Holistic Vs Partial

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Holistic thinking

1. When my two sisters were having a fight. I listened to both of their sides without judging either
one of them. I was able to sort out what caused their conflict and had it resolved.

2. When my cousin was having financial difficulties. People were quick to judge her as being
extravagant and likes to overspend. They weren’t looking at the whole story. Yes, she was
extravagant but that was before her mother got sick so she had to allocate her resources for her

3. When this man I know of stole money from a sari-sari store. People were quick to judge him as
stealing that money so he could sustain his vices. Little do they know that he was forced to do
this because he lost his job and he had to feed his starving children.

Partial View

1. When my friend was having fever and I suggested to her over fb messenger to buy this
particular medicine. I forgot to ask her what caused it. It turned out she was having not just
ordinary fever but rather she was already sick with covid.

2. When this childhood friend of mine was having frequent mood swings. I was quick to judge her
as being grouchy since she was a little girl. I didn’t realize she was being abused by her own

3. When this person I was having a personal grudge with had a fight with one of my friends. Since I
was biased against the former, I was quick to point the blame at her for causing the fight. What I
failed to see is it was actually my friend who started their fight for openly insulting her in a social
media post.

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