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1. Deconstructing Myths in Qualitative Research.


Cite one Myth presented which is inconsistent with what we have discussed in class. How do we arrive
to a win win solution to this inconsistency? (20 points)


Myth#1; The researcher must approach a qualitative research topic with a blank slate; in
this Myth about qualitative research , the researcher must not possess any idea or
knowledge about their topic as what the myth says they must be “tabula rasa” the
inconsistency of this myth is the researcher must not use or read any related literature
before the conduct of the study so that the researcher must not be one sided about the
result, we can arrive into a win win solution by this inconsistency by knowing the truth
that we can use related literature, to be exact two phase literature review the first phase
is a non-committal review of literature which is use so that the researcher understand
the nature of the study, and then the second phase integrative review of literature as the
word itself integrative the researcher integrate or incorporate the results of the study on
the existing relevant theories that is useful for his/her study.
2. Foresting Quality in Qualitative Research: A list of Practical Strategies.

Question: Develop a rubric that maybe used in checking Qualitative research paper (60 points)

The Researchers provides The Researchers state a The Researcher failed to
an outstanding clear path path and importance of provide a path and importance
and importance of the the study also shows of the study as well as keys in
study and also shows a some keys in the abstract the abstract and keywords
strong case in the abstract and keywords.
and keywords.
REVIEW The Researcher shows an The Researcher state few The Researcher did not provide
LITERATURE excellent appropriate appropriate contents, any appropriate contents,
content, clear structure structure review, structure review,also failed to
review literature, integrates different integrate different sources,
integrate different sources sources, present critical present critical analysis, used
present critical analysis, analysis, used quality quality sources and relevant
used quality sources and sources and relevant theoretical framework.
relevant theoretical theoretical framework
METHODOLOGY The Researcher shows The Researcher shows The Researcher did not show
excellent methodologies some methodologies that methodologies that is
that is appropriate and is appropriate and appropriate and relevant to
relevant to the qualitative relevant to the qualitative the qualitative research.
research. research.
RESULTS The Researcher present The Researcher present The Researcher did not present
their data logically and their data not so clearly, their data logically and clearly,
clearly, use adequate data use some adequate data did not use adequate data
interpretation, use direct interpretation, use few interpretation, as well as the
quotes to substantiate direct quotes to use direct quotes to
their result and then use substantiate their result substantiate their result and
meaning constructed and then use meaning then use meaning constructed
participants. constructed participants. participants.
DISCUSSION The researcher shows The researcher addresses The researcher did not address
expertise in addressing some research problem research problem and research
research problem and and research question, question, they also failed to
research question, link link their study to some link their study to existing
their study to existing existing knowledge they knowledge they did not also
knowledge they also focus also rarely focus on focus on theoretical
on theoretical theoretical contribution. contribution.
CONCLUSION The Researcher state an The Researcher state The Researcher did not state
outstanding major some major synthesis of any major synthesis of the
synthesis of the findings, the findings, provide few findings, they also did not
provide practical practical implications and provide practical implications
implications and further further research and further research
research opportunities. opportunities. opportunities.
3. The shifting future of qualitative research.

QUESTION: the article was written 7 years ago. Cite two trends that are still prevalent today. Why do
you think these trends prevailed? (20 points)


The first trend in Qualitative research that I think is still prevalent for today is “New research talent will
be increasingly tech Savvy” it is my first trend since as a researcher we use technology in order to make
our study more accurate so choosing the device that is appropriate to our research study is very
important that’s why we need to be tech savvy since we are now in a digital and technology era we must
use suitable technology that can help our study to be precise and exact.

The second trend in qualitative research that I also think that is still prevalent today is “Citizen Research
will Proliferate” because a lot of citizen now is much more curios in his/her environment in order to cure
that curiosity they may be conduct a study to answer their how’s and why’s. By that the way a citizen
research will be grow rapidly.

That why I think these two trends prevailed than others first, since we are now living in era where
technology is everywhere so we must embrace and use it into our study, second to cure our curiosity we
must conduct a study to answer our how’s and whys.

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