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The Basics of Soft Tissue Healing and General Factors

that Influence Such Healing
Kevin A. Hildebrand, MD, Corrie L. Gallant-Behm, BSc, Alison S. Kydd, BSc, and David A. Hart, PhD

response of many connective tissues that function in a set of

Abstract: Wound healing and repair of injured tissues follows mechanically diverse environments. These include ligaments,
several steps in the healthy individual. Following birth, the process is tendons, menisci, and joint capsules. Based on the outcomes of
initiated by the inflammatory response and subsequent steps are these studies, it is clear that the functional outcome of the
based on this initial response. Whereas wound healing generally leads healing process in such tissues appears to follow the ‘‘general’’
to a repair of the injured site, it does not lead to tissue regeneration. rules, but there are certainly some unique tissue-specific fea-
This difference between repair and regeneration has influence on tis- tures that contribute to the outcomes. The most obvious out-
sues such as ligaments and tendons that function in a mechanically come is ‘‘repair’’ rather than ‘‘regeneration’’, and the extent of
active environment. Thus, the dynamic interface between mechanics repair depends in part on many variables including those men-
and biology influence the effectiveness of the healing response. The tioned previously.
biology of the host is also influenced by a variety of factors including The basic, and somewhat arbitrarily defined steps in the
age, gender, genetics, and tissue history, factors that impact the repair or healing of a tissue following overt injury are: (1)
outcome of the healing response. This review focuses on several of hemostasis and a rapid inflammatory phase; (2) a phase of cell
the issues surrounding the healing of tissues in general and ligaments proliferation and matrix deposition; and (3) a slow remodeling
and tendons more specifically. In addition, the use of interventions phase, which may take up to months or years.1–3
such as cell and gene therapy to improve healing is discussed. Studies in animal models of MCL injury4–6 and porcine
Key Words: tissue repair, tissue regeneration, phases of healing, models of skin healing7–9 have revealed a similar progression
genetic manipulation, gender and hormones, improved healing, tissue of steps in the repair process at the molecular and histologic
heterogeneity in healing, response of healing to environment level, but with some tissue-specific details.

(Sports Med Arthrosc Rev 2005;13:136–144) The Inflammatory Phase

Acutely following overt injury in an otherwise healthy
adult, there is usually pain and bleeding into the area of injury
GENERAL ASPECTS OF THE BASIC SCIENCE OF that may be variable depending on the site of injury. He-
mostasis is restored by the formation of a fibrin clot, which
TISSUE HEALING AND REPAIR prevents further bleeding and serves as a provisional matrix for
Wound healing following overt injury to a tissue in the migrating cells. Blood clotting also results in the release of
skeletally mature individual follows some general ‘‘rules’’ pro-inflammatory molecules including components of the
irrespective of the tissue involved. The details of the healing clotting cascade and cytokines and growth factors released
response may be influenced by several factors including the from cells such as platelets.1 Some of these released factors are
tissue source (ie, skin, lung, joint location-intra versus extra chemotactic for other cells such as polymorphonuclear leuko-
articular, etc), extent of functional loss, health of the individual cytes and monocytes, which migrate into the wound site and
(ie, nutrition), co-morbidities (ie, diabetes), as well as some further amplify the cascade. This influx of additional cells also
others (female vs. male), some of which will be discussed later contributes to the subsequent migration, localization, pro-
in this chapter. In general, similar steps occur that lead to the liferation, and activation/differentiation of other cells (circu-
‘‘orderly’’ repair of the tissue, and in many cases allows lating or tissue mesenchymal stem cells, fibroblast-like cells,
a return to at least partial function. However, in some cases, the and others), which sets the stage for the second phase of the
repair process can lead to a loss of function (ie, scarring of the repair process.
heart, muscle, lung, kidney, and liver). Over the past several
years, fairly intense investigation has been focused on the healing The Matrix Deposition Phase
Following consolidation of the fibrin clot and the
From the McCaig Centre for Joint Injury and Arthritis Research, Alberta Bone temporally regulated influx, proliferation and activation of
and Joint Health Institute, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. a subset of cells, deposition of matrix molecules designed to
Reprints: Dr. Kevin A. Hildebrand, MD, Division of Orthopaedics, Department bridge the damaged area with the residual endogenous lig-
of Surgery, McCaig Centre for Joint Injury and Arthritis Research, Alberta ament tissue begins. There seems to be a temporal relationship
Bone and Joint Institute, Faculty of Medicine, University of Calgary, 3330
Hospital Drive, NW Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 4N1 (e-mail: between the expression and deposition of the various matrix molecules in ligaments, with the collagens (collagen 1 and 3)
Copyright Ó 2005 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins being the major class of molecules that are deposited. In the

136 Sports Med Arthrosc Rev  Volume 13, Number 3, September 2005
Sports Med Arthrosc Rev  Volume 13, Number 3, September 2005 Basics of Wound Healing

normal MCL the ratio of collagen 1/collagen 3 is approxi- was present before injury. Not only does this provisional matrix
mately 3/1, but in early scar tissue this ration is approximately have a different structural and cellular composition as com-
1/1.10,11 This ratio gradually becomes more normalized with pared with normal tissue, but in the case of ligament injury,
time, but the initial ratio of expression is certainly not this tissue is not necessarily even localized to the injury gap
reflective of the make up of a normal ligament. Similarly, but also may extend to surround the entire remaining ligament
expression of other normal matrix molecules in the healing midsubstance.4–6 This somewhat amorphous material, result-
rabbit MCL such as the small leucine-rich proteoglycans ing from the initiation of an overt inflammatory response and
(SLRPs) including decorin, biglycan, lumican, and fibromo- subsequent events is compromised at both the organizational
dulin is altered as compared with normal.12 Because these and functional levels, independent of whether it is a ligament,
molecules can serve various functions in these tissues such as tendon, or skin. Obviously, this early repair tissue should be
binding to collagens, growth factors, and growth factor re- considered the ‘‘starting point’’ for further remodeling to better
ceptors, their impact on healing tissues may be different from approximate the functional needs of the tissue in its specific
their impact on normal tissues. Obviously, a number of other environment. Whether such remodeling is effective depends in
molecules are also altered quantitatively and qualitatively from part on the wound environment and patient factors. Also, the
normal tissue during the healing process, and many of these clinical definition of ‘‘effective remodeling’’ depends on the
alterations are initiated during the early deposition phase (also ultimate functional needs of the tissue (ie, MCL, ACL, flexor
called granulation tissue when an injury occurs in skin). tendon, skin). In some tissues, and in some cases (ie, chronic
By extension, if the matrix deposited early during the skin wounds in an immunocompromised patient) wound
healing or repair process is altered compared with normal, the strength is a less important clinical outcome than is wound
organization of the repair tissue is also likely to be altered. It closure. In contrast, in tissues such as ligament and tendon,
has been shown that the organization of the matrix deposited functionality is a very important factor.
early following injury is disorganized compared with normal
tissue.4–6,13 Normal tissues are organized with respect to col- The Remodeling Phase
lagen alignment and collagen fibril assembly, whereas collagen The remodeling phase is a slow process and is
expressed early following injury is not aligned and heteroge- accompanied by alterations not only in matrix remodeling,
neous with regard to orientation in the tissue. Because the but also gene expression,7–9,12 cellularity,4,7,11 vascularity,14,17
latter is critical for function in a mechanically active environ- and innervation.17 Thus, the scar tissue in a ligament such as
ment such as a ligament, it is not surprising that the me- the MCL, or most other connective tissues, undergo a pro-
chanical properties of the healing MCL ligament are severely tracted process where the initially deposited material seems to
compromised compared with normal tissue.4,6 This lack of be turning over and the organization of collagen fibrils become
matrix organization is not a tissue-specific trait, and has also more oriented along the long axis of the ligament.13 In skin
been reported at the site of injuries in other tissues, including wounds the converse is observed, whereby collagen fibril
the granulation tissue of skin wounds.1 orientation is more linearly arranged in the provisional matrix
In addition to matrix deposition during this early phase and remodels to a cross-linked ‘‘basket-weave’’ arrangement,
of healing, the cellularity of the repair tissue is increased providing structural strength in multiple directions. Further-
compared with normal1,7,8 and is more highly vascularized more, in pig models of skin wound healing, the mechanical
than normal.14 The properties of the scar cells in the healing properties of the scar tissue does exhibit a directional polarity,
MCL are different from normal cells11 and may result from and is generally compromised compared with normal skin,
intrinsic differences or from differences caused by the growth likely indicating incomplete remodeling (pers. comm.). Be-
factor/cytokine rich environment. Some evidence from other cause the remodeling phase occurs slowly, and may take months
models has also implicated scar cells as being intrinsically (ie, skin) or years (ie, tendon and ligament), the composition of
different, based on cell surface phenotype markers.15 the scar or repaired tissue also changes with time, as does the
Thus, early after injury there is an increase in cellularity gene expression phenotype. Such changes are accompanied by
and a concomitant increase in vascularity to presumably sup- a decline in cellularity to near normal levels, as well as changes
port the nutritional needs of these cells. The increased vas- in the vascularity and innervation.17,18 In the latter case, some
cularity is likely caused by the release of angiogenic mediators of the neuropeptides present early after injury are usually con-
early after injury, which promotes the influx of new micro- sidered pro-inflammatory, whereas those appearing later are
vessels. In some tissues that are fairly devoid of an endogenous considered more anti-inflammatory, so the potential regulatory
microvasulature, such as the meniscus, injuries to the most influence of neuropeptides on the outcome after injury is com-
avascular areas of the tissue do not heal well, whereas those plex and seems to be temporally regulated.
with a microvasculature do heal.16 Thus, the availability of a At the gene expression level, depending on the tissue
microvasculature and an environment conducive to an angio- being examined, there is a gradual or abrupt decline in the
genic response is critical for effective healing. As discussed in previously elevated levels that are apparent early after injury.
other chapters in this issue,17 the early scar tissue is fairly Some of this change is apparently gene- and tissue- dependent,
devoid of neural elements and thus any regulatory influences with differences between skin and ligaments being detected in
of these elements on either the fibroblast-like cells or the micro- some models.7,8,12,19 In some pathologic conditions such as
vasculature would be absent. joint contractures, even though the loss of range of motion has
Thus, the tissue deposited early after injury appears to be stabilized, elevations in gene expression are maintained at
an attempt to bridge the damaged area without regard to what significantly high levels for a number of genes for a long

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period of time post-injury.20 Thus, a number of variables seem ligament lies in an extraarticular environment where well-
to influence the rate of remodeling and the final outcome, and vascularized tissues surround it and may keep the torn ends in
it is not always possible to assign potential cause and effect close proximity. Thus, the healing response initiated in this
relationships. environment can generate a large scar tissue that encompasses
Whereas many aspects of the repair tissue changes with both ends of the injured MCL. The large scar tissue mass
time post-injury, some aspects do not change in parallel. For gradually remodels, likely under the influence of the me-
instance, collagen fibril diameters in normal adult ligaments chanical environment, with the excess material not involved in
exhibit a biphasic distribution of diameters with primarily loading being resorbed. This leaves the resulting ligament-like
small and large diameter fibrils, and a few medium diameter tissue with dimensions not unlike the original tissue. In this
fibrils.4,21 However, in the healing rabbit MCL, only small situation, the injured MCL has surrounding tissues that can
fibrils are evident for over a year post-injury and even at serve as a surface on which to deposit the initial provisional
2 years post-injury the fibrils are still overwhelmingly small matrix that then remodels to ‘‘reform’’ a ligament-like structure.
diameter.21 In contrast, larger diameter fibrils appear in skin In contrast, complete rupture of the intraarticular ACL
fairly soon after injury, so there may be some tissue-specific leads to the scenario where there is little surrounding tissue to
aspects to the remodeling phase of the healing process. provide a vascular supply and keep the ends of the ACL in
At the mechanical level, there are correlations between close proximity. In the case of ACL injuries where the injury
aspects of matrix remodeling and the mechanical properties of occurs near the femoral insertion, the remainder of the ACL
the repair or scar tissue with time post-injury. Thus, there is can adhere to the PCL and form a ‘‘scar-like’’ material, but this
a decline in the number of flaws or defects in the scar tissue arrangement is functionally ineffective.
with time, as well as an increase in the collagen crosslink Recent studies in animal models has indicated that in
density. Both are correlated with the increase in failure addition to the problem of having no template available after
strength of the repair tissue.4,22 However, even after protracted complete rupture of the ACL, after a partial injury to the ACL
time post-injury, the mechanical properties of a scar tissue in this ligament exhibits a healing response that is inferior to that
a ligament such as the rabbit MCL is still compromised of the MCL.25 Thus in a sheep model, a complete MCL injury
compared with normal.4,19 Nevertheless, the scar tissue may be was compared over time to a partial ACL injury where one
functional for most activities even though it is not ‘‘normal’’. band of the ACL was transected. At the molecular level, the
This conclusion is also supported by the human experience initial healing response of the ACL was comparable to that of
where athletes can again participate in many sports at a high the MCL at 6 weeks post-injury. However, by 12 weeks post-
level after sustaining an injury to the MCL, the Achilles injury, the MCL continued to heal whereas the healing process
tendon, or other similar structures. However, it remains to be in the ACL appeared not to be sustained and rather than to
elucidated as to whether in such cases the injured tissue is improve in its properties, the ACL scar-like material appeared
again functioning at a high level, or there has been some to be undergoing a resorptive process and became less con-
compensatory increase in the functioning of other tissues (ie, solidated. Again, whether this was caused by the intraarticular
ligaments, musculotendinous units) in the motion segment or environment and a lack of mediators and cells available to
organ such as the knee.23 foster scar development and maturation, or the fact that the
scar in the ACL was somewhat ‘‘stress shielded’’ by the intact
band remaining, or a combination of factors, needs further
LIGAMENT HEALING investigation. The cells available to the ACL to initiate repair
may be endogenous ACL cells, cells from the synovium, or
Heterogeneity Between Ligaments even mesenchymal stem cells in the synovial fluid. In contrast,
Whereas the above discussion focused on general the cells available to the MCL may be very different; the
aspects of healing with some emphasis on ligament healing, increased vascularity may supply more reparative cells in-
it should be pointed out that not all ligaments heal to the same cluding mesenchymal stem cells from sites other than the
degree, and healing of ligament injuries seems to be influenced injury. Similarly, the ACL attempts to heal in the presence of
by various factors including location (ie, extraarticular vs. synovial fluid, which is rich in hyaluronans, factors that are
intraarticular), intrinsic aspects (which are largely unknown), known to impact the functioning of many cells,26 whereas the
mechanical environment, as well as factors discussed in more MCL is healing in a different milieu. Therefore, with so many
detail in the following sections. differences between the MCL and ACL healing environments,
An example of two ligaments that appear to heal dif- it is difficult to assign cause and effect.
ferently are the MCL and the ACL. The former is an The possibility that the model used to assess the healing
extraarticular ligament of the knee, and whereas the ACL is of the ACL discussed above influenced the results caused by
also a knee ligament, it exists in an intraarticular environment. stress shielding of the scar tissue emphasizes the point that
In addition to location and environment, the two ligaments maturation of scar tissue in tissues that are designed to
also differ with respect to structure, mechanical or loading function in a mechanically active environment likely means
environment, endogenous microvasculature, and some prop- that similar to normal ligaments and tendons, maturation of the
erties of the endogenous cells.4,24 scar tissue requires mechanical loading to continue the re-
As addressed earlier, the injured MCL of the healthy modeling phase of healing. Whereas some of this line of
young adult rabbit, or human, appears to heal quite well even thought will also be addressed in the chapter by Creighton and
when the ligament is completely transected. Of course, this Dahners regarding specific aspects of MCL healing, it is an

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Sports Med Arthrosc Rev  Volume 13, Number 3, September 2005 Basics of Wound Healing

important concept that needs reiteration as to its general ap- injury discussed earlier in setting the stage for subsequent
plication to healing irrespective of tissue. Normal connective events of the healing process (deposition of matrix, remodeling).
tissues that function in a mechanically active environment
(actually most tissues) subscribe to the ‘‘use it or lose it’’ Healing is a Dynamic Process Leading to Repair
paradigm of tissue integrity.27 Increased loading leads to but Not Regeneration
adaptation, whereas decreased loading below a threshold leads Healing of ligaments and most other connective tissues
to atrophy. The same principle likely also holds for scar tissue is a dynamic process that really has no ‘‘endpoint.’’ Successful
and immobilization beyond the initial phases of healing could healing requires a complex and temporally regulated interplay
have a detrimental impact on outcome. Thus, stress-shielding between different subsets of cells, mediators (cytokines,
of scar tissue may have a detrimental effect on outcome growth factors, etc), protein cascades, and the physiology of
whether the injury is to a patellar tendon, a ligament, or even the host. The effectiveness of the process and the quality of the
skin. In fact, it could be argued that ‘‘immature’’ scar tissue outcome in an adult can be influenced by various factors, many
may be more susceptible to deprivation of loading than the of which are discussed later. However, despite the impact of
corresponding normal tissue because of the activation state of the various factors, it is clear that the outcome is repair and not
the cells in the tissue. As mentioned elsewhere in this review, regeneration in all soft connective tissues, except for muscle
some of the remodeling of an MCL scar and resorption of and of course the hard tissue, bone. This point is emphasized
excess scar tissue not apparently taking up load has been by writings from ships’ captains, from the 17th to 19th cen-
noticed to occur between 6 and 14 weeks post-injury in an turies, whose men suffered from scurvy. Under conditions of
unrestrained rabbit model. vitamin C deficiency, scars on men that had formed greater
Too much loading of a scar at too early a time point may than 20 years prior seemed to dissolve before normal skin was
have a detrimental impact on the maturation of the scar. Thus, affected, leaving gaping wounds where once there were scars.
recent studies using a rabbit model have used a gap injury to Thus, even after many years, scar tissue is more ascorbate-
the MCL, and after 6 weeks the ACL was transected. The dependent than normal skin for maintenance of integrity in
increased instability in the knee resulting from the loss of ACL humans. Whereas anecdotal, this point emphasizes the fact
function lead to increased expression of inflammatory me- that if we are to improve the outcome of scar formation and
diators in the healing MCL, likely caused by microinjuries to maturation leading to regeneration, more information on the
the scar tissue, and resulted in a protracted healing response.28 regulation of normal healing is needed and the factors that
Thus, there is a delicate balance between biology and me- impact normal healing. Furthermore, information on how re-
chanical environment when it comes to optimizing the basic generation is regulated in model systems (ie, animal models
healing response in tissues such as ligaments, tendons, or skin. where regeneration does occur) may yield further insights.
Whereas not directly related to ligament healing, but Such lines of investigation will provide critical information on
likely relevant to the discussion of ligament healing, is the restrictive elements that may impact the outcomes in for in-
body of information regarding healing in environments lead- stance, in neonates versus adults, males versus females, liga-
ing to loss of function (ie, adhesion formation following abdom- ments versus skin.
inal surgery or flexor tendon injuries). Thus, some tendon and
ligament injuries lead to formation of scar tissue that is
partially functional, but to regain as much function as possible FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE
requires physiotherapy to ‘‘facilitate’’ the return to function HEALING OUTCOMES
after the scar tissue has formed. The vigorous inflammatory
response associated with overt injury +/2 surgical interven- Age
tion to foster repair can lead to formation of adhesions, where The healing process is influenced by age. It is obvious
the ligament/tendon scar tissue is ‘‘bonded’’ to the surrounding from everyday life and research that incisional skin wounds
tissue and thus, such restrictions compromise function in incurred at an early age appear to heal rapidly and without
situations where movement is required. In situations such as residual scar. Because humans age, the same process following
following flexor tendon injuries within the tendon sheath, a similar injury leads to obvious scars. Investigational studies
formation of adhesions can severely compromise function and have revealed some of the basis for such changes and these
this is not readily corrected. Thus, if one could overcome the include alterations in inflammatory responses, a decline in
apparent ‘‘deficiencies’’ of healing in the ACL where there is mesenchymal stem cell levels, a decline in the proliferative
minimal opportunity for adhesion formation compared with capacity of fibroblast-like cells, metabolic changes, and changes
the MCL, it may be possible to enhance healing without in- in the release or responsiveness to mediators such as growth
creasing the risk of such side effects. factors.29,30 Many parameters relevant to the complex healing
This line of thought also emphasizes the need to process change with aging, and simple solutions have been
minimize the induction of a vigorous inflammatory response in promulgated from various sources, but it is unlikely that one
some environments to assist in the repair process without side variable can correct what is apparently a complex set of factors.
effects such as adhesions. Because arthroscopy usually in- Whereas much of the literature regarding the impact of aging
duces less inflammation and tissue damage than open ap- on healing has focused on skin, and it is well known that
proaches, outcomes can be influenced and used to foster the even normal skin changes with age, it is also very likely that
most optimal return to function. This line of discussion also parameters detected at the skin level also are relevant to
emphasizes the central role of the inflammatory response to healing of other tissues such as ligaments. This conclusion is

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based on the fact that most of the earlier indicated variables evident later in life such as post-menopause when other factors
are system-specific rather than tissue-specific. In addition, it is have declined in an age-related manner.
known that the biomechanical properties of ligaments and Despite a paucity of information regarding hormonal
tendons change with age (ie, become stiffer) because of accu- impact on wound healing in humans, some information is
mulated stresses and the incidence of injuries, and degen- available that supports the concept. First, in a rabbit model of
erative processes in many of these tissues increase with age MCL healing, it has been shown that pregnancy affects the
(aside from those associated with athletics). metabolism of cells in the healing ligament (discussed in Hart
One interesting area of research on age and the healing et al37). Pregnancy also affects the functioning of the normal
response has led to some provocative findings. These are in the ligament (ie, laxity). However, pregnancy is associated with
area of fetal healing versus healing in the newborn. This is still changes in several hormones qualitatively and quantitatively,
age-related, but obviously the environment that a fetus is in and therefore it is not possible to ascribe the impact to any one
versus that in which an independent newborn functions is hormone. As normal ligament and joint function (ie, laxity)
quite different, but the studies have pointed to some areas that can be influenced by the menstrual cycle in some women,38
may prove to be fruitful in the future. The basis for this area such findings may indicate there is a role for hormones such as
was the observation that wounds in some locations on a fetus, estrogen, a hormone that can impact both macrophages and
because of surgical interventions, led to the apparent regen- ligament cells.39 However, whether normal alterations in
eration of the injured tissue rather than scar formation and hormone levels associated with the menstrual cycle impact
maturation.31,32 Such findings were primarily from incisional wound healing in ligaments or other tissues remains a focus of
skin wounds, and the ‘‘regeneration’’ phenotype was more readily research in the author’s laboratories. One of the limitations of
observed in some tissues than others. Further, the regeneration current studies in animal models such as the rabbit is that these
phenotype was lost in the later stages of gestation. However, animals are induced ovulators that do not cycle. However,
investigation of differences in the healing process leading to sexually mature pigs do cycle with hormonal variations some-
the regeneration phenotype versus scar formation has impli- what similar to humans. Therefore, it should be possible to
cated transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) isoforms, address some of these issues directly in such models.
hyaluronic acid and the severity and extent of the inflam-
matory phase of healing in the differences. It is known that Genetics
inflammation is regulated differently in the fetus versus the It is clear that genetic factors play a role in some path-
newborn, and in some species, the maturation of this regulation ologic scarring or wound healing such as keloid formation.40
differs. The finding of a possible role for TGF-beta3 in fetal However, there is a paucity of information regarding a defini-
healing rather than TGF-beta1, which is the predominant form tive role for genetic factors in subtle or not so subtle variations
involved in healing later in life, has led a number of groups to in ‘‘normal’’ healing. Whereas keloid formation is more com-
investigate this avenue of research in detail.33–35 Manipulating mon in some races than others (ie, dark skinned races), there is
TGFbeta1 levels can modulate the scar phenotype. It remains no identifiable link between race and wound healing in other
to be determined whether or not TGFbeta1 is the key or central tissues. There are polymorphisms associated with molecules
element in the phenotypic differences between fetal and adult such as TGF-beta receptors,41 but they have not yet been linked
healing. It is most likely that the basis for the fetal phenotype is to wound healing phenotypes. There are some genetic links with
multifactorial, and at least some of the steps identified may be the functioning of connective tissues (ie, Marfan Syndrome,
amenable to manipulation to improve healing of injured tissues benign Joint Hypermobility Syndrome),42,43 but we could not
in the future. find any links between such syndromes and wound healing
phenotype. If one assumes there is an important linkage in this
Gender and Hormones regard, it likely would have been discovered and reported by now.
It is known in a variety of species that there is a sexual However, it is possible that genetic factors or contribu-
dimorphism in many responses. Females tend to have a more tions could be obscured by other variables associated with
vigorous inflammatory response than males (discussed in wound healing because of injury or surgical intervention. With
Ashcroft and Ashworth30), and as the inflammatory response the availability of the human genome sequence, as well as
to injury is a central initial step in the healing process, this is a genome sequences for some species commonly used in wound
consistent pattern of observation. It is also known that healing healing studies, genetic contributions to wound healing out-
responses in post-menopausal women decline separate from comes may become more evident. It is apparent from talking
the decline associated with aging. Application of estrogen can with orthopedic surgeons that there is a body of anecdotal
reverse some of these deficiencies30 and it is believed to work information that has implicated genetics in wound healing
at the level of macrophages. Macrophages are inflammatory following ligament injuries and surgical interventions, but it
cells that can mediate multiple functions in a wound site, does not yet have a defined scientific basis.
including serving as an important source of growth factors and Whereas studies on wound healing in humans have not
mediators key for effective wound healing.1,36 However, the yet elaborated an overt influence of genetics on this process,
literature does not indicate that there is an overt alteration in recent studies in a porcine model of skin wound healing has
healing associated with the onset of puberty. Therefore, there revealed a genetic component to healing outcome (pers.
is either no direct impact of some hormones on the healing comm.).7–9 That is, in the Yorkshire breed of pig, skin wound
response, or other variables operative in young individuals healing proceeds through a series of defined molecular steps
override any hormonal influences and they only become more similar to what has been described earlier,7,8 yielding a scar not

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unlike what occurs in humans. In contrast, wound healing in healing tissue with re-expression of proinflammatory mole-
the red Duroc pig yields a hypercontracted, hyperpigmented cules. However, the long-term consequence of such re-injury
scar, which has some similarities to human hypertrophic scar.9 on the mechanical properties of the tissue has not been
The pattern of gene expression in this latter model is dis- confirmed.
tinctively different from that detected in the Yorkshire model, Because not all injuries to a tissue are overt, it is possible
with a second ‘‘wave’’ of expression of molecules considered that the accumulated cycles of injury and repair to a tissue
proinflammatory being detected later in the healing process could impact the starting material following an overt injury. If
(pers. comm.). More recent studies with Yorkshire x red Duroc one extends this to the situation of a second acute injury, the
F1 pigs has revealed that the red Duroc phenotype is domi- starting material following a second injury is really scar tissue
nant in such animals with a phenotype similar to the parental rather than normal tissue. This could impact the functional
breed with some minor differences noted. The offspring of F1 outcome in at least 2 ways; first, the quality of the scar may be
females crossed with a single Yorkshire male yielded back- compromised compared with the original scar tissue; and
cross animals (BC) that exhibited a wound healing phenotype second, the size of the scar may be increased and thus could
similar to that observed in the Yorkshire parental breed (pers. impact the functional outcome. Relevant to this point are the
comm.). Thus, in pigs some evidence for involvement of results reported by Loitz-Ramage et al,44 which indicated that
a genetic component in skin wound healing outcome has been the size of the wound and the resulting scar tissue has a
detected. Of course one major question remaining is whether dramatic impact on the biomechanical outcome. Thus, surgical
these findings are skin specific, or whether the skin results can interventions designed to limit or restrict the size of an injury
be extrapolated to wound healing in other tissues follow- through suturing could improve the functional outcome after
ing overt injury. Current studies are designed to explore the ligament, tendon, or skin injuries.
answers to this and related questions using knee injury models
in pigs and healing in other organ systems (pers. comm.). Presence of Co-Morbidities
The presence of co-morbidities such as diabetes can
impact the healing outcome. Many patients with diabetes have
TISSUE ‘‘HISTORY’’ a compromised wound healing response due in part to an
Whereas the impact of tissue history on the healing impaired inflammatory response and elaboration of growth
outcome has not been the topic of intense investigation, it is factors. In addition, in conditions such as diabetes, the disease
likely that the quality of the tissue prior to overt injury may could affect the quality of the connective tissue directly via
play a role in the wound healing process and the final outcome, derivatization of the tissues and formation of advanced
and therefore should be considered. Because of the paucity of glycation endproducts by carbohydrates.45
information, some of this discussion is admittedly speculative Co-morbidities could also impact the healing process
and the relative importance of this variable on outcome is indirectly through the treatment interventions designed to
largely unknown. control the co-morbidities. Examples of this scenario include
rheumatoid arthritis patients treated with biologics such as
Mechanical History those designed to neutralize inflammatory components (Remicade
and Embril directed at TNF, IRAP directed at Il-1). In various
Previously, it has been discussed that mechanobiology is
inflammatory diseases, patients are treated with glucocorti-
likely important in the healing outcome in tissues such as
coids. Glucocorticoids have profound effects on inflammatory
ligaments, tendons, and related tissues. That is, depriving
processes,46 and recent studies have shown that exposure to
healing ligaments of mechanical loading likely has a detri-
mental impact on healing outcome. Similarly, the question of systemic exogenous glucocorticoids during ligament healing in
a rabbit model impacts gene expression quite differently than
tissue quality and mechanical integrity of the tissue prior to
in normal tissue (pers. comm.). Whether such exposure has
injury has not been addressed in a formal manner as far as
a long term impact on functional outcomes is not known. In
the present authors could detect. Intuitively, one may suspect
a rabbit model, a single local glucocorticoid treatment of a
that because tissues such as skin, ligaments, and tendons can
healing ligament resulted in reduced biomechanical properties
adapt to increases in mechanical loading within a physiologic
of the scar, possibly because of a delay in the maturation/re-
window and decrease function when loading is consistently
modeling of the healing tissue.47,48 However, in a rat model,
decreased, the quality of the tissue prior to injury may also
exposure to glucocorticoids via a direct injection did not overtly
impact the outcome. However, these issues need further inves-
influence the mechanical outcome.49 Furthermore, Beer et al50
tigation before conclusions can be made.
have reported that exposure of excisional skin wounds in mice
to glucocorticoids leads to alterations in gene expression in the
Biologic History scar tissue. Whether the differences between the impact of
As discussed earlier, aging can likely influence the glucocorticoids on skin wounds50 and ligament wound sites
healing outcomes. Also, the presence of previous injury, either (pers. comm.) are because of tissue or species differences
overt or subclinical, could also impact the healing outcome. remains to be clarified.
The healing outcome following re-injury could impact both
the quality of the outcome and the functioning of the healed Approaches to Improve Healing Outcomes
tissue. Majima et al28 have reported that re-injury of the acutely From earlier in this discussion, it is readily apparent that
healing MCL leads to alterations in gene expression of the wound healing in the adult under the most optimal conditions

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Hildebrand et al Sports Med Arthrosc Rev  Volume 13, Number 3, September 2005

should be considered tissue repair not regeneration. The ef- steps in the wound healing process. This has been char-
fectiveness of this repair is dynamic as a person ages and the acterized in multiple experimental systems and in humans with
outcome can be influenced by several variables or factors. For healing defects (ie, patients with diabetes). In pig models,
tissues like skin, the outcome in the healthy individual is among others, it has been shown that expression of some
usually functionally satisfactory, but it may be less than ideal growth factors (ie, TGF-beta) is required for the subsequent
from a cosmetic perspective. For other tissues like a ligament expression of other factors, whereas some such as CTGF can
or tendon, the mechanical outcome may be less than ideal, autoregulate their own expression.53,54 Therefore, because of
depending on the expectations of tissue use post-injury and the the central role of growth factors in the process, several studies
occurrence of side-effects such as adhesions. Thus, there is have explored the use of exogenous growth factors to ‘‘improve’’
a need to better understand the critical basic steps in normal the healing outcome in tissues like skin, ligaments and
wound healing and develop strategies and procedures to tendons.55 Whereas some studies have resulted in improve-
improve healing outcomes. Ideally, the former would precede ments in healing outcomes, others have not. For instance,
the latter, but the reality is that some of the research in this area exposure of healing ligaments in a rabbit model to exogenous
has advanced in parallel, in part, because some approaches are TGFbeta1 led to larger scars, but no improvement in the
restricted to some species and the multistep nature of the mechanical outcome.56 Because this study was performed in
healing process likely has several critical steps at each of the healthy adult rabbits, it is likely that endogenous levels of
phases discussed earlier. TGFbeta were sufficient and adding more would not lead to
improvements in outcomes.
Improved Understanding of Critical Steps In contrast, many individuals with diabetes exhibit
Thorough Genetic Manipulation impaired wound healing and can develop chronic wounds that
It is apparent that there are several ways to improve our do not readily heal. Because patients with diabetes can exhibit
understanding of critical steps in the healing process. One is to impaired inflammatory responses, some of the growth factors
understand the basis for ‘‘accidents’’ of nature in patients, such that have been promoted to improve healing are associated
as those with keloid formation or those with other genetic with the early phases of healing. Other growth factors may also
influences on outcome. However, the incidence of the latter is be of benefit in situations such as diabetes, possibly as a
sometimes very rare. A second approach is to understand combination therapy.
impaired healing associated with co-morbidities and the basis
for deficiencies, such as in diabetes. A third approach has been Application of Stem Cells
offered by the availability of techniques to genetically alter Recent studies have indicated that mesenchymal stem
animals such as mice through either knocking out genes, or cells (MSC) exist and can participate in the healing of injured
inserting genes into the germ line and thus impact healing. The connective tissues (discussed in57). Such cells are circulating
advantage of approaches one and two is that they are in in the body, but their levels decline with age. As such cells can
humans, but may occur rarely. The advantage of the third differentiate under the influence of growth factors and other
approach is that it is powerful and several genes can be mediators, the potential exists that they could be enticed to
influenced in a programmed manner (either completely, or in assume the phenotype of the endogenous cells in an injury site
a tissue-specific manner). However, the disadvantage of this and contribute to the ‘‘regeneration’’ of the injured tissue or at
approach is that mice are loose skinned animals and their skin least push the scar tissue further down the path to regeneration.
heals by contraction rather than re-epithelization as in humans. The key in this regard is to identify the appropriate steps to
In addition, it is difficult to functionally assess some of the achieve this goal. Alternatively, such cells may assist in the
tissues in mice because of their small size. Thus, the question healing of injuries in individuals that have compromised
of whether the findings in mice can be directly extrapolated to healing abilities caused by the presence of co-morbidities or
humans is always present and there are some limitations. aging. Because such cells can be isolated from young people
A complete list of the knockout and transgenic mice that and stored frozen until needed, autologous cells could be used
have contributed to our understanding of critical steps in the and thus avoiding the complications and risks of allogenic
process of wound healing in mice is beyond the scope of this cells. At this time, the key issues surrounding MSC are
review. However, several reviews on the subject, including focused on their propagation, delivery to needed sites, and the
those by Wener and Gross51 and Arbeit and Hirose,52 are conditions required to induce their differentiation optimally
available. The bottom line of this approach is that multiple and effectively. Once many of these issues are elucidated, their
important steps have been identified, as might be expected potential in enhancing wound healing outcomes may be
given the complexity of the complete process and the temporal realized at some point in the future.
relationships that have to happen in sequence. However, even
though the results of such studies may not be directly extrapo- Gene Therapy Approaches
lated to other species such as humans, they do offer some The use of gene therapy approaches to improve healing
direction for further studies in other species and therefore the outcomes or correct other deficiencies has had a ‘‘checkered’’
process of understanding can be hopefully accelerated. past. In part, this has resulted from the targets chosen, the
vectors used to deliver the gene, the ability to deliver the gene
Application of Exogenous Growth Factors to the cells, and the efficiency of the expressed target to
From earlier in the discussion, a well-regulated growth influence outcomes. Some studies have tried to deliver the
factor ‘‘cascade’’ is important for the orderly progression of gene construct directly to the injury site, whereas others have

142 q 2005 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Sports Med Arthrosc Rev  Volume 13, Number 3, September 2005 Basics of Wound Healing

transfected cells in vitro and then delivered them to the wound impact the functioning of the generalized healing process.
site.57–59 In this regard, transfecting MSC in the future may be Successfully addressing these and related issues will all likely
a real possibility, once the best genes are identified and the require multidisciplinary approaches, the availability of good
most optimal circumstances for their use have been identified. experimental models, and the effective translation of in-
However, it is clear that some gene therapy approaches formation from other domains to the area of wound healing.
have lead to increased understanding of the role of specific
steps in healing, and that approaches to manipulate gene
expression both in vitro and in vivo can provide valuable ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
information. Some of the newer approaches such as the use of Studies from the author’s laboratories were supported
siRNA to silence genes54 are very useful for research purposes, by grants from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research,
but they are a long way from the clinical realm until we better particularly the Institute for Gender and Health, The Arthritis
understand the consequences of their application. Society, the Canadian Arthritis Network, and the Canadian
Space Agency. DAH is the Calgary Foundation-Grace Glaum
Generation of Replacement Tissues Professor in Arthritis Research. CLG-B was supported by an
One approach that could be anticipated to improve Industry-NSERC Studentship and ASK by a MD/PhD Student-
healing of some tissues is to generate a replacement tissue that ship from CIHR. KAH is an AHFMR Clinical Investigator and
is similar or identical to the endogenous tissue prior to injury. also supported by the Health Research Foundation. The
For instance, in the case of the ruptured ACL, one could authors acknowledge that representative citations in many
replace the damage tissue with a replacement that has the areas were used, and apologize to those individuals whose
properties and function of the original. We have certainly not studies were not cited.
yet achieved this goal, and have not been able to either gen-
erate a tissue replacement that mimics the original, nor is it
incorporated into the injury site as the original. Whereas this REFERENCES
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