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6th course

- Enter the room, get close to the camera, say your name. Pause. What are you
going to play for us? Pause, 2, i, 15, circle gesture big-fast, 9, t, utter, circle
walk backwards, 13, tr, beat, line walk forward, i, t, tr, t, i, (fast sequence), get
close to the camera, tell me something about the composer, pause, glide, 9, 14,
shudder, 11, Elypse walk backwards, line gesture big-slow (during the gesture-
repeat your name and tell us which piece you are going to play - concentrate on
the gesture), go to your instrument and play the piece. If you can carry the
instrument, play the piece while walking forward in a circle, a detour or on a line
(your choice) *if you can't carry the instrument, stop once, walk one of the paths
(maybe around the instrument), sit down and continue playing. ...2, 20, 3, i,
pull, push, i, 4,4,4,4,4, (each time with a different body part) complete the
movements with units (from qualities, spatial paths, accents, points in the space
of your choice) for about 30 seconds. (Go wild) say goodbye/thank you
con dently for listening, leave the room, then come back, you have forgotten
your instrument (or notes).


Ø Pay attention to your position in the camera

Ø Check whether you like to listen to yourself when you speak
Ø All numbers are spoken, the room points are only indicated with gestures, no
pointing with your hand! All qualities with sounds, all accents and spatial paths
with onomatopoeia

The entire video should not be longer than 6 minutes,

your piece of music 1'30 - 2'

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