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To be filled out by the voice section leaders every after scheduled regular Music Class. SG sponsor will
grade the behavior points of the voice section leaders per practice.

Name of Member:________________________

Criteria YES (3pts) Sometimes(2) NO(1)

1. Respect for others
Do they show respect to their co-members and voice
section leaders, and willingly submit to the instructions
of their leaders?
2. Cooperation
Is the person responsive to the conductor or leader,
cooperating effectively, and contributing positively to
the song mastery?
3. Receptiveness to Feedback
Can the person accept constructive feedback and use it
for personal improvement?
4. Effort and Engagement
Are they proactive in identifying and addressing issues
regarding their voice parts? Is the person diligent and
committed to the mastery of the song?
5. Musicality independence
Does the person maintain accuracy in their pitch and
effectively sing the correct voice part independently?
TOTAL 15/15

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