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1. a. Identify what style of language used in the conversation and explain your answer !
Answer : Style of language used in the conversation is an formal language. It is because
it's a conversation between Agent Travel and a client

b. Identify the topic of the conversation!

Answer : .The topic of the conversation is about Philippa contact Travel Agent for the
Discover England trip

2. magine it is a picture of your office. Write a descriptive paragraph about the place in 100-
200 words.Use these points as your guidelines when writing.
-location of the office
-interesting features of the office
-what you feel about the office
Answer :
This is the view at my workplace the room whats make me comfortable. Being in the
middle of the city makes it really stand out among other buildings. Decoration that looks
minimalist but still looks luxurious, there are additional plants in the room which make
the atmosphere in the room feel more lively and fresh. White lamps give a modern
impression but still have classic elements with the addition of the appearance of wooden
walls in the corner of the room. If you look deeper, there are many office facilities such
as comfortable chairs, bright rooms, and appropriate desks for doing work, making you
feel at home for a long time while working. Apart from that, the company also provides
consumption facilities such as office snacks and coffee to keep you awake while working.
With all the facilities and very comfortable office conditions, I am happy and happy
working here.

3. a. Who is the sender of the memo?

Answer : John Smith, Manager, HR Department
b. To whom the memo is addressed?
Answer : To All Staff of Marketing Departement
c. What is the memo about?
Answer : Welcoming Marie Jacob, in the Marketing Department to research consumer
behavior and exploring market trends
4. Write an email asking for information in 50-100 words based on the situation above that
-pembuka / introduction / opening
-isi / content / body email
-penutup / closing / sign off
Answer :
Dear Sir/Madam
Good afternoon, Matardam Music Course
Let me introduce myself, Muhammad Tamyiz Ardianto. I am interested in joining the
Matardam Music Course.
Because I saw that the advertisements on the website looked very interesting. I want to
get information about the duration and schedule of the course sessions, so that I can
rearrange other schedules and take part in the Matardam Music Course.
That's the email I sent, I really hope there will be a reply to your email, thank you

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