role Modeling: Promote positive role models who challenge gender norms and
stereotypes within the school community.

6. Evaluation: Regularly evaluate the effectiveness of policies and initiatives related to

cross-dressing identity and expression in schools. Solicit feedback from students, staff,
and parents to identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments.
The Result


1. Increased Acceptance: Over time, there is a noticeable shift in attitudes toward cross-
dressing within the school community. Students report feeling more accepted and
supported in expressing their gender identity, leading to increased self-confidence and
2. Reduction in Bullying: The implementation of comprehensive anti-bullying policies,
coupled with increased awareness and education, leads to a decrease in instances of
bullying and harassment targeting cross-dressing students. Students feel more
comfortable reporting incidents, knowing that they will be taken seriously and addressed
3. Improved Academic Performance: With the support of school staff and access to
necessary resources, cross-dressing students experience improved academic performance
and engagement in school activities. They feel more comfortable being themselves,
which positively impacts their overall well-being and ability to focus on their studies.
4. Community Support: The school's efforts to engage parents and the broader community
result in increased support for cross-dressing students. Parents express gratitude for the
school's inclusive approach and become advocates for LGBTQ+ inclusion both within the
school and the larger community.
5. Positive School Culture: The school becomes known for its commitment to diversity
and inclusion, attracting students from diverse backgrounds who feel welcomed and
supported. Staff and students alike take pride in their school's inclusive culture, leading to
a more positive and supportive learning environment for all.

proactive measures to support cross-dressing identity and expression in the school result in
positive outcomes for students, staff, and teachers By fostering understanding, providing support,
and promoting inclusivity, the school creates a safe and welcoming environment where all
students can thrive.

in our research challenges we found it difficult to find a large number of participants, due to our
Class schedule changing due to the Hot weather, and we found it difficult to interview
participants, so we conducted a survey for us to Get their answers (thoughts, Emotion, and
perspective). We only communicated using Social Media Platform but as we conducted this
Survey it was difficult for us; it is important to explain the purpose of the study. suddenly, we
cannot Communicate with the respondents very well due to some problems, the lack of
communication made us difficult. Thus, we understood their answer and finished. Privacy
Concerns, Protecting the privacy of individuals involved, especially students, is crucial and can
complicate the collection and sharing of data, evaluating school-based scenarios can be
subjective, influenced by personal biases, experiences, and perspectives, lastly the Complexity of
Scenarios Addressing these challenges requires careful planning, ethical considerations, and a
thorough understanding of the educational context and stakeholders involved. Challenges that
participants experience are discrimination, Variety of Bullying and unopened opportunities to
cross-dressers (within their perspective and expression to itself)

Beyond Result

In our research endeavor, we employed a quantitative methodology to gather the necessary

data. Utilizing Google Forms as our questionnaire platform, we created the survey on April 13,
2024, and shared it with selected students from Tomas Mascardo National High School. Through
a purposive sampling method, we identified and recruited participants who possessed the
characteristics relevant to our study.

The Google Form questionnaire was administered using mobile devices, and it took the
participants approximately 2 to 3 days to respond and complete the survey. The sample size of
our study consisted of 5 participants, each representing a different grade 10 section: Burgos,
Rizal, Bonifacio, Silang, and Palma.

Our group took great care in obtaining the consent of the participants before they engaged with
the Google Form questionnaire. By utilizing electronic technology, we were able to efficiently
conduct the data collection process.
Alongside the quantitative data we gathered, it is essential to acknowledge the broader societal
context and the challenges faced by the LGBTQ community and individuals who engage in
crossdressing. LGBTQ individuals often experience discrimination, prejudice, and social stigma
in various aspects of their lives. From employment opportunities to access to healthcare and
housing, the Cross-dressing continues to face systemic barriers and marginalization.

Crossdressing, the practice of wearing clothing typically associated with a gender different from
one's own, is another area where individuals may face societal judgment and discrimination.
Crossdressers, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, may encounter social
ostracization, harassment, and even legal consequences in certain contexts.

The intersectionality of these issues highlights the need for greater understanding, acceptance,
and advocacy for the LGBTQ community and those who engage in crossdressing. By addressing
these societal challenges and promoting inclusive and equitable practices, we can work towards a
more just and compassionate world for all individuals, regardless of their gender expression or
sexual orientation. To have a better inclusivity:

• Embracing cross-dressing individuals in schools fosters a culture of acceptance and

inclusion. It sends a message that diversity is valued and that everyone deserves respect
regardless of their gender expression.
• Providing a secure and encouraging atmosphere for students who identify as transgender
can have a good effect on their academic journey. Students are better able to concentrate
on their academics and engage fully in school activities when they feel accepted for who
they are.
• Unfortunately, bullying and harassment of cross-dressers occurs frequently in school
environments. Schools need to take a proactive stance against discrimination and establish
guidelines that shield every student from being harassed because of their gender identity or
• Advocacy and Support. Schools can play a crucial role in advocating for the rights and
well-being of cross-dressing students within the broader community. This may involve
partnering with advocacy organizations, providing resources for students and families,
and actively promoting inclusivity in school policies and practices.
• By embracing diversity, schools can create opportunities for learning about different
identities, cultures, and experiences. This can enrich the educational experience for all
students and prepare them to navigate a diverse world.

Lesson Learned
The case study focusing on the experiences of selected Grade 10 students at General Tomas
Mascardo NHS regarding exclusive school-based cross-dressing and restrictions provides
valuable insights into the complex interplay between identity and expression. This scenario
underscores the significance of examining how educational institutions can both challenge and
reinforce societal norms about gender and identity. The school's policy on cross-dressing,
presumably intended to maintain order or adhere to traditional norms, brings to light the nuanced
ways in which institutional rules impact student self-expression and identity formation.

Through this case study, it becomes evident that schools, as microcosms of wider society, play a
crucial role in shaping the perceptions and experiences of young individuals exploring their
identities. The restrictions placed on cross-dressing at General Tomas Mascardo NHS may not
only limit students' ability to express their gender identity but also contribute to a culture of non-
acceptance. Such policies can inadvertently signal to students that certain forms of self-
expression are not only unwelcome but are to be corrected or hidden. This can stifle personal
growth and lead to feelings of alienation among students who do not conform to traditional
gender norms.

However, this situation also offers a unique opportunity for educational reform and advocacy.
By critically examining the outcomes and student experiences resulting from such policies,
educators and policymakers can better understand the importance of creating inclusive
environments that respect and celebrate diversity in identity and expression. Moving forward, it
is essential for schools like General Tomas Mascardo NHS to consider adopting more flexible
and understanding approaches to dress codes and expression. Doing so not only supports the
well-being and development of all students but also prepares them to enter a diverse and ever-
changing world with empathy, respect, and an appreciation for the richness of human diversity.
Examining cross-dressing in an educational setting might provide insightful information about
gender norms, acceptability, and identity. Understanding and appreciating each person's unique
individuality and expression is a crucial lesson that has been taught. Students should feel free to
express who they really are at schools without worrying about prejudice or condemnation
because such environments should be welcoming to all. It draws attention to the importance of
educating parents, teachers, and students about gender diversity and the negative impacts of

The Challenges Faced as we Conduct with the case study are difficulties as we encountered. Are the
lack of participant, weather condition, coordination’s of participant and time frame.

The problem that school face is wearing clothes that are not fit for your identity, it makes them feel hide
or inside the closet. This school faced is Unactive Equality whereas Gay or Transgender Won't be able to
wear with their Own Perspectives, Emotional, Physical, and within their Expression. the school Itself Isn't
Inclusive Enough Propose a Wide Inclusivity such as Cross-Dress. At some point Many Restrictions are
made such as Wearing School Uniform Within their Sex. That leads to a Various Problem That tackles
Gender Equality and Inclusivity.

Proposing the Best mechanism of Platforms and Advocacy to Aware and Ensure the Prior Of what is
Inclusivity of Cross-Dress, Transgender and Gay would have a better experience in their Studying, a
Focal Culture Opportunity, and a Widen Thinking, the proposed Advocacy is to Advocate A full
Inclusivity. But with a Respect, Discipline, and Harmony. That emphasize a fair Inclusivity for
LGBTQIA+ cross-dresser and a fair non-binary fit. So that, our School replicates the balance of
Inclusivity with an Igniting Transformation for each Transgender and Gay Cross-Dresser.

The Lessons as we conduct our Case study that we earned are, we Gained Knowledge on
How to Investigate Each Primary issues or problems that the School Itself has, Our Knowledge
increased as We conduct the parts of our research. And Having a Good mind-set on what is
Inclusivity is (Inclusive Cross-dressing, and Persuading the Validity Of their Perspective

The statement of Cross-dressing isn't just About the Inclusivity but the Fact, tackling the gender
expression and the Identity of Cross-dressers or Individual therefore, it should've been to be
Ignored but to Implement and shown the aspects itself.

Education is essential in combating ignorance and fostering acceptance. Providing

opportunities for learning about gender diversity through workshops, curriculum inclusion, and
guest speakers can help reduce stigma and promote understanding among students, teachers, and
parents. Schools must recognize the diversity of gender identities among their students and
develop inclusive policies that accommodate all expressions of gender. Learning to respect and
celebrate differences fosters a more welcoming and supportive environment for everyone.

Survey Instruments:

• Are you a Male or Female?

• Do you think Dress code policies affects Transgender and Non-binary students?
• What are the Challenges you face as a part of LGBTQIA+ community in terms of cross-
• If you were given chance to wear with your Perspective. Would you wear a Uniform that
fits to you?
• Is Cross-Dressing a Valid Reason from your Perspective, Psychological, and Physical?

• Do you believe/do you think Cross-Dress Inclusivity should be considered in General

Tomas Mascardo National High school.

Interview Transcript:
1. 10-BURGOS, Pia Candulong response for question number 3: One of the reasons is di ko
ma express yung sariling ako lalo na transgender ako, gusto ko yung makasuot sana ko yung
pasok talaga sa Sarili kong perspective (physical, emotional). Kasi iba talaga yung Langhap
ng pagiging babae. Turing na Talagang babae na tingin palang sa kasuotan
2. 10-BURGOS, Obre Gabbi response for question number 3: It's hard for me to have to follow
the dress code because I think differently about my identity, and I want to wear what is
appropriate for my chosen gender and what I am now.

3. 10-RIZAL, Ramirez, Jan Zyrelle, Ruba response for question number 3: Yung mga
challenges po na na encounter ko, sa loob or sa labas man ng school as a part of LGBTQIA+
at kapag nag-cocross dressing ako is number one po syempre yung panjujudge ng ibang tao
kapag nakikita kaming nakasuot ng ganun, kase tingin nila kapag ang lalaki or ang babae ay
naka cross dress iba kung ituring lalo na ng napakalupit na lipunan na ito, madalas kapag
nalabas ako ng bahay lagi akong nakakaranas ng discrimination from my neighbors, mga
nakakasalamuha ko at lalo na nagmula ako sa family ko na homophobic so di talaga
maiiwasan yung may magsasabi ng "bakla", " binabae" "bayot" "bading" "150" or yung kahit
na tingin na parang tinuturing ka talaga na hindi belong.

4. 10-BONIFACIO, Concepcion, Jethro A. response for question number 3: Discrimination

and the unnecessary actions towards us-being judged.

5. 10-SILANG, Pintor, Nash M. response for question number 3: As a part of LGBTQIA+

community, I think cross dressing is very difficult for the gay to express their real
personality but the challenges I faced was actually not really that much because I am at my
own freedom unfortunately, in this high school I must wear the uniform or the proper attire I
can slay, also served as a respect to tha school. And those are the little challenges I've faced
because of my limited freedom at cross- dressing.

6. 10-PALMA, Dejaro, Gabrielle, C response for question number 3: I always feel anxious
whenever I'm going out and dressing as more feminine or crossdressing rather, people look
at me like i can see through their eyes that they're judging me on how i dress.

7. 10-RIZAL, Adona leigh monteclaro response for question number 3: One of the reasons is di
ko ma express yung sariling ako lalo na transgender ako, gusto ko yung makasuot sana ko
yung pasok talaga sa Sarili kong perspective (physical,emotional). Kasi iba talaga yung
Langhap ng pagiging babae. Turing na Talagang babae na tingin palang sa kasuotan
8. 10-Lapu Lapu, Monzon khyle ivan R. response for question number 3: It often becomes a
problem for me that I'm too lazy to wear a uniform that doesn't fit me because it's not my
perspective to wear it because I know that I'm a woman.

Data Analysis:
100%+100%+100%+75%+87.5%÷5 = 92.5%
Educational Materials:


Google Form, Google, Facebook, Messenger, and Gmail


Mobile device, microcomputer, booklet, tablet compute


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