Spoken Poetry

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The Closest We Have Been

Never I have got these feelings I am possessing since you came

It is a bit strange how a familiar face gives this heat down to my veins

I guess, it is a silly move by the universe to let us meet this way

And if it’s the only way to get through each other, then it is a game I am willing to play

You make me red every time you have something to say

My world turned purple the night we danced away

You are every color in the palette of this pretty globe we live in
Amidst the chaos around us, I think I already found the solace I seek within

Beneath the stars, we are lonely with only five senses to use

Yet in their twinkling dance, mysteries diffuse

Embrace me with the warmest affection of yours

Then listen to the symphony of whispers of a divine discourse

In the face of uncertainty, untold stories were unfolded

You have found my hands trembling until you’ve hold it

In my silent voice, you can hear what I want to speak

So, I will sing every song you have sung until my last heartbeat

In gentle strums and lingering notes, my guitar gently weeps

A serenade of love, in memories it keeps

Through its strings, feel my flaming passion

In each vibration, my heart’s sincerest confession

In the canvas of my mind, the portrait finds it place

As if Da Vinci himself painted your face with grace

You possess the beauty of every art ever made

A masterpiece I may say, sculpted by the finest sculptor for many decades

You are the light that never goes out

An eternal flame without a doubt

The darkness has no chance to consume us

For you emit the brightest light I can trust

You may be far, the trace of your features remains

Your presence works as a boost, I could fly as if I have wings

By the vast of an endless realm, I’ll scream your name

Knowing that you are on the other side, going to do the same

In a crowd of soul, I would still look for yours

For I am so devoted to your unlimited encores

There is no good morning when you are not around

You turn rainy days into spring, you even adore the stubborn clouds

Oh darling, there is no such thing as forever they say

And to that I refuse, for I know my endearments will forever stay

The universe doesn’t have to tell us that everything has a meaning

For we touch each other’s heart, the closest we have been

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