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This contract of lease, made and entered into this _____ day of November 2023 at Cebu City,
Philippines by:

, of legal age, Filipino citizen, and with postal address at , Cebu, Philippines,
hereinafter called the “LESSOR”;


, of legal age, Filipino citizen, and with postal address at , Cebu City, hereinafter called the


The LESSOR hereby leases to the LESSEE and the latter hereby accepts in lease from the former, the
residential condominium Unit No. located on the of a condominium project known as “ “
situated in ____________, Cebu City and more particularly described as a Studio Unit. The unit is
provided with utensils, appliances and furniture specifically identified in “Annex B” which is hereto
attached and made an integral part hereof.

Parking space is not included in this lease.

Period and Rental: The period of this lease is for twelve (12) months or one (1) year, commencing ,
subject to extension upon express agreement of the parties, during which period the LESSEE agrees to
pay to the LESSOR a monthly rental of PESOS: (Php ,000.00) inclusive of condominium dues and
exclusive of 5% withholding tax (which is to be borne by the account of the LESSEE). Said rental shall be
due and payable, without need of any notice or demand pursuant to the Schedule of Payments, which is
hereto attached and made an integral part hereof as Annex “A”.

Use and Purpose: The LESSEE hereby expressly agrees and warrants that the Leased Premises shall be
used by him exclusively for residential purposes and shall maintain the premises at his own expense in a
clean and sanitary condition, free from odors, noise, or any condition detrimental and obnoxious to the
neighborhood. The LESSEE is hereby prohibited to use said premises for any other purpose or purposes
such as in any case hold classes, or seminars or use the premises as boarding house, office, factory or
warehouse. It shall be the LESSEE’S responsibility to repair any leaks, damages, or defects resulting from
the normal wear and tear of the condominium unit.

Occupants: Guest(s) staying over 15 days without the written consent of LESSEE shall be considered a
breach of this agreement. ONLY the following individuals AND NO OTHERS shall occupy the subject
residence for more than 15 days unless the expressed written consent of LESSOR obtained in advance.

Rights of lessee non-transferable: The LESSEE shall not directly or indirectly sublease, assign, or transfer
his right of lease over the leased premises or any portion thereof under any circumstance whatsoever,
and any such contract made in violation of this clause shall be null and void.
Advance Rental: The LESSEE agrees to pay in cash an advance rental for twelve (12) months in the
amount of PESOS: THOUSAND PESOS (Php 0,000.00), receipt of which is hereby acknowledged
by the LESSOR, which check payment is dated on .

Security Deposit: The LESSEE shall maintain a deposit with the LESSOR equivalent to two (2) month’s
rent, as security deposit for the LESSEE’s full and faithful performance of each and every term, provision,
covenant, and condition of the lease except, the said deposit shall not constitute payment of any rental
due. The LESSOR hereby acknowledged receipt of the amount of PESOS: PESOS (Php 0.00) from the
LESSEE under this Contract except at the instance of the LESSOR or with the LESSOR’s consent in writing.
Said amount representing the security deposit shall be given during the signing of the lease contract.
Should the LESSEE fully and faithfully perform every provision of this lease, the security deposit or any
remaining balance thereof shall be refunded without interest to the LESSEE not later than sixty (60) days
from the expiration of the lease term, upon LESSEE’S satisfaction of all monetary obligations of the
LESSEE under this Contract.

The cancellation of the Contract by failure of the LESSEE to occupy the Leased Premises and/or fulfill the
terms and conditions of the Contract, for any reason whatsoever, shall cause the immediate forfeiture
of the Security Deposit, by way of damages, in favor of the LESSOR, without prejudice to the LESSEE’s
liability for the payment of all utilities and other expenses incurred by the LESSEE in connection with this
occupancy of the leased premises.

Pre-termination Penalty: Lessor shall be entitled to collect penalty resulting from the pre-termination of
lease equivalent to two months rental payment and forfeiture of security deposit.

It is further agreed that upon pre-termination of the lease, all utility bills shall be settled immediately by
the LESSEE under the terms and conditions agreed upon under this Contract.

The LESSOR shall have the right to pre-terminate this Contract for violation by the LESSEE of any of its
obligations, warranties and representations in this contract.

Condition of Premises: LESSEE acknowledges that he has examined the premises and that said premises,
all furnishings, fixtures, furniture, plumbing, heating, electrical facilities, all items listed on the attached
property condition checklist, if any, and/or all other items provided by LESSOR are all clean, and in good
satisfactory condition except as may be indicated elsewhere in this Agreement. LESSEE agrees to keep
the premises and all items in good order and good condition and to immediately pay for costs to repair
and/or replace any portion of the above damaged by LESSEE, his guests and/or invitees, except as
provided by law. At the termination of this Agreement, all of above items in this provision shall be
returned to LESSOR in clean and good condition except for reasonable wear and tear and the premises
shall be free of all personal property and trash not belonging to LESSOR. It is agreed that all dirt, holes,
tears, burns, and stains of any size or amount in the carpets, drapes, walls, fixtures, and/or any other
part of the premises, do not constitute reasonable wear and tear. The LESSEE shall conduct a general
cleaning of the unit at least once a month.
Repairs and Improvements: The LESSEE hereby expressly acknowledges that the leased premises are in
good tenantable condition and agrees to keep the same in such good and tenantable condition during
the entire period of the lease. Any provision of law, existing or enacted thereafter, or any stipulation in
this contract to the contrary notwithstanding, the LESSEE hereby agrees and binds himself to undertake
at his exclusive expense all repairs necessary or otherwise, such as may be required to maintain the
same in such condition, ordinary wear or tear excluded. It is expressly agreed and understood, however,
that the LESSEE shall not commence or proceed with any such repair work nor in any case introduce
improvements or make any alterations in the leased premises without prior written consent of the
LESSOR: Provided, however, that all improvements or alterations of whatever nature such as may be
made therein shall form an integral part of the leased premises and shall not be removed there from but
shall belong to and become the exclusive property of the LESSOR upon termination of the lease, without
need for reimbursement for the costs thereof.

Water, electricity, telephone, cable, condominium monthly dues, etc.: Charges for water consumption,
electricity, telephone lines, Sky Cable dues and other utility services in the leased premises, as well as for
the repairs in the utility system shall be for the exclusive account of the LESSEE except for the
condominium monthly dues which is to be shouldered by the LESSOR. LESSEE shall provide LESSOR a
photocopy of the OFFICIAL RECEIPT monthly, as proof of updated payments of billings by the LESSEE.

Changes in existing installations: The LESSEE shall not make any major or permanent alterations or
changes in the electric or plumbing installations or in any other improvements installed within the
leased premises, without prior written consent of the LESSOR and if there will be approved
improvements on the leased premises, it is understood that all permanent improvements made by the
LESSEE shall at the termination of the lease hereof, accrue to the benefit of the LESSOR without any
refund or compensation from the LESSOR to the LESSEE.

Default of LESSEE: If the rentals herein stipulated shall be in arrears or unpaid for at least two (2)
consecutive months, or if the LESSEE shall at anytime fail or neglect to perform or comply with any of
the covenants, conditions, agreements or restrictions stipulated, or if the LESSEE shall become insolvent,
then in any of such above cases, this Contract shall become automatically terminated and cancelled and
the LESSEE shall vacate the leased premises peacefully to give way for the LESSOR to take over the
possession thereof, in which event it shall be lawful for the latter or any of her duly authorized
representatives to enter into and upon the leased premises as through the term of the lease contract
has expired, without prejudice on the part of said LESSOR’S to exercise any or all rights arising from the
Contract to Lease and those granted by law;

Lease Renewal: Any renewal or extension of this contract must be expressly agreed upon by the parties
hereto in writing and under no circumstances can such renewal or extension be considered as having
been made impliedly. For this purpose, the LESSEE may exercise its option to renew the lease by
notifying the LESSOR in writing, of his intent to renew or extend the Contract at least sixty (60) calendar
days prior to the expiration of the lease period, or any extension or renewal thereof; provided however,
that the adjusted rental rate, security deposit and any other financial charges under the contract, as
renewed, shall be in such amount as may be actually agreed upon between the parties. It is hereby
agreed and understood that the failure by the LESSOR and the LESSEE to reach an agreement on the
new rental rate, security deposit any other financial charges at the end of the term of the lease shall
immediately cause this Contract to be of no further force and effect. This lease shall not be deemed
extended or renewed beyond the Lease Period for any cause or reason whatsoever, and, unless the
parties have agreed in writing to extend or renew or to enter into a new contract of lease upon such
terms and conditions acceptable to them. The possession of the Premises by the Lessee or any persons
claiming rights through the Lease after the expiration of the term thereof shall be illegal.

Sufficiency of notice to vacate: Deposit in the leased premises of a notice to vacate shall constitute due
and sufficient notice to the LESSEE. Upon termination of this lease whether by expiration of term or
earlier as hereinabove provided, the LESSEE hereby expressly authorizes in advance the LESSOR to enter
upon the leased premises, remove all personal property that may be found therein, and deposit the
same in a bodega, and the LESSEE further agrees to pay all costs and charges for the transfer and
storage thereof.

Lessor’s Right of Entry: The LESSOR or its authorized agent shall after giving due notice to the LESSEE
shall have the right to enter the premises in the presence of the LESSEE or its representative at any
reasonable hour to examine the same or make repairs therein or for the operation and maintenance of
the building or to exhibit the leased premises to prospective LESSEE, or for any other lawful purposes
which it may deem necessary.

Judicial Relief: Should any one of the parties herein be compelled to seek judicial relief against the
other, the losing party shall pay an amount of One Hundred (100) % of the amount claimed in the
complaint as attorney's fees which shall in no case be less than P50,000.00 pesos in addition to other
cost and damages which the said party may be entitled to under the law.

Taxes and Fees : Real Estate taxes and fees due on the leased unit shall be for LESSOR’s account.

Insurance: LESSEE acknowledges that LESSOR insurance does not cover personal property damage
caused by fire, theft, rain, war, acts of God, acts of others, and /or any other causes, nor shall LESSOR be
held liable for such losses. LESSEE is hereby advised to obtain his own insurance policy to cover any
personal losses.

House Rules: The LESSEE shall comply with all house rules as stated in the Calyx Centre Resident’s
Manual, which are deemed part of this rental agreement, and a violation of any of the house rules is
considered a breach of this agreement.

Previous agreements superseded: This Contract of Lease supersedes and renders void any and all
agreements and understanding, oral and/or written, previously entered into by the parties covering the
leased premises. This contract may not hereinafter be modified or altered except by another instrument
in writing duly signed by the parties hereto.
Separability Clause: If any provision under this contract be declared invalid, illegal or unenforceable in
any respect by a court of competent jurusdiction, the validity, legality or enforceability of the remaining
provisions shall not in any manner be affected or impaired.

Complete Agreement : This contract constitutes and embodies the entire and complete agreement
between the parties herein superseding any prior understanding and/or agreement among the parties,
and no other terms and conditions, verbal or otherwise, not expressly included or contained above shall
subsequently serve to affect, change, modify or in any manner alter the provisions agreed upon, unless
the same is stipulated in writing, signed by both parties, and duly notarized.

Passport ID: Passport ID:


________________________ _________________________
Witness Witness



BEFORE ME, Notary Public for and in Cebu City this _____ day of ______ personally appeared:

Name ID Presented/ ID No. Date/Place of issue

Known to me and to me known to be the same persons who executed the foregoing Contract of Lease
and acknowledged to me that the same is their true and voluntary act and deed and of the party
represented hereby.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand on the date and at the place above written.

Doc. No. ____

Page No.____

Book No.____

Series of 2023.



Security Deposit

Advance Rental

In such event a default will be made in any of the foregoing due dates, it is deemed understood that the
parties shall make reference on the provisions indicated in this Contract.


26. RUGS

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