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The Measurement of Thermophysical Properties of

Molten Slags and Fluxes

Peter N. Quested and Brian J. Monaghan

Centre for Materials Measurement and Technology, National Physical Laboratory,

Teddington, Middlesex, TW11 OLW, UK.

(Received January 16, 2001)

ABSTRACT substantial opportunities for further method

development including standardisation and under-
Methods for measuring the thermal diffusivity, standing the physical processes of heat transfer in these
thermal conductivity, density and viscosity of molten materials.
slags and fluxes have been critically reviewed.
The most common method for determining the
viscosity of slags is the concentric cylinder method and
in particular the rotating bob variant. There is now a 1. INTRODUCTION.
well established reference material suitable for high
temperatures and two standards for the most common Mathematical modeling is being increasingly used
materials investigated i.e. glass and mould powders. For by industry for process and product control and product
low viscosities (of the order of 5mPa.s) the oscillating innovation. The driving force for such modeling is
vessel method is suitable. The oscillating plate method improved productivity through lower energy costs,
has been investigated extensively for the measurement lower scrap losses, improved product quality, and
of mould fluxes by Japanese workers. A major problem product consistency. The success of such models is
is the containment of the slags to prevent unwanted highly dependent on the thermo-physical property data
reactions and the choice of materials used by a selection used in the simulation calculations. There are little data
of workers is reviewed. available for these models and the data that are available
Fewer density than viscosity measurements have are often of questionable quality. This lack of data is an
been made. The most popular methods of determining impediment to realising fully the potential benefits of
densities are the maximum bubble pressure (also process modelling.
suitable for determining surface tension); Archimedean The principal reasons for the paucity of thermo-
and sessile drop methods. There is no corresponding physical data for molten slags and fluxes are
infra structure for density measurements of slags as for 1) Liquid slags and fluxes are often extremely reactive.
their viscosities. This creates problems experimentally as con-
For the thermal diffusivity/conductivity, the most tainment materials and gas atmosphere have to be
common methods are the laser flash and the transient tailored to suit the slag system.
hot wire techniques. The treatment of the experimental 2) Slag and flux measurements are invariably high
results is complicated, such as including the effects of temperature measurements. Most traditional thermal
radiation for translucent materials. It is clear, if the property measurement techniques were designed for
information is industrially important, there are ambient or near ambient temperatures. Modifying

Vol. 20. Nos. 3-4, 2001 The Measurement ofThermophysical Properties of Molten Slags and Fluxes

these methods for high temperature measurements 1) Steady state techniques such as linear heat flow and
increases the uncertainty in the measurement. radial heat flow methods.
This paper outlines the measurement techniques 2 ) Non-steady state techniques such as radial w a v e and
currently being used to measure s o m e o f the more modulated beam technique.
important thermo-physical properties o f molten slags 3 ) Transient methods such as laser flash and line source
and fluxes. These include thermal conductivity/ methods both outlined below.
diffusivity; density and viscosity. It is expected that T h e most important thermal property measurement
surface tension and interfacial tension will be reviewed techniques with respect to molten slags and fluxes are
by others during this c o n f e r e n c e . For more information the laser flash and the line source methods. It is these
about interfacial and surface tension the reader is methods that are detailed below. For steady state
referred to references /1 - 3 / . methods such as the linear heat flow method or the
radial (axial) heat flow techniques see Carslaw and
J a e g e r /5/ and for non-steady modulated techniques
2. MEASUREMENT METHODS refer to the Mills review 161.
There are little data available for the thermal
2.1 Thermal Conductivity/Thermal Diffusivity.
properties o f molten slags and fluxes /4/ much o f which
Thermal conductivity m e c h a n i s m s /4/ in slags are is contained in the S l a g Atlas data compendium /4/
generally accepted to be o f three types: published in 1 9 9 5 . M o s t o f the thermal property data
1) Lattice; thermal or phonon thermal conductivity ( λ ^ published since this compendium have been measured
where the heat is transferred through the phonons or using the laser pulse technique / 7 - 1 4 / . In the laser flash
the lattice vibration. The higher the crystalline technique it is thermal diffusivity that is measured.
perfection of the slag the higher the thermal Thermal diffusivity is related to thermal conductivity by
conductivity o f the slag. the following equation
2 ) Radiation or photon conduction ( λ κ ) . Slags can be
semi-transparent and it is experimentally observed λ
a =»
that the thermal conductivity o f these types of Cp.p
material increases to a limiting value with increasing
thickness, of the specimen at which point the where:
specimen is referred to as optically thick. Empiric- a is the thermal diffusivity ( m 2 s" 1 )
ally it is considered that this condition holds when λ is the thermal conductivity ( W m ' K " 1 )
the product o f the absorption coefficient and the Cp is the specific heat capacity (J k g " ' K " ' )
thickness o f the sample e x c e e d s 3.5. T h e mechanism ρ is the density (kg m" 3 ).
involves absorption and emittance o f radiant energy
by the sections through the specimen.
3 ) Electronic conduction ( λ ^ ) is thought to occur when O f the data published since the c o m p e n d i u m , most
there are high concentrations o f F e 2+ present. On the were measured by workers in Japan / 7 - 1 0 / . M u c h o f this
basis o f electrical resistivity it is concluded that work has been focused on measuring the thermal
electronic conduction only occurs when there is diffusivity of mould fluxes employed in the steel
significant F e O content o f the order o f 7 0 % or industry.
above. There is much uncertainty associated with the
T h e effective thermal conductivity is expressed as thermal property data available f o r slags. T h e scatter is
often so large that only order o f magnitude values can
λ eff = λ ι. + λ r + λ e| b e assumed. In addition to the general containment
problems that dealing with molten slags and fluxes
There are three classes o f technique which can be bring, reliable thermal property data are difficult to
used to measure the thermal conductivity: obtain because

Peter Ν. Quested and Brian J. Monaghan High Temperature Materials and Processes

1) the heat transfer in slags and fluxes is complex, 2.1.1 Thermal Diffusivity by Laser Flash.
involving phonon (thermal diffusion) and photon A typical laser flash thermal diffusivity
(radiation) conduction. It is difficult separate the measurement involves heating the front face of a disc-
radiation component of heat conduction from the shaped sample using a high intensity laser and
thermal diffusivity measurements. monitoring the temperature rise on the back face /20/. A
2) at the high temperatures encountered when dealing schematic of a laser flash technique is given in Figure 1
with liquid slags and fluxes, it is difficult to obtain /ll/. From the temperature transient the thermal
the thermal stability in order to avoid convective diffusivity can be calculated /20-24/. For liquid slag or
(mass) flow in a sample. This can lead to apparently flux measurements the sample is usually held
high measured thermal diffusivities. (sandwiched) in a platinum cell. The effect of this cell
In order to overcome some of the containment on the temperature transient must be accounted for. The
problems experienced when dealing with molten slags sandwich (platinum-sample-platinum) thermal diffu-
and fluxes researches are being undertaken into minimal sivity measurement is treated as three layer system Π-
contact photo-thermal techniques such as photo-acoustic 11,25/. The unknown thermal diffusivity of the sample
/15/; photo-deflection /16/; mirage effect /17/ and can be determined if the thermal properties (thermal
radiometry /18/, as well as Rayleigh Scattering /19/ type diffusivity, heat capacity and density) of the cell are
measurements. At present these techniques still require known.
some development before confidence in the data This technique is similar to the method referred to as
generated from them is secured. the stepwise heating technique (SHT) in the literature

Fig. 1: A schematic of a laser flash apparatus for measuring thermal diffusivity

Vol. 20, Nos. 3-4, 2001 The Measurement ofThermophysical Properties of Molten Slags and Fluxes

C lt rent
126,211, the main differences being that the heat source termination
1mm d a
in the SHT is often electrical, not laser, and the
Platinum/10% Rhodium
temperature response to the heat pulse is not necessarily v*re
made on the face of the sample.
The principal advantages are: 10mm d a
alumina support
1) The transient measurement times are short ~1 s. The
short transient times minimise effects of convection
0.125mm (fa
on the heat transfer measurement and enable thermal Platinum/10% Rhodium
diffusivity measurements to be carried out over large WB
temperature ranges in a day. 300 mm crimp joint
2) There is minimal contact of the material, reducing
the risk of contamination of the sample by the 0.125mm dia
apparatus. Platinum 0% Rhkfum

1) The samples are small and may not be representative crimp Joint

of the bulk material.

2) Due to the small sample size, bubble formation in
the sample will cause large errors in the
Fig. 2: A schematic of the NPL line source method for
measuring thermal conductivity.

2.1.2 Line Source Method.

In the line source technique, a current is pulsed
through a wire /28/. The temperature response (ΔΤ) of
the wire to the pulse is monitored. This magnitude of wire method. The plane source technique /30,31/ is
this temperature response is inversely proportional to essentially the same as the line source, where the
the immersion medium (sample) of the wire. The metallic wire is replaced by a strip. The wire can be
thermal conductivity of the immersion medium can be shielded /32/ or coated /33/ to protect it from electrical
calculated from the following equation, leakage to the immersion liquid (sample).
The principal advantages:
4at 1) The measurement times are short ~1 s. The short
AT = transient times minimise effects of convection on the
4πλ rfexpy
heat transfer measurement and enable thermal
conductivity measurements to be carried out over
where q is the heat input per unit length of wire, r is the large temperature ranges in a day.
radius of the wire, a is the thermal diffusivity of the 2) The onset of convection in the measurement can be
liquid, Euler's constant and / is time. A schematic of a identified and its effects excluded.
line source method is given in Figure 2 /29/. Disadvantages'.
This equation only applies when (r 2 /4at) « 1. The 1) The measurement wire is not robust and may break
thermal conductivity is obtained from the reciprocal of when inserted in the liquid.
the slope of a plot of ΔΤ as a function of In time. The 2) Measurements on low thermal conductivity
onset of convection is observed as a departure from materials, such as slags, are sensitive to electrode
linearity of the ΔΤ versus In time plot. The temperature end effect errors which are a result of a distortion of
of the wire may be obtained directly from a knowledge the heat pulse in the immersion medium due to heat
of its resistivity-temperature characteristics or measured losses through the connecting electrodes.
using a thermocouple /29/. 3) It is an immersion method and the wire may
This method is also referred to as the transient hot contaminate or be contaminated by the sample.

Peter Ν. Quested and Brian J. Monaghan High Temperature Materials and Processes

2.2 Density. balance on lilt

Although density is an important parameter for the
modelling of slag behaviour and required in the
measurement of viscosity by some techniques e.g.
oscillating plate, there is less available data than for
viscosity. This is partly because it is thought that
densities can be modelled more easily than viscosity.
The models for calculating density are reviewed
elsewhere /34,36/. In general an additive model is most
widely used, adopted for its relative simplicity. Some
workers have modified this model /35/ to allow for
structural changes in the slag. Tokuda et al. /49/
employed an excess volume on mixing with an
pushrod wfth
interaction parameter for determining densities of slags heat shields
used in viscosity measurements .
The density of slags can be measured with a widi turntable
variety of techniques /36/ including weighing methods
(pycnometry); buoyancy or displacement methods
including the Archimedean method; dilatometry;
retracted p u s h r o d
pressure methods both manometer and maximum
bubble pressure; droplet methods and suspension Fig. 3: A schematic of an hydrostatic probe for
methods. measuring density.
Although many of the measurement methods have
been used in the past, the high reactivity of slags
where g is the gravitational acceleration; V is the
combined with the difficulty of accurately determining
volume of the sinker; ν is the volume of the immersed
the increase in volume of containers with increasing
suspension wire; s is the surface tension correction i.e.
temperature has led to the adoption of the maximum
the force acting against the suspension wire of radius r
bubble pressure method. The other common techniques
in a liquid of surface tension γ and the contact angle
are the Archimedean and sessile drop methods.
between the wire and liquid is Θ. The volume of the
sinker and the wire must be corrected for expansion
2.2.1 Density by Displacement.
with temperature. The double sinker method can be
The apparent change in mass of an inert probe of
used to eliminate the effects of surface tension of the
known dimensions, immersed in a liquid provides a
suspension by using two sinkers of different size.
measurement of density. When stationary, the classic
The main disadvantage of this technique is the
Archimedean method is used, but dynamic
possible reaction between the sinker and the slag
measurements may also be made as the probe is driven
including changing wetting characteristics during the
into the liquid at a constant rate. Once the surface forces
have been overcome the density of the liquid is derived
An uncertainty of approximately ±2% may be
from the slope of the plot of mass against displacement.
achieved for molten slags and fluxes with these
Figure 3 shows a schematic of a system which has been
displacement techniques.
constructed at NPL.
For the Archimedean method the density is given
2.2.2 Maximum Bubble Pressure (MBP).
In the MBP technique the maximum pressures
ρ = (Aw+s)/g(V+v)
required to detach bubbles at the end of a capillary tube,
s = 2nr γ cosG at two or more known depths in the liquid, is used to

Vol. 20, Ν'os. 3-4, 2001 The Measurement ofThermophysical Properties of Molten Slags and Fluxes

determine the density of the liquid. graphite substrate were lower and it was postulated that
this lower value was influenced by a reaction between
p = ΔΡ / g. Δ h the substrate and the A1203.
The densities of a Cu x O and Cu x O -Si0 2 slag were
where ΔΡ is the pressure difference between two heights measured /38/ in air at 1300°C using a platinum
(Ah) and g is the gravitational acceleration (see Figure crucible. The density decreased as the Si0 2
4). Frequently the densities are calculated from the concentration increased.
slope of the immersion depth against maximum bubble The main advantages of the MBP technique are that
pressure obtained from several depths. a new surface is exposed for each bubble so it is less
Historically the maximum pressure corresponding to susceptible to contamination and there is no mass
the detachment of the bubble was measured with a measurement. The disadvantages are that it can be
manometer but it is now more common to use a digital difficult to detect the surface to measure the depth of
pressure gauge. The digital pressure gauge also allows immersion; the equilibrium bubble shape is easily
the pressure build up during bubble formation to be distorted; there is a danger of capillary/sample reactions
followed. including blocking of the capillary and the accurate
The MBP technique has been used to measure the measurement of the radius tube.
densities of A1 2 0 3 and Ti 2 0 3 /37/. The crucible and Ikemiya et al. /37/ list their experimental errors for
capillary tubes were made from molybdenum and the their MBP apparatus for density measurement. They
gas was Ar-10%H. Induction heating was employed. estimate their largest error is the pressure measurement;
Their results for A1 2 0 3 were in reasonable agreement followed by the temperature and the immersion height
with three other independent investigations using the of the capillary giving a total of about <1.7%.
Archimedean technique /85,86/ and the MBP /87/ Vaislurd et al. /89/ have constructed a combined unit
method. The results by a sessile drop method with a capable of measuring viscosity, surface tension and

Pm= measured pressure

g = surface tension of liquid
r = radius of capillary (bubble)
h — depth of immersion of capillary

Fig. 4: A schematic of a maximum bubble apparatus for measuring density.

Peter Ν. Quested and Brian J. Monaghan High Temperature Materials and Processes

density of oxide melts. The density and surface tension 2.3 Viscosity.
are incorporated in a MBP apparatus.
The rheological properties of slags are important for
the modelling and control of industrial processes.
2.2.3 Droplet Methods.
Different industrial slags display a wide range of
These methods involve the imaging of a drop of slag
viscosity values ranging from about 5 mPa.s for CaF 2
at temperature and measuring the dimensions of the
based slags to several thousand Pa.s. No viscosity
drop to determine its volume. If the mass is known the
technique can measure over such a wide property range
density can be determined. Although very simple in
and therefore a technique suitable for the viscosity range
principle, the method presents the challenge of
of interest must be chosen. At the lower viscosities, the
determining the drop's shape; ensuring it is symmetric
oscillating cylinder can be used although most work has
and measuring the correct dimensions.
been performed with concentric cylinder (rotation)
The sessile drop is used for slags by resting the slag
viscometer. The concentric cylinder is limited to the
on a plate or substrate of a smooth horizontal surface
measurement of slags in the viscosity range of - 1 0 0
(see Figure 5). The volume of the drop is calculated
mPa.s to a maximum of about 200 Pa.s.
from the tables of Bashforth and Adams /39/ or more
During the last ten years more attention has been
recently by digital image analysis.
paid to the calibration of viscometers so that data from
different laboratories can be compared. Generally the
performance of a viscometer is checked at room
temperature with several certified reference materials
(oils) which have viscosities corresponding to the range
of viscosities to be measured. There are a number of
standard reference glasses (such as NBS 710; 711 and
717) available for testing at high temperature and
horizontal recently a lithia-alumina-silicate slag was developed for
plaque calibration /40/ around relevant to metallurgical slags
(-1-10 Pa.s).
furnace That study /40/ also demonstrated the importance of
thermocouple the composition of the container materials in affecting
the measured viscosity values, recommending that
Fig. 5: A schematic of a sessile drop apparatus for
molybdenum rather than graphite is used for
measuring density.
containment. Both molybdenum and graphite require an
inert atmosphere. Graphite appears to be more reactive
Levitation methods are now becoming available for with the standard reference glasses used for the
the measurement of density. This eliminates calibration. Its reaction results in an increased viscosity.
contamination problems associated with the melt/ Also there is discussion of the effects of the contact
crucible reactions. The levitation methods suitable for angle between the slag and graphite on the
measuring non-electrically conducting materials have measurement. This contact angle is very sensitive to the
been reviewed by Weber /90/. The density of super- grade of graphite used. Therefore great care needs to be
heated and under-cooled alumina /91 / was measured by exercised in choosing the materials for containment of
levitation using an aerodynamic device. The sample was the slag to prevent unwanted reactions.
heated by a C 0 2 laser. Levitation techniques are only at The other factor which can affect the composition of
an early stage of development and their use is limited. certain slags is the composition of the atmosphere
This is likely to change as confidence in the application surrounding the slag and in particular the oxygen
of levitation techniques to slags and fluxes for potential. This requires good atmosphere control.
measurements of density and surface tension increases. Changes in the composition of the slag during the

Vol. 20, Nos. 3-4, 2001 The Measurement of Thermophysical Properties of Molten Slags and Fluxes

measurement highlights the importance of pre and post Pt-20%Rh to determine the viscosity of Ca0-Si02-
chemical analysis of the measured slag to check for any Al 2 0 2 -Fe 2 03 to study the effect of changes in the
composition changes. alumina content. The experiments were performed in
There are a wide variety methods used to measure air. For melts with a low viscosity (Reynolds number
the viscosities /41-43/ of slags and glasses. R e <0.1) Stoke's Law does not hold; therefore, they used
a modified equation based. Hara et al. /48/ showed the
2.3.1 Capillary. melt viscosity increased with increasing A1 2 0 2 and a
The time (t) required for the liquid to flow through a corresponding decrease in Fe203. The perceived
capillary tube is substituted in the Poiseuille formula: disadvantages of the counter balance sphere compared
to the concentric cylinder method are tabulated by
η = 7ir APt/ 8VL Terada et al. 1591.
The major advantages of the concentric cylinder
where r is the capillary radius; L the capillary length; ΔΡ over the counter balanced sphere method are the greater
the pressure difference along the capillary and V is the viscosity measurement range; the speed of
discharged volume of liquid. There are a number of measurement; the potential for automation; the shorter
corrections to be applied for its accurate application furnace with associated temperature control and the
including allowing for the retained kinetic energy of the smaller amount of material required for the concentric
liquid at the bottom of the tube. cylinder method compared to the counter balanced
The method is considered suitable for intermediate sphere.
temperatures /43/. Above 1200°C there are problems in The combined viscosity, surface tension and density
the choice of tube material and dimensional stability, measurement apparatus /89/ incorporates a rotating bob
especially of the radius which is to the fourth power, for the measurement of viscosity.
therefore critical. It is an absolute method.
2.3.4 Oscillating Plate.
2.3.2 Falling Body or Counter Balanced Sphere. This method /49-51/ relies on vibrating a flat plate in
In this method a body (normally a sphere) is either a liquid with a constant driving force. The amplitude of
allowed to drop due to gravity or dragged upwards motion will be dependent on the viscosity of the liquid.
through the liquid. The viscosity is calculated using The amplitude of the plate oscillations is measured in
Stoke's Law: air and in the liquid and the following relationships have
been derived /52,53/:
η = 2.g.r 2 (p k - piiq) / 9S
Pn =(RM2/ π fA 2
) . ( ( f a . E a / f. E) - 1) 2 = Κ. θ ο
where g is the gravitational constant; r is the radius of
the sphere and p k and p| iq are the density of the sphere where ρ is the density; E a and Ε are the amplitudes of
and the liquid respectively and S is the velocity of oscillation in air and the liquid respectively; f a and f are
descent or ascent of the sphere. It is normal to correct the frequency of the oscillation in air and the liquid; A
for the expansion of the ball /44/ and the diameter of the is the area of the plate and R M is the real component of
ball should be less than 1/10 of the diameter of the the mechanical impedance.
crucible /45/. The assumptions of the method are:
This is not an absolute method requiring an 1) The liquid is a Newtonian Fluid.
apparatus constant to be derived from calibration curves 2) Turbulent flow does not occur.
with liquids of known viscosity. The method was 3) There is no slippage between the plate and the fluid.
successfully demonstrated by Endell et al. /46,47/ for 4) The size of the oscillating plate must be larger than
slag and glasses by the time taken to pull a ball from a one wavelength of the oscillation wave and is planer.
melt at a constant measured force. 5) The end effects of the plate on damping of the
Hara et al. 748/ used the counter balance sphere of amplitude are negligible.

Peter Ν. Quested and Brian J. Monaghan High Temperature Materials and Processes

6) The size of the vessel is large enough that the effects easier to centre the bob but the viscosity range is less
of the reflected waves from the walls are negligible. than for a rotating crucible instrument. Nakashima et al.
It has been shown that the resonant frequency in air /63/ show a modern example of a rotating crucible
and in the liquid can be considered to be the same for all method.
practical purposes so that: Table 1 includes a list of rotor and crucible materials
used with various slags and glasses by a selection of
pr| = (R M 2 / π f A 2 ) . ( ( Ea / E) - 1) 2 = K. θ workers with rotating bob viscometers. Some industrial
slags are aggressive towards the crucible and the bob
2 2 and there is a change in the composition of the melt. For
θ = (R m / π f A ) is the damping factor and K= ( Ea /
Ε) - 1 is determined experimentally using viscosity example, coal /67/ slags with high Κ and S attack Mo
reference materials. and slags containing high concentrations of FeO 1121 or
The later designs have an improved vibration system C u 2 0 are usually measured with iron crucibles and
which may explain why the earlier comparisons /40/ of bobs. The maximum temperature is limited to about
the viscosities measured by concentric cylinder systems 1450°C when using iron crucibles.
and the oscillating plate are not as good as more recent Industrial slags may show non-Newtonian
comparisons /54/. Typically the claimed reproducibility behaviour, usually indicating the presence of high
of the measurements were within ±7% of measured melting point solids. The use of calculated phase
values /49/. diagrams 1551, which are becoming increasingly
available, helps in the interpretation of the results. The
2.3.5 Concentric Cylinder. control of atmosphere composition is essential for
Viscometers of this type consist of two concentric Fe0/Fe 2 0 3 containing slags. The suspension system
cylinders, i.e. a bob and a crucible. The viscosity is entry point can be a cause of unwanted oxygen ingress.
determined from measurements of the torque generated This can be overcome by bellows 1511 or a sliding
on the rotor arm of the rotating cylinder. When rotating system /56/ at the top of the apparatus. CaF 2 based slags
the cylinder at a constant speed the viscosity can be are unstable at measurement temperatures and fluorine
obtained from the following equation emissions (NaF, SiF4, A1F3 and HF) can be a problem.
Finally, hydrolysis of the slag/flux, by exposure to
2 2 4 moisture, can affect the results.
η = (1/ r i - 1/ r 0 ) . M/ 8n nh
For a description of one modern concentric cylinder
where Μ is the torque; n is the number of revolutions designed instrument with atmosphere control the reader
per second; η is the radius of the bob; r 0 is the radius of is referred to the work of Seetharaman et al. 1511. This
the crucible; and h the height of the bob. The theory is instrument has been used to measure viscosity of a wide
applicable to infinitely long cylinders and it is normal to variety of systems (Table 2). This data has been used to
calibrate the system with reference materials using the develop their viscosity model. Figure 6 shows a
equation: schematic of the system used in the authors' laboratory.
An interesting application /58/ of the variation of
η = G =S/n viscosity for C a 0 - S i 0 2 and complex silicates with
temperature, is the estimation of liquidus temperatures
where S is the scale deflection and G is the apparatus from the activation energies for viscous flow. The
constant. second derivative of the activation energy for viscous
This is the most common method for the flow with respect to temperature, when plotted as a
measurement of slag viscosity and for several practical function of temperature, was found to exhibit a break at
reasons it is more customary to rotate the bob rather the liquidus point.
than the crucible. Probably the most important reason is For a non-reactive slag and with careful calibration,
that the rotating bob viscometer is based upon readily it is estimated that a measurement uncertainty of less
available and cheap commercial instruments. It is also than ±10% can be achieved using a rotating cylinder

Vol. 20, N'os. 3-4, 2001 The Measurement ofThermophysical Properties of Molten Slags and Fluxes

Table 1
A selection of work which shows the rotor and crucible materials used in the measurement of viscosity
of a wide range of slags.

Crucible Material of Rotor Slag Type Comment Ref.

Pt or Pt-Rh Pt Mould powders Suitable for oxidising but fails 61
under reducing conditions.
90% Pt-10%Rh; 90% Pt-10%Rh; Glasses Attacked by S in melts /60/ 62
80%Pt-20%Rh 80%Pt-20%Rh "Crucible should be preferably
80%Pt-20%Rh R 2 0 - S i 0 2 - B 2 0 3 R=Na or Κ Pt alloy but a refractory material 63
R 0 - S i 0 2 - B 2 0 3 R=Ba or Ca may be used provided t does
17%Pt-13%Rh Effect of CaO on viscosity not contaminate the glass" 64
of P b 0 - S i 0 2
Mo Mo Blast furnace Require inert atmosphere. Cold
inert gas can affect thermal
LF profile of furnace. 66
Mould powders 65
Fluxed coal slags. Sacrificial graphite liner to 67
remove oxygen from nitrogen
gas. N o control of p 0 2 with
graphite. High S containing
slags form FeS and Fe-Mo-.S.
Danger of crucible leaks.
Graphite Graphite Na20-Si02-B203 68
Mo Graphite Copper based slags Purified nitrogen atmosphere. 69
Alumina Fe-23%Cr; 5%A1 Copper based slags Argon atmosphere. Rotor more 60
resistant to S attack than Pt
Alumina Mo Lead smelting slags Purified nitrogen atmosphere. 70
Induction heating to speed
experiments and minimise
reaction time.
Ag-Pd alloy Ag-Pd alloy Iron bearing system Diminish loss of iron to crucible 71
below 1150°C
Fe Fe Iron bearing systems Maximum temperature 1450°C 72
Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Ca0-Fe„0-Si02 Maximum temperature 1300°C 73
Mould fluxes with additions
of A l 2 0 3 a n d T i 0 2

instrument. oscillation is initiated in the pendulum. The decay in the

amplitude of the oscillation (logarithmic decrement)
2.3.6 Oscillating Vessel Method (OVM). with time is measured to obtain the viscosity. The O V M
In the O V M a cylinder of molten material is has a measurement range of between approximately
contained in a crucible supported on a thin wire forming 0.5mPa.s to 100 mPa.s. These types of instruments have
a torsional pendulum. To start the measurement an been used extensively in the measurement of the

Peter Ν. Quested and Brian J. Monaghan High Temperature Materials and Processes

Table 2 viscosities of molten salts /74/, metals 115-111 and are

Systems under study to generate experimental data applicable to slags with low viscosities.
required for viscosity prediction model 1511 The main problems with the method are
1) the analytical method used to analyse the data, lida

Binary and Guthrie /IS/ review this aspect in detail and

recommend the Roscoe equation /79/.
Fe n O- S i 0 2
2) The wetting characteristics of the container can
affect the result. It is preferred that a non-wetting
Ternary A1 2 0 3 - Fe n O- S i 0 2
container is used.
CaO- Fe n O- S i 0 2
3) The corrections to the measured viscosity to account
for the thermal expansion of the crucible can be
Fe n O- M g 0 - S i 0 2
large. Also the density of the sample (often
Fe n O- M n 0 - S i 0 2 unknown) is required to make the expansion
Quarternary A1 2 0 3 - C a 0 - M g 0 - S i 0 2 correction.
CaO- Fe n O- M g 0 - S i 0 2 In a recent design an optical pointer using a laser
CaO- Fe„0- M n 0 - S i 0 2 and a 40 diode array for detection has been developed
Ca0-Mg0-Mn0-Si02 H I / and it is claimed this gives higher repeatability of
Fe n O- M g 0 - M n 0 - S i 0 2 the measurements compared with the more normal three
Quinary CaO- Fe n O- M g 0 - M n 0 - S i 0 2 diode system. A schematic of this apparatus is shown in
Figure 7.
The method has been used successfully for a wide
range of metal alloys up to temperatures of about
,!ί 1* BrookflekJ head 1650°C but the reactivity of some alloys with the
HI crucible material can limit the technique. For extreme
cases, uncertainties of the viscosity data by the OVM
articulated ware technique are of the order of +/- 10%.
siding seal
upp# furnace 2.3.7. Spiked Parallel Plate Creep/Rotational
tube seal
Viscometer /80/
thermocouple graphite heat shield
An elegant design to measure a wide range of
viscosities from about 1012 to 101 Pa.s has been
successfully demonstrated with various glasses to a
liting cruciate
temperature of 1200°C. The instrument combines an
mechanism Dob
indentation method for the highest viscosities; a creep
parallel plate method for the intermediate range, 107 to
104 Pa.s, and a rotating plate method for the lower
range. It is claimed that because the principles and
mechanism of this viscometer are simple, the absolute
alumina values of sample viscosity can be determined, at least to
support tube the right order, without any calibration using standard
reference samples.
tube seal
sliding »int
adiustatile stop 2.3.8. Industrial Viscometers.
Several simple viscometers have been developed for
Fig. 6: A schematic of a rotating bob apparatus for "on plant" determination of slag viscosities and quality
measuring viscosity. assurance exercises. Examples are the Herty viscometer

Vol. 20, Nos. 3-4, 2001 The Measurement of Therm ophysical Properties of Molten Slags and Fluxes

solenoid —

platinum suspension wire

laser anö diode array


control jacket

Fig. 7: A schematic of a oscillating viscometer.

/81/ where the viscosity is determined by the length of most developed property area, with a sound
the slag ribbon formed, and the Krabiell immersion measurement infrastructure, including a well charac-
viscometer /82,83/. terised reference material and measurement standards
In recent years the inclined plane method has been for the more common materials, i.e. glass and mould
investigated in more detail /84/. The molten slag is fluxes. The concentric cylinder method is the most
poured from a crucible onto an inclined steel plate plane popular method, spanning the common range of
with a " V " section (see Figure 7). The viscosity can be viscosity values. The rotating bob variant is based upon
related to the length of the slag ribbon obtained. Mills et relatively cheap commercial instruments. For a non-
al. /84/ claim that measurement uncertainties of ± 15%, reactive slag and careful calibration, it is estimated that
for slags with viscosities in the range of 0.1 to 1 Pa.s, uncertainties of measurement of less than ± 1 0 % can be
are possible. achieved with a rotating cylinder instrument.
The oscillating plate method has also been proposed Substantially less work has been carried out on the
as an in-situ measurement. determination of density of slags than viscosity. This
can either be interpreted as that density can be estimated
more easily than viscosity or that the property is of less
3. C O N C L U S I O N S . industrial interest than viscosity. The maximum bubble
pressure has been used most frequently in recent years
This paper reviews some of the methods available but there are limitations for this method associated with
for measuring the density, viscosity and thermal the wetting behaviour of the capillary and the slag.
conductivity/diffusion of molten slags and fluxes. There True thermal conductivity/diffusivity data on molten
are a number of experimental difficulties in performing slags and fluxes are hard to come by. Invariably the data
the measurements associated with the chemical available in the literature has a radiation component
reactivity of molten slags and fluxes. Due to this associated with it. The treatment of radiation conduction
reactivity and the need for high temperatures, furnace for translucent materials is complex. Its solution will
environment (gas/containment) is critical. require the high temperature optical properties of the
It is clear that the measurement of viscosity is the molten slag or flux. These data are not readily available.

Peter Ν. Quested and Brian J. Monaghan High Temperature Materials and Processes

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