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Murdered in her home
by Israel
As of November 2nd, nearly 9000 innocent civilians have
been killed in Gaza. This number only rises, and many bodies
are unidentified and unknown after the attacks.
More than 22,000 Palestinians (half of whom are children)
were wounded, murdered, beaten, raped, and brutally
separated from their loved ones by the Isreali State.
Take a photo of this poster and share it
Learn more
Please help keep
Text ceasefire
to 51905 to send
a letter to the
them alive.
demanding a
ceasefire now
#FreePalestine #Ceasefirenow

Lost her home and
access to medicine in
bombs by Israel
As of November 2nd, nearly 9000 innocent civilians have
been killed in Gaza. This number only rises, and many bodies
are unidentified and unknown after the attacks.
More than 22,000 Palestinians (half of whom are children)
were wounded, murdered, beaten, raped, and brutally
separated from their loved ones by the Isreali State.
Take a photo of this poster and share it
Learn more
Please help keep
ceasefire to
51905 to send a
them alive.
letter to the
demanding a
#FreePalestine #Ceasefirenow ceasefire now
14 years-old
Killed in an airstrike by
His family was injured next to
him, in the refuge area that was
supposed to be safe according to
Isreali guidelines.
As of November 2nd, nearly 9000 innocent civilians have
been killed in Gaza. This number only rises, and many bodies
are unidentified and unknown after the attacks.
More than 22,000 Palestinians (half of whom are children)
were wounded, murdered, beaten, raped, and brutally
separated from their loved ones by the Isreali State.
Take a photo of this poster and share it
Learn more
Please help keep
Text ceasefire
to 51905 to send
a letter to the
them alive.
demanding a
ceasefire now
#FreePalestine #Ceasefirenow
Bisan &
Omar Halasa,
19 & 8 yrs old
killed by Israeli shelling
Alongside their mom, grandma,
cousins Asmaa, Yusr, Amna, Salam,
and her children, Shaban and Noor
As of November 2nd, nearly 9000 innocent civilians have
been killed in Gaza. This number only rises, and many bodies
are unidentified and unknown after the attacks.
More than 22,000 Palestinians (half of whom are children)
were wounded, murdered, beaten, raped, and brutally
separated from their loved ones by the Isreali State.
Take a photo of this poster and share it
Learn more
Please help
Text ceasefire
to 51905 to send a
letter to the
keep them alive.
demanding a
ceasefire now
#FreePalestine #Ceasefirenow

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