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I am going to introduce some tips to have a good presentation. Before

the presentation, you need to prepare slides and make them well-organize and
concise. Then, you should practice presentation out loud a few times.
Remember to introduce yourself to the audience and clarify who you are.
Your presentation should be divided into three parts including introduction,
body and conlusion. During your presentation, you should use your body
language, gestures or make an eye-contact while giving your presentation as
it helps to interact with your listeners. Beside, wearing smartly and politely is
a good point and turn off your moblie phone. Finally, you should add a Q&A
session at the end of the presentation and say thank you to your audience
before ending your speech.

Topic 1
I am going to give a short presentation about the number of cars sold by
Vinfast during the first half of 2019 using the given line graph. Firstly, the
single line graph illustrates the number of Vinfast's cars sold during the
period of 6 months, from January to June. Secondly, the number of cars sold
fluctuated from January to June. Next, there was a slight increase in the
number of cars sold from January to February, reaching a peak of nearly 240
million cars. The figure decreased significantly from February onwards,
hitting the lowest point of 130 million cars in April. Finally, the number of
cars sold increased gradually from April to the end of the period, which stood
at slightly over 200 million cars in June.
Topic 2
I am going to describe the number of electric vehicles sold in California
during the period of 2011 - 2021 using the given bar chart. The given bar
chart illustrates the changes in the annual number of electric vehicles sold in
California over a 10-year period, starting from 2011. Overall, it is clear that
there was a constant growth in the electric vehicle sales over the years,
despite some slight decreases from 2018 to 2020. In addition, the highest sale
was recorded by the end of 2021. In 2011, there were nearly 6,800 electric
vehicles sold in California. The figure increased remarkably from 2012 to
2017. By the end of 2017, there were over 93,000 vehicles sold. From 2017 to
2018, there was a significant rise in the number of electric vehicles sold,
which stood at
around 150,000. There was a slight decline from 2019 to 2020, but the figure
finally reached a peak of 250,000 vehicles in 2021.

Topic 1
I am going to introduce some common warning lights on the car
dashboard. There are some warning lights you need to pay attention to such
as ABS warning light, tyre pressure warning lights and oil pressure warning
light. If the ABS warning light illuminates it is often cause by the malfunction
of antilock braking system. You should check brake fluid reservoir, if the
levels of brake fluid are low you should top the brake fluid up. If the tyre
pressure warning light indicates that air pressure one or more types outside
the recommended range then you need to determine the cause of pressure loss
and add air to the tyres. The oil pressure warning light comes on when the oil
pressure gets too high, low or too low. To reduce the risk of low oil pressure
in your engine you should change the oil and filter at the correct intervals.
Topic 2
I going to describe the steps to start the engine with a smart key.
Overall, there are four steps to start a car. First, make sure the parking brake
is applied. After that, depress the brake pedal, place the transaxle shift level in
Neutral or Park position. For your safety, start the engine with the shift level
in Park position. Following this, press the engine start or stop button while
depressing brake pedal. In the last step, continue depressing brake pedal until
the illuminated glow indicator goes off ( approximatetly 5 seconds ). The
engine starts run when glow indicator goes off.

I would like to write about my favorite technological advancement.
Vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication is a system which works by using
wireless signals to transmit information between vehicles. This information
can inclue things like speed direction and location. By sharing this
information vehicles can work together to avoid accidents and improve traffic
low. It has been applied in the automotive industry since 2021. In terms of
advantages, V2V communication extends and enhances currently available
crash avoidance systems that use radars and cameras to detect collision
threats. This new technology doesn't just help drivers survive a crash-it
helps them avoid the
crash altogether. However, this system also has some drawbacks. As vehicles
are connected on a wireless platform, they are easy to be hacked. Another
drawback is that though rare, malfunctioning of cars may lead to incorrect
data, resulting in false warnings.

I would like talk about my company’s etiquette. My company has a
number of rules that all employees need to follow. Firstly, in term of dress
code, you are required to wear uniforms so as to be more professional at
work. On Saturday, you can wear your own clothes but remember to wear
politely and smartly. Moving to meeting etiquette, it is necessary to switch
your phone to vibrate and avoid talking loudly on the phone so as not to
disturb other co- workers. Next, punctuality is very important in our
company. Please make sure to arrive at work on time every day, and if you
are going to be unavoidably late or absent, please notify your manager as
soon as possible. Finally, you should not interrupt other people while they are
talking in a meeting and communicate with friendly tone.

I am the manager of Human Resource department of Vinfast Company.
I would like to introduce about Vinfast employee benefits so that you can
understand clearly. Firstly, the starting salary is about 12 million VND per
month. Obviously, it depends on your performance. If you complete your task
well, you can get a bonus at the end of the year. Secondly, about health
insurance, after working for at least 30 days, you are entitled to receive a
health insurance coverage. In terms of annual holidays, there will be a trip to
a tourist area that all you guys picked out. Apart from annual holidays,
employees are entitled to receive 10 days off a year for additional. For female
employees, they will have an additional 6 months for maternity leave. Next,
childcare system here is so good. If you have small children you can benefit
from subsidized childcare. Finally, a number of positions at Vinfast will be
provided clothing allowance such as: coverall and safety glasses. That's all
about Vinfast employee benefits.
Now I'm going to talk about tips to write a CV. Normally, there are 5
must-have sections in a CV, namely Contact Information, Personal Statement,
Work Experience, Education and Skills and additional sections such as
languages, extra training or hobbies section. First of all, the contact
information section should include your full name, home address, phone
number and email address. Second, as for the personal statement section, you
should write from 2 to 4 sentences to summarize your value including your
top skills and achievement to the employer and show what you can do for
your future employer. Next, in case you are a new graduate who lacks
working experience, mention internship and volunteer experience. In the
education section, it is important to list educational achievements and
qualifications along with dates. You can also include the university name,
degree, and graduation date. About skills, you had better list your key skills
related to the job you're applying for. Similarly, you should only focus on
hobbies showing your skills that are suitable for the job. Last, don't write
anything untrue about you because your employer can fire you.

I would like to talk about some basic tips for a job interview that you
need to implement to have a good result. Firstly, before a job interview, you
should research carefully about the working position and the company that
you want to apply for a job. Secondly, during the interview, make sure you
listen carefully to the questions being asked and answer them honestly. It's
also important to ask questions about the role and the company, which
demonstrates your interest in the position. Finally, after a job interview you
should send a thank you letter to express your gratefulness and your goodwill.
It is important not to arrive late and talk negatively about past experiences
during the interview. The most important tip to me is research the company
and the role thoroughly because it can help me demonstrate my interest.

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