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participate in safe food

handling practices

TrEd College RTO Code 40797 CRICOS Code 03741E

First published 2022

Version 1.0

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TrEd College RTO Code 40797 CRICOS Code 03741E

Introduction 4
Assessment for this unit 4
Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions 5
Information for students 5
Questions 6
Assessment Task 1: Checklist 17
Assessment Task 2: Safe food handling observations 19
Information for students 19
Activities 20
Assessment Task 2: Checklist 25
Final results record 29

TrEd College RTO Code 40797 CRICOS Code 03741E

Welcome to the Student Assessment Tasks for SITXFSA006 Participate in safe food handling
practices. These tasks have been designed to help you demonstrate the skills and knowledge that
you have learnt during your course.
Please ensure that you read the instructions provided with these tasks carefully. You should also
follow the advice provided in the Hospitality Works Student User Guide. The Student User Guide
provides important information for you relating to completing assessment successfully.

Assessment for this unit

For you to be assessed as competent, you must successfully complete two assessment tasks:

 Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions – You must answer all questions correctly.

 Assessment Task 2: Safe food handling observations – You must complete a range of
activities to demonstrate your ability to safely handle food.

Kitchen time required

You will require time in the kitchen to complete Assessment Task 2. You will find more
information about the requirements for training/commercial kitchens in the Hospitality Works
Student User Guide.

TrEd College RTO Code 40797 CRICOS Code 03741E

Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions
Information for students
Knowledge questions are designed to help you demonstrate the knowledge which you have
acquired during the learning phase of this unit. Ensure that you:

 review the advice to students regarding answering knowledge questions in the Hospitality
Works Student User Guide

 comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide

 adhere with your RTO’s submission guidelines

 answer all questions completely and correctly

 submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced

 submit a completed cover sheet with your work

 avoid sharing your answers with other students.

i Assessment information

Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in Appendix A of the
Hospitality Works Student User Guide. Refer to the appendix for information on:

 where this task should be completed

 the maximum time allowed for completing this assessment task

 whether or not this task is open-book.

Note: You must complete and submit an assessment cover sheet with your work. A template is
provided in Appendix B of the Student User Guide. However, if your RTO has provided you with
an assessment cover sheet, please ensure that you use that.

TrEd College RTO Code 40797 CRICOS Code 03741E

 Provide answers to all of the questions below.

1. Explain the purpose of the Food Standards Code and a sentence or two about what it

 ensure that food is safe and suitable for human consumption

 prevent misleading conduct associated with the sale of food
 provide adequate information to enable consumers to make an informed choice

2. Summarise the requirements of the Food Safety Standards.

Food standards in Australia. Keeping food safe and free from contamination is critical to public
health. ...

Food labelling. ...

Storing, handling and serving food safely. ...

Food recalls. ...

Food safety in emergencies.

3. List two reasons for having a food safety program.

Food-borne illnesses
Other foods

4. List the six key areas of a food safety program.

 Hazard identification.

 Hazard control.

TrEd College RTO Code 40797 CRICOS Code 03741E

 Monitoring.

 Corrective action.

 Review.

 Record keeping.

5. Explain the role a local council has in enforcing food safety.

ensure effective food safety and food quality management underpins confidence in the state's
food industry and reduces the incidence of food poisoning.
enforce food safety requirements in food businesses for matters such as licences, food
handling practice, foreign objects in food.

6. List three consequences of failing to follow food safety policies and procedures.

a greater risk of contamination

a bad publicity and the possibility of prosecution. higher rate of food poisoning incidents

7. Explain the terms:

 contaminant any physical, chemical, biological or radiologic substance or matter that has
an adverse effect on air, water, land/soil or biota.

 contamination the process of making something dirty or poisonous, or the state of

containing unwanted or dangerous substances.

 potentially hazardous foods. raw and cooked meat, or foods containing meat
such as casseroles, curries and lasagna.
 dairy products such as milk, custard and dairy‐based desserts.
 seafood (excluding live seafood)
 processed or cut fruits and vegetables, such as salads.
 cooked rice and pasta.

TrEd College RTO Code 40797 CRICOS Code 03741E

8. Complete the table giving two examples of control methods that can be used for each critical
control point. Ensure that you refer to relevant time and temperature controls.

Critical control point Control method examples

Receiving Keep food under temperature control once you

receive it.

 Check delivered food is property covered or



 Check and observe the use-by dates on food


 Store raw food below cooked foods.

Preparing and  Separate areas for preparation of foods that should not be
processing cross-contamination. For example, foods containing
allergens, raw and cooked foods.

 Details specific procedure for cooking, reheating and

thawing, particularly where temperature, check and

Displaying  Appropriate, clean facilities should be provided to protect

display food.

 Hot, cold, and frozen display have their own specific

requirements which should be detailed in food safety

TrEd College RTO Code 40797 CRICOS Code 03741E

Critical control point Control method examples

Serving  Ensure appropriate training, labelling and clean


Packaging  Only use clean, undamaged, food- safe packaging.

 Use appropriate cleaning and sanitising methods.

Transporting  Use airtight containers to store dried goods and avoiding

using cardboard boxes.

 Discard damaged goods immediately to prevent


Disposing  Arrange regular garbage collection.

 Do not allow garbage containers to overflow.

TrEd College RTO Code 40797 CRICOS Code 03741E

9. Complete the table by filling in the three main types of food contaminants and how they occur.

Type of contaminant How can it occur?

Physical contamination Physical contamination occurs when a physical

object enters foods at same stage of the
production process. For example, hair,
bandages, jewellery.

Chemical contamination Chemical contamination occurs when food

comes into contact with chemicals. Some
common sources of chemical contamination in
a food business are cleaning products
pesticides on fruits and vegetables.

Biological contamination Biological contamination occurs when food

becomes contaminated by living organisms or
the substances they produce. This includes by
logical matter produced by human rodents
insects and micronizes.

10. Describe two conditions which can mean microbiological contamination occurs.

Chemical contamination refers to food that has been contaminated by some type of
chemical substance. Because chemicals can be very useful when cleaning in the kitchen, they
can easily contaminate food. Chemicals must be properly labelled and stored separately for
foodstuff to minimise the risk of contamination

Biological contamination refers to food that’s contaminated by substances produced by

living creatures – such as humans, rodents, pests or microorganisms. This includes bacterial
contamination, viral contamination or parasite contamination that’s transferred through saliva,
pest droppings, blood or faecal matter. Bacterial contamination is thought to be the most
common cause of food poisoning worldwide, and the best way to protect against it occurring is
by maintaining the best food safety practices.

Biological contamination refers to food that’s contaminated by substances produced by

living creatures – such as humans, rodents, pests or microorganisms. This includes bacterial
contamination, viral contamination or parasite contamination that’s transferred through saliva,
pest droppings, blood or faecal matter. Bacterial contamination is thought to be the most
common cause of food poisoning worldwide, and the best way to protect against it occurring is
by maintaining the best food safety practices.

TrEd College RTO Code 40797 CRICOS Code 03741E

11. List two conditions that should be in place for storage to ensure that there is no cross
contamination of food allergens.
keep raw foods and ready-to-eat foods separate, to avoid cross-contamination. store food in
clean, food-grade storage containers. don't store food in opened cans. make sure food storage
containers have not been used to store things other than food, and wash and sanitise them
before use.

12. List two conditions that should be in place for the storage of dry foods.
 Dry, cool, well-lit, ventilated and vermin-proof. dry, cool, well-lit, ventilated and

TrEd College RTO Code 40797 CRICOS Code 03741E

13. Explain the temperature danger zone.
The danger zone is the temperature range of 40–140°F (4–60°C), in which bacteria grow and

14. Explain what the two-hour and four-hour storage rule means.
Food held between 5°C and 60°C for less than 2 hours can be used, sold or put back in the
refrigerator to use later
Food held between 5°C and 60°C for less than 2 hours can be used, sold or put back in the
refrigerator to use later

15. Explain what the two-hour and four-hour cooling rule means.
Food held between 5°C and 60°C for less than 2 hours can be used, sold or put back in the
refrigerator to use later. Food held between 5°C and 60°C for 2-4 hours can still be used or
sold, but can't be put back in the fridge.

16. Answer the following questions about food safety monitoring techniques:
a) How is a bacterial swab and count used to monitor food safety?
Swab sticks and related products can provide an indication of the numbers of bacteria
present on a surface of a known size. ISO 18593 cautions that results are not
quantitatively reliable or reproducible. A single bad result is of limited value. Multiple
results can be used to compare similar businesses or to indicate performance over time.
The two main uses are in the investigation of foodborne illness outbreaks and the
verification of cleaning and sanitation

b) What is a chemical test and when might it be used in the food business industry?
Chemistry testing aims to verify the food's chemical composition, such as how much
sugar, protein, or fat it has. It also helps identify if the food contains heavy metals and
minerals, and the quantity. Food chemistry testing can also help you strike a balance
between what is safe and what is appetizing.

TrEd College RTO Code 40797 CRICOS Code 03741E

17. List two ways that a thermometer can be used to monitor and record food temperatures.
: Ice Bath Test & Boiling Water Test.

18. What temperature should dry goods be stored at?

The ideal temperature for dry storage areas is between 10°C (50°F) and 21°C (70°F) -
keeping food items in this range and following other guidelines will ensure that the shelf life of
dry food items is extended for as long as possible

TrEd College RTO Code 40797 CRICOS Code 03741E

19. What temperature should chill goods be stored at?
Food storage refers to food which is kept it the fridge, freezer, pantry or in some instances a
warming receptacle. There are very specific rules regarding the temperatures that food must
be stored at, cooked to and reheated to and if not followed, the risk of becoming ill as a result
of contamination increases.

20. Why is it important to examine frozen goods before they go into the freezer?

Food quality includes texture, taste, and colour. And long-term freezer storage can cause
foods to also acquire an unpleasant odour.

As for bacteria, any present at the freezing time tends to hibernate during freezing. Foods should
be processed properly as soon as they are defrosted.

21. List one way you can make sure food is displayed/served in a safe
Make sure that people serving food wash their hands properly. If using gloves make sure staff
understand how to use them safely. 3. Use a clean and sanitised thermometer to check the
temperature at the centre of hot food is 60ºC or hotter and that the centre of cold food is 5ºC
or colder. 4. Keep pre-prepared food out of the Temperature Danger Zone (between 5ºC and
60ºC). If food is kept between these temperatures, throw it out after four hours. 5. Check that
food is served as quickly as possible. Delays in serving food can allow food poisoning bacteria
to multiply.

22. Complete the table by giving an appropriate packaging type for each food item.

Food item Packaging


The most cost-effective method for storing

salads is in foil containers. It keeps the
salad safe and fresh while also preserving
the dressing.

Smoothie Flexible pouch and bag-in-box packaging offer

environmentally friendly options for preserving
smoothies' safety and freshness from fill to

TrEd College RTO Code 40797 CRICOS Code 03741E

usage. Products made with aseptic technique
don't require refrigeration because they are
shelf-stable and preservative-free.

Meat slices Meat products are often wrapped using flexible

plastic packaging materials, or a mix of rigid
containers and carton boards or flexible plastic

Muffin Brown paper: Brown paper is one of the most

inexpensive bakery product packaging
materials that can be found. , Parchment
Paper, Metallized Films, Polypropylene Films,
Plastic Sheeting.

23. Explain why it is important to check for packaging damage.

If food packaging integrity is not well maintained and tested, food safety can compromise a
lot. Packaging protects the food from external elements, contamination, heat, physical
damage, and much more. Thus, proper packaging keeps your food products as safe as

24. List a method for protecting displayed food.

safely store and display food, you should follow these tips: keep raw foods and ready-to-eat
foods separate, to avoid cross-contamination. store food in clean, food-grade storage
containers. don't store food in opened cans

25. Explain how potentially hazardous food should be displayed to ensure food safety.
Potentially hazardous food must be displayed in a way that prevents harmful microorganisms
growing to unsafe levels or producing toxins. This means: food should be displayed at 5°C or
below or 60°C or above. frozen food on display must stay frozen hard.

26. Explain why a customer should not be allowed to access food displays.

TrEd College RTO Code 40797 CRICOS Code 03741E

A selection of foods that are displayed for a customer to serve themselves is an efficient way
of serving many people at once, but has the potential to increase the risk of food
contamination. The risks are often associated with customers hygiene.

27. Explain two ways to control utensils so they are hygienic.

cleaning your body every day.

washing your hands with soap after going to the toilet.

brushing your teeth twice a day.

covering your mouth and nose with a tissue (or your sleeve) when sneezing or coughing.

washing your hands after handling pets and other animals.

28. Complete the table by giving an example of a safe food practice for each food type.

Food type Safe food handling practice

Dairy Keep dairy products including milk, cream,

yogurt, and cheese refrigerated in the fridge at
or below 4-degree C. milk products that are
shelf-stable but have not been opened, such
evaporated, condensed, and ultra-high
temperature milk, can be kept at room

Dried goods Dried items should be kept between 10-degree

C and 21-degree C, away from direct sunlight,
in a well-ventilated. never store dry products in
cardboard cartons. Use air tight packaging.
Dry products should be at least 6 inches from
the ground.

TrEd College RTO Code 40797 CRICOS Code 03741E

Food type Safe food handling practice

Eggs including raw egg foods After handling eggs, thoroughly clean your,
food areas, work surfaces, plates, utensils and
cleaning cloths. Survey hot meals containing
eggs right away, or rapidly cool them in the
refrigerator and keep them chilled until they
are consumed.

Frozen goods Maintain frozen meals frozen solid during

storage at-15dgree C or below and cold foods
at 5 degree C or lower. Temperature should be
monitored often, and refrigerators and freezers
need to have the right thermometers.

Fruit and vegetables All fruit and vegetables should be rinsed in

clear water to get rid of any soil, germs, insect,
or chemicals. Separates fruits and vegetables
from foods that include animal products, such
as meat, poultry, and shellfish fruit and
vegetables should be refrigerated within two
hours of being peeled, cooked, or sliced

Meat and poultry Until you are ready to prepare it, store raw
meat and poultry below 5 degrees Celsius in
the refrigerator, freezer, or esky. Cooked food
should never be left at room temperature for
more than two hours. Until you are ready to
serve, keep hot meals hotter than 60 degree C
in an oven or on a burner. Cooked food should
be stored in the refrigerator if not consumed
within two hours.

Fin-fish and shellfish After touching any row food your hands with
soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
Between preparing raw items, such as
seafood, and preparing cooked or ready -to-
eat foods, cutting boards, plates, utensils, and
surfaces with soap and hot water.

29. Answer the following questions in relation to thermometers:

a) Briefly explain one way to calibrate a temperature probe.

TrEd College RTO Code 40797 CRICOS Code 03741E

Put the thermometer stem or probe into the ice water. Make sure the sensing area is
under water. Wait 30 seconds or until the reading stays steady. Adjust the thermometer
so it reads 32˚F (0˚C).

b) Explain how to look after and clean a temperature probe.

Probe thermometers can be first cleaned with soap and water followed by rinsing and
sanitizing. To sanitize, you can use alcohol swabs or a sanitizing solution. To prepare a
sanitizing solution, mix a 1/2 tsp of unscented bleach with 1 L (4 cups) of water.

c) How should a thermometer be used correctly when cooking meat?

Insert stem at least 2 inches into the thickest part of the food without touching fat or bone.
The temperature should register in about 15 to 20 seconds. Insert sideways into thin
foods like hamburgers and chicken breasts.

d) How do you know if the thermometer is not working correctly or has a fault?
e) Fill a tall glass with ice and add cold water.
f) Place and hold the thermometer in the ice water for 30 seconds without touching the
sides or bottom of the glass. ...
g) If the thermometer reads 32°F, it is reading correctly and can be used.

30. Complete the table by providing the cleaning material or equipment and an action that you
would take to clean the item listed.

Item Cleaning material or Action


Dirt Wiping with a clean, dry cloth to
remove loose, dry and bulky
Clean and dry cloth , amounts of dirt.Then spraying
chemical solution with a chemical solvent and
using a clean, damp cloth to
remove any remaining dirt.

Food waste Wiping with a clean, dry cloth to

TrEd College RTO Code 40797 CRICOS Code 03741E

Item Cleaning material or Action

Paper towel , Sponge and remove loose, dry and bulky

solvent amounts of dirt.Then spraying
with a chemical solvent and
using a clean, damp cloth to
remov eliminate any stickiness,
oiliness, or other residue, use a
solvent thereafter.
e any remaining dirt.

Grease clean and dry cloth or Removing any bulk amounts

disposable paper wipes. and loose grease with a clean,
dry cloth or disposable paper
wipe. Then use of a solvent over
as many treatments as required
to remove all traces of grease.
Other treatment options include
heating the utensil or service to
loosen grease, soaking for a
period of time and use of
scraping if appropriate to the
surface or utensil.

Pest waste removal Bucket,broom,sponges,
wipes, disposable items
First undertake other cleaning
processes to remove likely
reasons for pests. Then use
disposable items to remove
bulk waste and to provide
first defence with antibacterial
solvent. It is vital that you use
external sinks and alternative
buckets, brooms, sponges,
wipes and other treatment
equipment to avoid
contamination of food
surfaces now or in the future.
Items that do come in contact
with pest waste should be
cleaned and sanitised before
use or before they come in
contact with other surfaces.

31. Complete the table by providing an action that you would take to sanitise the item listed.

Item Action

Cutlery Food contact surfaces, including utensils for

eating and drinking, should only be sanitised

TrEd College RTO Code 40797 CRICOS Code 03741E

after they have been meticulously cleaned;
otherwise, it may not be effective. Using hot
water, chemicals, or other procedures can
sanitise an area. for example, using a
commercial food-grade sanitizer as directed by
the manufacturer, paying close attention to the
appropriate concentration and contact time;
and soaking objects in 70% alcohol.

Glass or cup wash them regularly with warm water and

minimal amount of dish soap and allow the
glasses to air dry.

Kitchen bench Use a dish cloth, detergent, and warm water to

clean the surface.

32. Complete the table below about maintenance and recalibrating measurement and temperature
controls and minor faults.

Maintenance item Action

Broken mop Order new one

Frayed cord If cord becomes frayed, replace them, as they

could cause a shock when handled. If a
temporary run is needed, tape down the cord
and mark the hazard, or close off access to
that area until the cord is removed.

TrEd College RTO Code 40797 CRICOS Code 03741E

Recalibrating thermometer Clean thermometer probe by dipping into
sanitizing or wiping with an alcohol wipe
between foods. Wash, rinse and sanitize the
probe when done taking temperatures. check
the calibration and change the batteries in
thermometers on a regular basis.

33. Review the table below. Which groups are at higher risk of safe food handling practices?

Customer group At higher risk. Indicate yes or no.

Children or babies Yes

Pregnant women Yes

Women No

People with immune deficiencies or Yes


Unwell persons. Yes

Athletes No

The elderly Yes

African people No

TrEd College RTO Code 40797 CRICOS Code 03741E

Assessment Task 1: Checklist
Student’s name:

Did the student provide a Completed

sufficient and clear answer successfully?
that addresses the
suggested answer for the
Yes No
following? Comments

Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

Question 4

Question 5

Question 6

Question 7

Question 8

Question 9

Question 10

Question 11

Question 12

Question 13

Question 14

Question 15

Question 16a

Question 16b

Question 17

Question 18

TrEd College RTO Code 40797 CRICOS Code 03741E

Question 19

Question 20

Question 21

Question 22

Question 23

Question 24

Question 25

Question 26

Question 27

Question 28

Question 29a

Question 29b

Question 29c

Question 29d

Question 30

Question 31

Question 32

Question 33

Task outcome:  Satisfactory  Not satisfactory

Assessor signature:

Assessor name:


TrEd College RTO Code 40797 CRICOS Code 03741E

Assessment Task 2: Safe food handling
Information for students

Tasks required for this unit

This unit of competency requires that you:

 use safe food handling practices including the correct methods of controlling food hazards at
each of the following critical control points:

o receiving o serving

o storing o packaging

o preparing o transporting

o processing o disposing.

o displaying

 follow procedures to calibrate temperature probe to ensure accuracy

 follow procedures to report incidents of food contamination.

Instructions for how you will complete these requirements are included below.

TrEd College RTO Code 40797 CRICOS Code 03741E

Complete the following activities.

1. Car

Prior to commencing these three observations, review the kitchen’s food safety
program. You will be required to follow these procedures throughout the entire task
and you will be assessed on this.
This task is to be completed in the kitchen environment. Your assessor will ensure
you have access to all the relevant equipment and resources. Completion of this
assessment will ensure that you demonstrate safe handling food procedures and
practices and follow the kitchen’s policies and procedures and their food safety
program. You will demonstrate this on three different occasions:

 Occasion 1: receiving and storing food and calibrating temperature probe

 Occasion 2: preparing/processing, displaying, serving, packaging and

transporting food

 Occasion 3: cleaning up and disposing of food.

These tasks may be assessed in conjunction with one or more of the practical units
you are completing and your assessor will advise you of this if this will be the case.

What do I need to demonstrate?

During your practical assessments you will be required to demonstrate a range of
the skills and knowledge that you have developed during your course. These

 access and use organisational information from the organisations food safety

 follow policies and procedures in food safety program

 control food hazards at the critical control points

 monitor food safety processes

TrEd College RTO Code 40797 CRICOS Code 03741E

 complete required documentation

 identify and report unsafe practices or incidents of food contamination

 take actions to fix incidents when within job role

 store food safety

 store food in appropriate conditions that protect against contamination and

maximise freshness, quality and appearance

 protect supplies from damage of cross-contamination and pests

 use cooling and heating processes that support safety of food

 monitor food temperature during preparation using required temperature

measuring device

 ensure safety of food prepared, served and sold to customers

 prepare food to meet customer requirements, including actions to address

allergen requests by customers

 store, display and provide single use items so they are protected from damage
and contamination

 follow instructions for items intended for single use

 clean and sanitise equipment, surfaces and utensils

 use appropriate storage containers

 do not let garbage build up and recycled where required

 identify and report cleaning, sanitising and maintenance requirements

 dispose of, or report damaged or unsafe utensils

 ensure food handling areas are free from animals and pests and report
incidents of animal or pest infestation

 mark and separate from other foodstuffs any food identified for disposal

 follow procedures and dispose of food promptly to avoid cross-contamination

 use appropriate documentation to record disposed food items

 follow procedures to calibrate temperature probes to make sure it is accurate

 use appropriate forms to report food hazards

How will I provide evidence?

Your assessor will observe you as you handle food safely during the storage,
preparation, display, service and disposal of food and complete the required forms
from the food safety program.

2. Ob

TrEd College RTO Code 40797 CRICOS Code 03741E


During this observation you need to:

 receive the ingredients for the dishes you are required to prepare

 store the ingredients received

 calibrate the temperature probe using the ice point check.

Using the order form you have been provided with, check the food items to make
sure all items ordered are included in the delivery. There will also be single use
items included in the order. Follow all of the procedures as per the Food Safety
Complete the goods receiving form that is included with the food safety program
taking action to control the hazards identified. The form must include details of the
hazards you have identified and the action you take.
After the goods have been received, you are required to store the ingredients
received. You will be required to demonstrate that you can correctly store dry,
chilled and frozen goods.
Store all of the food items following your Food Safety Program. You are also
required to use a digital thermometer and record the temperature for chilled goods.
Write them down on the temperature log.
Re-calibrate the digital thermometer to ensure it is working correctly using the ice
point check.
During the storage process you are required to explain to your assessor at least
two food hazards that can occur during the storage process and demonstrate how
you address each of these to ensure the food hazard is controlled.

Submit the completed goods receiving form and temperature log to your assessor.

3. Observation 2: Prepare and process food.

During this observation you need to:

 prepare your dishes

TrEd College RTO Code 40797 CRICOS Code 03741E

 process / cook your dishes

 calibrate temperature probe using the boiling point check

 package your dishes

 serve and/or display your dishes

 transport your dishes.

As part of your preparation, carry out the activities that are required as part of
preparing to make the dish.

As you prepare your dish, explain to your assessor at least two food hazards that
can occur during the preparation of food and demonstrate how you control them.
You will also be required to explain, as well as demonstrate the cooling/heating
processes you use to ensure food safety.
Use a digital thermometer to measure the temperature throughout the preparation
process and complete the temperature control log.
Re-calibrate the digital thermometer to ensure it is working correctly using the
boiling point check. You need to identify and report any faults. If the thermometer is
working correctly, explain to your assessor the process as if the thermometer is not

Following the preparation of the food, you are required to serve and/or display the
food you have made.
As you serve and/or display the food you have made, explain to your assessor at
least two food hazards that can occur during serving/displaying food and
demonstrate how you control them. One of the dishes that you are making will
involve the use of single use items. Show your assessor how to correctly use single
use items.
Part of the serving/displaying process involves the transportation of the food.
Explain to your assessor at least two food hazards that can occur during
transporting food and demonstrate how you control them.
You will be required to transport at least one of the dishes you have prepared either
using a trolley or tray as appropriate.

Submit the completed temperature control log to your assessor.

4. Observation 3: Clean up and disposal.

The final part of this task requires you to demonstrate safe working practices when
cleaning up and disposing of items from the food preparation activity you completed
prior to this.
As a minimum you must:

 clean and sanitise all surfaces, equipment and utensils used in making the

TrEd College RTO Code 40797 CRICOS Code 03741E

dishes you prepared

 use the appropriate receptacles for food waste, rubbish and recycling

 check the bins for overflow and action accordingly

 dispose of broken or cracked items

 check for animal or pest infestation and record your findings in the pest log

 separate the food items that cannot be immediately disposed of and label and

 dispose of all food items promptly and correctly

 dispose of any food contamination following organisational procedures

 complete appropriate form for reporting hazards, including actions taken to


 complete the cleaning log at the end of the process, ensuring you report any
maintenance issues.
Your assessor will set up some hazards for you to identify, report and act on.
Your assessor will provide you with:

 a cleaning log

 a pest log

 a hazard report form.

Your assessor will observe you completing these tasks and you will be required to
complete the cleaning log, pest log, hazard report from.

Submit the completed cleaning log, pest log, and hazard report from to your

TrEd College RTO Code 40797 CRICOS Code 03741E

Assessment Task 2: Checklist
Student’s name:


Has the following been completed? Yes No Comments

Observation 1: Receive and store food

The student has satisfactorily accessed

and used relevant information from food
safety program.

The student has satisfactorily followed

policies and procedures in the food
safety program.

The student has satisfactorily controlled

all food hazards at all of the critical
control points.

The student has satisfactorily monitored

food safety and completed logs.

The student has satisfactorily identified

and reported food safety hazards.

The student has satisfactorily taken

corrective actions for incidents where
food hazards are not controlled.

The student has satisfactorily placed

food items into the correct food storage
area and checked conditions are correct.

The student has satisfactorily stored

food items in suitable environmental
conditions to ensure food does not
become contaminated and to maximise
freshness, quality and appearance.

The student has satisfactorily stored

food at required temperatures.

The student has satisfactorily checked

that all chilled and frozen items from

TrEd College RTO Code 40797 CRICOS Code 03741E

delivery are within correct temperatures.

The student has satisfactorily stored

single use items correctly.

The student has satisfactorily calibrated

temperature probe using ice point
method correctly.

The student has satisfactorily identified

and corrected temperature probe faults
(if required).

Observation 2: Prepare and process food

The student has satisfactorily accessed

and used relevant information from food
safety program.

The student has satisfactorily followed

policies and procedures in the food
safety program.

The student has satisfactorily controlled

all food hazards at all of the critical
control points.

The student has satisfactorily monitored

food safety and completed logs.

The student has satisfactorily identified

and reported food safety hazards.

The student has satisfactorily cleaned

and sanitised equipment, surfaces and
utensils as required prior to
commencement of food preparation.

The student has satisfactorily prepared

food, monitoring the food temperature
using a digital thermometer.

The student has satisfactorily cooled

food following procedures to ensure
microbiological safety of food.

The student has satisfactorily heated

food following procedures to ensure

TrEd College RTO Code 40797 CRICOS Code 03741E

microbiological safety of food.

The student has satisfactorily followed

food safety procedures for displaying
and serving food items prepared.

The student has satisfactorily followed

instructions for single use items.

The student has satisfactorily displayed

and provided single use items correctly.

The student has satisfactorily

transported the food items safely.

The student has satisfactorily calibrated

temperature probe using boiling point
method correctly.

The student has satisfactorily identified

and corrected temperature probe faults
(if required).

Observation 3: Clean up and disposal

The student has satisfactorily accessed

and used relevant information from food
safety program.

The student has satisfactorily followed

policies and procedures in the food
safety program.

The student has satisfactorily controlled

all food hazards at all of the critical
control points.

The student has satisfactorily monitored

food safety and completed logs.

The student has satisfactorily identified

report and acted on food safety hazards.

The student has satisfactorily cleaned

and sanitised equipment, surfaces and

The student has satisfactorily used

appropriate containers for food items,

TrEd College RTO Code 40797 CRICOS Code 03741E

rubbish and recycling.

The student has satisfactorily prevented

accumulation of garbage and recycled

The student has satisfactorily identified

and reported cleaning, sanitising and
maintenance requirements.

The student has satisfactorily identified

and then disposed of chipped, broken or
cracked eating, drinking or food handling

The student has satisfactorily checked

food handling areas for animals and
pests and reported incidents of animal or
pest infestation.

The student has satisfactorily labelled

food waste and separated from other
foodstuffs until it can be disposed of.

The student has satisfactorily disposed

of food promptly to avoid cross-

Task outcome:  Satisfactory  Not satisfactory

Assessor signature:

Assessor name:


TrEd College RTO Code 40797 CRICOS Code 03741E

Final results record
Student name:

Assessor name:


Unit name: SITXFSA006 Participate in safe food handling practices

Qualification name:

Final assessment results


Task Type Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Did not submit

Assessment Task 1 Knowledge Questions S U DNS

Safe Food Handling

Assessment Task 2 S U DNS

Overall unit results C NYC


 My performance in this unit has been discussed and explained to me.

 I would like to appeal this assessment decision.

Student signature: _________________________________________ Date: _________________

 I hereby certify that this student has been assessed by me and that the assessment has been
carried out according to the required assessment procedures.

Assessor signature: _______________________________________ Date: _________________

TrEd College RTO Code 40797 CRICOS Code 03741E

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