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EWP101_Tutorial sheets

Tutorial# 01

1. In what time would a current of 10A transfer a charge of 50

2. A current of 6A flows for 10 minutes. What charge is
3. How long must a current of 100 mA flow so as to transfer a
charge of 80 C?
4. A voltage source of 5V is supplying current of 3A for 10
minutes. How much energy is provided in this time?
5. An electric heater consumes 1.8MJ when connected to a
250V supply for 30 minutes. Find the power rating of the
heater and the current taken from the supply.
6. An e.m.f. of 250V is connected across a resistance and the
current flowing through the resistance is 4A.What is the
power developed?
7. 450J of energy are converted into heat in 1 minute. What
power is dissipated?
8. A current of 10A flows through a conductor and 10Wis
dissipated. What potential difference exists across the ends
of the conductor?
9. A 100V battery is connected across a resistor and causes a
current of 5mA to flow. Determine the resistance of the
resistor. If the voltage is now reduced to 25V, what will be
the new value of the current flowing?
10. What is the resistance of a coil which draws a current of
(a) 50mA and (b) 200μA from a 120V supply?
11. Determine the p.d. across a 4μF capacitor when charged
with 5mC. Find the charge on a 50pF capacitor when the
voltage applied to it is 2kV.
12. Calculate the equivalent capacitance of two capacitors of
6μF and 4μF connected (a) in parallel and (b) in series.
13. Capacitances of 1μF, 3μF, 5μF and 6μF are connected in
parallel to a direct voltage supply of 100V. Determine (a)
the equivalent circuit capacitance, (b) the total charge and
(c) the charge on each capacitor.

Tutorial# 02 Energy Bills

1. Electrical equipment in an office takes a current of 5A

from a 230V supply. Estimate the cost of electricity for
30 days if the equipment is used 5 hours per day and
energy of 1kWh costs Nu. 2.28.
2. The following are the details of a connected load of a
circuit through an energy meter;
i) Six lamps of 40W each working for 12 hrs per day
ii) Two fluorescent tubes of 125W each working for 6
hrs per day
iii) One heater of 1000W working for 3 hrs per day.
If one unit of energy costs 2.28 Ngultrums what will be
the bill for one month?

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