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Location for content : At home

Estimated Due Date: 10/May/2024

Product to feature: GP Ultra+ AA & Ultra AA (Malaysia Packing)
Product to feature: GP Ultra+ AA & Ultra AA (China Packing)
Product to feature: GP Ultra+ AA & Ultra AA (Hong Kong Packing)
Tools to use with battery: Digital Door Lock using AA battery size (x8 batteries)
*No Voice over
Please refer this video as a reference:

KOL: Gaylen

No. Scene/Description
*One video split the screen into two scenes
* Everytime change scens, open/close the door once
* Add Number of open/close at the top and increase

Scene 1: Gaylen's Friend - Ultilize GP Ultra Alakaline AA Batteries

*Multiple scenes of using digital door lock.

Getting ready to go out in the morning.

Insert Ultra to digital door lock and leave house.
After few hours, came back home.
- Continue few scenes of you going out/coming back scenes on the different days -
After few months, preparing to go out in the morning and the digital door lock still working. However, when you came back home, run out of batteries and have trouble opening it.
(The scene snowly faded out. )
Scene 2: Gaylen - Utilize GP Ultra+ Alkaline AA Batteries
*Multiple scenes of using digital door lock.

Getting ready to go out in the morning.

Insert Ultra+ to digital door lock and leave house.
Came back home after few hours later.
- Continue few scenes of you going out/coming back scenes on the different days -
After few months, preparing to go out in the morning and the digital door lock working.
Came back to home and successfully open the door with a help of Ultra+ Batteries, which can open/close door >2000 times more .

Two digital door locks have different batteries inside (You may use the same digital door lock but try to show it you both are in different house:
Digital Door Lock 1: GP Ultra Alkaline AA Batteries
Digital Door Lock 2: GP Ultra+ Alkaline AA Batteries
Example look:



Important scene must take for reference:

Gaylen's friend
Getting ready to go out in the morning.

Go to cabinet and there were Ultra & Ultra + Batteries inside. Take out only GP Ultra+ Alkaline AA Batteries from the cabinet.
*Require to shoot 3 packages

Gaylen's friend:
Go to cabinet and there were Ultra & Ultra + Batteries inside. Take out only GP Ultra Alkaline AA Batteries from the cabinet.
*Require to shoot 3 packages

Showing the battery with packaging (Ultra+ Alakaline AA Batteries). Tear the packaging accoring the line, take out the batteries.
(1) Tear Packaging can only tear the Ultra + Msia packing.
(2) But showing Packaging front view need 3 packaging shoot (China, HK & ,Msia)

Gaylen's friend
Showing the batteries with packaging (Ultra Alakline AA Batteries).
*Require to shoot 3 packages

Show batteries on your hand - Ultra +
*Require to shoot 3 countries battery - CN, HK, Global

Gaylen's friend
Show batteries on your hand - Ultra
*Require to shoot 3 countries battery - CN, HK, Global

Insert Ultra+ batteries to the digital door lock.
*Require to shoot 3 packages

Gaylen's friend
Insert Ultra batteries to the digital door lock.
*Require to shoot 3 packages

Gaylen's friend
Going out for lunch.

Both of you having fun.

*Shoot some scenes that you both are enjoying a day.

Gaylen's friend
Back to home.

After few days, preparing forshopping and successfully open the door.

Having fun at café.

*Shoot some scenes that can tell you are enjoying your day.

Gaylen's friend
Continue to shoot some of the going out/coming back scenes - *additional 2 more scens
Some of the example features could be below:
Invited friends to house (friends open the door scene, some of the surronding scenes, and open the door and going back scene)
Go to park with friends (going out)

K Invisting friends to your house Going to park

Came back home and successfully open the door with a help of Ultra+ Alkaline AA Batteries.
*Slowing zoom in and make it full screen

Gaylen's friend
Came back home and unable to open the door because running out of batteries. *No need to mention run out of batteries, just fade out from acreen and last count on
number of open/close door
* The video slowly fade out from the screen

Only Gaylen - full screen

Enjoying going out without running out of batteries.
*Some example scenes that you can shoot are below.
* add sentence open and close door >2000 times more

Going out for dinner G

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