DNS Overview

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The Complete Infoblox

Technical Training
NIOS | BloxOne

GIANT Labs On Udemy

DNS Concept Declared
DNS “Domain Name System” :- Decentralized naming system used to map human-friendly domain
names to the numerical ip addresses which are very hard to be remembered . That in saying happens
through “Resource Records ” that are declared inside DNS system .

DNS Hierarchical Names
DNS “Upside-Down Tree” :- To be able to reach to a destination existed on the internet through DNS
you need to pass through multiple stages until you reach to your destination .
- Firstly :- You need to ask one of your ROOT domains “based on your location” about the existed top
level domains in query .
- Secondly :- Go ask your picked up top level domain about the second level domain .
- Finally :- You will find your needed answer for your subdomain inside the second level domain .

Why DNS ?
Why DNS ! :- Multiple reasons
- Easier to remember names not ip addresses , browsers made it easy to guess the name also .
- DNS names are used inside SSL certificate for the TLS/SSL connections , without dns there is no
- Email spam detection & avoidance through some special types of records “SPF , DMARC & DKIM” .
- Services rely on DNS like LDAP , VOIP through SRV records inside DNS .
- Load balancer solutions are created based on DNS .

Terminology Definition
FQDN Complete domain name for a specific host on the internet
The term “stub resolver” refers to the piece of software code that sends the simple DNS question,
Client / Stub Resolver
usually built-in as part of the Operating System.
Asking a DNS server that supports recursion , a client wants the asked dns server to complete the
Recursive Query
path until it gets an answer back to client .
Queries between DNS servers and each others , used when the dns server that initiates the query
Iterative Query
can follow the referral to get the answer .
Accepts recursive queries and fulfills them by executing iterative queries in the background to
Recursive Resolver
track down answers.
DNS server that is able to give an authoritative answer to the asking client from it’s internal Zone
Authoritative Name Server
DB .
Resource Record Resource Record represents an individual piece of information you want to get out of DNS.
Zone is a collection of resource records with the same domain name suffix, and it exists on
authoritative name servers, as a text file or in database.



Name Server

Resolver Recursive

Name Server

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