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Depar tment of Comp uter Science & Engin eering

School of Engin eering Sciences & Techn ology
New Delhi-110062

Even Semes ter Exam inatio n 2023

Cours e Name : Neura l Netwo rks and Deep Learn ing Paper Code: BTCS E-DED 33
Time: 3 Hours Maxim um Marks : 75
Follow proper numbe ring for answering the questions.

Q.No . Questions Marks co BL

Section A
All questions are compulsory.

1 What is soft compu ting? How it differs from hard compu ting?
Name 5 COl L2,
some soft compu ting techni ques

2 Find out accuracy, and Fl score for the following.

5 CO2 L2,
Actua l Right hand motion L3
► Left hand motio n
Right hand motion [roll_no] 2 trou_noJ
Left hand motion [roll_no] i 100 + [roll no]
3 What is the limitation of using thresholding activation functi on in 5
artificial neural netwo rk? Give the solution to it. COl L4,
4 Can we use a rnodel design ed for a specific problem to anothe r proble
m 5 CO2 L3,
of other domai n? What do we call this learning? Explain with examp
le. L4
5 Explai n the reason s why Recur rent models are more suitable for
Video 5 CO4 L4
Audio and Signal proces sing based classification problems. '

6 What is unsup ervise d learning? Differentiate between classif ication

and 5 CO2 Ll,
cluster ing with the 'help of suitable example.

7 Desig n Neura l Netwo rk using Perceptron Model to classify the

given 5 CO3 L3
datase t with suitab le weigh ts and bias.
Xl X2 Class
-2 -4/3 A
12/7 3 A
-3/2 2 B
2 -2 B
B.Tech CSE VI semester, BTCSE 33
Department of CSE, SEST

.\,1•,m'1 ,1~ in ~tru cted. Ques ti on 1 is compulsory . Qu estion 2 has an option, only one is to be answ ered .
Q;i. . Ll' I u~ ;i~sumc in M athemati cs class, a teacher used to teach calculating and preparin g tables of rea l numbers. For in stance, the teacher
illu,I, ,1t ,'~ tables of 2, 3, 4, and 5. Like, 2xl =2, 2x2 = 4 .... , and so on .... Sxl0=50
.1) 70ac her ;,sks w hat is th e valu e of Sxl2 =? in class while illustrating the above tables .
LJ ) 1ca cher gives students a problem finding out the table of 7 as an assignment.
c) In t he exa m, the teacher asks st udents to find out tables of 9 and 10.
d) In addition, th e teacher announces that if anyone can extend the table for 13, shall be rewarded a bonus mark, and may be promote
if she/he fails.
c on~1dering th e above case and sce nario, answ er th e following qu estions . Give your opinion on it and state whether the statem ent is tru
or l,1l ~e with valid reas ons for all th e statements as follows.
1) The tea cher is using un supervised learning as he has not discussed the table above than 5, but asking for it like 9 and 10.
11) Th e teacher is using reinforcement learning as she is going to reward, hence their approach cannot be supervised or unsupervi s
but only rein fo rcement.
Ill) The above statement is not about learning mechanisms but rather evaluation measures. All the above discussion is about traini
testing, and validation. a) statement is an example of validation, b) and c) are examples of testing, and d) an example of tra ini nE
enhan ceme nt .
IV) By con sidering sce narios a) - d), give an aggregate observation from your own .

Q2 . Co nsid ering t he fo llowin g dataset.Find out the weight after 3 iterations. Assuming initial weights as Wo=2.4, w i=3.2,
W i=4, a=0.1, F(x) = LT=oWiXi [considering the same criteria and explanations as discussed in the class]

I :u
OR, _
. . .
I~ 1
Q2 - X - [0 .01, 0.002, 0.009, 0.01, 0.008). Which actIvat1on function can be used for the given data in put? Justi fy with explanations.
B.Tech CSE VI semester, BTCSE 33
Department of CSE, SEST
Answer only one question .
Ql. Consider the following confusion matrix. Here '<p' is your Enrollment/Roll no .

Predicted Values
Imaginary Task Left-hand Right-hand Word Generation
movement Movement
-::::iro Left-hand <p <p +10 50
->ro Movement
u Right-hand 100 1000 <p
Word Generation <p +50 2*<p 1109

Find out the following -

a) Accuracy b) TP c) FP d) FN e) TN f) ,,'~71,-
~1z..1.. j) /2..rl-ui..i(.
Q2. RNN and SVM both are used for classification. Consider real life example and illustrate where to use former and where to use
later. Explain with complete mathematical formulation, diagram and equations considering well established dataset example.

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