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An infection that inflames the air sacs in

Definition one or both lungs, causing symptoms such

as cough, fever, and difficulty breathing.

- Weakened immune system
Risk Factors - Chronic lung diseases
- Smoking
- Malnutrition

- Cough
- Fever and chills
- Shortness of breath
Symptoms - Rapid or shallow breathing
- Chest pain
- Fatigue and weakness
- Confusion

Physical examination
- Chest X-ray or CT scan
- Blood tests
Diagnosis - Sputum culture and sensitivity test
- Pulse oximetry (measures blood oxygen

- Respiratory failure
Pneumonia - Sepsis (systemic infection)
- Lung abscess
Complication - Pleural effusion (fluid buildup around the
- Acute respiratory distress syndrome

- Vaccination
- Good hand hygiene
- Avoiding close contact with sick
Prevention individuals
- Quitting smoking
- Proper oral hygiene to reduce the risk of

- Antiviral or antifungal medications (if
Treatment - Supportive care (rest, fluids, fever reducers)
- Oxygen therapy (if needed)
- Hospitalization (for severe cases or high-
risk individuals)

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