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Grade 10 Unit 2

Open-ended questions:

1. Match the words with their definitions.

1. revenge
2. start
3. support or defend
4. set free
a: The Azerbaijani launched counter-attack operations.
b: Heavy fighting broke out along the border.
c: The victorious Azerbaijani army liberated Shusha.
d: A number of brave sons stood up for the freedom of the motherland.

2. Fill in the gaps with the right phrasal verbs.

1 break off 2 break out
3 break up 4 break into
a: He suddenly …… in the middle of his speech
b: Police caught him trying to …… the safe
c: The company …. and sold off everything
d: He ……. shouting

3. Match the words with the right options.

1 territorial a determination
2 self b avenue
3 initial c integrity
4 martyrs’ d impression

4. Find the relevant meaning of the word “stain”.

1. Our brave martyrs and veterans removed that 30 years’ stain from our name
2. They stained the floors dark brown
3. I hope it doesn’t stain the rag
a: damage the opinion that people have of something
b: to change the colour
c: leave the mark

5. Math the halves.

1. break a relations
2. long for b passion
3. air c military exercises
4. cause –effect d homeland
5. come for e ceasefires
6. support f forces
6. Put the words in the correct space; “deny, resettle, clarify, define”.
1.It can be hard to clearly …….. abstract ideas such as love or friendship
2. He needs some time to …… his thoughts because he is confused
3. The White House was swift to …… rumours
4. Our government’s most prominent role was to …… thousands of displaced war victims and

7. Find the different usages of “passion” in sentences.

1. She flies into a passion when someone mentions his name.
2. His passion for her made him blind to his sins and lies.
3. I admire the passion for his work.
4. He quit his previous job to pursue her lifelong passion for music.
a: enthusiasm
b: a very strong feeling of liking smth; hobby etc.
c: rage
d: feeling of love

8. Put the prepositions in the correct places; “in, back, down, around”.
1. She poured the soup into the plates and handed them …. us
2. She was handed …. that necklace by her mother
3. Martin handed Ruth the book …. After he looked at it
4. I handed my passports …. to a customs officer.

9. Choose the right option.

1. During the war of liberation/occupation he served as a volunteer
2 His hilarious /initial years were full of ambitions
3 He claimed/overcame that his boss had demanded a bribe.
4 Shusha is often considered the cradle/supplement of Azerbaijan’s music and culture

10. Put the words in the correct places; “supply, supplement, overcome, come over”.
1 He ...... as very knowledgeable.
2 He struggled to ...... his shyness.
3 Water is in short ..... in many countries.
4 He took regular ...... and exercised every day.
1) 1 A 2 B 3 D 4 C
2) 1 A 2 D 3 C 4 B
3) 1 C 2 A 3 D 4 B
4) 1 A 2 B 3 C
5) 1 E 2 D 3 F 4 A 5 C 6 B
6) 1 define 2 clarify 3 deny 4 resettle
7) 1 C 2 D 3 A 4 B
8) 1 around 2 down 3 back 4 in
9) 1 liberation 2 initial 3 claimed 4 cradle
10) 1 come over 2 overcome 3 supply 4 supplement

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