Hayashi 2003

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PHYSICAL REVIEW A 67, 052302 共2003兲

Remote state preparation without oblivious conditions

A. Hayashi, T. Hashimoto, and M. Horibe
Department of Applied Physics, Fukui University, Fukui 910, Japan
共Received 2 May 2002; published 13 May 2003兲
In quantum teleportation, neither Alice nor Bob acquires any classical knowledge on teleported states. The
teleportation protocol is said to be oblivious to both parties. In remote state preparation 共RSP兲, it is assumed
that Alice is given complete classical knowledge on the state that is to be prepared by Bob. Recently, Leung
and Shor 关e-print quant-ph/0201008兴 showed that the same amount of classical information as that in telepor-
tation needs to be transmitted in any exact and deterministic RSP protocol that is oblivious to Bob. Assuming
that the dimension of subsystems in the prior-entangled state is the same as the dimension of the input space,
we study similar RSP protocols, but not necessarily oblivious to Bob. We show that in this case Bob’s quantum
operation can be safely assumed to be a unitary transformation. We then derive an equation that is a necessary
and sufficient condition for such a protocol to exist. By studying this equation, we show that one-qubit RSP
requires two classical bits of communication, which is the same amount as in teleportation, even if the protocol
is not assumed oblivious to Bob. For higher dimensions, it is still an open question whether the amount of
classical communication can be reduced by abandoning oblivious conditions.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.67.052302 PACS number共s兲: 03.67.Hk

I. INTRODUCTION dimension of input space, but not necessarily oblivious to

Bob. First, we will show that Bob’s quantum operation can
Interplay between classical information and a quantum be assumed to be a unitary transformation. We then derive an
state shows nontrivial and remarkable aspects where quan- equation that is a necessary and sufficient condition for such
tum entanglement is involved. In quantum teleportation 关1兴, a protocol to exist. By studying this equation, we show that
one qubit in an unknown quantum state can be transmitted in order to remotely prepare one qubit in a general state,
from a sender 共Alice兲 to a receiver 共Bob兲 by a maximally Alice needs to transmit two cbits of classical information to
entangled quantum channel and two classical bit 共cbit兲 com- Bob, which is of the same amount as in teleportation, even if
munication. In order to teleport a quantum state in a the protocol is not assumed oblivious to Bob. For a general
d-dimensional space, log2d qubits, Alice needs to transmit dimensional case, it is still an open question whether the
2 log2d cbits of information to Bob. This is actually the mini- amount of classical communication can be reduced by aban-
mum amount of classical communication, which can be doning oblivious conditions.
shown by combining a teleportation protocol with another
striking scheme utilizing quantum entanglement, superdense
In teleportation, neither Alice nor Bob acquires any clas- In this paper, we only consider RSP protocols that are
sical knowledge on teleported states. The teleportation pro- exact and deterministic. The diagram of protocol is depicted
tocol is said to be oblivious to Alice and Bob. In remote state in Fig. 1.
preparation 共RSP兲, however, it is assumed that Alice has We assume that the dimension of subsystems in the prior-
complete classical knowledge on the state that is to be pre- entangled state is the same as the dimension of the input
pared by Bob 关3– 6兴. The central concern has been whether space. Following Ref. 关8兴, RSP protocols are formulated in
quantum and classical resources can be reduced by Alice’s the following way. The prior-entangled state shared by Alice
knowledge on the state. In this respect, Lo has conjectured
that RSP for a general state requires at least as much as
classical communication as teleportation 关3兴. An experimen-
tal implementation of RSP scheme has also been reported
Recently, Leung and Shor 关8兴 showed that the same
amount of classical information as in teleportation needs to
be transmitted from Alice to Bob in any deterministic and
exact RSP protocol that is oblivious to Bob. Here, the as-
sumption that a protocol is oblivious to Bob means specifi-
cally two things: First, the probability that Alice sends a
particular classical message to Bob does not depend on the
state to be transmitted. Second, no extra information about
the transmitted state is contained in Bob’s quantum state.
In this paper, we will study exact and deterministic RSP
protocols for a general state, in the case that the dimension of
subsystems in the prior-entangled state is the same as the FIG. 1. Remote state preparation diagram.

1050-2947/2003/67共5兲/052302共5兲/$20.00 67 052302-1 ©2003 The American Physical Society


and Bob is assumed to be a maximally entangled state in S 共 ␳ R兲 ⫽ 兩 S 共 ␳ R兲 ⫺S 共 ␳ Q兲 兩 ⭐S 共 ␳ QR兲 , 共6兲

space AB, defined by
S 共 ␳ QR兲 ⭐S 共 ␳ R兲 ⫹S 共 ␳ Q兲 ⫽S 共 ␳ R兲 . 共7兲
0 典⫽
兩 ⌽ AB
冑d 兺
兩 k A典 丢 兩 k B典 , 共1兲 This means that the equality in subadditivity holds
since S( ␳ QR)⫽S( ␳ R)⫹S( ␳ Q), which is true only if ␳ QR
where systems A and B are d-dimensional Hilbert spaces, ⫽ ␳ Q 丢 ␳ R.
Now we will prove the theorem given in the above.
with an orthonormal basis 兩 k 典 (k⫽1, . . . ,d). Writing ␳ AB
Proof. In the unitary model of a quantum operation, the
0 典具 ⌽ 0 兩 , we note that ␳ 0 ⬅trB␳ 0 ⫽1 /d and ␳ 0
⫽ 兩 ⌽ AB AB A AB A B
assumption in the theorem is stated as follows: For any 兩 ␾ 典
⬅trA␳ 0 ⫽1 /d. Given a pure state 兩 ␾ 典 randomly chosen
there exists a density operator ␳ ␾ such that
from an input state space of d dimension, Alice performs a
POVM 共positive operator-valued measure兲 measurement on trEU 共 ␳ ␾ 丢 兩 0 E典具 0 E兩 兲 U ⫹ ⫽ 兩 ␾ 典具 ␾ 兩 , 共8兲
system A with n possible outcomes:
where 兩 0 E典 is a standard pure state of the ancillary system E,
and U is a unitary operator of the combined system. As we

Em 共 ␾ 兲 ⫽1A. 共2兲 have noted, if a subsystem is pure after tracing out the ancilla
system, it is already pure in the combined system and there-
Remember that since Alice is assumed to have a complete fore we have
knowledge of state 兩 ␾ 典 , the dependence of POVM elements U 共 ␳ ␾ 丢 兩 0 E典具 0 E兩 兲 U ⫹ ⫽ 兩 ␾ 典具 ␾ 兩 丢 ␳ ␾E . 共9兲
( ␾ ) on ␾ is not limited. The probability for Alice to ob-
tain outcome m is given by We will show that ␳ ␾E is actually pure and independent of ␾ .
Introducing an orthonormal basis 兩 k 典 (k⫽1, . . . ,d), we
p m 共 ␾ 兲 ⫽trA␳ A
0 E m共 ␾ 兲 .
In this paper, we do not assume that the probability p m ( ␾ ) is U 共 ␳ k 丢 兩 0 E典具 0 E兩 兲 U ⫹ ⫽ 兩 k 典具 k 兩 丢 ␳ Ek . 共10兲
independent of ␾ , implying that the protocol may not be
oblivious to Bob. With outcome m, Bob’s system B is given Multiplying Eq. 共10兲 of index k with the one of index l and
by taking trace of the product, we find

0 E m共 ␾ 兲
trA␳ AB A
tr␳ k ␳ l ⫽ 兩 具 k 兩 l 典 兩 2 trE␳ Ek ␳ El ⫽ ␦ k,l trE␳ Ek ␳ Ek , 共 k,l⫽1, . . . ,d 兲 .
␳ mB 共 ␾ 兲 ⫽ . 共4兲 共11兲
p m共 ␾ 兲
This equation implies that the d density operators ␳ k ’s
Receiving a classical message m (m⫽1, . . . ,n) from Alice,
have orthogonal supports in the d-dimensional space. This
Bob performs a trace-preserving quantum operation Rm on
is possible only if ␳ k ⫽ 兩 ␺ k 典具 ␺ k 兩 , where the set 兵 兩 ␺ k 典 ,k
his subsystem B to restore the state 兩 ␾ 典 :
⫽1, . . . ,d 其 is an orthonormal basis of the space. We also
Rm „␳ m
共 ␾ 兲 …⫽ 兩 ␾ B典具 ␾ B兩 . 共5兲 find that ␳ Ek is pure, since tr␳ Ek ␳ Ek ⫽1.
In the same way as we obtained Eq. 共11兲, we find
III. IT SUFFICES FOR BOB TO PERFORM tr␳ ␾ ␳ k ⫽ 兩 具 ␾ 兩 k 典 兩 2 trE␳ ␾E ␳ Ek , 共 k⫽1, . . . ,d 兲 . 共12兲
Summing this equation over k and using d
兺 k⫽1 ␳k
In this section, we will show that Bob’s quantum opera-
⫹ ⫽ 兺 k⫽1
兩 ␺ k 典具 ␺ k 兩 ⫽1, we obtain
tion Rm is actually a unitary operation Rm ( ␳ )⫽u m ␳ u m , if
the RSP protocol, considered in this paper, works for any
state 兩 ␾ 典 . First we observe the following theorem. 1⫽ 兺
兩 具 ␾ 兩 k 典 兩 2 trE␳ ␾E ␳ Ek , 共13兲
Theorem. Let E be a trace-preserving quantum operation
with equal input and output space dimensions. If for any which implies that ␳ ␾E is pure and given by
state 兩 ␾ 典 , there exists a density operator ␳ ␾ such that
E( ␳ ␾ )⫽ 兩 ␾ 典具 ␾ 兩 , then the quantum operation E is a unitary d

operation E( ␳ )⫽u ␳ u ⫹ , where u is a unitary operator. ␳ ␾E ⫽ 兺

兩 具 ␾ 兩 k 典 兩 2 ␳ Ek . 共14兲
Before proving the theorem, we note two general proper-
ties of the density operator, which will be used in the proof. From this we conclude that ␳ Ek is independent of k and fur-
The first one is that if tr( ␳␳ ⬘ )⫽1, then ␳ and ␳ ⬘ are identical thermore ␳ ␾E for a general 兩 ␾ 典 has no state dependence either.
and pure, which can be shown by the Cauchy-Schwarz in-
equality. Next, let ␳ QR be a density operator of a system Writing ␳ ␾E ⫽ 兩 0 ⬘ E典具 0 ⬘ E兩 , we thus have
consisting of subsystems Q and R. Then, the second property ␳ ␾ 丢 兩 0 E典具 0 E兩 ⫽U ⫹ 共 兩 ␾ 典具 ␾ 兩 丢 兩 0 ⬘ E典具 0 ⬘ E兩 兲 U. 共15兲
used in the proof is that if ␳ Q⬅trR␳ QR is pure, then ␳ QR
⫽ ␳ Q 丢 ␳ R, where ␳ R⫽trQ␳ QR. This can be seen by observing Sandwiching this between 具 0 E兩 and 兩 0 E典 gives
subadditivity and the triangle inequality of the von Neumann
entropy S, by which we find ␳ ␾ ⫽u ⫹ 兩 ␾ 典具 ␾ 兩 u, 共16兲


where u⫽ 具 0 ⬘ E兩 U 兩 0 E典 and u ⫹ ⫽ 具 0 E兩 U ⫹ 兩 0 ⬘ E典 . It is clear that n

the operator u must be a unitary operator since u ⫹ 兩 ␾ 典具 ␾ 兩 u is 兺 p m共 ␾ 兲 兩 ␾ mA 典具 ␾ mA兩 ⫽ d , 共22兲
a density operator for any state 兩 ␾ 典 . Since Eq. 共16兲 holds for m⫽1

any 兩 ␾ 典 , we conclude that the quantum operation R is a since the dimension is the same for spaces A and B, where
unitary operation: ⫹
we wrote 兩 ␾ m 典 ⫽u m 兩 ␾ 典 for convenience. Here for a state
E共 ␳ 兲 ⫽u ␳ u ⫹ . 共17兲 兩 ␾ 典 ⫽ 兺 k⫽1 兩 k 典具 k 兩 ␾ 典 , we introduce state 兩 ␾
d ¯ 典 defined as 兩 ␾
⫽ 兺 k⫽1 兩 k 典具 ␾ 兩 k 典 . Then it is clear that the following relation

䊐 also holds:
Now remember that Bob receives a classical message m n
苸 兵 1,2, . . . ,n 其 from Alice and performs a quantum operation 1A
Rm on the state ␳ m B
( ␾ ) to restore state 兩 ␾ 典 that Alice wants 兺
p m共 ␾ 兲兩 ␾
¯m 典具 ␾ m 兩 ⫽
A ¯A
. 共23兲
him to prepare:
From this relation, we can construct POVM elements as
Rm „␳ m
共 ␾ 兲 …⫽ 兩 ␾ B典具 ␾ B兩 . 共18兲
Em 共 ␾ 兲 ⫽d p m 共 ␾ 兲 兩 ␾
¯m 典具 ␾ m 兩
A ¯A
共 m⫽1, . . . ,n 兲 . 共24兲
Since this should hold for any state 兩 ␾ 典 , by the theorem we
have just proved, Rm turns out to be a unitary operation, Evidently, each E m A
( ␾ ) is a positive operator and
兺 m⫽1 E m ( ␾ )⫽1 . Since Alice is assumed to be given com-
n A A

Rm 共 ␳ 兲 ⫽u m ␳ u m , 共19兲 plete classical knowledge on state 兩 ␾ 典 , she can, in principle,
implement this POVM measurement. The probability of an
outcome m is calculated as trA␳ A 0 E m ( ␾ )⫽(1/d)trAE m ( ␾ )
where u m is unitary. We also note that we did not assume that
␳ E, the state of ancilla system E after Bob’s quantum opera- ⫽ p m ( ␾ ), and with an outcome being given by m, the result-
tion, is independent of 兩 ␾ 典 共oblivious condition兲; but it was ant state of B is given by
shown that ␳ E should be independent of 兩 ␾ 典 in the proof of
0 典具 ⌽ 0 兩兩 ␾ m 典具 ␾ m 兩
␳ mB 共 ␾ 兲 ⫽d trA兩 ⌽ AB AB ¯ A ¯ A
the theorem.
⫽d 具 ␾
0 典具 ⌽ 0 兩 ␾ m 典 ⫽ 兩 ␾ m 典具 ␾ m 兩
兩 ⌽ AB AB ¯ A B B

⫽u m 兩 ␾ B典具 ␾ B兩 u m . 共25兲
Now that we have shown that Bob’s quantum operation is
a unitary operation, we can derive an equation that is a nec- Receiving a classical message m from Alice, Bob can restore
essary and sufficient condition for RSP protocols considered state 兩 ␾ 典 by a single unitary operation since u m ␳ m
B ⫹
( ␾ )u m
in this paper.
⫽ 兩 ␾ 典具 ␾ 兩 .
From Eqs. 共3兲 and 共4兲, we obtain
Thus, Eq. 共21兲 is a necessary and sufficient condition for
n the class of RSP protocols considered in this paper and will
兺 p m共 ␾ 兲 ␳ mB 共 ␾ 兲 ⫽ ␳ B0 ⫽ d ,
共20兲 be called RSP equation hereafter.

which means that the density operator of system B should
not change by Alice’s POVM measurement on system A as We will study the RSP equation 共21兲, which is a necessary
long as an outcome of the measurement is unspecified. Using and sufficient condition for the class of RSP protocols con-
the result from the preceding section, ␳ m B
(␾) sidered in this paper:

⫽u m 兩 ␾ 典具 ␾ 兩 u m , we get
n B
兺 p m共 ␾ 兲 u m⫹兩 ␾ 典具 ␾ 兩 u m ⫽ d .


p m共 ␾ 兲 u m 兩 ␾ B典具 ␾ B兩 u m ⫽
. 共21兲
Here, superscripts A or B are omitted, since the equation
should hold in either of the d-dimensional space.
Here, u m ’s are unitary and p m ( ␾ ) is the probability of an Note that the theorem in Sec. III implies that Bob’s state
outcome m of Alice’s POVM measurement; therefore does not carry extra information on the transmitted state. In
p m ( ␾ )⭓0 and 兺 m⫽1 n
p m ( ␾ )⫽1. We also note that this the case where the probabilities p m ( ␾ ) are independent of
should hold for any state 兩 ␾ 典 . A similar equation has been the transmitted state 兩 ␾ 典 , we obtain the oblivious condition
discussed for a continuous variable teleportation in Ref. 关9兴 in Ref. 关8兴 and therefore all the results in Ref. 关8兴 共see also
and implicitly stated for oblivious RSP in Ref. 关8兴. Ref. 关10兴兲. In particular, 2 log2d cbits are necessary, and that
It is important that Eq. 共21兲 is also a sufficient condition a teleportationlike protocol that is oblivious to Alice can be
for RSP protocols. Let us assume that Eq. 共21兲 holds in space obtained without increasing the classical communication
B for some unitary operators u m ’s and for some probability cost.
distribution p m ( ␾ ), then the same equation also holds in That remains to study is the case where the probability
space A: p m ( ␾ ) may depend on the state 兩 ␾ 典 that is to be remotely


prepared. The question is whether this dependence can re-

duce the minimum amount of classical communication. In
the case of one-qubit RSP (d⫽2), we will show that this is
not the case: the minimum amount of classical information
turns out to be 2⫽2 log2d cbits as in teleportation.
冉 ␹x
冊冉 冊 冉 冊
p 1 共 ␹兲 0
p 2 共 ␹兲 ⫽ 0 .
p 3 共 ␹兲 0

Unfortunately, for general dimension d, however, we have This equation has only a trivial solution p m ( ␹)⫽0 for ␹ with
only limited results: The RSP equation 共26兲 immediately tells ␹ x ␹ y ␹ z ⫽0, since the determinant of the matrix in the equa-
us that n⭓d, which is known as Holevo’s bound 关11兴, since tion is 4 ␹ x ␹ y ␹ z . Thus, we conclude that in order to remotely

the equation requires that 兵 u m 兩 ␾ 典 (m⫽1, . . . ,n) 其 is com- prepare a general qubit state (d⫽2), Alice needs to transmit
plete in the d-dimensional space. We can also show that n 2⫽log222 cbits of information to Bob.
⭓d⫹1. Assume that the RSP equation 共26兲 holds for n
⫽d. Generally, in a d-dimensional space, the relation VI. SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION
兺 m⫽1 兩 ␹ m 典具 ␹ m 兩 ⫽1 is satisfied if and only if the states 兩 ␹ m 典
are orthonormal. Therefore, when m⫽m ⬘ , the inner product In this paper, we studied exact and deterministic RSP
⫹ ⫹ schemes for a general state. Though the schemes were not
具 ␾ 兩 u m u m ⬘ 兩 ␾ 典 should vanish for any 兩 ␾ 典 , implying u m u m ⬘
assumed to be oblivious to Bob, we restricted ourselves to
⫽0. This, however, contradicts unitarity of u m ’s.
the case where the dimension of subsystems in the prior-
Now we return to the qubit case (d⫽2). The Bloch
entangled state is the same as the dimension of the input
sphere representation is convenient for a pure qubit state
space. In this case Bob’s quantum operation was shown to be
兩 ␾ 典具 ␾ 兩 ,
just a unitary operation, if the protocol works for a general
1⫹ ␹• ␴ state.
兩 ␾ 典具 ␾ 兩 ⫽ , 共27兲 Using this fact we have derived the RSP equation, which
is a necessary and sufficient condition for an RSP protocol to
where ␹ is a three-dimensional unit vector, and ␴ x , ␴ y , and exist in the class considered in this paper. By studying this
␴ z are the Pauli matrices. We also introduce a 3⫻3 rotation equation, it was shown that in order to remotely prepare one
matrix R m for each unitary operator u m through qubit in a general state, Alice needs to transmit two cbits of
information to Bob, which is the same amount as in telepor-
3 tation, even if the protocol is not assumed oblivious to Bob.

um ␴ iu m⫽ 兺 共 R m 兲 ji ␴ j .
共28兲 So, for one-qubit RSP, Lo’s conjecture 关3兴 has been proved
without oblivious conditions. Leung and Shor investigated
The RSP equation is then reduced to oblivious RSP without assuming that the two dimensions are
the same 关8兴. Study on nonoblivious RSP in this general case
n is now in progress.

p m 共 ␹兲 R m ␹⫽0, 共29兲 Unfortunately, generalization to higher dimensions is not
straightforward. Though it is not yet clear as whether the
amount of classical communication can be reduced by aban-
which should hold for any unit vector ␹ and we emphasize
doning oblivious conditions in higher dimensions. We be-
again that the probability p m may depend on ␹.
lieve that the RSP equation will be a key to obtain some
It can be readily seen that if Eq. 共29兲 holds for a set of
insights for further study in this direction.
rotation matrices R m and some probability p m ( ␹), it is also
In this paper, the input ensemble, from which state 兩 ␾ 典 is
satisfied by a set of transformed rotations SR m T, with S and
randomly chosen, is assumed to be the entire Hilbert space of
T being any rotation matrices, and probability p m (T ␹). With
d dimensions. We remark that if the state is chosen from a
this freedom, we can safely assume that R 1 is a unit matrix,
subensemble of the space, the RSP equation should still hold
R 2 is a rotation about the x axis, and R 3 is a rotation about an in the subensemble, as long as Bob’s action can be assumed
axis in the xy plane. to be a unitary operation. In the case of qubits on the equa-
Now assume that Eq. 共29兲 holds for n⫽3 and take ␹ torial circle of the Bloch sphere 关4,5兴, the RSP equation 共29兲
⫽ex 共the unit vector along the x axis兲, then we find with n⫽2 is satisfied as
关 p 1 共 ex 兲 ⫹p 2 共 ex 兲兴 ex ⫹p 3 共 ex 兲 R 3 ex ⫽0. 共30兲 1
2 共 R 1 ␹⫹R 2 ␹兲 ⫽0, 共32兲
Since p m (ex ) is a probability distribution, this equation is
satisfied only when R 3 ex ⫽⫺ex , namely, R 3 is a rotation of where ␹ is a unit vector on the equator, R 1 is a unit matrix,
180° about the y axis. By a similar argument with ␹⫽ey 共the and R 2 is a rotation of 180° about the z axis. Generalizations
unit vector along the y axis兲, R 2 turns out to be a rotation of of the equator and the polar great circle to higher dimensions
180° about the x axis. Therefore, for a general unit vector have been discussed by Zeng and Zhang 关6兴. We can also
␹⫽( ␹ x , ␹ y , ␹ z ), Eq. 共29兲 with n⫽3 takes the following ma- verify that corresponding RSP equations with n⫽d are sat-
trix form: isfied for those ensembles.


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