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Annexure ‘CD – 01’


Course Title: Public International law Credit UNITS
Units: 4 3 0 0 2 1 4

Course Level: UG Course Code:LAW 405

Course Objectives:The course would enable the students to understand the position of a state at the international platform by playing individualistic role and
by being part of international organizations, where the students will be enabled to analyze the emerging trends and contemporary issues in International
Law.The course will provide necessary details of the origination of the basic concepts and fundamental principles involved in it. It will help in raising the
curiosity and interest in students so that they can opt for this course at PG level. Besides that, the course would also help them understand the dynamics of
international relations between states, international organizations, individuals and specialized agencies. It will also help students to analyze the role of various
sources of Public International Law.

Pre-requisites: Knowledge about the subjects Jurisprudence and Constitutional Law

Course Contents/Syllabus:
Weightage (%)
Module I: Introduction (Nature, scope and growth of International Law) and Sources of International Law 25%
Nature, Definitions and Scope of International Law; Codification of International Law – International Law Commission (ILC)
and Brief introduction to TWAIL (Third World Approach to International Law); Origin and Evolution (Treaty of Westphalia,
1648; Treaty of Versailles; UN Charter and emergence of UNO: Theories of evolution, sanctions under International
Law, difference between Public International Law and Municipal law, difference between Public International Law and
Private International Law, nature of Public International Law; Sources of International Law: Various classifications of
the sources, International Customs, International Treaties, General Principles of Law and Judicial Decisions, Soft Laws

Module II: Subjectsof International Law and relationship between International law and Municipal Law 20%
Transition, acceptance and role of ‘new’ subjects of International Law, theories regarding subjects of International law;
States, International Organizations, Individuals and Non-state Actors as subjects of International Law; Theories
regarding relationship between International Law and Municipal Law; State Practices including India’s practice, British
practice and the practice of the USA regarding their relationship.

Module III: State Recognition 15%

Recognition of states and the theories of recognition of a state, Recognition of governments, types of recognition;
Belligerency and Insurgency; Modes of Recognition: De facto and De jure Recognition, Types of Recognition; The
legal effects of recognition; State Succession and Recognition; and it’s consequences; Non-recognition: Estrada
Doctrine, Stimpson Doctrine, Hallestine Doctrine
Module IV: Law of The Sea 25%

First, Second and Third UN Conferences on the Law of Sea; Maritime Zones: Territorial Waters, Contiguous Zone,
Exclusive Economic Zone, Continental Shelf, High Seas, The Area; Authorities established under the UNCLOS

Module V: The UNO: Organs and its Specialized Agencies
Treaty of Versailles and League of Nations, Origin and History, Failure; Emergence of UNO; Structure of General
Assembly, Security Council and ‘Veto Power’, Secretariat, International Court of Justice, Economic and Social
Council, Specialized agencies; Calls towards reforms in UN (beyond p5, democratization etc.); UN Peace Keeping

Course Learning Outcomes:

Towards the end of this course the student shall be able to:

• Remember the knowledge gained about the conduct of sovereign states as analogous entities and as a part of intergovernmental organizations.
• Understand the effects of Public International Law on various ‘subjects’ of International Law.
• Analyze legal issues which arise in relationship between states.
• Comprehend and Apply the interconnectedness and interrelation between various other laws originating from International Law like Human Rights,
International Humanitarian Law etc.
• Evaluate the operation and application of international law in practical contexts.
• Create a knowledge of the nature of Public Intl law and the structure of international legal system.

Pedagogy for Course Delivery: The class will be taught using theory and case-based method.
In addition to assigning the case studies, the course faculty will spend considerable time in understanding the concept of innovation through E learning.
The instructor will cover the ways to think innovatively and liberally using thinking techniques and electronic modes to im part the descriptors.
List of Professional Skill Development Activities (PSDA):
1.Understanding Sources of Intl Law,Watching Documentaries and Writing Reports.
2.Participation in Intl Moot Court Competitions, making drafts of moot propositions, submission of moot memorials.
3.Reading International Law Judgments’ in International Law and aligned areas.
4.Encourage students to write and publish research articles relating to recent developments in the subject.
Additional Activities
5.Attending lectures/seminars/workshops on to gain conceptual clarity on topics of international law
6.Join Summer School short term programs and Study Abroad Program

Lab/Practicals details, if applicable: N/A

Assessment/ Examination Scheme:

Theory L/T (%) Lab/Practical/Studio (%) End Term Examination

40% NA 60%

Theory Assessment (L&T):

Continuous Assessment/Internal Assessment End Term
Components (Drop Examination
Mid-Term Exam PSDA (project) PSDA PSDA Attendance
(Case study)

Linkage of PSDA NA Linked to PSDA Linked to PSDA Linked to PSDA

with Internal 1 and 2 2 and 4 3
Component, if any
Weightage (%)
10% 10% 10% 5% 5% 60%

Mapping Continuous Evaluationcomponents/PSDA with CLOs

Bloom’s Level > Remembering Understanding Applying Analysing Evaluating Creating

Course Learning
Remember the Understand Comprehend and Analyze Evaluate Create a
knowledge gained the effects of Apply the legal issues the knowledge
about the conduct Public interconnectedness which arise operation of the nature
of sovereign states International and interrelation in and of Public
Assessment as analogous between various application Intl law and
type/PSDA Law on various relationship
entities and as a other laws of the structure
‘subjects’ of originating from between
part of internation of
International International Law states. al law in international
organizations. Law. like Human practical legal
Rights, contexts. system.
Law etc.
Mid Term ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
PSDA 1 (Project) ✓ ✓ ✓
PSDA 2 (Assignment) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
PSDA 3 (Case study) ✓ ✓ ✓
Viva ✓ ✓ ✓

Books: -
• Oppenheim, International Law, Vol. – 1, 9th ed., Oxford, 2008
• J.G. Strake, Introduction to International Law, 10 Ed., Butterworth-Heinemann, 1989
• Grieg, International Law, 3rd Ed. Butterworths Law, (1999).
• Bowell, The Law of Internationals Institution, 5th edition Ed., Sweet & Maxwell, 2001
• Verma, S.K., An Introduction of Public International Law, Satyam Law International, 2012
• Malcolm N. Shaw, International Law, Cambridge University Press, 8th edition, (2017).
• McDougal, M.S. and Chen, L.C., 2018. Human rights and world public order: the basic policies of an international law of human dignity. Oxford University
Press, USA.(2018)
• Teson, F.,A philosophy of international law. Routledge 2018
• Harris Davis, Cases and Materials on International Law, 7th Ed., Sweet & Maxwell, 2011.
• Chimni. B.S., International Law and World Order: A Critique of Contemporary Approaches, Cambridge University Press, 2017

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