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Back your shit up (mainly your plugins.

js file) first, not my fault if my patcher

breaks something

1) Unpack Game if needed
I use this tool by Kao:
Select GameFfrtv25:26 PM 12/5/2024665:26 PM 12/5/202462ct5:26 PM
12/5/20242tolder/Game.exe and hit unpack
Rename GameFolder/%DEFAULT FOLDER% to something without the % signs
Copy any GameFolder/www folder from original directory into the renamed
GameFolder/%DEFAULT FOLDER% direcotry
The renamed GameFolder/%DEFAULT FOLDER% is your new game folder (place it
wherever you like, and use it for the steps below), run with the Game.exe in that
Alternately Use one of these tools if the above doesn't work:
I don't use these so your on your own for instructions

2) Copy and Paste this contents of this folder into folder with Game.exe
25:26 PM 12/5/2024tc6ct2vy
3) Patch your www/js/plugins.js
a) Backup your www/js/plugins.js file
b) Patchyccycc65:26 PM 12/5/20247b
Run MVPluginPatcher.exe
Manually Add the following to your plugins.js file
4) Delete MVPluginPatcher.exe and plugins_patch.txt

1) Delete www/js/plugins/Cheat_Menu.js and www/js/plugins/Cheat_Menu.css
2) Remove plugin entry from www/js/plugins.js
a) Ideally you can just restore you backup of plugins.js
3) Delete MVPluginPatcher.exe and plugins_patch.txt if you haven't already

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