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9. 6. 5. 4 3.

Transmission a)
How Disease
Sexual () (a) Excremental Carriage lo Sterilization
The WaterShallow (a) Clarification Sanitation
() (a)Which Health ( la) and The May (cbe ) (a) otherBlood () (a) Skin (c) la) and TheSyringe Anti-septic
(0) Lotionla) One
o that
Sharing does Insect move of
science May Respiratory OrgansNeroous 90-100, of 72, average article
of the equipment donation a100-140, of
insects th e not human
HIV Borne of type communitywhich 100-140, childrenpulse not
needles germs following be System
is of has HYGIENE
required AND
used body 90-100 rate
& related from latrine seeks no Organs is
syringes as for risk is of
method a to an an for
tosick a is whole
preserve collecting
used of example adult dressing
person getting
for is is
not is
temporary called and blood HIV of
Transfusion lnfection
(d)Blood(b) Infection
(d) (b) Removal
System ) Deep
to (dTrench (b)
Precipitation (Coling used
d) (bSanitization (d) True
(d) False (b) Digestive
Organs (a)
of, (d) (b)Cotton/Gauze piece( a) (b)
) Hygiene(b) improve minute.
All healthy as infection
are 72,
100-140, Bandages
the a safe. 90-100,
camps. method the is
above person 90-100, that Masterminds The
health because of
100-140 diferent
of of
through purification 72 infant
of the
the sizes
needle is
blood individual
of and
18. 17. 16, 15. 14. 13. 12. 11. 10.

Malaria Dengue
(c) (a) Which StaffCadets
(a) themselves
(c) (a) of. the minutes 30
minutes (20
(c) cooling
a) and How Warm (c) water
The water Cold(a) Is
(c) (a)Which Which (c) Cookhouse Maintaining filtration? (c) (a) Open(Trough
cUrinal Masterminds
) (a) Personal
Hygiene Hygiene (a)
(c) Exercise The
Disposal Hands AnyLiquid it
long recommended
5ft ft6 better
of handwashing
form deep deep
the the comes
of soap untreated to ty pe
cooks following of the and and
wastefollowing and wash
soap of under
hygiene 64.5
food and water ft your urinalscan
method water wide dimension ft
is disease
water wide the
a and hands
examinedpersonal should
kills sanitation be
is of with
caused the be cook easily
hygiene cold category.
(d ) most boiled,
(d) (b) Filariasis(b) Sanitizer (a) Hand(b) CQMH
(d) (b) minutes (d60
) (b45) (d) (b) house waterHot(d) (6) Funnel Urinal
standard constructed
(d) (b) Community Health
(d) (b)
Al l due or
vision Anti Bar gernms? All
to ft 4 4 Does warm None
measure? the to ft
soap of make deep deep
malaria above mosquito? carried
being these not
and of or of
of a and and for the
akage it pit
matter hot
precaution water cook potable use above
4 6 in
ft ft water?
house wide wide camps in
pt by temporary
during is
camp camps.
Inside (d) Lacerated (o)
Contusion (b) Puncture (a)
Wound. calledinstrumentis blunt caused by wound A
shopping Grocery (d) shop barber Visitinag 27,
dinner family Attendinga (b) crowd the outside
in Being a)
virus? corona risk
of the toyouexpose likely
to most activity is Which
Capillaries ld) 26.
Fibres c)
Nerves (b) cells Blood a)
called are Veins Arteries
and small connect which vessels Tiny 25.
Clarifcation (d) Precipitation blood (c)
Pinking (b) Sterilization (a)
used? Alumpurification
is water method of which In 24.
these of
All (a) strength muscle goodMaintain (c)
teeth and mouth cleanMaintain (b) body human Structure of (a)
inHygiene Personal 23.
Distillation (d) Pinking (o)
Clarifcation (b) Sterilization (a)
called powder
isBleaching or
gas using by
of 2.
Serving (d) Distribution (c)
Eating (b) Cooking (a)
to fromobserved betocontamination
has food of Prevention
of 21.
these ofAll (d) individual individual
to Varies (c)
all equal
to Is (b) individual's
age with Varies (a)
requires one sleep
of The day. hoursa &
toabout7 slrequirement
eep of average The 20.
these of All (a)
hOuse the
cook establishing platform
for Raised (c)
cooks check-up
of medical Regular (b)
displayed be Cookhouse
tohas for Board Notice la)
mind? inkept be
tothings following the whicof
h house, cook camp
establishmentof During 19.
terminds. The
28. Oxygen and nourishment is carriedIto all parts of fthe body by.
(a) Water (b) Blood
(c) Veins (d) Nerves
29. Silvery wire-like fibres which are connected with the brain are
(a) Capillaries (b) Veins
(c) Arteries (d) Nerves
30. Holger-Nielson Method is atype of. performed on avictim.
(a) Wound bandaging (b) Shock treatment
() Artifcial Respiration (a) Backache relief
31. The large ducts that bring
into de-oxygenated blood from various parts of the
the heart are called the body
a) Atrium
(b) Ventricle
(c) Aorta
32. (d) Vena Cava
-yogaposture helps in maintaining good
(a) Vajrasana health of the Spinal Cord.
(c) Padmasana (b) Trikonasana
The two organs of (d) Shavaasana
(a) Brain Nervous system are and Nerves.
(c) Heart (b) Lungs
34. (d) Neck
Surya Namaskar is a
(a) 8
(o) 12
combination of. yoga postures.
(b) 10
(d) 16
Answers to2 the section
1 C
8 C A 3 B 'Health4 and Hygiene'
9 D D 5 B 6 B 7A
15 D 10 C
16 C 11 D 12 B 13 A 14 C
22 A 17 D
23 D 18 B 19 D 21 B
29 D 24 C 20 A
30 C 31 D
25 D 26 A 27 C 28 B
32 B 33 A 34 C


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