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A. To give students ample time to prepare for the examinations, teachers must announce one
week before the exams the following:
B. How exams will be administered
C. Tools and/or platforms to be used (Ex. Use of Google Form / email)
D. Schedule of test administration or deadline of submission
E. Students are also reminded to settle their amounts due for Module enrolled in order to secure
an exam permit for the Comprehensive Examination. Program Head, Professors and Proctors will be
provided by Finance with the list of students cleared to take the exam.

Guidelines For Distribution and Submission of Comprehensive Exams

1. Comprehensive exams will be administered through the use of Downloadable PDF Exam
through email. The assigned PROCTOR will send this your respective emails.
2. If the student is unable to access the exams through Downloadable PDF Exam through
Email, becomes ill on the day of the exam, or has to attend to an emergency, the PROCTOR
will inform the PROGRAM HEAD to reschedule the test for the student. ( 20 points
deduction is given for every subject )
3. Exam Requirements:
Smartphone or laptop or desktop computer
Stable internet access for the duration of the exam
Access to email account
Pen and paper/notebook
4. The comprehensive examination is good for 8 hours. ( 2 hours for each subject ). The
counting of time will start on the time you received the PDF Exam file.
5. Guidelines For Online Submission
a. submit your answers in one folder in a pdf format with your NAME on it because some
are using aliases in their email addresses and email back to the proctor.
b. A deduction of 5 points for late submission.

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