Đề cương Thư tín thương mại quốc tế

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Đề cương Thư tín thương mại quốc tế

1.Explain the structure of a letter in business correspondence? (Giải thích cấu

trúc của một lá thư trong thư tín thương mại)
Trả lời:
 Opening: Refers to the purpose of the letter (to ask for information, to
offer a price, to make a complaint...)
 Body: Conveys main information content
 Closing: Usually expresses the desire to receive a quick response from the
recipient. This is also the part where the writer leaves ideas that they think
need to be emphasized.
 There are also additional parts such as: Letter head, Salutation, and
Complimentary Close.
2. What are the compulsory parts of a letter in business correspondence?
(Những phần bắt buộc phải có của một bức thư trong thư từ kinh doanh là gì?
Trả lời:
a. Sender’s address
b. Date
c. Inside address
d. Reference
e. Attention line
f. Salutation
g. Title/Heading
h. Body of the letter
i. Complimentary close
j. Signature
3. What are the major similarities and differences between a traditional letter and
an email in business correspondence?
(Điểm tương đồng và khác biệt chính giữa một lá thư truyền thống là gì
và một email trong thư từ kinh doanh)
Trả lời: The main similarities and differences between a traditional letter and an
email in business correspondence are:
+ Similarities:
• Purpose: Both letters and emails are used to convey business messages,
communicate with partners or customers, and conduct business transactions.
• Content: Both contain essential information such as contact information,
business content, proposals, requests or information related to products and
• Language: Both use precise, professional and polite language to communicate
with partners or customers.
+ Difference:
Traditional letter Email in correspondence
from KD
Means of Comunication: Traditional lettes are Sent and received via
sent through the post the Internet
office or traditional
means of transportation
Speed and convenience: Slower and more time Faster and more
consuming convenient .Because it
can be sent and received
instantly,along with the
abilty to send documents
and images attached
Expense: More expensive, there is Cheaper, because there
the cost of paying for is no need to pay
shipping or postage cost shipping or postage cost
Interactive ability : It may take longer due Often allows for quicker
to sending and receiving interactions through
times instant reponses

Reliability and security Safer and more reliable Although email can be
convenient, it can be
infected with viruses or
have personal
information stolen if not
secured carefully

4. What must be avoided when writing a formal letter in business

correspondence? (Những điều cần tránh khi viết thư trang trọng trong thư tín
kinh doanh)
Trả lời:
- Avoid shortening the auxiliary verbs "to be", "have", "would", "will"...
- Use personal pronouns: use "I" when you want to address individuals, use
"We" and "You" when you want to mention collective issues or opinions,
similar to other groups. possessive adjectives "my", "your", "our".
- Use short sentence structures, avoid lengthy sentences. With partners who have
previously communicated.
- Flexibility in using Active Voice and Passive Voice
- Avoid using colloquial words, slang, and informal words: wanna, kid, dad,
mate, ...
- Avoid using the verb "want" for the first person, use "would like". Avoid using
the verb "should" in the second person (don't give advice to your partner), only
use the verb "should" in the first person (ask for advice). Use "may" or could
instead of "can", "would" instead of "will", ...
- Stay polite in all situations: use Dear at the beginning of the letter, and use
please when making a request.
- Use punctuation marks correctly: period, semicolon, comma, colon. If a main
idea has many supporting ideas, use bullet points. Limit or absolutely do not use
exclamation marks (!).
- Absolutely avoid: grammatical errors, spelling errors.
5. Explain the contents in the inside address of a letter? (Giải thích nội dung địa
chỉ bên trong của bức thư)
Trả lời : In side address ( Địa chỉ người nhận )
+ The recipient address section is only available in formal letters. Include
contact information of the recipient: recipient's full name, position, company
name, address, phone and contact email (if any).
6. Explain the 3C rule in writing a letter in business correspondence?
(Giải thích quy tắc 3C khi viết thư trong thư từ kinh doanh)
Trả lời:
 Accuracy: Say only what needs to be said, accompanied by evidenceclear
(eg: "With reference to our invoice number 12312 dated 20 Nov. 2020..")
 B- Bricf: Conciseness: The letter is concise, not lengthy, and addresses
directly problem. This is an example of Western directness. With
themTime is money, so reading long letters is a waste of timeunnecessary
 C-Clear: Clarity: The layout of the letter is clearly divided, and can be
divided intomultiple paragraphs if the ideas need to be covered a lot. For
example, when writing an Offer letter, because the writer must mention
the terms in the contract, the writer should divide into bullet points for
each term
7: What is an enquiry for ? ( Truy vấn để làm gì ?)
Trả lời : An enquiry is a process or design used to gather information in the
hope of gaining an answer of some sort. Information can be varied, and
therefore enquiries and the way they are carried out can be hugely diverse.
Below are some of the main forms that an enquity can take
8: Explain the essential contents of a quotation : ( Giai thích nội dung cơ bản của
đoạn trích Trả lời :
A quotation is a document that a seller provides to a buyer to offer goods or
services at a stated price, under specified conditions. Also known as quotes,sales
quotes or sales quotations, quotations are used to let a potential buyer know how
much goods or services will cost before they commit to the purchase
9: What information should be included in an order? ( Thông tin nào nên được
đưa vào đơn đặt hàng )
 Name of seller and buyer
 Product name, quantity, unit price, currency
 Delivery time and conditions
 Payment conditions, payment time
 Confirmation of seller and buyer
10 : What are the major methods of payment in international trade ?
Trả lời :
Currently in international trade we use 4 payment methods:
 Remittance
 Open account
 Collection
 Documentary Credit
11. What is a B/E? Differentiate between a sight draft and a time draft? (B/e là
gì phân biệt hối phiếu trả ngày và hối phiếu đinh kỳ )
+Clean Bill of Exchange - Clean B/E
A bill of exchange that the exporter uses to ask his bank to request money from
the importer (in the case of Clean Collection payment) or to ask his bank to
request money from the Open Bank (in the case of Credit payment). Use Smooth
– Clean Credit
+Distinguish between spot bills of exchange and periodic bills of exchange
Sight drafts require payment on demand, while time drafts allow the buyer to
receive the goods before making payment. Sight drafts are generally considered
to be more secure for the seller, as they ensure immediate payment
12 : Explain the following terms: L/C, issuing bank, presenting bank?( Gioiari
thích các thuật ngữ sau )
 L/c: L/C is a letter of commitment from the bank that the importer will
pay the exporter. In some cases, there is still a lack of trust between the
signing partners. This payment method will help both parties feel secure
about their rights.
 Issuing bank: Issuing bank in international payment activities is the bank
that issues L/C according to the requester's application, meaning it has
granted credit to the requester.
 Presenting bank: Presenting bank is a bank in the importer's country that
transfers collection documents to the importer in accordance with
collection instructions.
13 :
 Commercial Invoice
 Shipping Bill of lading
 Airway Bill
 Insurance Certificate
 Packing List
 Certificare of Insepectation
 Certificate of Origin
14.What is a B/L? Is B/L a mandatory document in a set of trade
documentation?( B/L là gì , B/L có phải chứng từ bắt buộc trong một cuộc giao
dịch ko ?)
+Bill of lading (B/L), abbreviated as bill, is a bill of lading, considered a
contract certifying the receipt of transported goods that the carrier confirms to
the shipper and is a document. to receive goods at the destination port,
especially in sea transport
+ This aspect of the B/L is crucial, as it becomes a binding contract between the
shipper and the carrier. Moreover, in the realm of international trade, the Bill of
Lading is essential for the customs clearance process.
15: Differentiate between a B/L, an AWB and a multimodal transport B/L?
( Phân biệt B/L , AWB và B/L vận tải đa phương thức )
Bills of lading for both air and sea transport methods have the characteristics of
a general bill of lading, specifically:
Regarding function: both are shipping receipts and proof of shipping contracts
In terms of form: on the bill of lading, there are basic contents such as: name of
consignor, consignee, information about means of transportation, shipment

Different :

Norm Air Way Bill Bill of lading

Circulation capacity Non-transferable Can be transferred if the
bill of lading
Time of release Released upon delivery Issued after the goods
to the carrier have been loaded onto
the ship or after the
carrier receives the
loaded goods
Quantity Release at least 9 copies Release 3 originials or 1
Surrender or 1 Sea way
Incoterms rules are used Do not use : Use all
Regulatory legal basis Vacasava Convention Brussel 2014
16: Differentiate between a Master B/L and a House B/L?
In the HBL
 The Shipper will usually be the actual shipper/exporter of the cargo (or as
dictated by the L/C)
 The Consignee will usually be the actual receiver/importer of the cargo
(or as dictated by the L/C)
 The Notify could be the same as Consignee (or any other party as dictated
by the L/C)
In the MBL

 The Shipper will usually be the NVOCC operator, or their agent or the
Freight Forwarder..
 The Consignee will usually be the destination agent or counterpart or
office of the NVOCC operator, or the Freight Forwarder
 The Notify could be the same as Consignee or any other party..

17.What is a c/o? Is it a compulsory document in a set of trade


 C/O stands for Certificate of Origin means a certificate of origin of goods

 C/O a legal document or equivalent forms licensed by agencies of a
country, group of water, territories, etc. The final process of processing
and assembly is done in that country
 The important role of C/O in international business is undeniable. This is
a legal value that proves the origin of the goods of the exporting country.
18. Why might a thank-you letter be necessary?
 Thank you notes show that you respect the employer
 Many people don’t send one, so if you do, you will stand out.
 Thank you notes can allow you to retouch some of the points that you
spoke about during the interview
 This is a chance to show your written communication skills
19: What should one remember while writing a letter of complaint?
-When writing an apology letter, you need to give up your self-esteem and
- Use appropriate words for different situations and different audiences.
- Try to admit your mistakes and don't blame anyone. That shows maturity and
sophistication. Your sense of responsibility.
- Try not to write too short.
20. When should the the active voice and passive voice be used in a
letter/email in business correspondence?
We use the active voice when the subject does the action of the verb in the
sentence, as in: “I am writing this summary right now.” The passive voice is
used when the subject is acted upon, as in: “The summary is being written right

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