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PILS-Part 1

What are the ethical principles for media reporting?

Truth-telling, accuracy, and fairness are among the moral principles upon which media reporting is
based. Journalists are supposed to report the truth by making the effort to present accurately and verify their
sources. In addition, some principles that will be able to give a good, full, and reliable news report are giving
context and multiple sourcing.

What are the ethical dilemmas faced in media reporting?

Source of ethical dilemmas in media reporting is that a journalist has to balance their need for truth with
the need to not let privacy be breached by causing harm in the process. Journalists are also under pressure from
the government or strong entities, leading to possibilities of stifled press freedom, thus causing potential self-
censorship. In addition, some of the biggest challenges among ethical journalism practices include
disinformation and misinformation, threats toward media professionals.

PILS-Part 2

What are the ethical principles for media reporting?

Ethics in media reporting borders around telling the truth, demanding accuracy and honesty, justice, and
compassion, bringing out humanity and respect toward individuals around whom news stories revolve. Further,
there is the need to confidentially consider avoidance of conflicts of interests, therefore, allowing room for trust
and maintaining integrity in journalism.

What are the ethical dilemmas faced in media reporting?

Journalists often find themselves in dilemmas of balancing speed and accuracy, conflicts of interest, or
whether to report sensitive stories in a way that may endanger sources or compromise ethics. They also have to
grapple with other dilemmas like the demands from political or economic interests, conservation of
sensationalism, and spreading of fake news or misinformation. Such challenges demand critical judgment and a
high sense of ethical principles.

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