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Ref: NR/L2/CIV/1000
Issue: 2
Date: 2 September 2023
Compliance date: 2 March 2024

Level 2


Competence Management for Buildings and Civils



Content approved by:

Jason Wenham,
Standard Change Lead

Content approved by:

Standard and Control Document Owner

Approved for publication by:


Kerry Marchant,
Standards and Controls Management Team

This document is the property of Network Rail. It shall not be reproduced in whole or part nor disclosed to a third
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© Copyright 2023 Network Rail.

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Published and Issued by Network Rail, Waterloo General Office, London SE1 8SW .

Ref: NR/L2/CIV/1000
Issue: 2
Date: 2 September 2023
Compliance date: 2 March 2024

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Ref: NR/L2/CIV/1000
Issue: 2
Date: 2 September 2023
Compliance date: 2 March 2024

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Ref: NR/L2/CIV/1000
Issue: 2
Date: 2 September 2023
Compliance date: 2 March 2024

Issue record
Issue Date Comments
01 September 2022 Initial issue (including modules 1-5)

02 September 2023 Addition of module 6 (Competence Management

for Assurance and Design of Buildings and Civils

Reference documentation
NR/L2/CTM/201 Competence Management
NR/L2/CTM/306 Skills Assessment Scheme
NR/L2/CTM/202 Quality Assurance of Training and Assessment
NR/L2/OHS/003 Management of Fatigue: Control of Working Hours
for Staff Undertaking Safety Critical Work
NR/L2/OHS/00124 Competence Specific Medical Fitness
Requirements and Supplier Requirements for
Medical Assessments
NR/L2/RSE/0005 Product Design for Reliability
Railway Safety Publication 4 Safety critical tasks – clarification of requirements
under Railway and Other Guided Transport
Systems (Safety) Regulations (2006)
TA/HSMS/001 Health and Safety Management System

This standard/control document has been reviewed to confirm it complies with the
following legislation:
Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974
Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (1999)
Railways and Other Guided Transport Systems (Safety) Regulations (2006) (ROGS)
Compliance with this standard/control document does not, on its own, provide
compliance with the legislation listed.

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Ref: NR/L2/CIV/1000
Issue: 2
Date: 2 September 2023
Compliance date: 2 March 2024


1 Purpose ........................................................................................................................ 7
2 Scope ............................................................................................................................ 7
3 Roles and responsibilities ......................................................................................... 9
4 Definitions .................................................................................................................. 10
5 Business Process ..................................................................................................... 14
6 Safety Critical Work .................................................................................................. 15
7 Assessments & Appointment of Assessors......................................................... 15
7.1 Overview .................................................................................................................. 15
7.2 Skills Assessment Scheme (SAS) Assessment..................................................... 16
7.2.1 Overview ............................................................................................................... 16
7.2.2 SAS Assessor Appointment ................................................................................. 16
7.3 Professional Assessment ........................................................................................ 16
7.3.1 Overview ............................................................................................................... 16
7.3.2 Professional Competence Assessor Appointment ............................................. 16
7.4 Line Manager Assessment...................................................................................... 17
7.4.1 Overview ............................................................................................................... 17
7.4.2 Line Manager Assessor Appointment.................................................................. 17
7.4.3 Re-certified Training Assessment ........................................................................ 17
7.5 Re-certified Training Assessor Appointment .......................................................... 17
8 Competence Requirements..................................................................................... 17
8.1 Competence Types.................................................................................................. 17
8.2 Deployment of Competent Individuals .................................................................... 18
8.3 Prerequisite .............................................................................................................. 18
8.4 Competence Profile ................................................................................................. 19
8.4.1 Overview ............................................................................................................... 19
8.4.2 Key Posts .............................................................................................................. 19
8.5 Authority to Work ..................................................................................................... 19
8.6 Acquire Competence ............................................................................................... 20
8.6.1 Overview ............................................................................................................... 20
8.6.2 Initial competence discussion .............................................................................. 20
8.6.3 Gaining B&C Occupational Competences .......................................................... 20
8.6.4 Gaining B&C Occupational Competences not part of SAS ................................ 21
8.6.5 Gaining Professional Competence ...................................................................... 21
8.6.6 Gaining a Re-certified Training Competence ...................................................... 21

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Ref: NR/L2/CIV/1000
Issue: 2
Date: 2 September 2023
Compliance date: 2 March 2024

8.6.7 Post-training mentoring ........................................................................................ 21

8.6.8 Assessment Appeals Procedure.......................................................................... 22
8.7 Maintain Competence.............................................................................................. 23
8.7.1 Maintain Occupational Competence.................................................................... 23
8.7.2 Maintain Re-certified Training Competence........................................................ 23
8.7.3 Maintain Professional Competence ..................................................................... 23
8.7.4 Annual Competence Review ................................................................................ 23
8.8 Renew Competence ................................................................................................ 25
8.8.1 Overview ............................................................................................................... 25
8.8.2 Renew Occupational Competence ...................................................................... 25
8.8.3 Renew Professional Competence ....................................................................... 25
8.8.4 Renew Re-certified Training Competence .......................................................... 25
8.9 Suspend competence .............................................................................................. 25
8.9.1 Suspend Occupational Competence ................................................................... 25
8.9.2 Suspend Re-certified Training Competence ....................................................... 25
8.9.3 Suspend Professional Competence .................................................................... 25
8.10 Returning from periods of long-term absence...................................................... 26
8.11 Ending competence ............................................................................................... 26
8.11.1 Ending Occupational Competence .................................................................... 26
8.11.2 Ending Re-certified Training Competence ........................................................ 27
8.11.3 Ending Professional Competence ..................................................................... 27
9 Assurance .................................................................................................................. 27
9.1 Assurance ................................................................................................................ 27
9.2 Technical Authority Assurance ............................................................................... 28
10 Route to Competence ............................................................................................ 28
11 Proficiency Levels .................................................................................................. 29
12 Governance of B&C Competence Frameworks ................................................. 30
12.1 Changes to B&C Competence Frameworks ........................................................ 30
12.2 New or Novel Technology Systems, Equipment and Materials .......................... 30

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Ref: NR/L2/CIV/1000
Issue: 2
Date: 2 September 2023
Compliance date: 2 March 2024

1 Purpose
This standard sets out the competence management requirements and processes,
including the route to competence and assessment, for any individual who
undertakes activities across the Buildings and Civils (B&C) asset portfolio in relation
to Network Rail Managed Infrastructure (NRMI) and interfacing third party land and
A competent B&C community will help reduce asset failures and other incidents that
could arise from a lack of technical B&C competence when undertaking activities
across the entire asset management lifecycle.
NOTE: From this point on, for ease of reading “activities across the Buildings and Civils (B&C) asset
portfolio in relation to NRMI and interfacing third party land and assets” is referenced as “B&C

2 Scope
This document provides overarching requirements and guidance for the application
of competence frameworks owned by B&C Network Technical Heads (NTH). This
standard applies to individuals employed by Network Rail (NR), contractors and the
wider railway supply chain, who undertake B&C activities.
The standard includes modules covering the specific competence requirements for
B&C assets, which are shown in the table below.
NOTE: Contractors and railway supply chain organisations are responsible for their own competence
management system and processes including profiling individuals, assessments, and competence

Reference Number Title Publication date

NR/L2/CIV/1000/01 Competence Management September 2022

for Drainage and Lineside

NR/L2/CIV/1000/01/F001 Drainage and Lineside September 2022

Competence Index

NR/L2/CIV/1000/02 Competence Management September 2022

for Structures

NR/L2/CIV/1000/02/F001 SNG01 Workbook and September 2022


NR/L2/CIV/1000/02/F002 SNG02 Workbook and September 2022


NR/L2/CIV/1000/02/F003 SNG03 Workbook and September 2022


NRL2/CIV/1000/03 Competence Management September 2022

for Tunnels

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Ref: NR/L2/CIV/1000
Issue: 2
Date: 2 September 2023
Compliance date: 2 March 2024

Reference Number Title Publication date

NR/L2/CIV/1000/04 Competence Management September 2022

for Earthworks

NR/L2/CIV/1000/05 Competence Management September 2022

for Buildings

NR/L2/CIV/1000/05/F001 BEM01 Workbook and September 2022


NR/L2/CIV/1000/05/F002 BSM01 & BSM02 September 2022

Workbook and Assessment

NR/L2/CIV/1000/05/F003 BSM03 Workbook and September 2022


NR/L2/CIV/1000/06 Competence Management September 2023

for Assurance and Design
of Buildings and Civils

NR/L2/CIV/1000/06/F001 Appointment of Buildings & September 2023

Civils Assessors

NR/L2/CIV/1000/06/F002 Record of Buildings & Civils September 2023

Appointed Assessors

NR/L2/CIV/1000/06/F003 Buildings and Civils Project September 2023

Engineering Framework

NR/L2/CIV/1000/06/F004 Buildings and Civils Design September 2023

Engineering Framework

NR/L2/CIV/1000/06/F005 Building Services Project September 2023

Engineering Framework

NR/L2/CIV/1000/06/F006 Building Services Design September 2023

Engineering Framework

NR/L2/CIV/1000/06/F007 Architecture Assurance for September 2023

Buildings and the Built
Environment Framework

NR/L2/CIV/1000/06/F008 Architecture Design for September 2023

Buildings and the Built
Environment Framework

Note: Modules covering competence management for Mining, and updates to other modules, will be
included in a future update of this standard.

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Ref: NR/L2/CIV/1000
Issue: 2
Date: 2 September 2023
Compliance date: 2 March 2024

3 Roles and responsibilities

The table below provides a high-level overview of the key accountabilities and
responsibilities in the lifecycle management of B&C competences.

R – Responsible is the individual or people who are

responsible for performing a certain task or action.

Training & Assessment Organisations

A – An Accountable individual is one who has overall
accountability to make sure that a task or action is

Regional / Functional Director

C – Consulted people have an input into the task or
action, this can be providing information, reviewing

Network Technical Head /

documents or attending workshops etc.
I – Informed people are those who receive the output of
a task or process.

Technical Authority
* Denotes option for delegation

Line Manager

Clause number and section title
6 Safety Critical Work A, R

7 Assessments & Appointment of I A, R C C

8.2 Deployment of competent A, R C
8.3 Prerequisite A, R C
8.4 Competence Profile A R C
8.4.2 Key Posts A I R C
8.5 Authority to work A, R C
8.6 Acquire Competence R R A R
8.6.2 Initial competence discussion A, R C
8.6.7 Post training mentoring A R
8.7 Maintain Competence A R
8.7.4 Annual Competence Review A R
8.8 Renew Competence R R A R
8.9 Suspend Competence A, R C, I
8.11 Ending Competence A R

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Ref: NR/L2/CIV/1000
Issue: 2
Date: 2 September 2023
Compliance date: 2 March 2024

R – Responsible is the individual or people who are

responsible for performing a certain task or action.

Training & Assessment Organisations

A – An Accountable individual is one who has overall
accountability to make sure that a task or action is

Regional / Functional Director

C – Consulted people have an input into the task or
action, this can be providing information, reviewing

Network Technical Head /

documents or attending workshops etc.
I – Informed people are those who receive the output of
a task or process.

Technical Authority
* Denotes option for delegation

Line Manager

9.1 Assurance I A, R C C R, C C
9.2 Technical Authority Assurance A, R I C C C C
10 Route to competency A, R C I I I I
Governance of Changes to B&C
12.1 A, R C
Competence Frameworks
New or Novel Technology
12.2 Systems, Equipment and A, R C
Table 1 – RACI chart
NOTE 1: Supply chain organisations are accountable for appointing their own assessors, profiling and
assessing their staff and undertaking assurance throughout the lifecycle of B&C competence
NOTE 2: The RACI above should be read in conjunction with any specific RACI requirements in the
CIV/1000 modules, as per section 2.

4 Definitions
For the purpose of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.

Term Definition

Assessment The gathering and judging of evidence to determine an

individual’s competence as required by a Competence

Assessor Individual approved as competent and authorised to

undertake Assessments of individuals against the
requirements set out in specific Competence Standards /

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Ref: NR/L2/CIV/1000
Issue: 2
Date: 2 September 2023
Compliance date: 2 March 2024

Term Definition

Authority to Work (AtW) Formal permission given by the Line Manager for an
individual to carry out a defined task or objective based on
verified competence.
Capability Development The forum where the Network Technical Heads discharge
Group (CDG) their accountabilities for ownership of competence
frameworks, the route to competence and assessment
Competence Management A logical, integrated cycle of organisational activities that
System (CMS) includes designing, planning, implementing, monitoring,
maintaining and developing, assuring and reviewing the
end-to-end management of competence.
NOTE: This works in conjunction with wider organisational
policies and Oracle - NR’s Competence Management IT system.

Competence Ability of an individual to undertake responsibilities and

perform activities or tasks to a recognised standard on a
consistent basis. A combination of knowledge, practical
thinking skills, experience, and behaviours to undertake
activities in accordance with agreed standards, rules and
“Occupational Competence” allows individuals to undertake
a specific activity which is directly on the NRMI and can
have a direct impact on the operational running of the
railway in real-time.

“Professional Competence” allows individuals to undertake

a specific activity where engineering theories and
judgements are applied to produce deliverables that are not
likely to have a direct impact on the operational running of
the railway in real-time.
“Re-certified training Competence” is when the CDG has
decided that the only way of attaining and renewing the
competence is through certified training and an individual
can only be assessed with a pass or fail outcome.
Competence Framework A logical grouping of competences relating to a specific
asset group or activity. Competence Frameworks form part
of NR’s CMS.

Competence Profile A description of competence requirements that apply to a

specific job, role or post.
NOTE: The Competence Profile is used to determine the training
and assessment requirements for the individual.

Competent Individual An individual who has been assessed as being competent,

having the required practical and theoretical knowledge,
experience, skills and behaviours to carry out a particular

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Ref: NR/L2/CIV/1000
Issue: 2
Date: 2 September 2023
Compliance date: 2 March 2024

Term Definition

task in accordance with agreed standards, rules and

Competence Standard A specification statement of what an individual is able to
demonstrate to consistently achieve the intended outcome
of tasks / work and how this would be assessed. The
standard will include the range of circumstances in which
the ability has to be demonstrated, the knowledge required
to complete the work and the types of evidence needed to
demonstrate the sustained performance of tasks / work.
Continual Professional The means by which an individual develops and maintains
Development (CPD) the knowledge, skills and behaviours related to their role.
NOTE: Specific CPD requirements are often outlined by
Professional Institutions and other trade bodies which individuals
may be registered with.

Key Safety Post (KSP) Identified in Network Rail’s Health and Safety Management
System. Holders of these posts exercise decisive authority
over actions, products, decisions and policies that have a
direct and material effect on the ability of NR to discharge
its duty holder responsibilities under ROGS 2006.

Maintain Competence The process an individual follows each year to meet the
requirements to remain competent.

Mentoring Following initial development of an individual, this is a

period where an individual is formally supported to
practically apply knowledge, training principles and gather
evidence ready for assessment.

Non-Technical Skills The mental processes (practical & thinking skills) and
interpersonal skills element of the role that enable people to
apply their knowledge and technical skills to achieve
competent performance.

Prerequisites The knowledge, experience or competence required to be

held by an individual, prior to that individual commencing
training or assessment of a new competence.
Professional Discussion A holistic assessment approach to check an individual’s
understanding of technical theory for a specific competence
and its application, where a Professional Competence is
required. The approach is useful in evaluating how an
individual approaches a certain scenario/ situation and can
be used to assess the validity and reliability of any self -
generated evidence or work samples. This assessment
approach should allow the individual being assessed to
demonstrate their knowledge, skills and expertise without
the Assessor directing or leading the conversation.

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Ref: NR/L2/CIV/1000
Issue: 2
Date: 2 September 2023
Compliance date: 2 March 2024

Term Definition

Renew Competence The process an individual follows when the competence’s

period of validity expires.
Route to Competence (RTC) The indicative pathway for all competence types, to
demonstrate how an individual can meet the competence
standard or statement requirements for each proficiency
Safety Critical Work Any safety critical task defined by Part 4 of The Railways
and Other Guided Transport Systems (Safety) Regulations
(ROGS), carried out by any individual in the course of their

Safety Critical Worker An individual undertaking safety critical tasks.

Skills Assessment Scheme A competence assurance process based on risk. It applies

(SAS) a methodology to attain, maintain and renew competence
based on the activity being performed by an individual.

Table 2 – Terms and definitions

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Ref: NR/L2/CIV/1000
Issue: 2
Date: 2 September 2023
Compliance date: 2 March 2024

5 Business Process
Figure 1 outlines the overarching process for the cyclical management of an
individual’s B&C competences.

Figure 1 – Process Map

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Ref: NR/L2/CIV/1000
Issue: 2
Date: 2 September 2023
Compliance date: 2 March 2024

6 Safety Critical Work

The Railways and Other Guided Transport Systems (Safety) Regulations (ROGS)
Part 4 contains provisions for the management of the competence, fitness, and
fatigue of Safety Critical Workers.
ROGS requirements for fitness and fatigue of Safety Critical Workers are dealt with in
other standards which include, but are not limited to:
• NR/L2/OHS/003 ‘Management of Fatigue: Control of Working Hours for Staff
Undertaking Safety Critical Work’
• NR/L2/OHS/00124 ‘Competence Specific Medical Fitness Requirements and
Supplier Requirements for Medical Assessments’.
NOTE 1: Full details of safety critical tasks can be found in Railway Safety Publication 4: Safety
Critical Tasks – clarification of ROGS regulation requirements.

Any individual carrying out Safety Critical Work shall be trained and assessed as
If undertaking practical training or obtaining experience towards developing a
competence to carry out Safety Critical Work, individuals shall be supervised by a
competent Safety Critical Worker.

Any individual carrying out Safety Critical Work shall meet the requirements of
Quality assurance of training and assessments for competences required to
undertake Safety Critical Work shall follow NR/L3/CTM/202.
Each year, all individuals who undertake B&C Safety Critical Work shall maintain a
record of the B&C activities which the individual has practised.
The record shall be used as supporting evidence for the performance requirements
for those competences allowing the individual to undertake Safety Critical Work.
The recorded entries shall be validated by the individual’s Line Manager.
Those B&C competences that need to be held to undertake Safety Critical Work,
shall be identified by the relevant Network Technical Head, and are documented in
each NR/L2/CIV/1000 module as per section 2.

7 Assessments & Appointment of Assessors

7.1 Overview
Assessment of B&C competences shall follow the assessment types described in
sections 7.2, 7.3, 7.4 and 7.5.
All NR Regions, Functions and supply chain organisations, shall appoint at least one
Assessor for each B&C competence framework and / or make arrangements for
Assessor services to be delivered through a third party training and assessment
Each NR/L2/CIV/1000 module, as per section 2, shall identify the assessment type
required for each B&C competence.

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Ref: NR/L2/CIV/1000
Issue: 2
Date: 2 September 2023
Compliance date: 2 March 2024

7.2 Skills Assessment Scheme (SAS) Assessment

7.2.1 Overview
See NR/L3/CTM/306 for the assessment requirements for competences held within
the SAS, which uses a risk-based assurance methodology. This assessment type
only applies to Occupational Competences.

7.2.2 SAS Assessor Appointment

For the appointment and competence of Assessors undertaking assessments for
competences managed within the SAS see NR/L3/CTM/306/02.

7.3 Professional Assessment

7.3.1 Overview
Professional Assessment applies where a competence is not part of the SAS and
takes the form of a Professional Discussion. The Assessment requires the evaluation
of specific technical knowledge, skills, experience, judgement and application of
principles. This Assessment type typically applies to Professional Competences but
can also apply to any Occupational Competences not included in the SAS.

7.3.2 Professional Competence Assessor Appointment

NR Regions, Functions and railway supply chain organisations who undertake B&C
activities, shall be accountable for the assessment and appointment of Assessors.
The appointment of Assessors shall be reviewed by the NR Director of Engineering
and Asset Management (DEAM) or nominated technical lead, at least every three
years and a register of Assessors for each B&C competence framework stored and
made available to Line Managers.
An Assessor shall have knowledge of assessment techniques to enable them to
undertake a Professional Discussion. This can be demonstrated through completing
the NR assessor training course or equivalent external course.
The Assessor should be able to assess an individual’s knowledge and skills for the
B&C activities that the individual undertakes, using a combination of questions and
answers, scenarios and other suitable assessment tools. The Assessor should be
able to understand how to assess the validity and reliability of any self -generated
evidence or work samples.
An appointed Assessor shall have a thorough understanding of the B&C competence
standards / statements and the technical content of the competence which they are
assessing. Understanding shall be demonstrated through holding the competence
being assessed at a minimum proficiency level 3.
The NTHs shall define specific technical knowledge, skills, behaviours, experience
and any professional accreditations required to become an Assessor for Professional
B&C competences in NR/L2/CIV/1000 modules, as per section 2.

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Ref: NR/L2/CIV/1000
Issue: 2
Date: 2 September 2023
Compliance date: 2 March 2024

NOTE 1: It may be acceptable for an Assessor to assess an individual at a higher level of proficiency
than held themselves. For example, an Assessor holding a competence at level 4, can assess an
individual to be level 5.
NOTE 2: Regions and Functions may adopt an approach of appointing a ‘Lead Assessor’ who will
then be empowered to appoint further Assessors within their business area.

7.4 Line Manager Assessment

7.4.1 Overview
Where the competence assessment does not require specific technical knowledge
for the competence being assessed to be held, the individual’s Line Manager may
carry out the assessment. This may include the assessment of any Non-Technical
Skills (NTS) and behaviours.

7.4.2 Line Manager Assessor Appointment

There is no requirement for a Line Manager to be formally appointed as an Assessor.

7.4.3 Re-certified Training Assessment

Re-certified Training Assessments are typically undertaken by third party training and
assessment organisations. For example, the B&C competence LM30: Basic
chainsaw operation and maintenance is achieved through training and assessment
by an external organisation.

7.5 Re-certified Training Assessor Appointment

The appointment and competence of external training, assessment organisations and
individual Assessors, shall be in line with NR/L2/CTM/202.

8 Competence Requirements

8.1 Competence Types

There are three types of competences in Oracle and all three are represented across
the B&C portfolio of Competence Frameworks. The three types of competence are:
• Occupational;
• Professional;
• Re-certified Training.
Typically, competences have been classified as “Occupational” when linked to
individuals undertaking activities directly on NRMI and are likely to have a direct
impact on the operational running of the railway in real-time.
Competences have been classified as “Professional” when linked to individuals
undertaking activities where engineering theories and judgements are applied to
produce deliverables that are not likely to have a direct impact on the operational
running of the railway in real-time.

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Ref: NR/L2/CIV/1000
Issue: 2
Date: 2 September 2023
Compliance date: 2 March 2024

Competences have been classified as “Re-certified training” when the CDG has
decided that the only way of attaining and renewing the competence is through
certified training and an individual can only be assessed with a pass or fail outcome.
See NR/L2/CIV/1000 modules, as per section 2, for the competence type of each
B&C competence.
NOTE 1: Re-certified training and assessment is typically delivered external to NR and an
accreditation or certification is awarded by an external body. The external body will set the validity
period and method of reassessment instead of the NR B&C CDG.
NOTE 2: Typically, Occupational Competences are assessed and managed through the SAS and
Professional Competences assess through a Professional Discussion by an Assessor.

8.2 Deployment of Competent Individuals

Before deploying any individual to undertake B&C activities the Line Manager shall:
a) check that the individual holds the required competence at the right level and/or
b) check that the individual is working under the supervision of a Competent

Further guidance on any specific competence requirements for individuals working

under delegated authority or responding to / managing incidents, including out of
hours working, is in NR/L2/CIV/1000 modules.
NOTE 1: The requirements to deploy Competent Individuals applies equally to permanent, temporary,
and seconded individuals.
NOTE 2: NR/L2/CTM/201 ‘Competence management’ outlines key management responsibilities for
NR Regional and Functional Managing Directors and Line Managers including but not limited to;
identifying the competences required to complete the work, profiling, planning work using competent

8.3 Prerequisite
Prerequisites can take the form of knowledge, experience or specific competences
required to be held by an individual, prior to that individual commencing training,
assessment, mentorship or working.
The Line Manager shall check all required prerequisites are held by each individual
prior to their deployment.
Typical checks can include task risk control sheets, work activity risk assessments
and other required business processes.
NOTE 1: There are several standards and competences that set prerequisite requirements for being
deployed on any NRMI for example Personal Track Safety, fitness medical, drugs & alcohol testing.
NOTE 2: There are several B&C activities where prerequisites, that are not governed by B&C, are
required for example working at height or in confined spaces.
NOTE 3: There are several B&C competences that have a B&C prerequisite competence that should
be held, see the relevant NR/L2/CIV/1000 module.

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Compliance date: 2 March 2024

8.4 Competence Profile

8.4.1 Overview
The NR Regional Managing Director or Functional Director and the Supply Chain
Managing Director shall hold the over-arching accountability for a Competence
Profile being agreed and implemented for all individuals undertaking B&C activities
within their respective organisations.
The Line Manager shall check that each Individual in their team has an agreed
Competence Profile in Oracle or equivalent CMS prior to undertaking B&C activities.
The Line Manager shall assess annually what competence mix is required within
their overall teams, to provide business resilience and enable efficient working.
Individuals working within the B&C discipline interface with many other engineering
specialisms and therefore a Line Manager may require individuals to hold non-B&C
owned competences. For example, there are Competence Frameworks that cover
Fire, Security, Sustainability, Systems, Asset Management and Project Engineering
which could have relevance for an individual to carry out their role.
NOTE 1: Frameworks listed are not an exhaustive list.
NOTE 2: Profiling requirements may be specified within contract documents.

8.4.2 Key Posts

The NTH shall be accountable for defining the B&C Competence Profiles for Key
Safety Posts.
Further profiling guidance is provided for roles and tasks defined in asset standards
and other agreed generic roles, as nominated by NR Regions and Functions. See
NR/L2/CIV/1000 modules, as per section 2, for further guidance on setting
Competence Profiles.

8.5 Authority to Work

Authority to Work (AtW) shall be given by a Line Manager for an individual to carry
out a defined activity based upon verified competence.
The AtW shall include the details of an individual’s assessed competences, the
competence level and any limitation and/or restrictions that may apply.
NOTE 1: Limitations include, for example, working under supervision; not able to examine sea
The competence Assessor shall be responsible for identifying the limitations which
apply. The Line Manager and individual shall discuss the limitations to confirm they
are understood and are applied.
The Line Manager shall record the Assessment outcomes and associated AtW(s) in
the CMS, for example Oracle for NR individuals.
For NR individuals, a Line Manager’s Oracle approval of a competence assessment
outcome and proposed restrictions may be used as an individual’s AtW.

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Compliance date: 2 March 2024

Each NR/L2/CIV/1000 module, as per section 2, defines which B&C activities require
formal permission to undertake the work and defines how limitations will be recorded
in Oracle or equivalent CMS.
NOTE 2: Any competence type can form part of an AtW.
NOTE 3: When an individual has been assessed and gained competence, this is an authorisation to
undertake activities as detailed by the competence standard or statement.

8.6 Acquire Competence

8.6.1 Overview
Individuals may need to acquire competence when joining NR, changing roles, or
taking on new activities working with B&C assets on NRMI.

8.6.2 Initial competence discussion

Line Managers shall meet with individuals to discuss which B&C competences they
should hold and identify what assessment types are applicable.
The Line Manager, or the regional / functional competence support team nominated
by the Line Manager, shall add agreed competences to the individual’s competence
The route to competence shall be discussed between the Line Manager and the
individual and a gap analysis undertaken to identify areas of immediate development.
A development plan shall be agreed between the two parties and shall include any
The initial development, profiling of competences and first assessment should be
completed as soon as possible after the individual starts work with the business or
changes roles and/or responsibilities.
The initial competence assessment shall be completed no later than three months
after identifying the need to acquire the competence.
An individual’s development plan should include the areas of competence requiring
further development. Once the development plan has been achieved, the individual’s
competence should be Assessed.
NOTE 1: The development plan may include a training needs assessment or proposals of how the
further development is going to be obtained such as through attending formal training courses and/or
gaining experience through mentorship within agreed timescales.
NOTE 2: An individual may utilise and update their NR Personal Development Plan or an existing
development plan which may be associated with a professional institution. For example, the ICE has
its own Development Action Plan that can be utilised.

8.6.3 Gaining B&C Occupational Competences

For those B&C competences designated as Occupational and part of the Skills
Assessment Scheme (SAS), the process for acquiring competence is outlined in
NR/L3/CTM/306 ‘Skills Assessment Scheme’.

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Compliance date: 2 March 2024

8.6.4 Gaining B&C Occupational Competences not part of SAS

For Occupational competences not part of the SAS, use the process in 8.6.5.

8.6.5 Gaining Professional Competence

For B&C Professional competences, the individual shall arrange for a Professional
Assessment with an Assessor as per 7.3.2.
Professional Assessments shall be based on individual’s understanding of technical
theory for a specific competence and its application, where a Professional
Competence is required and shall include the individual’s knowledge, skills and
experience in the competence being assessed.
The individual shall bring supporting evidence to their Assessment that demonstrates
the application of their knowledge, skills, experience and relevant non-technical skills
(NTS) to meet the competence standard or statement.
The Assessor shall review and authenticate the evidence presented by the individual
to assure it meets the requirements of the competence standard / statement.
Following assessment, the Assessor shall notify the Line Manager of the assessed
levels and any working limitations.
The individual or nominated regional competence support team shall enter the
assessed competence levels into Oracle or the company CMS and upload their
supporting evidence such as a logbook, results from a knowledge test and the
Assessor’s name.
The Line Manager shall review and accept the Oracle or company CMS workflow in
line with the information provided by the Assessor and take in to account any
recorded working limitations, when planning future work.
Some training courses may automatically award a level of competence (typically only
level 2) on successful completion. The training organisation should provide this
information to NR Training and the individual’s Oracle competence record should be
updated without the need for the Line Manager’s approval.
NOTE: If an individual does not have access to Oracle or company CMS, the individual can ask their
local competence support team to enter the assessed competence levels and supporting evidence
into Oracle. For example, this can be done by the NR Competence Development Specialist (CDS).

8.6.6 Gaining a Re-certified Training Competence

For those B&C competences designated Re-certified Training, the individual shall
attend the designated training which includes an assessment of competence.
NOTE: Re-certified training competence has two possible outcomes: individuals can only be assessed
as competent or not competent. Many of these competence types have the training and assessment
undertaken externally and may also award an industry recognised certification.

8.6.7 Post-training mentoring

Upon the successful completion of training, there may be a requirement for a further
period of mentoring to practise and consolidate learning under supervision.

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Date: 2 September 2023
Compliance date: 2 March 2024

This period may be specifically outlined as part of the training and documented route
to competence or agreed individually with the Line Manager.
The Line Manager shall enable the consolidation of practical workplace experience,
such as Action Learning and the provision of supervision throughout the mentoring
The individual shall utilise a logbook or other suitable method of collecting and
recording performance and experience during their period of mentorship. The
individual shall take their logbook to their competence assessment.
The Mentor shall hold the competence at the required level which the individual is
aiming to achieve.
See each NR/L2/CIV/1000 module which provides specific mentoring requirements
and methods of capturing experience for the competences they cover.

8.6.8 Assessment Appeals Procedure

Where a NR individual disagrees with an assessment decision made by an Assessor,
they may appeal.
For B&C Occupational competence assessments, the process for appealing
decisions is outlined in NR/L3/CTM/306 ‘Skills Assessment Scheme’.
Supply chain organisations should have a documented appeals procedure as part of
their CMS.
For Professional competence Assessments, the process in stages 1 and 2 below
shall be followed for Network Rail employees:

Stage 1: Informal appeal

The individual shall explain the reasons for the appeal directly to the Assessor who
made the assessment decision within five working days after receiving the
assessment result.
The Assessor shall review the individual’s reason and provide a response within two
working days including:
1. clear explanation of the assessment decision following a re-evaluation of the
2. where applicable, an amended assessment record detailing the reasons for
which the amendment has been made.
Where an individual agrees with the decision then no further action is required.
Where an agreement cannot be made, stage 2 of the process shall be followed.

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Issue: 2
Date: 2 September 2023
Compliance date: 2 March 2024

Stage 2: Formal appeal

The original Assessor shall record the details of the appeal along with any evidence
submitted by the individual and the details shall be submitted to another Assessor,
who can assess the same competence, for independent review.
Stage 2 shall commence within five working days of stage 1 concluding.
The second Assessor shall review the decision made by the first Assessor based on
the evidence provided, consult with those involved in the appeal and those who have
knowledge of the individual demonstrating the competence.
Where the second Assessor agrees with the original assessment decision they shall:
1. inform the individual, the Line Manager, and the first Assessor;
2. provide an explanation of the reasons for which they agree;
3. the original assessment level stands and is recorded in Oracle or equivalent
CMS as per 8.6.5.
Where the second Assessor disagrees with the assessment decision they shall:
1. inform the individual, the Line Manager and the first Assessor;
2. provide an explanation of the reasons why they disagree;
3. the second Assessor determines the revised competence level, and this is
recorded in Oracle or the company CMS by the individual (or regional
competence support team) along with all Assessor notes.

8.7 Maintain Competence

8.7.1 Maintain Occupational Competence

Individuals shall maintain B&C Occupational competences by following the process
outlined in NR/L3/CTM/306 ‘Skills Assessment Scheme’.

8.7.2 Maintain Re-certified Training Competence

Individuals shall maintain B&C Re-certified Training competences by being re-trained
and assessed by a nominated organisation, prior to the competence lapsing.

8.7.3 Maintain Professional Competence

To maintain B&C Professional competences and other competences which are not
part of the SAS, an individual shall participate in an Annual Competence Review
(ACR) with their Line Manager.
This process aids the Line Manager in planning training and assessing ongoing team

8.7.4 Annual Competence Review

All individuals holding B&C competences shall participate in an ACR meeting with
their Line Manager to discuss and review the individual’s competences, bringing any
relevant records.

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Issue: 2
Date: 2 September 2023
Compliance date: 2 March 2024

Where the individual holds only Occupational Competences that are part of the SAS,
this review take the form of the Annual Capability Conversation (ACC) as described
in NR/L3/CTM/306.
Where an individual holds a competence not managed through the SAS, the Line
Manager shall arrange for an ACR.
Should the individual hold a mixture of competence types, the Line Manager may
combine the ACC and ACR into a single meeting and discussion.
The ACR shall as a minimum discuss the following points listed a) to g) and the
individual shall provide any supporting evidence in relation to these points:
a) the individual has practised the B&C competence at the minimum frequency
defined in the competence standard / statement and RTC;
b) the B&C activities completed by the individual meet the performance
requirements of the competence standard or statement;
c) the individual has retained the knowledge defined in the relevant B&C
competence standard or statement;
d) there have been no incidents, accidents or near misses as a result of the
individual carrying out B&C activities (applying fair culture principles);
e) the competence has not lapsed beyond its validity date;
f) whether the individual’s competence level has changed since the last
competence review meeting;
g) identify competences due to expire before the next review date and agree re-
assessment plan.
Following the ACR, the Line Manager shall put in place one or more of the following
actions, if required, to maintain and manage the individual’s competence:
• additional mentoring
• further development / training
• arrange for a re-assessment of the competence
• suspend the competence
• withdraw or end the competence
Where the ACR has identified that a new B&C competence is required for the role,
the individual shall follow the processes in this standard for acquiring a new
competence, as per section 8.6.
On completion of the ACR, the Line Manager shall maintain a record of the decisions
and actions agreed and arrange for the individual (or competence support team) to
update their competence record in Oracle or equivalent CMS.

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Issue: 2
Date: 2 September 2023
Compliance date: 2 March 2024

8.8 Renew Competence

8.8.1 Overview
Each B&C competence has a specific validity period, and the individual shall arrange
for a competence to be renewed by an Assessor appointed for the relevant
framework being assessed against, to avoid any period of lapsed competence.
Individuals holding a current assessed competence which is in the scope of modules
1 to 5, shall arrange for a new Assessment within 18 months of the publication date
of issue 1 of this standard (i.e. within 18 months of 3 September 2022).
Following this Assessment, individuals shall renew competences based upon the
specific validity period of the competence defined in each CIV/1000 module.
NOTE: The early identification of competences that are reaching the point of needing to be renewed
should be done during the Annual Competence Review.

8.8.2 Renew Occupational Competence

Individuals shall renew B&C Occupational Competences by following the process
outlined in NR/L3/CTM/306 ‘Skills Assessment Scheme’.

8.8.3 Renew Professional Competence

Individuals shall renew a B&C Professional competences and other competences
which are not part of the SAS through a Professional Discussion between the
appointed Assessor and the individual, as per the requirement for initially acquiring
the competence in clause 8.6.5.

8.8.4 Renew Re-certified Training Competence

Individuals shall renew a B&C Re-certified Training Competence by being re-trained
and assessed by a nominated organisation, prior to the competence lapsing.

8.9 Suspend competence

8.9.1 Suspend Occupational Competence

Line Managers shall follow the process in NR/L3/CTM/306 when deciding whether to
suspend an individual’s B&C Occupational competences which are part of the SAS.

8.9.2 Suspend Re-certified Training Competence

Line Managers shall follow the process in section 8.9.3 when deciding whether to
suspend an individual’s B&C re-certified training competence.

8.9.3 Suspend Professional Competence

A Line Manager may need to consider whether to suspend a B&C Professional
Competence, or other competences not part of the SAS, of an individual in their

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Issue: 2
Date: 2 September 2023
Compliance date: 2 March 2024

The Line Manager shall record and explain the reason for the suspension, which
should not last for a period greater than 15 working days, including the investigation
During this suspended period the individual shall not undertake B&C activities that
require the suspended competence.
Any AtW shall be amended by the Line Manager to reflect the suspension.
Where a suspended competence acts as a prerequisite to holding another
competence, the Line Manager shall consider any implications regarding deployment
of the individual and the potential for further suspensions to those related
Occasions where a suspension may be necessary may include, but are not limited to:
a) the conduct of the individual gives cause to suspect a lack of competence;
b) the individual is temporarily unable to meet the medical fitness requirements of
the competence;
c) the individual has caused or contributed to an incident, or accident as a result
of performing activities to which that competence relates;
d) the individual makes decisions or takes actions that result in a major breach of
safety or endangers the safety of others.
The purpose of the suspension is to prevent the individual undertaking B&C activities
associated with the suspended competence, while the Line Manager carries out an
investigation to determine whether the individual can continue to use the
A suspended competence shall be reinstated when the individual concerned has
been exonerated.

8.10 Returning from periods of long-term absence

There are several instances when an individual will be returning to the workplace
after an extended period of absence, for example illness, secondment, sabbatical,
maternity, paternity.
In situations where an individual is planning to return to the workplace after an
extended period of absence, Line Managers should consider the impact on
competency for the individual and hold a competence review meeting with the
The competence review meeting shall as a minimum discuss the points listed under
(a) to (g) in in section 8.7.4.

8.11 Ending competence

8.11.1 Ending Occupational Competence

There are circumstances where a B&C competence held by an individual may need
to be ended.

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Date: 2 September 2023
Compliance date: 2 March 2024

If the competence is covered by SAS, the process outlined in NR/L3/CTM/306/01

shall be followed.

8.11.2 Ending Re-certified Training Competence

See 8.11.3 for the process for ending a B&C Re-certified training competence.

8.11.3 Ending Professional Competence

A Professional B&C competence and other competences not part of the SAS shall be
ended from an individual’s employee competence record, when any of the following
a) the competence is no longer required by agreement between the individual
and their Line Manager;
NOTE 1: This may for example, be as a result of a permanent change in medical fitness, or a change
in duties / role.
b) the competence has not been reviewed or re-assessed within the required
c) the competence has been suspended and not reinstated;
d) the competence has been suspended for longer than 15 working days;
e) the competence is being retired by NR.
It may be mutually beneficial for an individual to maintain a competence which is not
core to their role, to provide organisational resilience in certain skills. This should be
agreed with the Line Manager and the Individual should follow the requirements for
maintaining the competence and keeping it valid and in date.
NOTE 2: A grace period may apply in certain circumstances, see NR/L2/CIV/1000 modules for further
When a competence ends, the individual concerned shall update the record of the
competence in Oracle or company CMS, by setting the competence being ended at
level 100. If the individual concerned does not have access to Oracle, the
competence support team shall update the record in Oracle for the individual
concerned. The Line Manager shall approve the update to the record of competence.
Once ended, if the competence is required again, then the acquisition process in
section 8.6 in this standard shall be followed.

9 Assurance

9.1 Assurance
Assurance is an important component to maintain the integrity of the Competence
Management System. Assurance of competence may be undertaken as part of
Network Rail’s assurance framework outlined in NR/L2/ASR/036.
NOTE: Contract requirements may also include specific assurance or audit activities.

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Issue: 2
Date: 2 September 2023
Compliance date: 2 March 2024

Regions and Functions shall be accountable for assurance of the quality and
consistency of B&C competence and assessment processes and decisions made
within their spans of control, including the railway supply chain.
Competence assurance shall be undertaken on any individual who undertakes B&C
activities. As a minimum, Competence assurance shall include the following points:
1. The role / unique person number (UPN) has a Competence Profile set that
reflects the B&C activities they undertake;
2. Assessments are being undertaken to gain and maintain competence;
3. Assessment processes and tools are being used consistently;
4. Development plans for individuals are in place where competence gaps occur;
5. Employee competence records in Oracle (or equivalent CMS) are up to date;
6. Performance evidence is recorded in Oracle (or equivalent CMS);
7. A current and valid authority to work is held where required;
8. Assessors have been appointed in line with 7.2.2 and 7.3.
The assurance process shall be recorded, and documentation retained and made
available for auditing purposes.

9.2 Technical Authority Assurance

The Technical Authority shall undertake independent audits or reviews against this
standard, across the Regions and Functions.
Audit results should be shared through the Capability Development Groups (CDG) to
review standardisation and opportunities for continuous improvement.

10 Route to Competence
The RTC is an indicative pathway for all competence types, to demonstrate how an
individual can meet the competence standard or statement requirements, for each
proficiency level. The RTC supports both the individual and Line Manager in the
process of gaining and managing competence, including the importance of continual
professional development.
The RTC includes guidance on how an individual can gain the necessary
underpinning knowledge, practical experience, mentoring, sign post suitable training
events and relevant professional qualifications and/or accreditations.
The Line Manager and individual shall review the RTC and identify which aspects
apply to the individual to support their development and meet the competence
standard or statement requirements.
The Line Manager and individual shall agree annually an individual development plan
which may consist of a variety of on-the-job learning activities, self-directed learning
and attending formal training.

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Issue: 2
Date: 2 September 2023
Compliance date: 2 March 2024

See the NR/L2/CIV/1000 modules, as per section 2, for the specific RTC for each
Competence Framework.
NOTE 1: The RTC for each individual B&C competence may not be fully established. NR Regions and
Functions can raise requests for new RTC’s via the CDG.
NOTE 2: NR training courses available to support the route to competence can be viewed from many of which, can be booked by supply chain organisations.

11 Proficiency Levels
Competences held within NR’s CMS (Oracle) consist of several proficiency levels.
Over time, several variations have occurred in the naming and descriptions of these
levels, but the general principle has remained that ‘Level 3’, across all competence
types, represents the ability to independently undertake an activity without the need
for any supervision and the individual is therefore deemed competent.
For all B&C Frameworks containing Professional Competences, the proficiency level
3 is referred to as ‘Applying’ and is where an individual is using their technical
knowledge, engineering judgement and skills independently.
Table 3 provides a generic overview of competence proficiency levels.
Proficiency Typical Typical Typical
Level Occupational Professional
Description Description Definition

Level 0 To be To be Competency needs to be assessed

determined determined

Level 1 Requires Awareness Has awareness of the knowledge or training

training requirements for the competency

Level 2 Trained Understanding Received training, understands the

requires underpinning knowledge and principles
supervision required to do an activity when being
Level 3 Competent Applying Can work unsupervised, will be applying
their knowledge, skills and experience to an

Level 4 Competent Leading Can be deployed on more challenging and

and complex work and can organise teams
experienced providing leadership
Level 5 Expert Expert Is recognised as a subject matter expert
(SME) in the competency and will be able
to advise NR on the most complex of issues
Level 100 End End Marks the ending of an individual’s
competence competence competence which is no longer needed,
valid or required

Table 3 – Proficiency Levels

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Date: 2 September 2023
Compliance date: 2 March 2024

NOTE 1: Re-certified Training Competence descriptions are binary and either L3 Competent or not
NOTE 2: Refer to Oracle or the Competence Standard / Statement for the specific terminology for
individual B&C competences.

12 Governance of B&C Competence Frameworks

12.1 Changes to B&C Competence Frameworks

The B&C Capability Development Group (B&C CDG) governs all changes to the B&C
Competence Frameworks and shall provide final endorsement for the changes to be
This shall include the creation, change or deletion of competence standards /
statements, route to competence, key safety post profiles, training and assessment
Asset Technical Review (ATR) meetings and Discipline Review Group (DRG)
meetings shall be used to identify new competence, training or assessment
requirements and bring project remits to the B&C CDG for change.
The B&C CDG may nominate an ATR or DRG to act as a Competence Authority
under NR/L3/CTM/302 ‘Production and maintenance of training and assessment
The NTH shall review the impact on B&C competences in relation to new or changes
to existing B&C asset management standards.
The B&C CDG shall support the development of wider NR competence standards
and undertake impact assessments against NR/L2/CIV/1000 when changes are
NOTE 1: Changes that do not require governance by the CDG such as individual profiling, informal
learning or guidance materials, can be managed locally by NR Regions / Functions or by supply chain
NOTE 2: Exceptional circumstances such as a global pandemic, may result in business changes that
prevent certain competences from being reassessed and an extension provided by the CDG.

12.2 New or Novel Technology Systems, Equipment and Materials

The product sponsor shall confirm that the competences and associated route to
competence are developed and available at the time of product approval.
The Rail Readiness Level is used to confirm the competences for each of the product
lifecycle elements as defined in NR/L2/RSE/0005 and shall be agreed with the B&C
NOTE: The introduction of new B&C technology and equipment may come from a variety of business
change programmes.

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Standard and control document briefing note

Ref: NR/L2/CIV/1000 Issue: 2

Title: Competence Management for Buildings and Civils Infrastructure

Publication date: 2 September 2023 Compliance Date: 2 March 2024
Standard/Control Document Owner: Ian Brookes, Chief Engineer (Buildings & Civils)
Standards Change Lead/contact for briefings: Tel:
NR/L2/CIV/1000 Jason Wenham (Technical Capability Manager B&C) Jason Wenham 07740 785998
NR/L2/CIV/1000/06 Steve Williams (Engineering Expert B&C) Steve Williams 07515 628428
Purpose: Scope:
NR/L2/CIV/1000 NR/L2/CIV/1000
This standard sets out the competence management This document provides overarching requirements and guidance
requirements and processes, including the route to for the application of competence frameworks owned by B&C
competence and assessment, for any individual who Network Technical Heads (NTH). This standard applies to
undertakes activities across the Buildings and Civils (B&C) individuals employed by Network Rail (NR), contractors and the
asset portfolio in relation to Network Rail Managed wider railway supply chain, who undertake B&C activities.
Infrastructure (NRMI) and interfacing third party land and
assets. The standard includes modules covering the specific
competence requirements for B&C assets, which are shown in
A competent B&C community will help reduce asset failures the table below.
and other incidents that could arise from a lack of technical
B&C competence when undertaking activities across the entire NOTE: Contractors and railway supply chain organisations are
asset management lifecycle. responsible for their own competence management system and
processes including profiling individuals, assessments, and
competence assurance.

Summary of what’s new, what’s changed and why:

A new module has been added - NR/L2/CIV/1000/06, Competence Management for Assurance and Design of Buildings and
Civils Infrastructure, to be read with NR/L2/CIV/1000. NR/L2/CIV/1000 has been updated to refer to this new module.

Following launch of NR/L2/CIV/1000 there has been a need to modernise the existing live ex -Infrastructure Projects (IP)
frameworks to align these with this new standard. As such, module 06 has been produced to provide alignment, also giving
opportunity to improve and amend the frameworks.
Scope: The module sets out the minimum competence requirements and the processes to as sess, obtain, renew and maintain the
competence for individuals who are involved in the assurance and design of Buildings and Civils (B&C) works in relation to
Network Rail Managed Infrastructure (NRMI), interfacing third party land and as part of entry in to service (EIS).
Competent individuals mitigate the risk of design and project engineering delivery failures of both temporary and permanent B &C
works, minimising adverse safety, performance, reputational and environmental consequences.
A strong understanding of an individual’s competence helps to drive professional development, continual business improvements
and creates a sustainable workforce supporting the needs of today and for the future.
Purpose: This module applies to all individuals undertaking assurance activities as a B&C Project Engineer (PE), and design
activities as a NR B&C Design Engineer (DE), as outlined in NR/L2/CIV/003 and NR/L2/RSE/02009. This standard only applies to
projects where NR/L2/RSE/02009 applies.
This module is applicable for all railway supply chain organisations providing Project Engineers undertaking B&C assurance
This module is not applicable for all railway supply chain organisations providing Design Engineers undertaking B&C design
NOTE: Buildings and Civils works also includes Architecture and Buildings Services activities.
The module includes those B&C Competence Frameworks which are listed below:
a) Buildings and Civils Project Engineering;
b) Buildings and Civils Design Engineering;
c) Building Services Project Engineering;
d) Building Services Design Engineering;
e) Architectural Assurance for Buildings and the Built Environment; and
f) Architectural Design for Buildings and the Built Environment.
This module does not include the competences required to:
1. Working on or near the line;
2. Undertake construction, including supervision and construction management;

3. Undertake specialist Fire engineering or Security engineering roles and activities;

4. Undertake specialist Environmental and Sustainability roles and activities;
5. Be fully compliant with UK health & safety legislation, for example working at height or w ithin confined spaces;
6. Undertake roles and activities defined by NR/L2/RSE/02009: Engineering Management for Projects;
7. Undertake an Asset Protection role or activities; and
8. Undertake design or construction activities by the external supply chain.
NOTE 1: The structure of this module is the same as NR/L2/CIV/1000 to simplify cross referencing and navigation between
NOTE 2: The Technical Lead role in NR/L3/OH/005 is not covered by this standard .
Although this Module 6 is new, it is based on tried and tested professional competencies and assessment in existence for well over
a decade, now aligned to NR/L2/CIV/1000. On publication, the Integrated Management System Process Definition Document ref
“2-3-1-2-1 Review and Assessment of Engineering Professional Competences” will be amended by the Business System Owner to
remove superseded B&C frameworks.
Forms associated with this module:
Reference Number Title
NR/L2/CIV/1000/06/F001 Appointment of Buildings & Civils Assessors

NR/L2/CIV/1000/06/F002 Record of Buildings & Civils Appointed Assessors

NR/L2/CIV/1000/06/F003 Buildings and Civils Project Engineering Framework

NR/L2/CIV/1000/06/F004 Buildings and Civils Design Engineering Framework

NR/L2/CIV/1000/06/F005 Building Services Project Engineering Framework

NR/L2/CIV/1000/06/F006 Building Services Design Engineering Framework

NR/L2/CIV/1000/06/F007 Architecture Assurance for Buildings and the Built

Environment Framework

NR/L2/CIV/1000/06/F008 Architecture Design for Buildings and the Built Environment


Detail of change:
Changes to the previous live ex-IP competence management system for Project Engineering/Design Engineering have been
made, to align the previous live ex-IP frameworks to NR/L2/CIV/1000, for compatibility across the B&C portfolio. The frameworks
have been updated accordingly.

Reference or Technical changes

Affected documents
Reference Issue Impact Document type
NR/L2/CIV/1000/06 1 New Module
NR/L2/CIV/1000/06/F001 1 New Form
NR/L2/CIV/1000/06/F002 1 New Form
NR/L2/CIV/1000/06/F003 1 New Form
NR/L2/CIV/1000/06/F004 1 New Form
NR/L2/CIV/1000/06/F005 1 New Form
NR/L2/CIV/1000/06/F006 1 New Form
NR/L2/CIV/1000/06/F007 1 New Form
NR/L2/CIV/1000/06/F008 1 New Form
NR/L2/CIV/1000 1 Superseded Standard
Briefing requirements:
Briefings are given to those who have specific responsibilities within, or are directly affected by, this standard/control do cument.
A copy of briefings may be available from the Standards & Controls intranet site or IHS.
Requirements to cascade briefings are described within any implementation plans.
A copy of audio recorded briefings will be available from the Standards & Controls intranet site and HIS prior to implementation date.

Briefing Responsible
(O-Overview/ Function for cascade
D-Detailed) briefing? Y/N
D Chief Buildings and Civils Engineer N
D Technical
Network Technical Head Drainage & Lineside Y
D Technical
Network Technical Head Structures Y
D Technical
Network Technical Head Geotechnical Y
D Technical
Network Technical Head Mining & Tunnels Y
D Technical
Network Technical Head Buildings & Architecture Y
D Technical
TA Engineering Expert [B&C] N
O Head of Professional Capability N
Chief Design Engineer Route Services Y
Regional Head of Engineering & Asset Management [Civils] Scotland Region Y
Regional Head of Engineering & Asset Management [Track & Lnsd] Scotland Region Y
D Wales &
Regional Head of Engineering & Asset Management [Build & Stcs] Y
Western Region
D Wales &
Regional Head of Engineering & Asset Management [Tk,Ge DnLn] Y
Western Region
Regional Engineer [Buildings & Civils] Eastern Region Y
D North West &
Regional Engineer [Buildings & Civils] Y
Central Region
D Southern
Regional Head of Engineering [B&C] Y
Role Function
(where applicable)
O Director Engineering & Asset Management All Regions
Head of Asset Management (Civils & Direct Delivery) Eastern Regions
D Regional Head of Engineering & Asset Management [Build&Stcs], [Tk, Ge,
All Regions
Dn,Ln], [Civils], [Track&Lnsd]
Regional Head of Engineering [B&C] Southern Region

D Route Infrastructure Engineer [B&C], [Sig,Trck,Drain&Off T,Con Sys] All Regions

O Chief Regional Engineer Eastern Region

Heads of ASPRO & ASPRO Engineers All Regions
D Principal Engineer [Architecture & Buildings], [Civils & Structure], [B&C],
[Buildings & Civils], [Buildings], [Civils], [Drainage & Lineside], [Drainage & All Regions and Technical
Off Track], [Geotech], [Geotechnics], [Structures], [Capability & Authority, Route Services
Competence, B&C]
D Operative [Off Track], [Off Track Maintenance], [B&C], [Works Delivery Off
All Regions
D Technician [Off Track], [Off Track Maintenance], [B&C], [Works Delivery Off
All Regions
Track] - All grades
D Team Leader [Off Track Inspection], [Off Track Maintenance], [Works
All Regions
Delivery Off Track]
D Section Supervisor [Off Track] All Regions
Section Manager [Off Track] All Regions
Works Delivery Engineers {B&C} All Regions
Works Delivery Manager [Off Track], [B&C], [Managed Stations] All Regions

O Graduate Engineer [Civils] All Regions


Lead Capability Manager [Engineering] Southern Region
Engineering Capability Manager Eastern Region

D Senior Engineer [Capability & Competence, B&C] All Regions

O Head of Engineering [Capital Delivery], [Eng Mgmt] All Regions

O Project Engineers [B&C], [Civils], [Buildings], [Structures/Geotech],
[Building Services], [Drainage], [Off Track], [Geotechnics], [M&E],
All Regions
[Architect], [Architecture – Stations], [Buildings & Civils], [Civil Stations],
[Civil Structures] – All grades
Project Engineering Manager [Eng Mgmt] All Regions
All Regions, Route Services,
D Architect [B&C], [Buildings & Civils] – All grades
Technical Authority
O Design Engineer [B&C], [Civils], [Geotech], [Architecture & Buildings],
Route Services
[Building Services], [Drainage], [Structures] – All grades
Design Team Manager [Eng Mgmt] Route Services
Engineering Services Director Route Services
Chief Design Engineer Route Services
Head of Design [Eng Mgmt] Route Services

NOTE: Contractors are responsible for arranging and undertaking their own briefings in accordance with their own processes and

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