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1. Talk gently 轻声细语 11.

Cried sadly 伤心地哭

2. Say clearly 清晰地说出 12. Sang loudly 大声地唱
3. Speak loudly 大声说话 13. Stared angrily 生气地盯着
4. Whisper softly 耳边轻柔的说 14. Jumped joyously 愉快地跳
5. Spoke rudely 粗鲁的说 15. Spoke hastily 急冲冲地说
6. Talked noisily 说话很吵 16. Shouted angrily 生气地喊
7. Dressed smartly 穿着整齐 17. Purred softly 柔软地抚摸
8. Laughed heartily 发自内心的大 18. Crow loudly 大声叫
9. Scolded angrily 生气地责骂 19. Chirp noisily 吵闹地啁啾
10. Waited patiently 耐心的等待 20. Bark fiercely 凶悍地吠

1. My father has to speak loudly to my grandmother as she is hard of
2. My brother dressed smartly for his wedding.
3. When the teacher was not in the classroom, many pupils talked
4. When Julia was told that she had won the first prize, she jumped
5. The man shouted angrily at the boy for trying to steal his rambutan.
6. My dog will barked fiercely at the strangers.

21. Read slowly 慢慢地读 34. Served customers rudely 粗鲁地招

22. Write slowly 慢慢地写 待顾客
23. Think carefully 小心的想 35. Served customers politely 有礼貌
24. Listen carefully 小心地听 的招待顾客
25. Cried softly 轻声地哭 36. Answered customers rudely 粗鲁
26. Snores noisily 吵闹的打鼾声 地回答顾客
27. Sleep soundly 熟睡 37. To and fro 往返
28. Giggles happily 开心地咯咯笑 38. Left and right 左右
29. Crying bitterly 悲痛地哭 39. Up and down 上下
30. Sighing tiredly 很累得叹息 40. Front and back 前后
31. Growling angrily 生气地咆哮 41. Act quickly 快速反应
32. Cheering happily 高兴地欢呼 42. Queue properly 排队有条理
33. Treated customer badly 恶劣地招 43. Watch steadily 淡定的观赏
待顾客 44. Blew strongly 出力地吹
45. Shone brightly 闪耀地发亮
46. Snowed heavily 暴风雪 50. Listen attentively
47. Rained continuously 持续下雨 专心地听
48. Read silently 安静地读书
49. Look carefully 小心地看


1. During the examination, we must think carefully before answering

the question.
2. My baby sister sleeps soundly in her cradle after drinking a bottle of
3. The flood victims were crying bitterly as they watched their homes
being destroyed by the flood.
4. The waiters and waitresses in that restaurant served customers
politely, so many people like to go there.
5. Mrs Liew drives to and fro her home in Seremban and office in
Kuala Lumpur every day.
6. During the fire drill, the pupils are told to queue properly, but not
rushing and pushing each other.
7. Hua Fatt shouted rudely at his friend for breaking his food container.
8. It snowed heavily during the last winter in the United States of
9. While our Mathematic teacher is explaining the lesson, we all listen

Phrasal Verbs

1. Get out 出去 7. Look after 照顾

2. Turn off 关 8. Cried on 在哭,请求
3. Put down 放下,平定 9. Give up 失望
4. Went down 下跌、沿着下 10. Cut down 减少

5. Take care of 照顾
6. Called off 取消
1. The girl takes care her mother but not her father.
2. The company is going to cut down the yearly expenses.
3. Chee Seng’s mother tells him to turn in at 9 o’clock every night.
4. Could you hold on a moment, please?
5. My uncle’s house was broken into last night. He lost his
expensive watch and a mobile phone.
6. Tian Huat and his friends carried out the project smoothly.
7. On hearing the bad news, my aunt passed out.
8. Looking at all these old photographs brought back sweet
9. My youngest brother blew out the candles on the cake.
10. The aeroplane touched down five minutes earlier than
11. Mr Fong brought up the issue during the meeting.
12. The policemen went after the snatch thief and caught him.
13. The water supply was cut off due to delayed payment.
14. The flight to Miri took off half an hour late due to bad weather.
15. My neighbours came over to pay us a visit during Chinese New

听写 25 Phrasal verbs + 15 句子

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