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Delegate: Ulviye Gönül SARI

Country: Russia
Committee: Special Political and Decolonization Committee (SPECPOL)
Topic: Social and Political Turmoil in the Middle East

The Russian Federation, which was originally founded as the Russian Soviet Federative
Socialist Republic but changed its name in 1991 after the collapse of the USSR, is the largest
country in the world with a total landmass of 16,376,870 km2. It shares borders with Norway,
Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Poland, Ukraine, Georgia, Abkhazia, Azerbaijan,
South Ossetia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, China, North Korea, Japan, and the USA (the last two
being maritime borders.). It stretches over both Europe and Asia, acting like a bridge between
cultures, politics, and geographies. Russia, with its current technology, is considered one of
the superpowers of the world and is among the seven most advanced countries in the world.
With over one million active personnel, Russia’s military ranks second globally. Russia has a
population of over 144 million citizens. It is home to many ethnicities and communities. The
biggest ones are Tatars, Chechens, Bashkirs, Chuvash, and Avars.

The Russian Federation recognizes that the conflict in the Middle East has seriously affected
both the politics and the citizens of the area. The Middle East is an area that has many
ethnicities and cultures with many differences. Thus, it is no surprise that war has been a
prevalent issue in this geography. This is a multifaceted, ever-changing issue. The earliest
record of war in the area was 4500 years ago at the Fertile Cresent. Currently, it is not only
the countries in the Middle East that are involved anymore, but many more, both from the
West and the East. But after the end of WWII, this turned into a fight against terrorism,
genocide, and corrupt governments. With the power balance of the governments overthrown
and external factors, the Middle East turned into a region of chaos. It is a breeding ground for
terrorism and civil wars.

Russia is always on the side of peace. From 1917 to the present, Russia has been supporting
equal rights and justice for every community living in it. It has been victim to many terrorist
attacks, such as the Moscow theater hostage crisis in 2002, the Beslen massacre in 2004, the
2010 Moscow Metro bombings, the 2017 Saint Petersburg Metro bombings, and the Izhevsk
school shooting in 2022. But with its National Antiterrorism Committee, it's fighting against
terrorism and trying to reduce the damage done. Russia does this not only within its borders,
either. One of the examples in the Middle East is Russia’s support of the Syrian Arab
Republic and aid to its residents in the Syrian Civil War. And so, Russia understands the pain
of the Middle East and is ready to support the innocent lives caught in the middle of the
conflict and find a solution quickly.

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