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Providing Quality Education In Rural Areas Of Pakistan

Quiz Competition Final

Final Quiz Plan

Round 1: Buzzer or Bell Round ( Arts )

Round 2: Buzzer or Bell Round (Science)

Rapid Fire Round

Rules and Regulations:

1. Each team must have three members.

2. Students must be in a complete uniform with their batch name and branch name.
3. The team presses the buzzer first and will have the right to take turns.
4. A team shall get 30 seconds to answer in the first two rounds and will be awarded 1 point
for the correct answer.
5. Team members can discuss answers with each other during these 30 seconds.
6. The team that buzzards second will have the next chance in case of the wrong answer.
7. If a team presses buzzer before the statement is complete or the team answers wrongly,
there will be negative marking.
8. 0.5 marks will be deducted in this case.
9. It is compulsory for all team members to participate during answers.
10. 10 questions will be asked in the first two rounds, and in the final round, 15 questions
will be asked.

Only 1 teacher is allowed with the team.

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