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Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 7

DLP No: Learning Area: Grade Level Quarter Duration Date

Science 7 3rd quarter 1hr

Performance Standards The learners shall be able to conduct a forum on

mitigation and disaster risk reduction

Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of motion in

one dimension

Learning Competency The learners shall be able to describe the motion of an

object in terms of distance or displacement, speed or
velocity, and acceleration;

Domain Adapted Cognitive

Process Dimensions I. Objectives

(D.O No. 8,s 2015)

Cognitive Remembering ● Explain the concept of acceleration and how

velocity and time affect acceleration

Affective Receiving and ● Recognize how acceleration affects our daily

Responding to lives by seeking simple everyday-scenario where
Domain Phenomena acceleration happens most of the time

Psychomotor Domain Guided Response ● Calculate for the acceleration of given simple
word problems

Topic: I. Motion in One Dimension: 1. Descriptors of Motion

Sub-topic: 1.3 Acceleration


A. References Law of Acceleration | Science Says


Acceleration Formula | Physics Animation

G7 science student modules 3rd & 4th qrtr

1- Teacher’s Guide G7 Science student modules

2- Learner’s Material G7 Science student modules, Pyramid of formula, Maze IM

B. Other Learning
SLIDE Presentation



Elicit (3min)

A- Reviewing Good morning class! Good morning Teacher!

previous lesson
or presenting the
new lesson I’m Ms. Leanne Krystel E. Castro, your
student teacher for today. You may
address me as “Ma’am Lei”

May I ask the secretary to please tell me

if we have an absentee? Secretary: None Teacher.

Alright, that’s good to hear. Before

anything else, may I ask everyone to
please stand up and let us pray first.

Dear Lord, thank you for this wonderful

day and for all the blessings you had
given to us. We ask for your guidance as
we discover and understand the world
Dear Lord, thank you for this wonderful
around us. May you give us an open
day and for all the blessings you had
heart and mind to accept another set of
given to us. We ask for your guidance
learnings in our subject. Please guide and
as we discover and understand the
enlighten us with your Holy Spirit. We ask
world around us. May you give us an
everything through Jesus Christ our Lord,
open heart and mind to accept another
set of learnings in our subject. Please
guide and enlighten us with your Holy
Spirit. We ask everything through
Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
Before you take your seat, please pick-up
the dirt under your chairs and keep all
things that are unnecessary for today’s

Are you done?

Okay, you may now take your seat.

Yes, Ma’am.
Before we start, allow me to introduce a
few reminders to you. Here’s our simple
classroom rules: Thank you Ma’am.

1. I-inputs are encouraged. Ask if

you must.

2. N-noise is allowed if it's academic-


3. T-things that aren't necessary

must be kept such as your

4. E-engage during the discussion.

5. G-greet "Hello, Teacher." when I

say "Hi, Integrity!"

6. R-raise your hand if you want to


7. I-impart while listening.

8. T-Think carefully.

9. Y-You look good! Cheer up!

Also, I have here three signs, RED Yes, Ma’am.

Traffic Light System

When I raise the signs:

Red for STOP talking

Yellow for ATTENTION

Green for GO (applicable if someone will


Now, I will call someone who can give us

a short insight or recap of what has been
discussed last time?

Well-said. Now, let me take you on an


Are you ready?

Last time we had a discussion on


Let us have our MICRO-INTRAMS, a

classroom-based simple fair!

Yes, Ma’am.

Yes, Ma’am.
Engage (3min)

B- Establishing a This is game 1 of our MICRO-INTRAMS:

purpose for the lesson

GAME 1: The Lemonade Circuit: A

Zesty Relay Race!

Mechanics: This is a laro ng-lahi that

everyone knows: lemon relay. Players,
the students, will all participate. The goal
is to be the first group that finishes the


1. Divide the players into eight

teams, and have them line up
behind a starting line.

2. Place a bowl of lemons and

spoons at the starting line.

3. The first player on each team

should hold a spoon in their mouth
with the bowl facing upwards.

4. On the start signal, the first player

must pick up a lemon and carry it
to a designated point (such as a
chair or cone) without dropping it.

5. Once they reach the designated

point, they must transfer the
lemon to the spoon of the next
player in line, who will then repeat
the process.

6. The first team to successfully pass

the lemon down the line and back
wins the game.
So, Hi, Integrity!

Do you have questions? Did you

understand the mechanics of game 1?

Okay, let’s start! You may now proceed

with your groupmates.

Alright! Congratulations for completing

Game 1. Hello, Teacher!

Before we proceed. Let me first present

to you our learning objectives for today’s
discussion: Yes, Ma’am!

● Explain the concept of

acceleration and how velocity and
time affect acceleration

● Recognize how acceleration

affects our daily lives by seeking a
simple everyday-scenario where
acceleration happens most of the

● Calculate for the acceleration of

given simple word problems

Explore (Investigate. Explore) (12min)

C-Presenting Congratulations, Integrity teams! Now, let

examples/ instances us have the game 2 of our MICRO-
of the new lesson INTRAMS!

Game 2: A Minute to Maze it!


Acceleration is usually associated with a

change in speed. However, acceleration
involves more than a change in speed.
Acceleration is a change in velocity,
whether an increase, decrease, or
change in direction. The acceleration of
an object can be calculated using the
v f −vi
formula a=


a is acceleration

v f is final velocity

v i is initial velocity

t is the time it takes for the change in

velocity to occur

In this activity, students will explore the

concept of acceleration by using a maze
box and marble to investigate how the
rate of change in velocity and time affect


● Maze box (provided by the


● Marbles

● Stopwatch


1. Divide the class into 8 groups.

2. Groups will be given a maze

board and marbles (provided by
the teacher).

3. Each member will hold the maze

box, and members of the group
will put the marble in the starting

4. Start the stopwatch and release

the marble from the starting

5. Calibrate the maze board and

time how long it takes for the
marble to reach every checkpoint
and the finish line.

6. There will be only 1 minute to

accomplish this activity. First
group to accomplish the game in 1
minute wins.

Guide questions:

1. Does the marble change its


2. Does the marble slow down or

move fast?

3. What’s the corresponding

distance your marble reaches
after one minute?

4. What physical phenomena does

the game show? Why?
*Game proper*

Explain (10min)

D- Discussing new Okay, since you’re already done with the

concepts and activity, each group will explain their
practicing skills #1 observations about the activity?

I will randomly choose groups who will be

presenting their observations. The first
group that will be presenting on their
activity about change in velocity by
answering the first guide question is
group 7.

Group 7:

Good day everyone, we are Group 7

and we’re going to discuss the change
in velocity based on our observation in
the activity. In the activity, to answer
the first guide question, yes the marble
changed its direction. The marble is
moving at different velocities; it is faster
when it is moving straight, and slower
when it changes direction. In
conclusion, velocity can be measured
by the presence of both speed and

Okay very nice Group 7!

We all know that acceleration is the

change in velocity over time. A while ago,
you played a game called: a minute to
maze it. The first guide question is: Does
the marble change its direction? The
answer is: YES. It does change its
direction as it moves and covers a
particular distance.

Velocity is like speed which is distance

over time, but, instead of distance,
velocity is the rate of displacement over
time. When we say displacement, it is
distance plus what?

It involves direction.
That’s correct.

Okay, thank you group 7. Let’s now hear

the presentation of group 4 as they
answer the second guide question.

Group 4:

Based on the activity that we did a

while ago, to answer the second guide
question, yes the marble is moving
slow and moving fast. Just as the
previous reporter said on their
observation, the marble is moving
faster when it's straight and slower
when it's changing direction. As a
result, a change in velocity can refer to
either the rate at which how fast or
slow something is moving or the
direction in which it moves.

Okay, very nice indeed, Group 4!

The second question is whether the It means that there is a change in

marble slows down or not and the answer velocity: difference between the final
is, it does. What does it imply? and initial velocities.


The slowing down or moving fast of the

marble causes the change in velocity.
That is why we have initial and final

Do you have questions? None, Ma’am.

Alright, let’s proceed with group 1 to

present their observations and their
answers on the third guide question.
Group 1:

We finish the maze in a minute, from

the starting point to finish. with that we
observe that because of the obstacles
in the course of the maze, the marble
is moving faster and sometimes slower
as its changes its direction and it
affects how fast we reach the finish line
in a minute that’s why if we’re going to
try it again, there’s a chance that we
can’t finish the maze in a minute. and
that is what we observed in the activity
a while ago.

Alright, thank you, Group 1!

The third question talks about how far

your marble reached. Did it reach the
finish line? Or not? Even if it did or didn’t,
it still covered distance. So, we can say
that there is the presence of magnitude.

It is the distance covered or the length

of what is being measured.

In your own words, what is magnitude?

Indeed, magnitude is defined as the

length of the vector. In other words, it
answers the question “how much” whole
direction answers the question “which
The next group who will be discussing
their observation about to the 4th and last
guide question is group 5

Group 5:

To answer the last guide question, the

physical phenomena that the game
shows was about the topic that we are
discussing today which is about
acceleration involving the changes in
velocity over time, where on the activity
we play a maze with a given time
which is 1 minute.

It means that it is a vector quantity.

Yes, very good Group 5!

A while ago, we mentioned that there is

direction and magnitude involved. So,
what does this mean?

You’re right, dear. This tells us that

acceleration is a vector quantity which Yes, Ma’am.
means that it has both magnitude and

Can you still follow?

Very good to all the groups that

discussed today, congratulations and
thank you class for your participation in
the activity.

E-Discussing new Now, I have another question: What is

concepts and acceleration?
practicing skills #2

Acceleration is the rate of the change

of velocity over time.
That is true. From our activity,
acceleration is usually associated with a
change in speed. However, acceleration
involves more than a change in speed.

I have instances here that may or may

not show acceleration. Let’s find out!

Situation #1: Moving car

Is there acceleration?

That’s true because there is a change in

velocity. How about this?

Situation #2: Slowing down of car

Yes, Ma’am, there is acceleration

Thank you… because there is a change in the
How about this: velocity from 30 m/s after 10 seconds it
becomes 35 m/s.

Situation #3: Speeding up of car

Very good!. When you slow down a car,
your velocity changes from higher to
lower amount over a period of time.
When you speed up a car, the velocity
changes from lower to higher.

Situation #4: Turning from a curve road

Yes, Ma’am, there is acceleration

because there is a change in the
velocity when you slow down a car.

Will you accelerate when you turn a


Correct again!. Just as the picture

states, you accelerate when you drive on
a curved road since you first decrease,
then maintain, and increase your velocity
in a period of time.

Acceleration is a change in velocity,

whether an increase, decrease, or
change in direction. The acceleration of Yes, Ma’am, there is acceleration
an object can be calculated using the because there is a change in the
formula velocity when you speed up a car.
v f −vi

Miss, will you please explain to us what

this formula means.

That’s correct. That is why we have the

rate of the change of velocity which is
the final minus the initial velocity all over
the time it took to reach from a distance
to another. Here, we have the PYRAMID
formula so it’ll be easier for you to
remember and derive for the variables
that you are required to solve for.

Yes, Ma’am, there is acceleration

because when you almost reach the
corner entry, you hit the brake which
allows you to slow down and on the
actual curve or corner, you maintain
that slowed down speed and when you
exit you begin to increase the speed
which means you accelerate.
The formula for acceleration is:

v f −vi


a is acceleration

v f is final velocity

v i is initial velocity

t is the time it takes for the change in

velocity to occur

Elaborate (Reflect) (15min) (CHANGE PROBLEMS)

F- Developing Alright.

Now that we know what acceleration is.

Let us move onto how to compute it!
Again, this is the formula of acceleration:

v f −vi


a is acceleration

v f is final velocity

v i is initial velocity

t is the time it takes for the change in

velocity to occur

Let us put it into drills and practice!


#1: A car moved from 0 to 30m/s in 6

seconds. What is its acceleration?

#2: But, the driver didn't release his foot

from the accelerator. How much time
would it take for him to reach 40m/s
assuming that the acceleration remains

#3: A truck moving at a speed of 55 m/s.

What acceleration would it have if it took
5.0 s to come to a complete stop?

Let us start with drill #1:

#1: A car moved from 0 to 30m/s in 6

seconds. What is its acceleration?

Given: v f =30 m/ s; v i=0 m/s ; t=6 m/ s

Required: a=?

v f −vi
Formula: a=

v f −vi

36 m/s−0 m/s
6 m/ s
a=5 m/s forward

Notice how we simply did a plug-and-

chug method. In other words, we simply
substituted the corresponding value per
variable and calculated for what is

Now, I have already shown you how to

solve for the acceleration. I will call two
students to solve the last two problems.
However, everyone will solve it and I will
give you three minutes to finish one
problem. Randomly, I will call someone to
give his or her input.

#2: But, the driver didn't release his foot

from the accelerator. How much time
would it take for him to reach 40 m/s
assuming that the acceleration remains

Yes, Teacher.
That is correct,

#3: A truck moving at a speed of 35 m/s.

What acceleration would it have if it took
5.0 s to come to a complete stop?

v f =40 m/s ; v i=30 m/s ; a=5 m/s 2

Required: t=?

v f −vi
Formula: a=


v f −vi

v f −v i

40 m/s−30 m/ s
t= 2
5 m/s

That’s correct. It shows that acceleration t=2 s

could have a positive or negative sign.
Negative sign means that the direction is
that of the opposite of the direction. Thus,
we have a negative sign for acceleration
which means that it is going backward in
this case.

Do you have any question, Integrity?

So, Hi, Integrity!

v f =0 m/s; v i=35. m/ s ; t=5.0 s

Required: a=?

v f −vi
Formula: a=


v f −vi

0 m/s−35. m/s
5.0 s
a=−7.16 m/s
a=7.16 m/s backward

None, Ma’am.

Hello, Ma’am!

G- Finding practical Now, what do you think is the significance

applications of of acceleration in your day-to-day living?
concepts and skills in Seek some instances where you apply
daily living acceleration in your daily routine.

As someone who enjoys biking and

exercise, I know firsthand how crucial
acceleration is in these activities. When
I'm biking, I need to generate force
through pedaling to get the bike
moving from a stationary position and
to maintain speed when going uphill.
It's essential to shift gears
appropriately and maintain a stable
body position to match the desired
level of acceleration.

Very good answer! Also, acceleration is

critical in simple physical activities like
biking and exercise, and as someone
who enjoys these activities, I know how
important it is to understand and apply
the principles of acceleration to achieve
optimal results.

H- Making Now, let us summarize the discussion. Acceleration is the rate at which an
generalizations and Who would like to stand up and object changes velocity over time and
abstraction about the summarize what we have learned today? is measured in meters or feet per
lesson second squared. It's important in daily
living as it plays a significant role in
activities like driving, sports, and
exercise. It's essential to understand
acceleration to achieve optimal
performance and prevent injury, as it's
necessary to maintain balance,
stability, and control. Acceleration is an
essential concept in physics with
significant applications in daily life.

Hello, Teacher!

Thank you! Thank you, Ma’am!

Hi, Integrity!
And that’s it for today’s lecture.

Evaluate (Stop and think. Reflect. Assess what students have learned) (10min)

I- Evaluating learning Multiple Choice.

1. What is the rate of the change of Answers:

velocity over time?

a. Speed
1. c
b. Velocity
2. d
c. Acceleration
3. a
d. Motion
4. a

5. d

6. a
2. Which of the following is not an
example of acceleration? 7. a

8. d

a. Speeding up of a car 9. b

b. Slowing down of a car 10. b

c. Changing of direction

d. None of the above

3. What is the symbol of


a. v

b. a

c. d

d. s

4. What is the formula used to solve

for the acceleration of an object?
v f −vi
a. a=

v f −v i
b. v=

v f −v i
c. d=

d. None of the above

5. What does v f in the formula of

acceleration mean?

a. Initial velocity

b. Acceleration

c. Velocity

d. Final velocity

6. What does v i in the formula of

acceleration mean?

a. Initial velocity

b. Acceleration

c. Velocity

d. Final velocity

7. A roller coaster car rapidly picks

up speed as it rolls down a slope.
As it starts down the slope, its
speed is 4 m/s. But 3 seconds
later, at the bottom of the slope,
its speed is 22 m/s. What is its
average acceleration?

a. 6 m/ s2

b. 4 m/s 2

c. 5 m/s 2
d. 3 m/s 2

8. A car advertisement states that a

certain car can accelerate from 0
to 70 km/h in 7 seconds. Find the
car’s average acceleration.

a. 100 m/s 2

b. 4 m/s 2

c. 6 m/ s2

d. 10 m/s 2

9. A lizard accelerates from 2 m/s to

10 m/s in 4 seconds. What is the
lizard’s average acceleration?

a. 6 m/ s2

b. 2 m/s 2

c. 10 m/s 2

d. 3 m/s 2

10. A runner covers the last straight

stretch of a race in 4 s. During that
time, he speeds up from 5 m/s to
9 m/s. What is the runner’s
acceleration in this part of the

a. 10 m/s 2

b. 1 m/s 2

c. 2 m/s 2

d. 0 m/s 2
Extend (What additional activity can you give to students to master the concept and skills?)

J- Additional activities 1. Make a one paragraph short

essay that answers this question:
What are the notable differences
between the different types of one
dimensional motions such as
distance & displacement; speed &
velocity; and acceleration.

2. Research and read about Waves

and the parts of a wave.

Prepared by:


Pre-service Teacher

Checked by:


Cooperating Teacher

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