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Final Project



Inglés Técnico


Explain the Brain Sections involved in Creativity. Use the Simple Present,
Present Passive Voice, Technical Vocabulary and time clauses.


The participant, using audiovisual help (PPT, video, etc.) will be able to identify and
explain the Information Security Policy within a company, using vocabulary
appropriate to the level of learning required in their career (The Simple Present Tense,
Present Passive Voice, Technical Vocabulary, time clauses).
The Creativity
Creativity is a complex process that involves several areas of the brain working together in a
coordinated manner. Although there is no specific region of the brain exclusively responsible for
creativity, several areas have been identified that play important roles in this process.

Prefrontal cortex: This region of the brain, located in the front, is involved in planning, reasoning, decision making,
and regulating behavior. In creativity, the prefrontal cortex helps evaluate and select between different ideas, as
well as maintain focus on a creative task.

Temporal lobe: Especially the right temporal lobe, it has been associated with creativity. This area of the brain is
involved in the processing of sensory information, memory, and the association of ideas. The right temporal lobe is
believed to play a crucial role in generating original ideas and connecting seemingly unrelated concepts.

Parietal cortex: This region of the brain is involved in sensory integration and spatial perception. In creativity, the
parietal cortex can facilitate the visualization of creative solutions and the mental manipulation of abstract

Anterior cingulate cortex: This area plays a role in attention, cognitive control, and problem solving. In creativity,
the anterior cingulate cortex can help regulate the flow of thoughts and overcome mental blocks that can hinder
the creative process.

Limbic system: This set of structures, which includes the hippocampus, amygdala, and hypothalamus, is involved
in emotions and motivation. Creativity can be influenced by emotions, and the limbic system can play a role in
generating creative ideas driven by emotional states.

Default Neural Network (DNN): This network of brain regions, which includes areas such as the posterior
cingulate cortex and medial prefrontal cortex, is active when the mind is at rest and not focused on a specific task.
It has been suggested that RND may play a role in the generation of creative ideas as it allows for free association
and divergent thinking.

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