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ACTIVITY-BASED Activity-based cost drivers are the An example for cost driver is the
factors that lead to changes in an number of students paying their
activity. These drivers are identified tuition fees directly to the school,
by performing activity analysis, which which determines the cost of
is a detailed description of a firm's providing cashier services by the
specific activities in its operations. school’s cashier. In this context,
The analysis includes every step in the school's cashier serves as a
manufacturing or providing a service. cost activity and the number of
For each activity, a cost driver is students paying their tuition fees
determined to explain how the costs acts as a cost-driver. This cost-
associated with that activity change. driver relationship indicates that
the cost of cashier services will
increase or decrease as the
number of students paying their
tuition fees changes.
VOLUME-BASED Volume-based cost drivers are the Increasing volume-based cost
amount of goods produced or drivers in a manufacturing
services provided, which influences company such as labor hours,
the overall cost. It is known to vary in machine hours, and units
direct proportion to the quantity of produced results in proportional
products manufactured or sold. Such cost increases with higher output
cost drivers are crucial element volume.
because they help businesses
determine the true cost of production
and sales.
STRUCTURAL AND EXECUTIONAL Structural cost drivers, pertaining to For instance, the installation of
strategic decisions, have a lasting new machinery which aims to
impact on the overall costs of a lower the overall cost of
business. These decisions are made production is considered a
with a long-term view to minimize structural cost driver. On the
costs and maximize profitability. other hand, if the machinery is
Executional cost drivers, on the other installed to increase the flow of
hand, are focused on short-term products and decrease the costs
decisions aimed at reducing costs in associated with the operations of
the key operational areas of a firm, the company, it is regarded as an
such as manufacturing, raw materials executional cost driver. Since,
sourcing, and general operations. As executional drivers are inversely
such, a comprehensive correlated with unit cost.
understanding of both structural and
executional cost drivers is essential
for businesses in their pursuit of
sustainable profitability and long-
term success.

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