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Final Terminal Examination- 2079
Name:- …………………………………………………………. F.M=50
Class:- Two Subject:- English II P.M=20

1. Change the following singular noun to plural nouns.

a. Teacher= f. bus=
b. Chair= g. branch=
c. Book= h. glass=
d. Door= i. baby=
e. Animal= j. child=
2. Replace is, am, are with was or were in the following sentences.
a. I am six.
b. The children are asleep.
c. Our dog is black.
d. We are in our bedrooms.
e. The teacher is tall.
f. You are my best friend.
3. Fill in the gaps with suitable pronouns.
a. ………… is a student of Grade Two. (I, He)
b. ………… am not going with uncle. (We, I)
c. …………… are my best friend. (He, You)
d. …………… is a good girl. ( She, It)
e. …………… is raining today. (It, We)
f. …………… are students of Grade Two. (We, I)
4. Change these sentences into negative using do not or does not.
a. I watch T.V.
b. She cleans her room.
c. They open the windows.
d. He buys a new CD.
e. I am late.
f. Riju has a cat.

5. Write the past form of following verbs.

a. Say= f. see=
b. Sell= g. send=
c. Take= h. look=
d. Tell= i. decide=
e. Understand= j. like=

6. Change these statements into negative. (did not)

a. The man shouted at the dog.
b. Amrit learned to play chess.
c. The dog opened the gate.
d. My mother cooked dinner.
e. Shyam colored the pictures.
f. He picked the fruits.
7. Make sentences using the following words.
a. Bigger=
b. Smaller
c. Higher=
d. Older=
e. Taller=
f. Shorter=

8. Circle the prepositions in these sentences.

a. The cat is on the table.
b. The parrot is in the cage.
c. The mouse hid under the sofa.
d. Our school starts at 9:00 am.
e. Why are you hiding the pillar?
f. Ramita was near my house.

9. Fill in the blanks with the comparative adjectives.

a. Mr. Chaudary is (old) ……………… Mrs. Chaudary.

b. Mrs. Chaudary is (young) …………….. Mr. Chaudary.
c. Mr. Chaudary is (tall) ……………………. Mrs. Chaudary.
d. Mrs. Chaudary is (short) ………………… Mr. Chaudary.
e. Mrs. Chaudary is (thin) ………………….. Mr. Chaudary.
f. Mr. Chaudary is (big) ……………………… Mrs. Chaudary.

10. Fill in the blanks with and, or, but.

a. Trishna likes music …………. She can’t dance.
b. I need a pencil ………….. an eraser.
c. We can go out to play …………….. watch a movie.
d. Sandip likes to play chess ……………….. kabaddi.
e. Muna likes momo ………….. Sohan likes pizza.
f. Do you like going to school ……………. stay at home.
11. Fill in the blanks with and, or, but.
a. The boy …………. a ball.
b. We ……………. good news for you.
c. The book ……………. a nice cover.
d. You ………….. a nice voice.
e. An elephant …………….. four legs.
f. The houses ……………. blue windows.

12. Fill in the blanks with a or an.

a. Sirin has ……… English notebook.
b. Let’s sing ……. song.
c. Leena has ……. dog.
d. Rita has….. old bike.
e. I need ……… new pencil.
f. I have …….. umbrella.

VC, Marga, Nadipur
Final Terminal Examination- 2079
Name:- …………………………………………………………. F.M=50
Class:- Two Subject:- Science P.M=20

1. Name any 2. 15X0.5=1

a. Amphibian.
…………………….. ………………………
b. Herbivore.
…………………….. ………………………
c. Pet animals.
…………………….. ………………………
d. Crawling animals.
…………………….. ………………………
e. Herbs.
…………………….. ………………………
f. Desert plants.
…………………….. ……………………..
g. Pulses.
…………………….. ………………………
h. Spices.
…………………….. ………………………
i. Spherical objects.
…………………….. ………………………
j. Sources of water.
…………………….. ………………………

2. Write down any 3 sources of heat and light. 6X0.5=3

Sources of heat Sources of light

3. Fill in the blanks with suitable words given below. 5X1=5

(twice, doctors, Germs, pores, hole, Omnivores, shoot, rectangle,
sunlight, seven)
a. …………………. eat both plants and flesh.
b. ………….... transfer diseases.
c. Rats live in a ………….. .
d. ……………….. is aerial part of the plant.
e. Proper medicine is suggested by …………….. .
f. We should brush our teeth …………. a day.
g. Plants breathe through small ………….. leaves.
h. Sunlight contains ……………. colours.
i. Our blackboard is ……………………….. .
j. Rays coming from the sun to the earth is called ……………….. .

4. Write ‘T’ for true statements and ‘F’ for false stements.
a. Abnormal condition of body is called sickness. …………...
b. We should play with matchstick or fire. ………..
c. House is a natural thing. ………….
d. Animals which eat only fish are called carnivore. …………
e. We should throw the waste in the street. …………..
f. Banana has tap root system. …………..
g. A large object has a smaller shadow. ………….
h. Rose flower is used to make perfume. ……………
i. Surface of the earth is evenly distributed. ………..
j. At night we feel cold because there is no sunlight. ……….
5. Match the following.




No smoking

Personal hygiene

Zebra Crossing
6. Separate the hard and soft objects.
(cotton, pencil, Table, foam, cloth, brick, soft)


7. Choose the correct word.

a. Plants are living things because they …………… (grow/ do not grow )
b. The home at a pig is called ………………… . (sty / pen).
c. Cat is a ……………… (wild/pet) animal.
d. A lion is a …………………….. . (herbivore/ canivore)
e. Rose is a ………………… . (shrub/climber)
f. Clean environment makes us ……………………. . (healthy/ unhealthy)
g. Bangles have …………………… (cylindrical/circular) shape.
h. (Sun/ Bulb) …………….. is the ultimate source of heat and light.
i. Poking nose is a ………………. (good/ bad) habit.
j. We should ……………. (follow/not follow) the safety rules
8. Answer the following questions.
a. Mention two important characteristics of living things.

b. Where do wild animals live?

c. How does a snake move?

d. What type of plants are also seasonal plant?

e. What are the two types of root system?

f. Write down two functions of flower in a plant.

g. How do we feel on a sunny day?

h. What causes day and night on the earth?

i. Where should we urinate and defecate?

j. What is physical exercise?

k. What happens when the sunlight is passed through a prism?

l. What is used to carry sick people to the hospitals?

9. Identifying the following objects.

9. Write the function of following organs. 5x1=5

10. Draw a pictures of traffic signal and label it. 4

VC, Marga, Nadipur
Final Terminal Examination- 2079
Name:- …………………………………………………………. F.M=50
Class:- Two Subject:- Maths P.M=20

1. Tick (√) the correct answer. 10x1=10
a. Write the name of the figure.
i. circle ii. Square iii. Quadrilateral
b. The place value of 3 in 635 is:
i. 3 ii.300 iii. 30
c. Which of the following is not a odd number?
i.432 ii.637 iii.489
d. The Hindu Arabic Numeral of ६५ is :
i. 65 ii. 75 iii. 85
e. The sum of 70 and 30 is :
i. 100 ii. 73 iii. 40
f. The last month of the year is :
i. January ii. December iii. June
g. The fraction three-fourth is written as:
i. 2/4 ii. 3/5 iii. 3/4
h. In 6 ⟌42( , 6 is the ………………….. .
i. divisor ii. Remainder iii. Dividend
i. The first day of the week is …………… .
i. Saturday ii. Thursday iii. Sunday
j. How many days are there in a year?
i. 52 ii. 365 iii. 500
2. Fill in the blanks. 3x0.5=1.5
a. 6 months= 6 x ………. days = ……… days.
b. 5 years = 5 x ……… months = ………. months
c. The number name of 2/3 = ……………………….. .
3.a. If ……… + 6 = 15 = ………. .
b. How many sides does a triangle have? …….. .
c. Write today’s date according to Nepali Calendar …………. .
d. How many days are there in a months? ………. .
e. How many months are there in a year? ……….. .
4.a. Write numeral for one hundred forty-six. 10
4.b. Fill in the following number in a place value table
and write in words. 1

= …………………………………………………………………………………………………

5.a Write the times as shown in the following clocks. 1

10:30 5:15

b. Write the fractions of the following shaded figures. 1

= =
6.a Write the Devnagari number name for. 2
i. 60 = ii.90 = iii. 100= iv. 40=
b. Write Hindu – Arabic Numeral for. 1.5

i. %# = @& = &* =

7.a Put the correct sign. ( >,<, =). 1.5

i. 263 ……… 635 ii. 904 ……… 946 iii. 273 ……… 273
b. Circle the biggest number. 1
i. 542, 395 ii. 208, 602

c. Write the following numbers in different orders. 1

i. 445, 579, 540
Ascending order=
Descending order=
8. Add: 4

i. 9 ii. 8 7 iii. 5 6 iv. 3 2 6

+9 +76 +68 + 15

9. Subtract: 4

i. 9 ii. 8 iii. 5 2 iv. 4 8 3

- 7 -23 - 3 6 - 1 5 6

10. Multiply: 4
a. 7 b. 21 c. 7 0 0 d. 7 2 3
x 3 x 5 x 2 x 3

11. Divide: 4
i. 4 ⟌24 ( ii. 5 ⟌ 45 ( iii. 8 ⟌ 64 (

iv. 7 ⟌ 42 (

12.a. Draw a line segment of length 4.5 cm. 0.5

b. Find area of the adjoining figure. 0.5

c. Convert 8kg into g. 0.5

8 kg = 6 x ………………. g= ……………………. g

13. Word problems. 4x1=4

a. A box has 535 apples. Among them, 109 apples are rotten. How
many fresh apples are left? ……………

- 109

b. Furbu has Rs 425 and Sangita has Rs 237. How much money do they
have altogether? ………………….

+ 237

c. There are 30 marbles in a box. How many marbles are there in such 5
boxes? …………

X 5

d. There are 42 apples in a box. Divide these apples equally among 6

children. How much does each child get? ……………..
6 ⟌42 (

14. Study the bar graph and answer the questions. 5x1=5
VC, Marga, Nadipur
Final Terminal Examination- 2079
Name:- …………………………………………………………. F.M=50
Class:- Two Subject:- English P.M=20
1. Change the present simple sentences to negative by adding
do/ does not . 6x1=6
a. They buy oranges.
b. He plays in the morning.
c. We eat apples.
d. The farmers grow rice.
e. She drinks milk.
f. He sings a song.

2. Give one word for the following. 6x0.5=3

a. a person who catches fish.
b. a person who drives a bus.
c. a person who teaches in a school.
d. a person who treats sick people.
e. a person who grows vegetables.
f. a person who stiches clothes.
3. Complete the following sentences with my, our, your, its, his, their, or
her. 6X0.5=3
a. National flag is ……….. pride.
b. Can I use ……….. pencil?
c. She forgot ………… bag at home.
d. I am doing …………. homework.
e. The dog is licking …………. paws.
f. He took a taxi to visit …………. grandparents.

4. Complete with am, is, or are. 6x0.5=3

a. I ……. a mechanic.
b. Rabina ……… an actress.
c. They ………. students.
d. She ……. is a nurse.
e. You ……… a pilot.
f. He ……….. a plumber.

5. Make the following words plural. 8x0.5=4

a. foot = b. mouse=
c. man = d. tooth =
e. woman= f. sheep =
g. ox = h. person=

6. Write any five activities which you can do. 5x1=5

7. Match the words with their correct meanings. 6x0.5=3

Unaware walk heavily

Thump not aware
Still speak very softly
Pretend any living being
Creative to make believe
Whisper not moving
8. Make sentences by using the following words. 10x0.5=5
a. love =
b. comb=
c. like =
d. play =
e. brush=
9. Give two words for each spellings. 10x0.5=5
a. ch=
b. oo=
c. sk=
d. pr=
e. nd=

10. Answer the following questions. 8x1=8

a. How old is Pinky?

b. When does Rajan wake up?

c. Where did Clare live?

d. What is the main attraction of Binayak?

e. Why couldn’t the woodcutter buy a new axe?

f. How is TV informative?

g. Who were the two friends in the story?

h. Why did the sun praise the cock?


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