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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas


Name: JESANNIL B. PEÑAS Position/Designation: Teacher III

Date: Learning Area: English Grade Level: 2 Quarter: 1st

Competency/ies: Classifying/Categorizing Sounds Heard (Animals, Mechanical, Objects,
(Taken from the Curriculum Guide) Musical Instruments, Environment, Speech). (EN2PA-Ia-c-1.1)
Key Concepts /
Understandings to be Classifying/categorizing sounds heard.
Adapted Cognitive Process Dimensions (D.O. No.
Domain 8, s. 2015)
1. Objectives
Categories: Behavioral Verbs:
identify, retrieve, recognize, duplicate,
Knowledg Remembering list, memorize, repeat, describe, 1. Identify sounds and their corresponding sources.
interpret, exemplify, classify, summarize, 2. Classify/Categorize sounds heard (animals,
infer, compare, explain, paraphrase, mechanical, objects,
g discuss musical instruments, environment, speech).
execute, implement, demonstrate,
Applying dramatize, interpret, solve, use,
illustrate, convert, discover
differentiate, distinguish, compare,
Analyzing contrast, organize, outline, attribute,
Skills coordinate, measure, detect, defend,
judge, argue, debate, describe, critique,
appraise, evaluate
generate, hypothesize, plan, design,
develop, produce, construct, formulate,
assemble, devise
1. Receiving Phenomena - Awareness, willingness to hear, List of Attitudes:
selected attention Self-esteem, Self-confidence, Wellness,
Behavioral Verbs: ask, choose, describe, erect, follow, Respect, Honesty, Personal discipline,
give, hold, identify, locate, name, point to, reply, select, sit, Perseverance, Sincerity, Patience, Critical
Attitude Study, use thinking, Open-mindedness, Interest,
Growth in Courteous, Obedience, Hope, Charity,
2. Responding to Phenomena -
feelings or Fortitude, Resiliency, Positive vision,
Behavioral Verbs: aid, answer, assist, comply, conform, Acceptance, Determined, Independent ,
areas. discuss, greet, help, label, perform, practice, present, read, Gratitude, Tolerant, Cautious, Decisive, Self-
A settled way recite, report, select, tell, write Control, Calmness, Responsibility,
of thinking or 3. Valuing - Accountability, Industriousness, Industry, 3.Share
feeling about Behavioral Verbs: work, complete, demonstrate, Cooperation, Optimism, Satisfaction, experiences in
someone or differentiate, explain, follow, form, initiate, invite, join, Persistent, Cheerful, Reliable, Gentle, the class.
something, justify, propose, read, report, select, share, study Appreciation of one’s culture, Globalism,
typically one 4. Organization - Compassion, Work Ethics, Creativity,
that is Behavioral Verbs: adhere, alter, arrange, combine, Entrepreneurial Spirit, Financial Literacy,
reflected in a compare, complete, defend, explain, formulate, generalize, Global, Solidarity, Making a stand for the
person’s identify, integrate, modify, order, organize, prepare, relate, good, Voluntariness of human act,
behavior synthesize Appreciation of one’s rights, Inclusiveness,
5. Internalizing values - Thoughtful, Seriousness, Generous,
Happiness, Modest, Authority, Hardworking,
Behavioral Verbs: act, discriminate, display, influence, Realistic, Flexible, Considerate,
listen, modify, perform, practice, propose, qualify, question, Sympathetic, Frankness
revise, serve, solve, verify
Values List of Values:
A learner's principles or MAKA-DIYOS
standards of behavior; one's Love of God, Faith, Trusting, Spirituality,
judgment of what is important Inner Peace, Love of truth, Kindness, Humble
in life. MAKA-TAO
Go beyond learner’s life on Concern for Others, Respect for human
rights, Gender equality, Family Solidarity,
Generosity, Helping, Oneness
Care of the environment, Disaster Risk
Management, Protection of the
Environment, Responsible Consumerism,
Cleanliness, Orderliness, Saving the
earth, include more than ecosystem, Environmental sustainability
wealth and fame, and would MAKABANSA
affect the eternal destiny of Peace and order, Heroism and Appreciation
millions intentionally add of Heroes, National Unity, Civic
values to yourself and students Consciousness, Social responsibility,
everyday. Harmony, Patriotism,
Classifying/Categorizing Sounds Heard (Animals, Mechanical, Objects,
2. Content Musical Instruments, Environment, Speech
K to 12 Curriculum, LM in English Grade 2
3. Learning
Resources Materials: audio-visual presentation, pictures, activity sheets

4. Procedures
4.1 Introductory Activity Ask: Do notice the sounds that you can hear every day while going to school?
(____ ____min) Say: “I hear sounds from the cars and motorcycles, other people, music in school

Present a song showing the different sounds (Old McDonald Had a Farm)

Ask: What sounds can you hear from the song?

Present a story relating to different sounds heard.

Ask: Do you walk to school? What do you ride going to school?
Ask: Do notice the sounds that you can hear every day while going to school?

Going to School
Andy is preparing to go to school. He heard a people in the television talking and laughing.
As he goes to the school, he heard the car honking with its horn. He heard the dogs barking
outside. Andy went inside the school. He heard the music from the sound speakers. Then he
heard the other children laughing and talking. In the classroom, they sang songs. Andy’s
teacher is playing the guitar. Other students played drums and trumpet. When the class was
4.2 Activity (_________ min) over, Andy heard the school bell. Andy went home.

Ask: What sounds did Andy hear?

Ask: Where is each sound coming from? Can you make those sounds?
Ask: What did you notice with the different sounds?
Ask: Can you give me examples of sound that you hear every day?
Say: Provide more examples of sounds and their sources.
Guide the pupils to group the different sounds heard into groups.
Mechanical Animals People Musical
television dogs singing guitar
car drums
speakers trumpet

Processing the Activities

4.3 Analysis (________ min) 1.) What kind of objects did the different sounds come from?
2.) Which of the objects have loud sounds? Which objects have soft sounds?
Summarizing the lesson
4.4 Abstraction (_______ min) Ask: Where do different sounds come from?
Ask: Why do need sounds in our everyday life?
1. The students will answer an activity on the board.
2. The students wil identify the pictures shown
4.5 Application (________ min)
3. The students will be asked to produce the sound of each picture. Then, they will
classify each of the pictures if they are from people, animals or things.
Person Animals Things

4.6 Assessment (_______ min) Put a if each of the following is the correct sound of the picture shown. Put an X if it is

1. _____ twit-twit-twit

2. _____ cling-cling-cling

3. _____ vroom-vroom
4. _____ pipi-pip pip pip

5. _____ wee-oww wee-owwww

Assessment Method Possible Activities
Investigation, Role Play, Oral Connect each of the following the object to their correct
Observation Presentation, Dance, Musical
(Formal and informal observations sound. Write the letter on the blank.
Performance, Skill Demonstration, Group
of learners’ performance or Activity (e.g. Choral Reading), Debate,
behaviors are recorded, based on Motor & Psychomotor Games,
assessment criteria) Simulation Activities, Science Experiment
Talking to Learners /
Conferencing _____1. A. Boooom!
Hands-on Math Activities, Written Work
(Teachers talk to and question and Essay, Picture Analysis, Comic Strip,
learners about their learning to Panel Discussion, Interview, Think-Pair-
gain insights on their Share, Reading
understanding and to progress and
clarify their thinking)
Analysis of Learners’ Worksheets for all subjects, Essay,
Products Concept Maps/Graphic Organizer, _____ 2. B. Bzzzzzzzz!
(Teachers judge the quality of Project, Model, Artwork, Multi-media
products produced by learners Presentation, Product made in technical-
according to agreed criteria) vocational subjects

_____ 3. C. Kriiiiinggg!

d) Tests Skill Performance Test, Open-Ended

(Teachers set tests or quizzes to Question, Practicum, Pen and Paper Test,
determine learners’ ability to Pre and Post Test, Diagnostic Test, Oral _____ 4. D. Peeeeep!
demonstrate mastery of a skill or Test, Quiz
knowledge of content)

E. Ting! Ting!
_____ 5. Ting!
4.7 Assignment (_______ min). Fill-in below any of the four purposes:
 Reinforcing /
strengthening the
day’s lesson
 Enriching / inspiring
the day’s lesson Cut-out or draw at least 5 pictures of things or animals found in your home. Write the name
 Enhancing / of each picture and the sound they make.
improving the day’s
 Preparing for the new
4.8 Concluding Activity
1. Remarks
2. Reflections
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation.

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation.

C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation.

E. Which of my learning strategies worked well? Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share
with other teachers?

Principal I

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