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Fashion (Part 1+3)

Part 1

What type of clothes do you like to wear?

What type of clothes don’t you like to wear?
Where do you usually shop for clothes?
Is the brand of clothing important to you?
Are you willing to wear a uniform at work?

Favourite types of clothes/ fashion

Well=> a big fan of sporty outfits (oversize sweatshirts, hoodies or leggings)
=> give me a great sense of comfort but still look fashionable
=> mix and matchthem with a pair of sneakers.

A nine-to-five job in the office => love classic styles (blazers and pencil skirts) => not only go to
work but also hang out with my friends => take much pride in my appearance ( chăm chút cho
ngoại hình ).

Smart-casual clothes like T-shirts, shirts and blazers => not only feel comfy, but also look elegant
and professional => wanna appear presentable, but don’t wanna waste a lot of money buying
clothes that are for only a particular occasion => opt for this style as I can wear almost
anywhere and get appropriately dressed.

Types of clothes/ fashionyoudon’t like

Well, to be honest => never wear flashy clothes be the sort of person who doesn't wanna stand
out in a crowd => these outfits (much more expensive) => money wasting.

Ripped blue jeans => not look elegant => this type of clothes is just suitable for several informal
situations => tôi là kiểu người thích quần áo có thể mặc ởhầu hết mọi nơi, không chỉ cho những
dịp cụ thể.

High heels => Every time I put high-heeled shoeson, my feet get injured

Places to buy clothes

A great passion for designer clothes => shopping malls => lots of first-class fashion brands
there=> a wider range of options => pay an exorbitant price for them but know for sure they’re

At markets => quite affordable for a student like me => make a real bargain with street vendors
=> feel a sense of triumph whenever I succeed in bargaining.

As I’m up to my ears in work => make it hard for me to hit the direct stores on a regular basis.
=> go shopping for clothes on the Internet => save a great deal of time => avoid spending
extravagantly on unnecessary items.
Brand of clothing is important
Personally => not really care about the brand of clothing or clothes that are on-trend =>
unaffordable for me => not spend extravagantly on these items => Instead, save money to
pursue hobbies like travelling or taking photographs.

Well, be the sort of person who is concerned much about keeping up with the latest fashion =>
the brand of clothing is of great importance to me => be stylishly dressed in front of others =>
only wearing outfits from fashion houses can meet my requirement.

Be a fashionista => be the sort of person who wants to create fashion trends => fashion
brands are indispensable to me

Wearing a uniform at work

Be enthusiastically willing to wear a uniform at workplaces for a lot of reasons
=> save a great deal of time => not waste time working out what to wear or figuring out the right
mix every morning.
=> feel part of a team => the same type of clothing as other coworkers => a sense of belonging
to the company
=> helpful for businesses => promote brand awareness

Well, no => be a slave to fashion, => want to be dressed => stand out in the crowd => feel
uncomfortable wearing standardised clothing all the time, particularly pencil skirts and shirts
=> limit the freedom of employees => might restrict their performance

Part 3
Do you think it is good for people to buy expensive clothes? Why?

Why do some women buy cheaper clothes and expensive ones at the same time?

What’s the difference between the dressing style of young people and that of old people?

Do you think students like to wear uniforms?

When do people wear formal clothes?

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