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Minimum cbits for remote preperation and measurement of a qubit

Arun K. Pati(1)
School of Informatics, University of Wales, Bangor LL 57 1UT, UK
Theoretical Physics Division, 5th Floor, C.C., BARC, Mumbai-400085, India
(September 4, 2018)
We show that a qubit chosen from equatorial or polar great circles on a Bloch spehere can be
remotely prepared with one cbit from Alice to Bob if they share one ebit of entanglement. Also we
show that any single particle measurement on an arbitrary qubit can be remotely simulated with
one ebit of shared entanglement and communication of one cbit.

PACS NO: 03.67.-a, 03.65.Bz

arXiv:quant-ph/9907022v3 27 Jul 2000

The state of a quantum system contains a large amount the old issue of mimicking quantum theory by a local
of information which cannot be accessed by an observer. hidden variable (LHV) theory has been revived by Bras-
How well one can extract and utilise the largely inaccessi- sard et al [9] and Steiner [10] who show that non-local
ble quantum information is the subject of quantum infor- correlations of quantum theory can be simulated by local
mation theory. One of the surprising discoveries in this hidden variable theory with classical communication. A
area is the teleportation of an unknown quantum state natural question then is, if classical communication can
by Bennett et al [1] from one place to another without help in mimicking non-local correlation, can one teleport
ever physically sending the particle. A qubit, for exam- a quantum state with extra number of cbits. This has
ple, can be sent from Alice to Bob provided they share been answered by Cerf et al [11] who have proved that
an Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) pair and Alice car- one can construct a classical teleportation scheme of a
ries out a Bell-state measurement on the qubit and one known state from Alice to Bob with the help of 2.19 cbits
half of the EPR pair, and sends two bits of classical in- (on an average) provided they have initially shared local
formation to Bob, who in turn can perform a unitary hidden variables. This is an interesting result. They
operation on his particle to get the original state. The compare the cbits required in classical teleportation to
quantum teleportation of photon has been demonstrated cbits required in quantum teleportation and argue that
experimentally by Bouwmeester et al [2] and Boschi et al only .19 bit more is required when one uses local hidden
[3]. The continuous version of quantum teleportation has variables.
been also verified by Furusawa et al [4]. Though, a qubit
In this note we show that there is a simple scheme for
contains a doubly infinity of bits of information, only two
remote preparation and measurement of a qubit known
classical bits (cbits) are necessary to transmit a qubit
to Alice but unknown to Bob. This requires only one cbit
in the teleportation process. This raises the question,
to be transmitted from Alice to Bob. This may also be
whether it is really the minimum number of cbits needed
called teleportation of a known qubit. Unlike the telepor-
to transmit a qubit. What about the rest of the infinity
tation of an unknown qubit, here, we do not require a
of this number of bits? It has been suggested that the re-
Bell-state measurement. Only a single particle von Neu-
maining bits flow across the entanglement channel [5]. Is
mann measurement is necessary. The qubit which is in-
it that two cbits are required just to preserve the causal-
tended to be transmitted does not play any direct role
ity (the peaceful co-existence of quantum theory and rel-
in the measurement process except for the fact that it’s
ativity) or is it the “soul” of an unknown qubit (without
state is known to Alice. A qubit chosen from equatorial
which the qubit cannot be reconstructed, the particle is
or polar great circles on a Bloch spehere can be remotely
just being in a random mixture at Bob’s place)?
prepared with one cbit from Alice to Bob if they share
Recently several philosophical implications of quantum one ebit of entanglement. Further we show that any sin-
teleportation and its experimental verification have been gle particle measurement on an arbitrary qubit can be
brought out by Vaidman [6]. Though quantum telepor- remotely simulated with one ebit and communication of
tation requires a quantum channel which is an entangled one cbit. This also shows that the classical teleporta-
pair, doubts have been raised whether teleportation is tion envisaged by Cerf et al [11] actually requires 1.19
really a non-local phenomena [7]. Hardy [8] has argued bits more than that of a situation where one uses entan-
that one can construct a local theory where cloning of a gled pairs rather than local hidden variables. Since they
state is not possible but teleportation is. Interestingly, think of transmitting a known qubit and in teleportation

one sends an unknown qubit one should not compare the found in the original state (α|0i2 + β|1i2 ) which is noth-
classical information cost in the above situation. ing but the remote prepartion of a known qubit. If the
Let us consider a pure input state |Ψi ∈ H = C 2 , outcome of Alices’s measurement result is |Ψi1 then the
which is the state of a qubit. An arbitrary qubit can be classical communication from Alice would tell Bob that
represented as he has obtained a state which is |Ψ⊥ i = (α|1i2 − β ∗ |0i2 ).
This is a complement qubit which is orthogonal to the
|Ψi = α|0i + β|1i, (1) original one. The resulting state (if the outcome is |Ψi1 )
is given by
where we can choose α to be real and β to be a com-
plex number, in general (up to U (1) equivalance classes 1
of states). This qubit can be represented by a point |Ψi1 hΨ|Ψ− i12 = − √ |Ψi1 ⊗ |Ψ⊥ i2 (6)
on a sphere S 2 (which is the projective Hilbert space
P = CP (1) for any two-state system) with the help There is nothing special about sharing an EPR singlet
of two real parameters θ and φ, where α = cos 2θ and state. In fact, Alice and Bob can share any other max-
β = sin θ2 exp(iφ). Now Alice wants to transmit the above imally entangled state from the basis {|Ψ+ i12 , |Φ± i12 }.
qubit to Bob. She can either physically send the particle These can be expressed in terms of the qubit basis as
(which is not interesting) or she needs to send a doubly
infinity of bits of information across a classical channel 1
|Ψ+ i12 = − √ [|Ψi1 (σz )|Ψ⊥ i2 + |Ψ⊥ i1 (σz )|Ψi2 ]
to Bob. However, as we will show, there is a very sim- 2
ple procedure to send the information content of a qubit 1
|Φ+ i12 = √ [|Ψi1 (iσy )|Ψ⊥ i2 + |Ψ⊥ i1 (iσy )|Ψi2 ]
without ever sending it or without ever sending an in- 2
finity of bits of information. Just one cbit is required − 1
to send the information content of a qubit provided Al- |Φ i12 = √ [|Ψi1 (σx )|Ψ⊥ i2 + |Ψ⊥ i1 (σx )|Ψi2 ] (7)
ice and Bob share one half of the particles from an EPR
source. The EPR state of the particles 1 and 2 is given where σx , σy and σz are the Pauli matrices. When Alice
by, and Bob share |Ψ+ i12 then the resulting states after a
single particle von Neumann measurement and classical
|Ψ− i12 = √ (|0i1 |1i2 − |1i1 |0i2 ). (2) communication are given by
Suppose Alice is in possession of 1 and Bob is in posses- |Ψi1 hΨ|Ψ+ i12 = √ |Ψi1 ⊗ (σz )|Ψ⊥ i2
sion of 2. The qubit |Ψi is known to Alice and unknown 2
to Bob. Since Alice knows the state she can chose to + 1
|Ψ⊥ i1 hΨ⊥ |Ψ i12 = √ |Ψ⊥ i1 ⊗ (σz )|Ψi2 (8)
measure the particle 1 in any basis she wants. Alice car- 2
ries out measurement on particle 1 by projecting onto
the “qubit basis” {|Ψi, |Ψ⊥ i}, where the “qubit basis” is Similarly, when they share |Φ+ i12 , then the resulting
related to the old basis {|0i, |1i} in the following manner states after a single particle von Neumann measurement
and classical communication are given by
|0i1 = α|Ψi1 − β|Ψ⊥ i1
|1i1 = β ∗ |Ψi1 + α|Ψ⊥ i1 . (3) |Ψi1 hΨ|Φ+ i12 = − √ |Ψi1 ⊗ (iσy )|Ψ⊥ i2
By this change of basis the normalisation and orthogo- 1
|Ψ⊥ i1 hΨ⊥ |Φ+ i12 = − √ |Ψ⊥ i1 ⊗ (iσy )|Ψi2 (9)
nality relation between basis vectors are preserved. Now 2
writing the entangled state |Ψ− i12 in the “qubit basis”
{|Ψi1 , |Ψ⊥ i1 } gives us Finally, when they share |Φ− i12 , then the resulting states
after a single particle von Neumann measurement and
1 classical communication are given by
|Ψ− i12 = √ [|Ψi1 |Ψ⊥ i2 − |Ψ⊥ i1 |Ψi2 ], (4)
which is also a consequence of invariance of |Ψ− i12 under |Ψi1 hΨ|Φ− i12 = √ |Ψi1 ⊗ (σx )|Ψ⊥ i2
U1 ⊗ U2 operation. The total state after a a single parti- 1

cle von-Neumann measurement (if the outcome of Alice |Ψ⊥ i1 hΨ⊥ |Φ i12 = √ |Ψ⊥ i1 ⊗ (σx )|Ψi2 (10)
is |Ψ⊥ i1 ) is given by
1 In general if Alice finds |Ψ⊥ i1 in a single particle mea-
|Ψ⊥ i1 hΨ⊥ |Ψ− i12 = − √ |Ψ⊥ i1 ⊗ |Ψi2 (5) surement, then one cbit from Alice to Bob will result in a
qubit or a qubit up to a rotation operator at Bob’s place.
When she sends her measurement result (one bit of If Alice finds |Ψi1 , then sending of one cbit will yield an
classical information) to Bob, then particle 2 can been exact a complement qubit or a complement-qubit state

up to a rotation operator. The overall rotation opera- measure an observable (b.σ), then the probability of mea-
tors that Bob has to apply to get a qubit depends on the surement outcome in the state ρ = |ΨihΨ| = 21 (1 + n.σ)
type of entangled state they have shared initially. The is given by
following discussions refer to the case when Alice and
Bob share an EPR singlet. If Alice chooses to prepare P± (ρ) = tr(P± (b)ρ) = (1 ± b.n), (11)
a real qubit, i.e., |Ψi = cos θ2 |0i + sin 2θ |1i, which means 2
on the projective Hilbert space S 2 the point lies on the where the projection operator P± (b) = 21 (1 ± b.σ). But
polar line, then the azimuthal angle φ is zero. In this suppose Bob gets ρ⊥ = |Ψ⊥ ihΨ⊥ | = 21 (1 − n.σ). In this
case Bob just has to perform a rotation (i.e. apply σx σy case the measurement gives a result
) or do nothing after receiving the classical information
from Alice. Alternatively, Alice could chose to prepare a P± (ρ⊥ ) = tr(P± (b)ρ⊥ ) = (1 ∓ b.n) (12)
qubit chosen from equatorial line on Bloch sphere such 2
as |Ψi = √12 (|0i+ eiφ |1i) with θ = π/2. In this case when whch is different than (11). However, Bob can always
Bob gets |Ψ⊥ i2 = √12 (|0i − eiφ |1i) then he can still get chose his apparatus such that he can make P± (ρ) =
|Ψi by applying σz . Therefore, when the measurement P± (ρ⊥ ). So even if Bob cannot get a qubit from a com-
outcome is |Ψi1 or |Ψ⊥ i1 ( in the both cases) Bob’s par- plement qubit (half of the time) still he can get the same
ticle is prepared in the (un)known state. Thus for any measurement outcomes from it. Therefore, Bob can sim-
real qubit our simple scheme remotely prepares a known ulate with 100% efficiency the statistics of his measure-
state with certainty. Since a real qubit requires a single ments on a qubit known to Alice but unknown to him,
infinity of bits of information (as one real number θ or φ provided they share an EPR pair and communicate one
is necessary) to be send across a classical channel, use of cbit. Whether one can always remotely simulate all the
shared entanglement reduces it to sending just one cbit measurement results for a higher dimensional quantum
across a classical channel and this can be done with cer- systems is still an open question.
tainty. For an arbitrary but known qubit this protocol Our observation also shows that the extra cbits re-
is able to transmit half-of the time. This is because Bob quired in a hidden variable scenario is 1.19 and not just
cannot convert the orthogonal-complement qubit (which .19 bits as mentioned in [11]. So to fill the gap between
he gets half of the time) since it is unknown to him. We LHV and quantum theory 1.19 cbits are necessary (for
know that an arbitrary unknown state cannot be com- lower dimensional Hilbert spaces). It should be remarked
plemented [12–14]. Though we can design a NOT gate that the 2.19 cbit needed in classical teleportation pro-
which can take |0i → |1i and |1i → |0i there is no univer- tocol [11] is not optimal. If a better protocol exists then
sal NOT gate which can take |Ψi → |Ψ⊥ i as it involves that will bring down the cbit cost. We can formally state
an anti-unitary operation. Thus, a doubly infinity of bits our last result in the following theorem.
of information cannot be passed all the time with the use Theorem: Any LHV model which simulates teleporta-
of entanglement by sending just one cbit. tion of a known qubit without entanglement will require
at least one cbit (because no LHV can beat the use of
This shows that to remotely prepare a known qubit entanglement) to be transmitted from Alice to Bob.
chosen from special ensemble one need not do a Bell- Entanglement channel is a passive communication
state measurement and send two cbits. Only single par- channel which on its own cannot be used for commu-
ticle measurement and one cbit is necessary from Alice to nication purposes. Supplemented with cbits it become
Bob, provide they share an entangled state. In “classical active, so we can regard cbits as the “soul” of entangle-
teleportation” of a qubit it is aimed to simulate any pos- ment channel. Thus we can say that the minimum cbits
sible measurement on the qubit sent to Bob (unknown required to remotely prepare a real known qubit is one
to him) [11]. One may tend to think that since in our cbit (using shared entanglement) where as to transmit an
scheme we can remotely prepare an arbitrary known state unknown qubit one needs two cbits (as in teleportation
one half of the time Bob might not be able to simulate protocol). The scenario presented here is also very use-
the measurement statistics all the time ( as Bob cannot ful in the context of “assisted cloning” and “orthogonal
get a unknown qubit from the complement qubit). How- complementing” of unknown states [15]. The present re-
ever, there is no problem with Bob for simulating the sult is important, because it sets a (lower) bound on the
measurement statistics on the complement qubit (also number of cbits required to send a known qubit using
called time-reversed qubit). This is because the quan- LHV. Recently, classical communication cost of remote
tum mechanical probabilities and transition probabili- state preparation and distributed quantum information
ties are invariant under unitary and anti-unitary oper- has been studied by Lo [16]. In an important paper Ben-
ations (thanks to Wigner’s theorem). This says that for nett et al [17] have shown that assymptotically one needs
any two non-orthogonal rays |hΨ|Φi|2 = |hΨ′ |Φ′ i|2 where one cbit per qubit for remote state preparation of any
|Ψ′ i, |Φ′ i are related to |Ψi, |Φi either by unitary or anti- qubit and have studied the remote preparation of entan-
unitary transformations. For example, if Bob wants to gled states.

I thank N. J. Cerf for useful discussions. I thank H. K. [5] R. Jozsa, Geometric Issues in Foundations of Science,
Lo for his comments and suggesting a suitable title. I also Eds. S. Huggett et al, Oxford Univ. Press, 1997.
thank B. Terhal and D. DiVincenzo for useful remarks. [6] L. Vaidman, LANL report, quant-ph/9810089.
I gratefully acknowledge the financial support from Eu- [7] S. Popescu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, 2619 (1995).
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[10] M. Steiner, LANL report, quant-ph/9902014.
[11] N. J. Cerf, N. Gisin, and S. Massar, LANL report, quant-
[12] A. K. Pati, New limitations in quantum information pro-
cessing, Preprint (1999).
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