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Energy and Buildings 30 Ž1999.


COMIS—an international multizone air-flow and contaminant transport

Helmut E. Feustel
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, EnÕironmental Energy Technologies DiÕision, Indoor EnÕironment Department, Building 90, Room 3074,
Berkeley, CA 94720, USA


A number of interzonal models have been developed to calculate air flows and pollutant transport mechanisms in both single and
multizone buildings. A recent development in multizone air-flow modeling, the COMIS model, has a number of capabilities that go
beyond previous models, much as COMIS can be used as either a stand-alone air-flow model with input and output features or as an
infiltration module for thermal building simulation programs. COMIS was designed during a 12 month workshop at Lawrence Berkeley
National Laboratory ŽLBNL. in 1988–1989. In 1990, the Executive Committee of the International Energy Agency’s Energy
Conservation in Buildings and Community Systems program created a working group on multizone air-flow modeling, which continued
work on COMIS. The group’s objectives were to study physical phenomena causing air flow and pollutant Že.g., moisture. transport in
multizone buildings, develop numerical modules to be integrated in the previously designed multizone air flow modeling system, and
evaluate the computer code. The working group supported by nine nations, officially finished in late 1997 with the release of
IISiBatrCOMIS 3.0, which contains the documented simulation program COMIS, the user interface IISiBat, and reports describing the
evaluation exercise. This paper serves as an introduction for the other publications included in this Special Issue. Published by Elsevier
Science S.A.

Keywords: Multizone; Air flow; Modeling; Model evaluation

1. Introduction Interzonal air-flow models can be divided into two main

categories, single and multizone models. Single-zone mod-
To provide good indoor air quality or to calculate a els assume that a building can be described by a single,
building’s space-conditioning loads, it is important to know well-mixed zone. These models are most often used for the
the air-flow pattern within the building. Accurate air-flow single-story, single-family houses with no internal parti-
information is also necessary for correctly sizing space- tions Že.g., all internal doors are open.. Unfortunately,
conditioning equipment w16x. There are two fundamental single-zone models are also often used to calculate air
approaches to determining the air-flow rate in buildings: flows in multizone structures, which goes beyond the
measurement and mathematical modeling w32x. Fig. 1 shows limits of the models.
the most straightforward method, e.g., measurement, by Models have been developed to simulate the interzonal
using a tracer gas technique. Multiple tracer gases can be flows of buildings with more than just one well-mixed
used to track air flows between the inside and the outside zone. In fact, most buildings, should, be characterized as
of a building as well as between interior zones w49x. It is multizone structures even when no internal partitions are
necessary to understand interzonal flows to determine the present Že.g., air plane hangers..
impact of infiltration and natural and mechanical ventila-
tion on indoor air quality. Tracer gas measurements give a
value for air flows only under prevailing leakage and
weather conditions; however, mathematical models can 1
2. History of interzonal air flow modeling
determine infiltration values for all leakage and weather
A number of air-flow models have been developed to A large number of papers describe multizone air-flow
calculate air-flow-related energy losses and the flow distri- models: w15,17,27,29,52,53x. Others describe the applica-
butions in single-zone and multizone buildings w20x. tion of these numerical tools: w7,13,34,37,45x. A survey of

0378-7788r99r$ - see front matter Published by Elsevier Science S.A.

PII: S 0 3 7 8 - 7 7 8 8 Ž 9 8 . 0 0 0 4 3 - 7
4 H.E. Feustelr Energy and Buildings 30 (1999) 3–18

Fig. 1. Alternative routes to the estimation of air change rates w32x.

multizone air-flow models published in 1992 described 50 simplified simple-zone models. Measured data for a large
different programs w20x. number of houses were used to further fine-tune the ef-
fects, especially of shielding w39x.
2.1. Modeling of single-family houses Following the analysis of an enormous number of mea-
sured ventilation rates in houses for which leakage charac-
The first air-flow models for single-family residences teristics were determined by pressurization tests, a very
were based on regression analysis of measured data for simple model predicting average infiltration rate was intro-
infiltration and driving weather forces. The regression duced, in which the air change rate measured at a given
coefficients for these empirical models reflected structural pressure differential is divided by a constant number. This
characteristics as well as shielding effects and occupant model does not take into account weather influence or
behavior, so the coefficients derived for similar residences leakage distribution and this is less sophisticated than is
varied tremendously w43x. These models therefore are not necessary to meet today’s multi-zone air modeling needs
appropriate for use as design tools for building energy w1x.
The next step in residential infiltration modeling was 2.2. Models for more complex buildings
the development of physical single-zone models. 2 The Before the advent of single-zone models, a number of
amount of information required for these network models computer models were developed to calculate air-flow
led to development of simplified models, based on the distribution in multizone buildings.
physical phenomena of air flow through the building enve- The principle underlying these models is that buildings
lope, assuming a certain distribution of air leakage w46x. are complicated interlacing grid systems of air-mass flow
Shielding effects and local vertical wind profiles are taken paths. Joints represent the zones of the building, and the
into account for calculating the infiltration rate in these connections between joints simulate air-flow paths. These
paths include the flow resistances caused by open or
closed doors and windows as well as air leakage through
walls Žsee Fig. 2.. The boundary conditions for pressure
Interzonal air-flow models calculate the amount of air that flows distribution in the building can be described by grid points
from one zone to another. Intrazonal air-flow models Žmostly Computa- outside the building Žoutside zones..
tional Fluid Dynamics, CFD models. calculate the air-flow patterns Multizone infiltration network models deal with the
within a zone. A few CFD models are being used to model both
interzonal and intrazonal flows for a small number of zones.
complexity of flows in a building by recognizing the
In the case of a single-zone model, a second zone is taken into effects of internal flow restrictions. They require extensive
consideration; the outdoors. information about flow characteristics and pressure distri-
H.E. Feustelr Energy and Buildings 30 (1999) 3–18 5

The first of the multizone models developed was proba-

bly the BSRIA-model LEAK which was published in 1970
ŽJackman.. Since that time many more models have been
developed, but most are research tools that are not avail-
able to third parties. They are generally difficult to use and
are at best ‘user-tolerant’ rather than ‘user-friendly’.

2.3. Simplified models and model integration

The first simplified multizone model for equipment

design calculation for low-rise buildings was based on the
overall adding together the lengths of all the cracks Že.g.,
window and door seams. in a building. This model was
later expanded to cover high-rise buildings w4x. A similar
approach was used to develop LBNL’s simplified infiltra-
tion model, which allows calculation of interzonal air
flows by means of a pocket calculator w22x.
Although multizone air flow models have existed for
almost three decades, some thermal building simulation
models still use either constant air-flow rate models or
single-zone air-flow models. Now that energy conservation
and indoor air quality have led to tighter buildings con-
struction and greater complexity in building air flows,
thermal building simulation models without an integrated
multizone air flow model are inadequate.
Fig. 2. Floor plan of a simple building and its representation in a
two-dimensional nodal network w15x.

3. The COMIS model

butions. Like their single-zone counterparts, these models 3.1. General

are based on the mass balance equation.
Unlike in the single-zone approach, where there is only COMIS, is a recent development in interzonal air flow
one internal pressure to be determined, in a multizone modeling w14x. Because of its modular structure, COMIS
model, one pressure must be determined for each zone. has greater capability to simulate buildings than do earlier
This process adds considerably to the complexity of the multizone air-flow models. COMIS can be used as a
numerical solving algorithm; however, this additional com- stand-alone-model with input and output features or as an
plexity means the multizone approach can analyze a wide air-flow module for thermal building simulation programs.
range of infiltration and ventilation air flow distribution It can also serve as a module library, that could be used by
patterns. authors of similar models.
Because of the nonlinear dependence of air flow rate on COMIS grew from the work of an International Energy
pressure difference, the pressure distribution for a building Agency’s ŽIEA. expert group that began addressing multi-
can be calculated only by using an iterative method. zone air-flow modeling in 1990. The objective of this
Multizone network models have been developed to address group was to study physical phenomena causing air flow
simple structures of only a few zones or buildings having and pollutant transport Že.g., moisture. in multizone build-
arbitrary floor plans, allowing for a number of zones ings and to develop modules to be integrated in a multi-
limited only by the capacity of the computer being used zone air-flow modeling system. Because it was developed
for modeling. Models that deal with arbitrary building by an international group of scientists under the aegis of
plans either use a large amount of CPU-space or are the IEA, COMIS has the potential for immediate adoption
equipped with very sophisticated mathematical routines to in a number of countries and may therefore become a
reduce their storage needs. standard in multizone air flow modeling. So far, more than
Most programs use solver modules that reduce com- 200 copies of the program are being used in more than 15
puter storage, e.g., by band matrices or the skyline method. countries.
The Newton method is the most common tool used to Modules being used in COMIS include air-flow equa-
solve the set of non-linear equations required to model tions for large vertical openings, single-sided ventilation,
complex air flows w26x. and different opening situations for various window con-
6 H.E. Feustelr Energy and Buildings 30 (1999) 3–18

The air flows and distribution in a given building are

caused by pressure differences resulting from wind, ther-
mal buoyancy, mechanical ventilation systems, or a combi-
nation of these. Air flow is also influenced by the distribu-
tion of openings in a building’s shell and by the building’s
inner pathways w47,48x. Actions by building occupants can
also lead to significant differences in pressure distribution
inside a building Žsee Fig. 4.. All of these influences on air
flow patterns must be accounted for in an effective model.

4. Boundary conditions
Fig. 3. Example of a simple multizone structure w32x.
4.1. Wind pressure distribution
structions. Special emphasis was given to providing data The wind produces a velocity and pressure field around
necessary to use the system Že.g., calculation of wind a building. The relationship between velocity and the
pressure distribution. w14x. pressures at different locations in the flow field can be
Because partitions or inhomogeneous concentration in a obtained by analyzing the dynamics of a particle in fluid.
building create multiple zones—areas of fully mixed vol- When compared to the static pressure associated with an
ume with constant gas concentration and uniform pressure undisturbed wind-velocity pattern, the pressure field around
—multizone models are required to describe air flows. a building is generally characterized by regions of over-
Multizone buildings can be single-room structures, single- pressure Ždecrease in velocity. on the windward side, and
family houses, or large building complexes. Fig. 3 shows underpressure on the facades parallel to the air stream and
an example of a very simple multizone building. on the leeward side.

Fig. 4. Influences on the air-flow distribution in buildings w15x.

H.E. Feustelr Energy and Buildings 30 (1999) 3–18 7

The pressure distribution around a building is usually law expression. The latter is most often used by engineers
described by dimensionless pressure coefficients—the ra- and building scientists:
tio of the surface pressure and the dynamic pressure to the a
undisturbed flow pattern: Õ Ž z . s Õ Ž z0 .
p Ž x , y, z . y po Ž z .
c p Ž x , y, z . s
pdyn Ž z . where: Õ Ž z . s wind speed at height z wmrsx; Õ Ž z 0 . s wind
speed at reference height z 0 wmrsx, and a s exponent.
with These equations assume that wind flow is isothermal
1 and horizontal and that it will not change direction as a
pdyn Ž z . s rout Ž z . Õ 2 Ž z . result of differences in terrain. In other words, wind veloc-
ity profile is determined by the roughness of the terrain.
where: The value of the exponent a increases with increasing
c p Ž x, y, z . s pressure coefficient at coordinates x, roughness of the solid boundary ŽTable 1.. For smaller
y, z wyx; areas of rough surfaces in smoother surroundings, such as
p Ž x, y, z . s surface pressure at coordinates x, y, a town located in flat, open country, the velocity profile
z wPax; described by the equation above is valid only for a limited
po Ž z . s atmospheric pressure at height z wPax; height above the obstacles.
pdynŽ z . s dynamic pressure in the undisturbed Both full-scale and wind tunnel measurements have
flow at height z wPax; been performed to determine pressure distributions around
rout Ž z . s density of outside air at height z buildings; results have been published by several authors.
wkgrm3 x, and
Hussain and Lee Ž1980., for example published a collec-
Õ2Ž z. s wind speed at height z wmrsx. tion of pressure coefficients for the vertical distribution on
the center line of multistory buildings. In general, pressure
Fig. 5 shows the air flow patterns for an isolated coefficients as a function of height are either ‘S-shaped’ or
building with wind flowing perpendicular to the longer ‘reverse C-shaped’, both of which can be described by
facade. This figure shows how complicated the description higher order polynomial functions w31x.
of the pressure field around a building can be. These findings regarding pressure distribution are the
Fig. 6 shows the simplified horizontal wind pressure basis of Grosso’s work on the mathematical description of
distribution for two wind directions; wind direction per- pressure coefficients w25x. Based on this work, a module
pendicular to surface and 45 degrees. calculating pressure coefficients was integrated into
The vertical profile of a graph of wind speed in the COMIN, the first interface developed for COMIS.
atmospheric boundary layer depends primarily on atmo- If the physical interrelationship between flow resistance
spheric stability, the roughness of terrain, the surfaces and air flow is known for all flow paths, the interior
surrounding the building, i.e., the ground andror other air-flow distribution for a building can be calculated, as
buildings, and wind speed increases with increasing height long as there is no temperature difference between inside
above ground Žsee Fig. 7.. A wind velocity profile can be and outside air.
approximated either by a logarithmic equation or a power

4.2. Thermal buoyancy

Temperature differences between inside and outside air

create air density differences that cause pressure gradients.
Stack-effect pressure gradients depend only upon tempera-
ture differences and the vertical dimension of the building
or structure w12,50x. This effect is often misunderstood to
be a form of convection; however, temperature differences
within two columns of air do not cause this phenomenon;
the effect is a result of the weight difference between two
adjacent columns of air.
The value of pressure differences resulting from the
stack effect in multi-story buildings located in cold cli-
mates or sheltered areas can easily exceed the values of
pressure differences caused by wind effects. The theoreti-
cal value of the pressure difference under calm conditions
depends on the gradient and distance from the neutral
Fig. 5. Air flow around an isolated building. pressure level ŽNPL., which is the height on the building
8 H.E. Feustelr Energy and Buildings 30 (1999) 3–18

Fig. 6. Ža. Simplified wind pressure distribution; wind direction perpendicular to surface. Žb. Simplified wind pressure distribution; wind direction 45

facade where no pressure difference exists between inside top of the building shaft, the pressure difference on the top
and outside. The distribution of air leakage over the height is zero and the bottom experiences the maximum negative
of the building envelope determines the location of the pressure difference between inside and outside. If all the
NPL. leakage is concentrated at the bottom of the shaft, the
Fig. 8 shows the pressure distribution resulting from the pressure difference at the bottom of the shaft is zero, and
stack effect for three different opening situations in winter, the top experiences maximum overpressure. If leakage
i.e., when ambient temperature cooler than air temperature occurs in the middle of the shaft or is evenly distributed
inside the building shaft. If all the leakage is located at the over the height of the shaft, the neutral pressure zone is in

Fig. 7. Wind velocity profiles as a function of terrain w3x.

H.E. Feustelr Energy and Buildings 30 (1999) 3–18 9

Table 1 cient CQ and the pressure exponent n. Cracks are either

Height of boundary layer and exponents for different terrain w6x classified according to their component type or their physi-
Roughness type Height of boundary Exponent a wyx cal behavior. As the types of cracks in a specific building
layer wmx
are usually not known, the latter method is not practical for
Flat open country 270 1r7.0 s 0.14 air leakage calculations for real buildings.
Rolling hills 390 1r3.5s 0.28
In air-flow simulations, building components Že.g., win-
Inner city areas 510 1r2.5s 0.40
dows, walls, closed doors. are often treated as single
leakages. This has the advantage of reducing the input
requirement, but reduces the accuracy of the simulation
the middle of the shaft. The top experiences an overpres- result because the air-flow is represented by only one set
sure, and the bottom experiences an underpressure of the of boundary conditions Že.g., thermal gradients over the
same magnitude. height of the component are neglected..
The stack effect Žor thermal buoyancy. can be calcu-
lated by integrating Bernoulli’s equation, assuming no 5.2. Flow through Õertical large openings
Air flow through large openings Že.g., open doorways
Ž pout y pin . stack s g Ž r in y rout . Ž z y npl.
or open windows. is a main contributor to the transfer of
where: Ž pout y p in . stack s pressure difference due to stack air, pollutants and thermal energy from one zone of a
effect wPax; g s constant of gravity wmrs 2 x; Ž r in y rout . s building to another zone or to the outside. In most circum-
density difference between outside and inside air column stances, thermal differences andror differences in thermal
wkgrm3 x, and Ž z y npl. s distance between height z and gradients on both sides of a large opening will cause
neutral pressure level wmx. two-way flows. The prediction of air flows through large
openings is difficult. Although good agreement exists in
4.3. Mechanical Õentilation the literature regarding prediction of gravitational flows
through large openings in steady-state conditions, large
Mechanical ventilation can be included in this flow uncertainty remains regarding the definition of the dis-
network by treating the duct system like the other flow charge coefficient w5x.
paths in the building. The fan can be described as the Air flow through large openings involves a number of
source of pressure differences, lifting the pressure level different physical phenomena, including steady-state gravi-
between two joints according to the fan’s characteristic tational flows, fluctuating flows resulting from wind turbu-
curve w19x. lence, and recirculation flows caused by boundary layer
effects in a thermally driven opening w5x. The general
description of gravitational air flow through a vertical
5. Air flow components opening is shown in Fig. 9. Allard and Utsumi show that a
large vertical opening can have two, one, or zero neutral
5.1. Crack flow pressure levels. For large openings inside buildings, we
most often find one neutral pressure level close to the
The one air-flow component covered by all air flow middle of the opening’s height.
models found in the review process w18,20x is the crack.
Air flow through a crack is always a mixture of laminar,
turbulent, and transition flow. The proportion of each
depends on the shape of the crack and the pressure differ-
ence on either side of the crack.
The power law equation is widely used to express the
air flow characteristics of cracks:
Q s CQ Ž D P . .
This numerical representation is simple and meaningful.
It shows that the air flow Q depends on the pressure
difference D P; however, this equation does not take into
account the influence of the air properties and the air-flow
rate. Correction factors to account for these influences
were introduced to the simple power law equation in the
COMIS Fundamentals w21x.
The classification of cracks helps to determine the Fig. 8. Dimensionless pressure as a function of height for three different
correction factors and to determine the air leakage coeffi- permeability distributions with ambient air cooler than air inside the shaft.
10 H.E. Feustelr Energy and Buildings 30 (1999) 3–18

Fig. 9. Description of the general problem of gravitational flow through vertical large openings; Index 0 s Reference Height, Index 1 s Zone 1, Index
2 s Zone 2, Index t s effect of turbulence w5x.

For large openings incorporated COMIS calculates the The simulation of large vertical openings in a building’s
mass flow and its derivative for both flow directions. facade was evaluated by a team of scientists from Bel-
Density profiles in neighboring zones are represented by gium, France, and Greece w8x for single-sided ventilation
pressure or density values at the bottom and top of the and cross-flow ventilation. For single-sided ventilation at
opening and at several levels spaced equal distances apart low wind speeds, COMIS predicts the air flows with
within the opening. The mass flow is calculated for each satisfactory accuracy relative to the measured data. The
level. The total flow is obtained by summation of the flows cross-flow experiments performed at low wind speeds also
for the whole opening w9x. The air flows can be calculated show good agreement with COMIS’ results. However,
for the following cases. Dascalaki et. al. report that inaccuracies in pressure and
Ø Closed large opening: In this case, the air flows discharge coefficients may cause significant errors in esti-
from the cracks at the bottom and top of the component is mating air flows between the outside and internal zones.
calculated according to their pressure differences. The air
flow for the vertical cracks is calculated by the summation
5.3. Ducts
of the flows over the vertical height.
Ø Normal rectangular vertical openings: The calcula-
tion procedure described above is used. The discharge Pressure losses through duct work are calculated based
coefficient, which takes into account the contraction of the on friction losses described by Ref. w35x and dynamic
flow resulting from the existence of the opening, can be losses resulting from flow disturbances caused by fittings
either defined by the user or calculated by COMIS. that change the path andror area of air flow:
Ø Horizontally pivoted window: The flow direction is D P loss s D Pfriction q D Pfittings
assumed to be perpendicular to the plane of the opening;
the air flow is integrated over the vertical dimension of the l
D Pfriction s l Pdynamic
window. d
COMIS also includes a routine to calculate buoyancy-
driven air flow through single-sided ventilation w51x. This where: D Pfriction s friction losses in the duct wPax; l s
is the only case where the changing thermal properties of a dimensionless friction factor wyx; l s length of the duct
wmx; d s diameter of the duct wmx and Pdynamic s dynamic
room are taken into account. The driving factor here is a
temperature difference between the room and the outside. pressure of the air flow wPax.
When a window is open, the room air temperature is being Within the region of laminar flow ŽReynolds number
calculated as a function of the initial temperatures speci- less than 2000., the friction is a function of the Reynolds
fied by the user, the thermal properties of the zone enve- number only, and can be written as:
lope, and the length of time during which the window is 64
open. ls
Window opening angle can be calculated based on the
weather data Žoutdoor air temperature and wind velocity.. where: Re s dimensionless Reynolds number wyx.
H.E. Feustelr Energy and Buildings 30 (1999) 3–18 11

For turbulent flow ŽReynolds numbers greater than s velocity at roof height wmrsx, and Cp cowl s pressure
10,000., the friction factor depends on the Reynolds num- coefficient resulting from cowl wyx.
ber, duct surface roughness, and internal protuberances The last term accounts for the extra pressure loss result-
Žsuch as joints. and is calculated by Colebrook’s equation: ing from the presence of the cowl. ‘q1’ The flow through
1 e 2.51 the cowl at the pressure of 1 Pa is q1 , calculated as
s y2 log dq 'l follows:
'l 3.75 Re
where: e surface roughness wmx.
Because this equation cannot be solved explicitly for l,
we use an approximate explicit equation from w35x:
q1 s A duct (ž /

e 10 6 5.5. Fans
l s 1 q 20,000 q
d Re 5 .
Fans are a source of pressure differences, lifting the
pressure level between two zones. In COMIS, fans are
Dynamic losses due to fittings are expressed as:
described by the polynomial fan curve either provided by
D Pfittings s z = Pdynamic
the user or approximated by COMIS from a set of volume
where: z s dimensionless coefficient wyx. flowrpressure data pairs. In order to avoid unstable fan
Fittings included in COMIS are entries, exits, transi- performance in the model, the flowrpressure relationship
tions, and junctions. The dimensionless coefficient z , outside the range given by data pairs is assumed to be of
which has the same value in dynamically similar streams linear character Žsee Fig. 10..
Ži.e., streams with geometrically similar stretches, equal Flow through the fan is calculated for deviating values
values of Reynolds number., has been obtained from engi- of fan speed or air density according to fan laws. Fan
neering handbooks w2,28x. speed can be changed by means of a fan schedule, which
In COMIS, the flow through a duct is modeled as the allows a change of fan speed to change at any time during
power law function. Because friction along the duct is the simulation period.
different for laminar, turbulent, and transitional regions, Outside the specified range of fan performance, a linear
the flow coefficient CQ and the exponent n are calculated approximation is used to ensure that the network solver
by means of iteration w21x. Because of the nonlinear inter- will find a valid solution and not become stuck outside the
dependency of flows in the branches of a junction, duct correctly approximated curve.
work with many functions requires more iterations. A flow
path in which resistance is dominated by pressure drops in 5.6. Flow controllers
the junction might make a system unstable.
Four types of flow controllers are distinguished; these
5.4. PassiÕe stacks four, represent most of the available dampers or regulators
A passive stack component of COMIS was developed that respond to pressure drop or Žduct. flow. Controllers
in response to the request of IEA-ECB’s Annex 27 ‘Resi- with temperatures as input must be simulated with the
dential Ventilation Systems’. 3 schedules, which is not an ideal modeling solution.
A passive stack forms a link from a building zone to the The basic premise of controllers is that they have an
outside Žroof. and includes the following elements: opening through which the air flows. At higher pressures,
Ø a grille or opening, visible in the room, mounted on the a flap or valve may throttle the flow by gradually closing
duct; the opening. The flow controllers’ performance is divided
Ø a duct, which is round or rectangular; and into three pressure ranges Žsee Ref. w23x..
Ø a cowl Žhood. at the top of the duct outside. 5.6.1. Range 1
The pressure loss for the passive stack is defined as At low pressures the controller is fully open and not
follows: blocked by either flap or valve. This position is simulated
2 2
r qv qv lL with a normal crack flow equation.
D Ps
2 ½
A grille
A duct D
5.6.2. Range 2
Above a certain pressure, a moving flap or valve will
q1 ( 2
Õmeteo Ž yCp cowl . decrease the controller’s opening, limiting the flow or
keeping it roughly constant. This position is simulated
where: q v s flow through the vertical duct wm3rsx; q1 s either by a single constant flow rate or with a curve
flow at cowl at 1 Pa wm3rsx; A grille s free flow area of the approximated by a polynomial. The transition point be-
grille wm2 x; A duct s free flow area of the duct wm2 x; Õmeteo tween range 1 and range 2 is simply defined in the
program by the intersection of the two curves. This curve
IEA-ECB: International Energy Agency, Energy Conservation in or constant flow will be maintained until it intersects with
Buildings and Community Systems program. the curve from range 3.
12 H.E. Feustelr Energy and Buildings 30 (1999) 3–18

Fig. 10. Fan curve approximation using coefficients w23x.

5.6.3. Range 3 a function of pressure difference. Fig. 11 shows the perfor-

At high pressures the controller flap or valve may: mance of an ideal symmetrical flow controller in conjunc-
Ø close no further or have leaks tion with facade leakage.
Ø close faster, reducing the flow at increasing pressure to
almost zero. 5.7. Kitchen hood
Like range 2, range 3 is simulated with a polynomial.
There are four different flow controllers in COMIS; COMIS models kitchen hoods in different ways. Kitchen
each of them provides a different air flow performance as hoods can be either fan operated or stack operated. The

Fig. 11. Performance of flow controller ŽF1 s ideal symmetrical. w23x.

H.E. Feustelr Energy and Buildings 30 (1999) 3–18 13

Fig. 12. Schematics of kitchen hoods as modeled in COMIS w42x Žnumbers 1,2,3 and 4 are flow paths between zones..

hood itself can be simulated by means of a set of power defined by a start and stop time provided by the user.
law equations Ži.e., by using the crack component. or by COMIS works with two different time steps: one for the
using a component that calculates the spread of pollutants air-flow calculations and another for calculation of pollu-
into the zone Žsee Fig. 12.. tant transport. As air flows are quasi-steady-state phenom-
In the latter case, the spread of pollutants will be ena, the time step used for air-flow calculations is based
calculated using spread characteristics as a function of the only on ‘external events’, which are schedules provided by
exhaust flow of the hood. The spread characteristics Žhood the user. The time step is determined by the change of
efficiency. must be provided by the user. These data are boundary conditions with time, i.e., weather data, opening
often available from kitchen hood manufacturers w23x. configuration, fan schedule, etc.
Pollutant transport and the related buildup or decay of
5.8. User-defined air-flow components contaminant concentrations are not steady-state physical
phenomena. Therefore, the time step is calculated based on
COMIS allows the user to define air-flow components. the shortest time constant of all zones within a building for
The characteristics of these components need to be pro- a particular simulation configuration w21x.
vided in terms of data pairs describing the flowrpressure
relationship. With this air-flow components that are not
standardly included in the program can thus be added. 6.2. Zone layers

A zone can be divided vertically into several sub-zones

6. Other program features Žlayers.. Layers allow for zones with more than one gradi-
ent for zone temperature andror humidity Že.g., shafts,
6.1. Time step staircases.. Layers may also be used to account for differ-
ent sources or sinks in different heights of a zone. There is
A time step is the period between events during a no limit to the number of layers that can be specified in a
simulation. Simulations are performed for a time period zone.
14 H.E. Feustelr Energy and Buildings 30 (1999) 3–18

6.3. Schedules period. Schedules can either be included in the COMIS

input file or provided by separate schedule files. In the
A series of events for a particular parameter are de- latter case, the COMIS input file only contains the nameŽs.
scribed by schedules. Schedules describe the time of an of the schedule fileŽs..
event and the event itself. COMIS provides the following
options for schedules: 6.4. Contaminant transport
weather data Žwind velocity, wind direction, air tempera-
Besides calculating air flow between zones, COMIS
ture, absolute humidity, barometric pressure., window
also calculates the transport and distribution of up to five
schedule Žwindow opening fraction., fan schedule Žfan
contaminants. Simulation of contaminant transport in a
speed factor., zone temperature, absolute humidity, sink
multizone building leads to the definition of mass balance
schedule Žfor up to five pollutants., source for Žup to five
equations for each pollutant considered in each zone, based
pollutants., multi-schedule Žfor up to ten parameters with a
on the assumption that the pollutant concentration is well
common time step..
mixed in a zone and is transported from zone to zone by
The time steps for all these schedules can be variable, the flow of air. COMIS allows for filter effects for all
ranging from a second to the length of the simulation air-flow components; these effects can represent a solid

Fig. 13. IISiBat model library w30x.

H.E. Feustelr Energy and Buildings 30 (1999) 3–18 15

absorption along the path or any kind of reaction Žchemical ware-independent but bothersome to work with, so other
reaction, phase change, etc.. resulting from contact of the interfaces, COMERL, IISiBat and XCOMIS were devel-
pollutant with a solid material as it flows from one zone to oped.
another w23x. COMERL offers an alphanumeric, DOSe-oriented user
Although the air flow in buildings can be assumed to be interface allowing the creation or modification of COMIS
steady state, contaminant transport is a dynamic effect. input files using a specific task-adapted editor. A data base
Therefore, it is critical to use a time step short enough to for air flow components Že.g., cracks, windows, HVAC
represent the dynamics. COMIS calculates the time step components. is integrated into COMERL. The pre- and
for contaminant transport as a function of the shortest time post-processor programs COMIN and COMOUT as well
constant of all zones considered. Therefore, the critical as the simulation program COMIS can be run from within
zone in a building for this calculation will have a small the shell w11x.
volume but a high air flow. When duct work is realistically IISiBat is the Intelligent Simulation Environment ŽISE.
simulated, this critical zone is often part of the duct work. graphics interface adapted for COMIS. It provides a so-
phisticated graphical environment that runs on PCs or
6.5. Output options workstations and allows the user to enter information in a
straightforward way. IISiBat provides both inexperienced
COMIS provides a variety of output options. Besides and advanced users with tools that can calculate the dy-
the basic option, which provides air-flow and pollutant namics of complex systems.
transport data for each time step, data can be recorded or The ISE allows sharing of data between various simula-
calculated in the form of tables. Calculations include the tion tools and coupling of simulation tools; it also includes
air change rates for individual zones andror the whole built-in checking and helping functions. IISiBat includes
building, mean age of air, the air change efficiency of the the model documentation in the standard format PRO-
building, and the room air change index. It is also possible FORMA w41x.
to have mean values for the whole simulation period being Components and projects are stored in object-oriented
calculated and reported w10x. libraries. Air-flow components are arranged in a ‘tree
The ventilation heat loss energy, based on the incoming structure’, as illustrated for duct fittings in Fig. 13. When a
air temperature and the temperature difference between family of components Že.g., duct fittings. is selected, the
inside and outside of the building, is also calculated. For tree develops to show various component types. Physical
zones with temperature gradients, the temperature at the properties are attached to each component. Fig. 14 shows
link is considered. an air-flow network with the boundary conditions as devel-
oped with IISiBat.
6.6. User interface A building described by its network of air flow compo-
nents is constructed by assembling joining components
Several interfaces were developed for COMIS. The together in the assembly window. If a building is too
simplest is the fortran program COMIN. This program complex to be displayed in all its details, the system can be
reads and writes COMIS input files and allows the addi- simplified by using ‘macro-components’. Whole building
tion, change, and deletion of input data. COMIN is hard- floors with all their air-flow paths and boundary conditions

Fig. 14. Air-flow network for a three-story building with a common staircase w30x.
16 H.E. Feustelr Energy and Buildings 30 (1999) 3–18

Fig. 15. XCOMIS graphic tool for fan curve approximation w36x.

can be displayed as single ‘macro-components’ w40x. Once the collating of existing data could help our efforts in
the network is ready for simulation, the calculation process simplifying data requirements.
is started from IISiBat. The difficulty of measuring infiltration in buildings
XCOMIS is part of the attempt to provide a user-friendly under controlled boundary conditions means that none of
interface w36x. It uses a GUI Žgraphical user interface. but the multizone models has been validated properly, if at all
does not provide a graphical representation of the air-flow w44x. The possibility of doing piecemeal validations of
network. This user-interface represents the input sequence certain algorithms has been considered Že.g., the algo-
of the conventional COMIS input file, but it allows use of rithms for air flow through open doorways or air flow
a more sophisticated representation of the input file than through cracks.. Measuring a few zones of the whole
COMIN or COMERL. Besides input checking routines and structure would effectively test existing models. However,
default values, XCOMIS also provides a wide variety of validation of a model’s performance for whole buildings is
input units. One of the input checking routines is the preferable, as was done for COMIS.
graphical representation of input values used for fan curve The goal of the IEA’s annex 23 5 was to provide a
approximation Žsee Fig. 15.. reliable, accurate, practical, and user-friendly multizone air
XCOMIS is being developed in TclrTk 4 w38x, so it can flow model. A variety of tests were performed to make
be used with the UNIX operating system as well as with sure that COMIS contains no numerical errors; COMIS
Microsoft Windows 95e and Microsoft Windows NTe. simulation results were compared with more than 50
benchmarks for which either an analytical or a numerical
solution was obtained. Each of these test cases was devel-
7. Evaluation of multizone air-flow models oped to check a particular feature of the program. These
tests were repeated for each individual program update to
There is a lack of measured infiltration and ventilation be sure that a model improvement did not interfere with
data for whole buildings. These data are essential for already tested program features.
validating air-flow models. Critical variables must be iden- Furthermore, two user tests were developed as a joint
tified for different building types in order to develop more contribution by the Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre
accurate input data and, ultimately, more accurate models. and researchers in Switzerland. The first test represents a
Wind pressure coefficients, for example, need further study;

International Energy Agency’s Energy Conservation in Buildings and
Tcl s tool command language, Tk s tool kit for the Xwindow sys- Community Systems implementing agreement, Annex 23 ‘Multizone Air
tem. Flow Modeling’.
H.E. Feustelr Energy and Buildings 30 (1999) 3–18 17

very simple network in which all openings and pressure simulations and output representation can be controlled
boundary conditions are defined. This test and the compar- from within the interface.
ison of simulation results with analytical solutions enabled A significant effort was made towards the evaluation of
inconsistencies and problems in the code to be quickly the model. Besides benchmark testing, and model inter-
identified and rectified. comparison, in situ measurement exercises were performed
A second test was performed to evaluate the influence, for several building structures. With this effort, COMIS is
of the user on the program’s accuracy. This test helped us probably the only multizone air flow model which has
to develop the program documentation, particularly the been evaluated at different levels.
User’s Guide. The results showed clearly that the user’s The international authorship and the efforts to maintain
ability is critical in securing reliable predictions w33x. the program in the future have helped to establish COMIS
COMIS was also checked by means of model intercom- as a standard for air flowrpollutant transport models.
parison w24x. Fourteen other simulation programs 6 were Future developments include the coupling of COMIS
used by the research groups involved in evaluating COMIS, with the thermal building simulation model EnergyPlus
and results were compared. Because different programs and the incorporation of the aerosolrparticle deposition
have different features, the objectives for each intercom- model for rooms. A zonal model currently developed at
parison had to be adapted so that the models to be com- Concordia University will also be included into COMIS.
pared could simulate the same physical phenomenon. Be-
cause all programs use similar algorithms, and simulations
were performed with identical input data, so the results fall
within a very narrow band.
The comparison of results between the model and in
situ tests was an important part of the work done to This report was supported by the Assistant Secretary for
develop COMIS. Nine studies were performed, using re- Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Office of Build-
sults from tracer gas tests for single-family houses, test ing Technology, of the U.S. Department of Energy under
cells, flats, and small office buildings. These results were Contract No. DE-AC03-76SF00098.
compared with results obtained by numerical simulation.
For each case, a sensitivity analysis was performed, not
only to learn about the uncertainties in the measurements References
but also about the confidence intervals of the simulations,
which result from uncertainties in the input data w24x. w1x AIVC TN 31, Air Flow Patterns: Measurement Techniques, Air
Infiltration and Ventilation Centre, 1991.
w2x ASHRAE, Handbook of Fundamentals, Chapter 22, American Soci-
8. How to obtain IISiBatr
r COMIS ety of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, At-
lanta, GA, 1985.
w3x ASHRAE, Handbook of Fundamentals, Chapter 14, American Soci-
COMIS and its user interface IISiBat together with ety of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, At-
all the necessary user’s guides can be downloaded for lanta, GA, 1989.
free using the following world wide web address: w4x DIN 4701, Regeln fur ¨ die Berechnung des Warmebedarfs
¨ von
http:rrwww-epb.lbl.govrcomisr ¨
Gebauden, Teil 1: Grundlagen der Berechnung, Beuth Vertrieb
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w7x R.C. Diamond, H.E. Feustel, Ventilation in High-Rise Residential
User-friendliness and confidence in a model are prereq-
Buildings, In Proceedings, 16th Air Infiltration and Ventilation
uisites for its use. Annex 23 was adopted by the Interna- Conference, Palm Springs, CA, 1995.
tional Energy Agency to work specifically towards this w8x E. Dascalaki, M. Santamouris, M. Bruant, C.A. Balaras, A. Bossaer,
goal. The ISE user interface developed for COMIS is a D. Ducarme, P. Wouters, Modeling Large Openings with COMIS,
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w9x V. Dorer, New Large Vertical Opening and Single-Sided Ventilation
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Routines in COMIS, Internal Annex Report, EMPA Dubendorf,¨
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w11x V. Dorer, F. Huck, A. Weber, COMERL PC-based User Interface
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18 H.E. Feustelr Energy and Buildings 30 (1999) 3–18

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