Teaching Internship E-Portfolio, Dela Providencia, Irish E.

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Central Bicol State University of

Agriculture - Sipocot

Teaching Internship
"Intern Insights: Navigating the Path to
Professional Growth"

Prepared by:
Irish E. Dela Providencia
Teacher Intern
Submitted to:
Maam Emelda M. Ablao
Internship Professor

Table Of Content

01 Introduction

02 Acknowledgement

03 Curriculum Vitae

05 - 07 Readings about
Teaching and

08 - 21 PPST Domains,
Reflection and

"Every journey has a beginning and an end".
Welcome to my teaching internship e-portfolio,
where I invite you to join me on a journey of
professional development and discovery.

Throughout my internship experience, I have had the privilege of

immersing myself in the dynamic world of education, gaining
invaluable insights, and honing my skills as an educator. As I navigate
this fulfilling career, I am continuously inspired by my own passion
for learning and pushes me to create dynamic and engaging lessons
that foster the children growth and development. Join me as I share
the stories, insights, and lessons learned from my teaching journey.
Together, let's celebrate the joys, triumphs, and challenges that
come with the noble profession of teaching. Within these digital
pages, you will find reflections, achievements, and evidence of my
growth as I navigated the challenges and triumphs of the classroom.
From lesson plans and instructional strategies to student
interactions and personal reflections, this e-portfolio represents the
essence of my journey as an aspiring teacher. Let us explore the
transformative power of education and share my passion for
inspiring and empowering students to reach their fullest potential.
Thank you for joining me on this adventure as I strive to make a
positive impact in the lives of those I teach.

Page 1

“Knowledge is in the end based on
I would like to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude to the
individuals who have played a significant role in shaping my teaching
internship journey. Firstly, I would like to extend my deepest appreciation to
Ma'am Emelda Ablao, our Internship Adviser, for her unwavering support,
guidance, and expertise throughout this experience. I would also like to
acknowledge the invaluable contributions of Ma'am Analiza Lontok, our
Internship Coordinator, who ensured that our internship ran smoothly and
provided us with valuable resources and assistance. A special thanks goes
to Ma'am Monita Oropesa for graciously accommodating us in her school,
creating a nurturing environment for our growth and learning. I am truly
grateful to my Cooperating Teachers, Ma'am Emelyn Avengoza and Ma'am
Suzanne Calayo, for their mentorship, help, guidance, and wisdom. Their
dedication and expertise have been instrumental in my development as an
aspiring educator. I would also like to express my heartfelt appreciation to
my family, friends, and fellow interns for their continuous support,
encouragement, and love throughout this journey. Your belief in me has
been a constant source of motivation. Lastly, I would like to extend my
gratitude to God Almighty for His overflowing protection, guidance, and
love. His presence has provided me with strength and inspiration every step
of the way. I am truly honored to have had the opportunity to work with such
amazing individuals, and I am forever grateful for their contributions to my
growth as a teacher. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

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"Education is a powerful tool capable enough to build the world"

As a beginning teacher, I believe that education is a transformative journey that has the
power to shape lives and inspire lifelong learning through this their knowledge will be
able to transcend in global competitiveness and development. I am committed to
creating a nurturing and inclusive classroom environment where every student feels
valued, respected, and empowered. I believe in the potential of each and every student.
I strive to cultivate a growth mindset within my classroom, encouraging my students to
embrace challenges, persevere through obstacles, and believe in their ability to achieve
success. I recognize that every student has unique strengths, interests, and learning
styles, and I am dedicated to providing differentiated instruction to meet their diverse
needs. Building positive relationships with my students, their families, and the wider
school community is of utmost importance to me. As a beginning teacher, I embrace
continuous professional growth and reflection. I am open to new ideas, research, and
best practices in education. I am dedicated to ongoing professional development to
enhance my teaching skills and stay abreast of the latest advancements in education.
Above all, I am passionate about making a positive impact in the lives of my students. I
believe that education is not solely about academic achievement, but also about
fostering character development, empathy, and a sense of social responsibility. I strive
to instill in my students a love for learning, a strong sense of self-worth, and the
confidence to pursue their dreams. Through my philosophy as a beginning teacher, I
aspire to create a classroom environment that inspires, empowers, and nurtures the
potential of every student not just for themselves but also for their future endeavors to
the world. Together, let's embark on this journey of learning, growth, and

Page 4

Professional Readings
About Teaching - Learning
Teaching and Learning Process to Enhance
Teaching Effectiveness
by Afzal Sayed Munna and Md Abul Kalam
This reading highlights several important connections between teaching and
learning. It emphasizes the transformation process of knowledge from teachers to
students, which is at the core of the teaching and learning process. This connection
underscores the role of educators in identifying and establishing learning objectives,
developing teaching resources, and implementing effective teaching strategies. It
also recognizes that learning is a cardinal factor that teachers must consider while
teaching students. This acknowledgment highlights the reciprocal nature of teaching
and learning, where educators must adapt their approaches to meet the diverse
needs and learning styles of their students. The emphasis on learning serves as a
reminder that effective teaching involves creating an environment that fosters active
engagement, critical thinking, and meaningful connections between students and the
content being taught. Moreover, the findings discussed in the readings provide
valuable insights into enhancing teaching and learning practices. For example, the
positive impact of providing formative and developmental feedback and
incorporating role-play activities on students' confidence and self-esteem
underscores the importance of creating a supportive and empowering learning
environment. Additionally, the recognition that an active learning environment
promotes inclusivity and improves academic performance highlights the significance
of student-centered approaches that encourage collaboration, participation, and
critical reflection. Overall, it highlights the intrinsic connection between teaching and
learning. It emphasizes the need for educators to adapt their teaching strategies to
facilitate effective learning experiences and create inclusive environments that foster
student growth, engagement, and academic success.

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Professional Readings
About Teaching - Learning
"Who Owns The Learning" by Alan November
The concept of empowering learners and shifting the balance of
effort in the classroom is an exciting and transformative approach to
education. It recognizes that students have the capacity to take control of
their learning and contribute to the learning of their peers. The idea that
students can manage a significant portion of their learning is empowering
because it encourages them to become more active and engaged
participants in their education. By equipping them with the necessary
skills and strategies, such as self-assessment and goal-setting, students
can develop a sense of ownership and responsibility for their own learning
journey. By encouraging students to reflect on their progress, identify
areas for improvement, and set goals, they become more self-aware and
motivated to achieve their educational objectives. It recognizes the
importance of preparing students for the realities of the digital age, where
independent thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration are essential
skills. Overall, this approach to teaching and learning promotes a more
dynamic and student-centered classroom environment. It acknowledges
the potential of learners to drive their own educational experiences and
contribute meaningfully to the learning community. By embracing this
philosophy, educators can create a transformative learning environment
that fosters student agency, engagement, and success.

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Professional Readings
About Teaching - Learning
From Teaching to Learning by Gabriela Kelemen
It focuses on the effectiveness of active learning methods and
optimized teaching techniques provides valuable insights into
improving students' learning efficiency. Understanding students as
learners and enhancing their abilities in this context becomes crucial.
One of the key strengths of this research is the focus on finding optimal
learning methods through the use of different strategies. This approach
aligns with the growing body of research that emphasizes the benefits
of student-centered and interactive learning experiences. This
suggests that the use of active learning methods positively impacted
students' learning outcomes and their ability to retain knowledge over
time. The implementation of optimized teaching techniques led to an
increase in student interest, which, in turn, contributed to their
improved learning performance. Overall, this reading provides valuable
insights for educators and institutions seeking to enhance students'
learning efficiency. By incorporating active learning methods and
optimized teaching techniques, educators can foster a more engaging
and effective learning environment. The findings underscore the
importance of student-centered approaches and highlight the need for
ongoing exploration and implementation of innovative teaching
practices to support students' learning and academic success.

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Domain 1: Content and Knowledge Pedagogy
Teaching Experience Reflection: Applying knowledge and principles of teaching and learning has greatly
influenced my teaching experience. By staying informed about current educational trends and using ICT
tools, I have been able to adopt effective instructional strategies, such as differentiated instruction and
formative assessment techniques. These strategies have allowed me to cater to the diverse needs of my
students, promote active engagement, and monitor their progress effectively. Furthermore, integrating
technology into my lessons has enhanced student engagement and fostered their digital literacy skills.
Promoting literacy and numeracy has been a significant focus in my teaching experience since it is
something that has been the focus of the curriculum. Implementing strategies such as guided reading,
cooperative learning, and problem-solving activities has not only improved students' literacy and numeracy
skills but also their critical thinking abilities. By embedding these skills across different subject areas, I have
witnessed students making progress especially since I was in Remedial Section. I have observed students
becoming more confident in their abilities to analyze information, think critically, and generate innovative
ideas. Incorporating the mother tongue, Filipino, and English into my teaching practice has been crucial in
fostering effective communication and language development among my students. By utilizing the mother
tongue as a medium of instruction, I have observed increased comprehension, participation, and confidence
among students. Additionally, nurturing proficiency in both Filipino and English has equipped students with
vital language skills for effective communication and academic success. Effective classroom communication
strategies, such as active listening have been integral to my teaching experience. Through effective
communication, I have been able to build strong relationships with my students, which has facilitated their
overall learning and growth. In conclusion, reflecting on my classroom setting and teaching experience using
these areas has reinforced the importance of creating an engaging and supportive learning environment. By
incorporating different strategies, promoting literacy and numeracy, nurturing critical and creative thinking,
utilizing language effectively, and employing effective communication strategies, I have witnessed positive
outcomes in my students' learning. Continuously exploring and implementing these practices will further
enhance my teaching in the future and contribute to the holistic development of my students.

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Domain 2: Learning Environment
Creating the right classroom setting involves considering various factors, such as the physical environment,
resources, and the overall atmosphere. As a teacher intern, I have found that a well-organized and visually appealing
classroom can positively impact student engagement and behavior. By incorporating elements like comfortable
seating arrangements, clearly labeled learning areas, and displays of student work, I have noticed an increased sense
of ownership and pride among my students. Additionally, providing a variety of learning resources and materials,
including ICT tools, has helped create a dynamic and interactive learning environment. During my teaching internship
experience, I had the opportunity to reflect on the importance of creating a fair learning environment. I recognized the
significance of treating all students with respect and ensuring equal opportunities for learning. By valuing diversity and
establishing clear expectations, I aimed to create a classroom where every student felt valued and empowered to
learn. Managing classroom structure and activities was a vital aspect of my internship. I learned the importance of
establishing routines, managing transitions, and providing clear instructions to optimize the learning environment. By
implementing effective time management strategies and engaging lesson structures, I aimed to create a structured
and organized classroom that maximized learning opportunities. Supporting learner participation was a key focus
during my internship. I strived to create a safe and supportive classroom climate where students felt comfortable
expressing their thoughts and ideas. By incorporating student collaboration, discussion, and choice in learning
activities, I aimed to foster active engagement and a sense of ownership among my students. Promoting purposive
learning was another aspect that I emphasized during my internship. I aimed to help students understand the
relevance and purpose of their learning by establishing clear learning objectives and connecting concepts to real-life
situations. By providing meaningful contexts for learning, I aimed to enhance student motivation and deepen their
understanding of the subject matter. Managing learner behavior was an important aspect of my internship experience.
I focused on establishing clear behavior expectations, implementing appropriate consequences and rewards, and
promoting self-regulation skills. By creating a structured and supportive environment, I aimed to help students develop
self-discipline, responsibility, and respect for themselves and others. Overall, my teaching internship experience
provided valuable opportunities for reflection and growth in these areas. I realized the significance of creating a fair
and inclusive learning environment, managing classroom structure and activities effectively, supporting learner
participation, promoting purposive learning, and managing learner behavior. These reflections will continue to guide
my teaching practice as I strive to create a positive and impactful learning environment for my future students.

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Domain 3: Diversity of Learners
In my teaching internship experience, I had the opportunity to work with a diverse group of learners, each with their
own unique characteristics and backgrounds. Reflecting on these experiences, I gained valuable insights into the
importance of considering learners' individual needs, strengths, interests, and experiences in the classroom. One
of the key reflections from my internship was the significance of recognizing learners' gender, needs, strengths,
interests, and experiences. By understanding and addressing these factors, I was able to create an inclusive and
supportive learning environment that catered to the diverse needs of my students. I learned the importance of
differentiating my instructional approaches to meet individual learning styles and preferences, as well as providing
opportunities for students to explore their interests and build upon their strengths. Considering learners' linguistic,
cultural, socio-economic, and religious backgrounds was another crucial aspect that I reflected upon. I recognized
the importance of creating a culturally responsive classroom where all students felt valued and respected. By
incorporating diverse perspectives, cultural references, and resources into my lessons, I aimed to foster a sense
of belonging and promote cross-cultural understanding among my students. Supporting learners with disabilities,
giftedness, and talents was an area that required careful attention and reflection. I learned to adapt my
instructional strategies and provide appropriate accommodations to ensure that all students could actively
participate and achieve their full potential. Collaborating with support staff, engaging in professional development,
and seeking guidance from experienced educators were vital in developing my skills in this area. Working with
learners in difficult circumstances was a humbling and eye-opening experience. I encountered students who
faced various challenges outside of the classroom that impacted their learning progress and well-being. Reflecting
on these experiences, I realized the importance of creating a safe and nurturing environment where students felt
supported and understood. I sought to provide emotional support, connect them with resources, and collaborate
with other professionals to ensure their holistic development. Sadly, I did not have the opportunity to interact with
indigeneous learners since there is none of them in my classes. In conclusion, my teaching internship experience
provided me with valuable reflections on the importance of considering learners' individual needs, backgrounds,
and circumstances. By addressing these factors, I aimed to create an inclusive and supportive learning
environment that fostered the growth, well-being, and success of all my students. These reflections will continue
to guide my teaching practice as I strive to create meaningful and equitable learning experiences for every learner
I encounter in the future.

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Domain 4: Curriculum and Planning
During my teaching internship experience, I had the opportunity to truly understand the importance of effective planning
and management in creating a cohesive and engaging learning environment. I quickly realized that meticulously
designing my lessons, setting clear objectives, and utilizing appropriate instructional strategies were paramount to
capturing my students' attention and facilitating their learning effectively. By being well-prepared and organized, I was
able to confidently guide my students through the curriculum and ensure that their learning experiences were
meaningful and purposeful. Aligning learning outcomes with the specific competencies outlined in the curriculum was a
constant focus throughout my internship. I learned to carefully analyze and interpret the curriculum guidelines to ensure
that my instruction and assessments were aligned with the desired learning outcomes. By doing so, I provided my
students with clear expectations and a clear path for their academic growth and achievement. Designing relevant and
responsive learning programs was an ongoing challenge that I faced during my internship. I had to constantly consider
the diverse backgrounds, interests, and abilities of my students. By incorporating real-world connections, authentic
tasks, and culturally relevant content into my lessons, I aimed to create a learning environment that resonated with my
students and made the subject matter more relatable and engaging. This approach allowed my students to see the
practical applications of what they were learning and helped foster a deeper understanding and appreciation for the
material. Collaborating with my fellow educators was undoubtedly one of the most enriching experiences of my
internship. I had the opportunity to observe and learn from experienced teachers, exchange ideas, and receive
valuable feedback on my teaching. By engaging in professional collaboration, I was able to refine my instructional
strategies, incorporate new techniques, and adapt to the ever-changing needs of my students. This collaboration not
only enhanced my teaching practice but also allowed me to contribute to the collective knowledge and growth of the
teaching community. Utilizing effective teaching and learning resources, including ICT, played a significant role in
enhancing my students' learning experiences. I discovered that incorporating multimedia tools, online platforms, and
interactive resources not only captured my students' attention but also catered to their diverse learning styles. By
integrating technology into my lessons, I was able to provide my students with dynamic and interactive learning
opportunities that fostered their creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. Reflecting on my teaching
internship experience, I can confidently say that effective planning and management, aligned learning outcomes,
relevant and responsive learning programs, professional collaboration, and the use of effective teaching and learning
resources were instrumental in creating a realistic and successful learning environment for my students. These
reflections have shaped my approach to teaching and will undoubtedly guide my future endeavors as an educator.

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Domain 5: Assessment and Reporting
During my teaching internship experience, I had the opportunity to connect and reflect on various aspects of
assessment. Designing and utilizing assessment strategies: I learned the importance of designing
assessments that aligned with learning objectives and effectively measured student understanding.
Throughout my internship, I created various assessments such as quizzes, tests, projects, and portfolios. By
selecting and organizing these assessment strategies effectively, I aimed to gather comprehensive evidence
of student learning and ensure fairness and validity. I also recognized the significance of continuously
monitoring and evaluating learner progress. Regularly assessing student work, providing timely feedback, and
tracking their growth allowed me to identify areas of strength and areas that required further support. Offering
constructive feedback was a key aspect of my teaching internship experience. I understood the power of
feedback in guiding students' understanding and growth. By providing specific and actionable feedback, both
orally and in writing, I aimed to empower my students to reflect on their work, make improvements, and take
ownership of their learning. Encouraging self-reflection and peer feedback also fostered a culture of
continuous improvement in the classroom. Effective communication with parents, guardians, and fellow
educators was essential in supporting student success. I recognized the importance of keeping all
stakeholders informed about learner needs, progress, and achievements. Regular progress reports, parent-
teacher conferences, and open lines of communication ensured that everyone involved in the student's
education could work collaboratively to support their learning and well-being. Reflecting on assessment data
allowed me to gain valuable insights into my teaching and make informed decisions about instructional
practices and program improvements. Analyzing assessment results helped me identify patterns, areas of
strength, and areas for growth. This information guided my lesson planning, instructional strategies, and
curriculum adaptations to better meet the needs of my students and enhance their learning experiences.
Overall, my teaching internship experience provided valuable reflections on the design and utilization of
assessment strategies, monitoring and evaluation of learner progress, providing feedback, communicating
learner needs, and using assessment data to enhance teaching and learning practices. These reflections
have deepened my understanding of the importance of assessment as a tool for supporting student growth
and have shaped my approach to assessment as an integral part of the teaching and learning process.

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Domain 6: Community Linkages and Professional
In teaching especially during my itenrship. I realized the importance of establishing learning environments that are
responsive to community contexts. Having to have a learning environment that is responsive to community contexts
requires an understanding of the unique characteristics, cultures, and needs of the local community. I realized that by
acknowledging and incorporating these factors into my teaching practice, I could create a more inclusive and
engaging learning environment for my students. One way I achieved this was by incorporating local examples,
stories, and cultural references into my lessons. By incorporating familiar elements from the community, I was able to
make the content more relatable and meaningful for my students. This not only enhanced their understanding but
also fostered a sense of pride and connection to their community. In my teaching experience, I have seen firsthand
the positive impact of actively engaging parents and the wider school community in the educative process. When
parents are involved in their child's education, it strengthens the partnership between home and school. I have found
that regular communication with parents, whether through emails, phone calls, or parent-teacher conferences, allows
for a better understanding of each student's strengths, challenges, and individual needs. This collaborative approach
has led to improved student achievement and a sense of shared responsibility for their education. I have also
witnessed the importance of upholding professional ethics in the classroom. As an educator, I strive to create a safe
and inclusive learning environment where all students feel valued and respected. By adhering to ethical guidelines,
such as treating all students with fairness, maintaining confidentiality, and modeling integrity, I have been able to
establish trusting relationships with my students and their families. This ethical foundation has fostered a positive
classroom culture and has set the stage for effective teaching and learning. In terms of school policies and
procedures, I have found that having clear guidelines in place helps to create a structured and consistent learning
environment. By familiarizing myself with the school's policies and procedures, I have been able to effectively
manage classroom routines, address behavioral issues, and ensure the safety of all students. Additionally, involving
students in the process of establishing and following these policies has empowered them to take ownership of their
learning and behavior. Overall, the reflection of engagement, professional ethics, and adherence to school policies
and procedures in my teaching experience has been instrumental in creating a supportive and effective learning
environment for my students. These elements have not only positively impacted student achievement but also
fostered a sense of community and collaboration among all stakeholders involved in the educative process.

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Domain 7: Personal Growth and Professional
As a teacher intern, my philosophy of teaching has evolved and developed throughout my experience in the classroom. I
have come to realize the importance of creating a student-centered learning environment that not only focuses on
academic growth but also nurtures the development of the whole child. I believe in tailoring instruction to meet the diverse
needs and learning styles of my students, fostering a love for learning, and promoting critical thinking and problem-solving
skills. Seeing the impact of student-centered instruction on my students' engagement and growth has solidified my belief
in this approach. During my time as a teacher intern, I have gained a deep appreciation for the dignity of teaching as a
profession. I have witnessed firsthand the positive influence that teachers can have on the lives of their students. By
modeling respect, empathy, and kindness, I have seen how it can create a positive and inclusive classroom environment
where students feel valued and supported. This realization has reinforced my commitment to upholding high ethical
standards and treating all students with the dignity and respect they deserve. Building professional links with colleagues
has been an invaluable aspect of my teacher intern experience. Collaborating with experienced educators has provided
me with opportunities to learn from their expertise, exchange ideas, and gain valuable insights into effective teaching
practices. Engaging in discussions and seeking guidance from my colleagues has helped me refine my instructional
strategies and improve my classroom management skills. I have come to appreciate the importance of building a
supportive professional network and the power of collective knowledge in enhancing my teaching practice. Professional
reflection and learning have played a significant role in my growth as a teacher intern. Regularly reflecting on my teaching
practice, analyzing student outcomes, and seeking feedback from my mentor and colleagues have allowed me to identify
areas of strength and areas that require improvement. This reflective process has helped me refine my instructional
techniques, adapt my lessons to better cater to student needs, and make necessary adjustments to create a more
inclusive and engaging learning environment. Setting professional development goals has been instrumental in guiding
my growth as a teacher intern. Identifying areas where I can enhance my skills and knowledge has motivated me to seek
out professional development opportunities. Whether it is attending workshops, participating in online courses, or
engaging in self-directed learning, I have embraced these opportunities to broaden my understanding of effective
teaching strategies and deepen my subject matter expertise. As I continue my journey as a teacher intern, I am excited to
continue refining my philosophy of teaching, building professional connections, engaging in reflective practices, and
setting meaningful professional development goals. I am committed to constantly improving my practice to provide the
best possible learning experiences for my students and to make a positive impact on their lives.

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