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THE HOSPITALITY AND TOURISM INDUSTRY  A business should treat all stakeholders fairly and equally, without
discrimination or favoritism. This means following equal opportunity and
BUSINESS ETHICS: THE IMPORTANCE OF DOING WHAT'S RIGHT anti-discrimination policies and ensuring that all stakeholders are treated
 In today's fast-paced business environment, it can be easy to lose sight of with respect.
what's truly important. With the pressure to deliver results, some RESPONSIBILITY:
businesses may be tempted to cut corners, engage in unethical practices,  A business has a responsibility to minimize harm to the environment and
or prioritize profit over people. However, as the saying goes, "the ends do to act in the best interests of society. This means complying with
not justify the means." In the long run, a business that operates with environmental regulations, promoting sustainability, and supporting the
integrity and ethics will be more successful than one that does not. community through philanthropy and volunteering.
BUSINESS ETHICS  A business should respect the rights and dignity of all stakeholders. This
 refers to the moral principles that guide a business's behavior and means avoiding any behavior that is abusive or disrespectful, and ensuring
decision-making process. These principles help to define what is right and that all stakeholders are treated with dignity and respect.
wrong in a business context and govern how a business should interact
with its stakeholders, including employees, customers, suppliers, and the In conclusion, business ethics are essential for any business that wants to succeed
community. One of the most important reasons why business ethics are in the long run. By following ethical principles, businesses can build trust with
essential is that they help to build trust with stakeholders. When a stakeholders, reduce risks and liabilities, and create a positive workplace culture.
business acts with integrity and consistently makes ethical decisions, As a result, every business should make ethics a priority and ensure that they are
stakeholders are more likely to trust that business. This trust can lead to doing what's right, even when it's not the easiest or most profitable option.
increased loyalty, repeat business, and positive word-of-mouth
 Another reason why business ethics are important is that they can help to  Trust Building: Business ethics is the key to building trust with customers,
reduce risks and liabilities. Engaging in unethical behavior can result in employees and partners as proved by blue chip companies like Apple and
legal and financial consequences, as well as reputational damage. By Amazon. When people know that a company values honesty and fairness,
following ethical principles, businesses can reduce the likelihood of facing they are more likely to engage with it. Trust leads to loyal customers who
these consequences and protect their reputation in the long run. return time and time again
 Moreover, ethical behavior can lead to increased employee engagement  Legal Compliance: Ethics in business helps companies stay within the
and satisfaction. When employees work for a business that prioritizes boundaries of the law, a practice upheld by giants like Google and Amazon.
ethics and values, they are more likely to feel valued and engaged. This This is crucial to avoid legal troubles that can harm companies' reputation
can lead to increased productivity, reduced turnover, and a more positive and bottom line. Compliance with regulations is an integral part of
workplace culture. business ethics
 Positive Reputation: Companies with a strong commitment to business
SOME KEY PRINCIPLES OF BUSINESS ETHICS: ethics often have a positive reputation. This can make customers choose
your products or services over competitors. A good reputation attracts
HONESTY AND INTEGRITY customers and helps a company thrive. A great example of this can be
 A business should always be honest and transparent in its dealings with seen in companies like Coca-Cola and Toyota
stakeholders. This means being truthful in all communications, and not  Employee Retention: Treating employees ethically is vital for retaining
making misleading claims. talent. Workers who feel respected and valued are more likely to stay with
a company. High employee turnover can be costly and disruptive, which
makes business ethics a smart investment
 Long-Term Success: Companies focused on business ethics are often
more likely to achieve long-term success. While cutting corners might BUSINESS ETHICS
provide short-term gains, it usually leads to problems down the road.  the system of moral and ethical beliefs that directs the behaviors and
Ethical decisions may take longer but create a strong foundation for the operations of an organization and its personnel. Business ethics inform a
future company’s values and goals, as well as how it runs its day-to-day
 Customer Loyalty: When a company is known for its ethical practices, it operations. An ethical company runs on principles such as honesty,
can win the loyalty of customers, much like the loyalty McDonald’s and integrity, fairness, trustworthiness, accountability, and respect for others.
Johnson & Johnson enjoy. People prefer to support businesses that align  Organizational leaders have an opportunity to promote a culture of ethical
with their values. This loyalty can be a powerful force in sustaining and behavior, both by establishing codes of conduct and by modeling positive
growing a company ethical behaviors to the rest of the organization. This doesn’t just benefit a
 Risk Mitigation: Business ethics can help minimize risks. Ethical company’s reputation; leaders who expect employees to follow suit with
decisions are less likely to lead to costly mistakes. Avoiding unethical their ethical behaviors end up with a stronger workforce. Why Business
practices can prevent fines, lawsuits, and other financial risks Ethics Are Important
 Investor Confidence: Investors often look at a company's ethics when  Organizations need to operate with good business ethics to avoid legal
deciding where to invest their money. Businesses with a strong ethical and regulatory problems. However, it’s also vital to exhibit strong ethical
track record are more likely to attract investors, enabling them to grow and behavior to maintain a positive reputation, both with the public and
expand employees.
 Sustainable Practices: Business ethics can promote sustainability.  When an organization enjoys a good reputation in the marketplace,
Ethical businesses like Tesla consider the environment, the well-being of attracts and retains a strong customer base, and maintains a talented
their communities, and their impact on society. Sustainable practices are workforce, it often sees a payoff in steady or increased revenues. Most
not only ethical but also increasingly demanded by consumers people want to do business with a company that operates fairly with others.
 Innovation and Creativity: Ethical businesses tend to foster an Just as the negative press can drive away customers, the positive press
environment of trust and respect just like innovative tech leaders Adobe can draw in new customers.
and Intel. In such an atmosphere, employees are more likely to think
creatively and come up with innovative solutions, driving company growth PUBLIC PERCEPTION
 Studies have shown that about half of the public pay’s attention to
BUSINESS ETHICS IN ACTION corporate social behavior, and 20% will actively speak out against or
 Let's look at a real-world example to see how business ethics can make a refuse to do business with companies they believe are behaving
difference. Imagine a company that produces affordable clothing by unethically. Customer loyalty is important to any business, and losing
underpaying its workers and using environmentally harmful materials. customers can be quite costly. Furthermore, a negative reputation can hurt
While this might lead to short-term profits, it also comes with a hefty ethical a business’s chance to gain new customers.
 The workers suffer, the environment is damaged, and customers might EMPLOYEE PERCEPTION
discover these unethical practices. In contrast, a brand committed to  To attract and keep talented individuals, companies should maintain an
business ethics would ensure fair wages, sustainable materials, and atmosphere of fairness and openness. Employees appreciate working in a
transparency in their operations. While they might have slightly higher positive environment where they can advance according to merit rather
costs, they would gain the trust of both customers and socially responsible than favoritism or other means. When workers see unfairness around
investors. them, their dedication to the organization suffers.
 In the long run, the ethical company will build a loyal customer base and
avoid costly legal and environmental troubles. This demonstrates how
business ethics can impact the health and longevity of a company.
EXAMPLES OF GOOD BUSINESS ETHICS  Furthermore, tourism could influence people to abandon their usual way of
earning an income for a new one like gambling. Sex tourism causes young
TREAT EMPLOYEES WELL girls to seek new and faster ways of earning a living by moving into cities
 Companies that hold their employees to high but fair standards benefit to join the sex trade.
from attracting and keeping talented, engaged, ethical workers. For THE ABUSE OF CHILDREN AND WOMEN
example, pay increases and promotions should be given based on merit  If you have ever bought anything from children hawking items on the street
rather than favoritism. Employees should be paid as promised and on time. when they should be in school, you are contributing to the abuse of
This builds trust between employees and the organization, which positively children. In some areas, parents send their children to sell things to
contributes to the overall work environment. tourists to earn money for the family. They sometimes send children to beg.
 It’s also important for company leaders to treat employees with dignity and In some countries, women are exploited to join the sex tourism trade.
respect and establish a culture in which harassment of any kind isn’t ANIMAL WELFARE
tolerated. This shows employees that they’re valued and improves their  Capturing wild animals, taming them, and caging them is unethical. Some
commitment to the organization. tourism operators showcase animals in entertainment who perform for
IMPLEMENT HONEST BUSINESS PRACTICES humans to watch. These animals should be in green environments
 Companies should also treat their customers and partners fairly. They unrestrained.
shouldn’t overcharge for products or services or overstate the value of ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION
what they offer. They should make every effort to keep their pricing,  Tourists cause environmental pollution by generating carbon footprints by
delivery, and service-level commitments to customers. They shouldn’t boarding a flight that does not use bio fuels. Buying a carbon offset is new,
make unrealistic promises and should take responsibility when they make but failing to buy one is an unethical travel practice. Also, not traveling by
a mistake. Just the perception of being untrustworthy or being caught in a land transportation to the destination and littering the surroundings with
lie can damage a reputation. plastic bottles is unethical.
 The public is increasingly aware of the corporate social responsibility (CSR)  As a tourist, learn about the local culture and religion, so that you don’t
activities of organizations. These efforts may include reducing their carbon violate their norms. So, don’t take a photograph without asking for
footprint and otherwise exhibiting environmental responsibility or permission, and dress suitably while you are abroad.
committing to workplace diversity. When leaders begin to plan and  Every industry has its own set of ethical issues, including the hotel industry.
implement CSR initiatives, they should consider issues that are relevant in Hospitality businesses might not seem unethical, but they’ve sometimes
their industry, seek possible solutions, set measurable goals, and proven themselves to be less than hospitable. The good thing is the
communicate these plans to the public. common ethics issues in the hotel industry can be overcome. Better ethics
leads to happier employees and guests. This, of course, leads to an
WHAT ARE THE KEY ETHICAL TOURISM PROBLEMS? increase in popularity, customer loyalty, and profits.
UNEVEN INCOME DISTRIBUTION  Employee theft is an ethical issue in nearly every industry. However, there
 There is a lot of wealth in the tourism Industry. But that income is not are two forms of employee theft within the hotel industry. First, employees
evenly shared by tourist destinations. Top Western countries earn more steal supplies and money. For instance, they might steal pillows, sheets,
from tourism than developing destinations. cleaning supplies, and more. They may even say the guests stole some of
 In less developed economies, tourists mostly lodge in multinational hotels it. When it comes to money, they might add charges to bills, but pocket the
and avoid local hotels and restaurants. Likewise, tourism causes fake charges. Or, if they’re supposed to report tips, they might not avoid
gentrification. That is a displacement of the local people who are forced to having to share them as many housekeeping employees are paid low
vacate their former areas due to tourism induced the high cost of living. wages. The second type of theft hurts customer loyalty. Employees may
steal from guests as they clean the rooms.
 It could be jewelry, clothing, electronics, and even cash. Sometimes,
guests don’t realize anything’s missing until they’re back home, but others CHAPTER 8: CORPORATE BUSINESS ETHICS APPROACHES
realize it quickly and that can hurt your hotel’s reputation.
DISHONEST CLEANING PRACTICES What is Corporate Social Responsibility?
 When guests stay at a hotel, they expect to stay in a clean room. However,  Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is when a company operates in an
some hotels have opted for unethical cleaning practices. Instead of ethical and sustainable way and deals with its environmental and social
cleaning the sheets, they simply tuck them back in between guests as long impacts. This means a careful consideration of human rights, the
as the sheets still look clean. Mattresses could be covered in bacteria. The community, environment, and society in which it operates.
same holds if the hotel has a restaurant or continental breakfast. If food
prep stations aren’t cleaned properly, guests could get sick. Importance of Corporate Social Responsibility
PROVIDING INFERIOR SUPPLIES  It improves customers’ perception of your brand
 With millions of hotels, it’s a competitive industry, especially in popular  It attracts and retains employees.
tourist locations. A cheaper room is always a great way to snag more  It increases your appeal to investors.
customers. However, that may come at a price. One of the more common
ethical issues in the hotel industry is using inferior supplies. For example, Benefits of Corporate Social Responsibility
customers might pay extra for a hotel that has specialty sheets and pillows.  Improved public image.
However, the hotel is using the cheapest sheets and pillows they can find.  Increased brand awareness and recognition.
This lets them charge a little less for rooms while lying to guests.  Cost savings.
HOTEL ESPIONAGE  An advantage over competitors
 One ethical issue that you might not hear about often is hotel espionage.  Increased customer engagement.
Once again, it’s usually about being competitive. For example, a hotel
might hire a former manager from the competition. Since the manager Perception of Ethics in the Hotel Industry
knows a lot of the ins and outs, they’re able to provide confidential data to The perception of ethics in the hotel industry is shaped by stakeholders'
help their new employer succeed. Some hotels even hire employees to views on moral standards upheld by hotels, influenced by factors such as
work at competitors simply to gain information and even drop hints to staff behavior, corporate policies, and societal expectations. Key aspects
guests about how great a rival hotel is. Not only is this illegal, but it could include fair treatment of employees, honesty in guest interactions, and
result in hefty lawsuits from competing hotels. This is especially true when environmental sustainability, crucial for maintaining trust, attracting guests,
hiring ex-employees who share sensitive data, but signed contracts stating and preserving reputation. Ethical dilemmas are prevalent in daily
they wouldn’t do so. The hotel industry stands to benefit by eliminating operations, with challenges including employee honesty, theft, harassment,
these ethical issues. A whistle blower hotline is a great way to reduce and discrimination. Hospitality managers face the difficult task of deciding
ethics problems. Ensure both employees and guests know it’s available what is ethically right amid diverse multicultural backgrounds and high
and how to use it for it to be effective turnover rates. Concern for ethical behavior is evident due to the industry's
significant environmental impacts.

Importance Ethics in the Hotel Industry

 Honesty
 Integrity
 Concern and respect of others
 Trustworthiness
 Loyalty
 Commitment to excellence
 Reputation and morale It involves making decisions and implementing practices that minimize harm to
 Fairness ecosystems, conserve natural resources, and reduce pollution and waste .
 Leadership
 Accountability Ethical Responsibility
 Ethical responsibility refers to the obligation to act in a morally upright and
Golden Rules principled manner in all aspects of life. It involves making decisions and
 Abiding by the law is one of the primary requirements of ethics. conducting oneself in a way that aligns with commonly accepted ethical
standards and values.
Code of Ethics Philanthropic Responsibility
 a written list of rules for ethical behavior code of conduct, most  This involves giving back to society through charitable donations,
professional organizations have developed a code of ethics for their volunteering, or other forms of support. It's about using resources to
members. address social or environmental issues and improve the well-being of
others, without expecting direct financial gain in return.
In House Ethics
 code of ethics that also applies to relationships within the industry and What to Measure
between employers and employees.  Perceived features of the work environment (The Place)
 Hospitality Ethics in Consumer Transactions  Traits and values of the employees (The People)
a written list of rules for ethical behavior code of conduct, most  Reputation of the firm (in the eyes of outsiders)
professional organizations have developed a code of ethics for their

In the Hospitality Industry can be achieved through various methods,

 Surveys
 Interview
 Focus Groups
 Content Analysis
 Case Studies

Through the use of these techniques, researchers and industry practitioners in the
field can learn a great deal about the perceptions and values of ethics and
corporate social responsibility in the hotel business. This knowledge can then be
used to design more successful campaigns and programmers that encourage
moral behavior and sustainability

Types of Corporate Social Responsibility

Environmental Responsibility
 This refers to the actions taken by individuals, businesses, or
organizations to protect and preserve the natural environment.
INDUSTRY Applied Ethics
Ethical  also called practical ethics, it is the application of ethics to real-world
 pertaining to or dealing with morals or the principles of morality; pertaining problems. Applied ethics attempts to answer how people or employees
to right and wrong in conduct. being in accordance with the rules or should act in a specific situation. Especially in the hospitality and tourism
standards for right conduct or practice, especially the standards of a industry where employees and staff had to deal with different kinds of
profession people with different nationalities, attitudes, character and values.
Behavior  According to Petersen and Ryberg (2022) in their book "Applied Ethics"
 the way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially toward others. states that, applied ethics is a branch of ethics devoted to the treatment of
moral problems, practices and policies in personal life, profession,
Ethical behavior technology and government.
 characterized by honesty, fairness and equity in interpersonal, professional  Applied ethics are important because they were developed to give us clear
relationships. Ethical behavior respects the dignity, diversity and rights of and rational answers to all the queries that we face in real life.
individuals and groups of people.
 Ethical behavior in the hospitality and tourism industries refers to a value These are the four key concepts that hold the total development of one
system that informs all management actions. It entails the concepts, individual.
beliefs, and standards that your institution claims to adhere to.  Career Development
 Application of Ethics in the Workplace and Day-to-Day Life in Hospitality
Ethical Behavior for handling customer care & complaints in hotels and and Tourism Industry
resorts:  Application Letter and Curriculum Vitae
 Stay calm and listen  Ethics in Job Application and Interview
 Take notes
 Find the real source of the complaint. Career Development
 Find and offer a solution. The process of managing education, employment, leisure, and transitions
 Follow up to confirm that the problem was resolved. throughout one's life in order to get closer to a preferred future that is both
individually chosen and always changing is referred to as career
Ethical Behavior for handling customer care & complaints in Food & development. It covers a wide range of topics, such as developing new
Beverage establishments: skills, establishing objectives, making decisions, being flexible, and looking
 Give the customer your full attention. for chances for improvement.
 Offer a sincere apology and acknowledgment.
 Be solution-oriented and think of a remedy. Creating a career development plan is essential for individuals who seek to
 Follow up with your customer. progress in their professional lives. Here’s a structured approach to
developing a career development plan:
Ethical Behavior for handling customer care & complaints in Tourism
Industry. 1. Self-Assessment
 We must comprehend our Guests, who we are dealing with.  Identify your strengths, weaknesses, interests, and values.
 Consider elements which contribute to the dynamics of a group  Reflect on past experiences, accomplishments, and areas for
 What do we do as Tourist Guides? improvement.
 Act  Consider your long-term career goals and aspirations.
 Assessment
2. Goal Setting 9. Work-Life Balance
 Establish clear, measurable, and achievable short-term and long-term  Prioritize self-care and well-being to maintain a healthy work-life balance.
career goals.  Set boundaries between work and personal life to prevent burnout and
 Ensure that your goals are specific, relevant, and aligned with your values maintain overall satisfaction and fulfillment.
and interests. 10. Review and Revision
 Break down large goals into smaller, actionable steps.  Regularly review and update your career development plan to reflect
3. Skill Development changes in your goals, interests, or circumstances.
 Identify the skills and competencies needed to achieve your career goals.  Celebrate achievements and milestones along the way, and adjust your
 Assess any skill gaps and areas for improvement. plan as needed to stay on track towards your desired career outcomes.
 Create a plan to acquire or enhance necessary skills through training,
education, workshops, or on-the-job experiences. By following these steps and committing to continuous growth and development,
4. Networking you can create a comprehensive career development plan that guides you towards
 Build and maintain professional relationships with colleagues, mentors, success and fulfillment in your professional life.
and industry contacts.
 Attend networking events, conferences, and seminars relevant to your field. Application of Ethics in the Workplace and Day-to-Day Life in Hospitality and
 Seek mentorship and guidance from experienced professionals who can Tourism Industry
offer insights and advice.  Ethics in the hospitality and tourism industry is a very crucial concept in
5. Continuous Learning the business industry. It is a kind of business that needs strategic goals,
 Stay updated on industry trends, developments, and best practices. both short-term and long-term goals, mission, vision and objectives for the
 Engage in ongoing learning opportunities such as online courses, company's sustainability.
certifications, or self-study.  Studies show that ethics refers to the rules and regulations that govern the
 Set aside time for personal and professional development to expand your general conduct and operation of the business.
knowledge and expertise.  And according to Fretchling and Boo (2012) states that, generally applied
6. Career Exploration operational principle should provide an assurance to decision makers on
 Research potential career paths, industries, and job opportunities. particular business decisions taken in accordance to define the rules and
 Explore different roles and organizations to gain a better understanding of regulations of the practice. That is why, the majority of the organization fail
your preferences and interests. to achieve their maximum potential due to scouring implications of poor
 Seek informational interviews or job shadowing opportunities to learn more
about specific careers.  So, why is ethics in the workplace important? Workplace ethics are an
7. Performance Evaluation incredibly important part of forming a successful organization with satisfied
and loyal team members. High ethical standards can help stakeholders,
 Regularly assess your progress towards your career goals.
like employees, investors, customers and other individuals involved with
 Review your accomplishments, challenges, and areas for growth.
workplace operations feel that the organization is safeguarding their
 Solicit feedback from supervisors, colleagues, and mentors to gain insights
interests. By purposefully building ethical guidelines in their structure,
into your performance and areas for improvement.
organizations can keep their employees' best interests in mind while
8. Flexibility and Adaptability
maintaining a positive influence on those they impact through their
 Remain flexible and open to new opportunities and challenges.
 Be willing to adjust your career goals and plans based on changing  In turn, employees and other stakeholders will typically follow suit and
circumstances or priorities. maintain the organization's best interests through acting ethically in their
 Embrace failure as a learning opportunity and use setbacks as motivation day-to-day duties. For example, if an employee is treated fairly and
to persevere.
understands an organization's commitment to accountability and 6. Loyalty
environmental sustainability, they are typically less likely to commit  Being a loyal host for your institute will, by default, empower hospitality
environmentally harmful behavior that may contribute negatively to an management and ethics, as loyalty in tourism means loyalty to your
organization's public image. With this, workplace ethics help establish a company, leadership practices, employee's discipline, guest's concern,
reciprocal relationship that benefits organizations at large and the and the ethical hospitality principles to provide top services, and solve
individuals influenced by organizational operations. conflicts before it could impact the guest's.
7. Positive Work Energy
Nine (9) Hospitality Ethics Every Professional should know:  Building good energy is an essential discussion for business managers,
1. Respect tour guides, and all hospitality and tourism professionals.
 A significant hospitality ethics factor is showing respect to your customers,  Good managers include positive energy in their perspectives, as this may
in any sector, when talking, serving, booking, and making check-ins and identify a critical factor in the customer wanting to come back and become
outs to conduct good marketing, awareness, trust, and increasing the a regular or not decision, even with holistic good service availability.
ethical impression that encourages people to return.  More than that, positive work energy reflects on working staff innovation
 On the other hand, the ethics of hospitality managers must also show as and boosts their enthusiasm and productivity.
much as possible respect to their working staff, as this will boost their 8. Fairness
loyalty and give customers a tremendous and cited image of your  Fairness in hospitality is the manager's ability to treat different employees
management techniques. and visitors without playing favoritism based on gender, color, age, or even
2. Commitment to the Quality the guest's social class and financial statement. The manager should
 Ethics in hospitality management reflects aiming to present the best work accept differences and act based on human morality and ethical approach.
quality in management, services, cleaning, health tracking, and food 9. Accountability
catering. Ethical managers will be committed to the best services at all  Accountability is not only an essential hospitality ethic but also a
times while focusing on avoiding known lodging issues. professional behavior; thus, in hospitality and tourism, an accountable
3. Reputation manager is someone responsible for all his/her decisions and behaviors,
 Ethics in hospitality helps you build the best brand name and reputation yet, has a certain compromise level to lead others; moreover, responsible
within the hospitality market; moreover, saving this industry's ethical for his/her team's actions and issues.
requirements helps managers protect and maintain their hotel reputation
by presenting the finest spirituality and competitive hospitality business. Each of these ethics play an important role in every individual who works in the
4. Trustworthy Leader hospitality and tourism industry. But it doesn't mean that it was only applicable in
 When being in the hospitality management business, then you would know this field of work. Because in every industry or company a professionally equipped
that people trust toward you and your good ethics with their individual knows what is the proper conduct and ethics in a workplace. He/She
accommodation quality, whether for business or holiday requisites, is knows what is right and wrong treatment towards his/her employer, colleagues and
priceless; being a trustworthy manager or employee nor staff means other staff in the company.
providing the best services, operations, resources orientations, solving all
hospitality conditions, environmental terms, aesthetics, and apologizing Application Letter and Curriculum Vitae
when an issue happens.
5. Generosity Curriculum Vitae (CV)
 Understanding the impact of gifts on a client is essential in the hospitality  a detailed document summarizing an individual's academic and
industry; if you aim to empower business hospitality ethics, you can do this professional achievements, including education, work experience,
simply by offering advantages for your clients with gifts, discounts, and publications, and awards. It serves as a comprehensive record of one's
remembering what they like or not virtue of their previously filled essay qualifications and is typically used when applying for academic, research,
rate. or certain professional positions.
Application Letter 8.Showcase Your Personality:
 also known as a cover letter, is a formal document that accompanies a  Use the application paper as an opportunity to showcase your personality
resume or CV when applying for a job. It provides an opportunity for the and passion for the opportunity. Let your voice and enthusiasm shine
applicant to introduce themselves, highlight their qualifications, and explain through in your writing.
why they are interested in and suitable for the position. The application 9.Edit and Proofread:
letter serves as a way to make a positive first impression on the employer  Once you have written the application paper, take the time to edit and
and to demonstrate enthusiasm and professionalism. It should be tailored proofread it carefully. Check for spelling and grammar errors, ensure
to the specific job and company, showcasing relevant skills and consistency in formatting, and make any necessary revisions.
experiences that align with the job requirements. 10.Seek Feedback:
 Before submitting your application paper, consider seeking feedback from
Step-by-step guide on how to write an application paper: a trusted friend, mentor, or advisor. They can provide valuable insights and
suggestions for improvement.
1. Understand the Purpose:
 Before you begin writing, make sure you understand the purpose of the By following these steps, you can create a well-crafted application paper that
application paper. Whether it's for a job, scholarship, or admission, effectively communicates your qualifications and makes a strong impression on the
knowing the goal will help you tailor your content accordingly. reader.
2.Research the Requirements:
 Familiarize yourself with the specific requirements of the application. This Ethics in Job Application and Interviews
may include word count, format, and any specific questions or prompts Ethics in job application and interviews are crucial for maintaining fairness,
that need to be addressed. honesty, and professionalism. This includes being truthful on your resume,
3.Gather Information: avoiding exaggeration, and treating all candidates equally during
 Collect all the necessary information you will need for your application interviews. It's important to represent yourself accurately and respect the
paper. This may include your personal details, academic achievements, hiring process.
work experience, skills, and any other relevant information.
4.Create an Outline: Ethical behavior in job applications and interviews involves several key
 Outline the structure of your application paper. This will help you organize principles:
your thoughts and ensure a logical flow of information. Include sections
such as introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. 1. Honesty and Truthfulness
5.Write a Compelling Introduction:  Provide accurate information about your qualifications, experiences, and
 Start your application paper with a strong introduction that grabs the skills on your resume and during interviews. Avoid exaggeration or
reader's attention. Clearly state the purpose of the paper and why you are falsehoods.
a strong candidate for the position or opportunity. 2. Respect for Others
6.Highlight Your Achievements:  Treat all candidates, interviewers, and hiring staff with respect and
 In the body paragraphs, highlight your achievements, experiences, and professionalism, regardless of differences in background or status.
skills that are relevant to the application. Provide specific examples to 3. Confidentiality
support your claims and demonstrate your qualifications.  Respect the confidentiality of any sensitive information shared during the
7.Address the Requirements: hiring process, such as trade secrets or proprietary information.
 Make sure to address all the requirements outlined in the application. 4. Fairness and Equity
Answer any questions or prompts provided and ensure that you meet all  Ensure that all candidates are evaluated based on relevant criteria and
the criteria specified. qualifications, without bias or discrimination.
5. Transparency  That is why it is very important for a future employee to read the Job
 Be transparent about your intentions, motivations, and expectations Description carefully to avoid miscommunication.
throughout the application and interview process. 3. Be responsive
6. Conflicts of Interest  When you are in the process of being interviewed you should be
 Avoid conflicts of interest or situations where personal relationships or responsive to every questions that are going to be asked to you.
biases may influence hiring decisions. 4. Notify the interviewer ahead of time that you can't come to the interview
7. Compliance with Laws and Regulations  It is very important for an interviewer to be notified that you can't come to
 Adhere to all applicable laws, regulations, and company policies related to the interview because it is a form of professionalism. And notifying them,
job applications, interviews, and hiring practices. gives you a second chance to rescheduled your interview in some other
8. Feedback and Communication time.
 Provide constructive feedback to candidates when appropriate and 5. Figure out what to wear
communicate clearly about the status of their application.  Before going to an interview you should dress up professionally and clean.
It is important to plan what your are going to wear in an interview because
By adhering to these ethical principles, both candidates and employers can physical appearance also takes a factor in you being hired.
contribute to a fair and respectful hiring process. 6. Show up on time
 You should be on time or ahead of time. Because the interviewers will not
Job Interview wait for you if you are going to be late on your schedule interview.
 It is a meeting between an e employer and an individual who seems for a 7. Smile and great the interviewer
job, where as, the employer had the rights to ask questions to test if the  When coming to an interview you should be confident that you are
person who is applying for the vacant position is the right person for that accepted in the company, do not show the interview that you are shy,
position. frightened and scared of the interview.
 Every now and then, the methods of the company and the employers 8. Focus and listen properly
when interviewing changes over time. That is why it is very important for  When you are in the middle of an interview you must be focused and listen
us employees to prepare when coming to a job interview. carefully to the interviewer. Because focusing and listening properly gives
you an advantage for you to answer your interview well. Take note, that in
So, the following are factors that could help an employee prepared before an interview your answers matters. Why? Because interviewers in a
going to a job interview. company can notice and knew when your answers are through
memorization or not. That is why it is very important for you to focus and
1. Research the Company listen to them carefully.
 It is the first on the list because it is one of the most important when 9. Let the interviewer finish speaking before jumping in
seeking a job. When seeking a job, ofcourse you have to be  In this aspect you should learn your etiquette when there is someone
knowledgeable enough to research about the company you are applying talking do not jump in because you might not be able to hear what they are
for like, what is the goal of the company, what is it's vision and mission or going to say next and interrupting someone when they are talking is a form
questions like is the company legal or illegal, does it offers a good amount of disrespectful and unprofessional.
of salary, does they treat their employees well, and does they give their 10. Make connection
employees some health benefits and etc. those questions are just few of  So, when you are in an interview make sure that you established a
the questions that an employee must to know to the company that he/she connection between you and the interviewer. When he/she ask you a
is applying for. questions listen carefully and focus on her/him and when you are going to
2. Read the Job Description Carefully answer now the question make sure tto establish and eye contact with
 So, most of the company uses job description as their communication to them before answering to let them know that you are sincere in applying in
determine what they are looking in the company. their company.

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