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Hawler Medical

University/College of
Medicine/ Department of

Case Sheet No:

Biodata of the patient:

Name: Age:
Occupation: Address:
Marital status: BG:
Husband Name: Husband’s BG:
Date of admission: Date of Taking History:
Weight: G: P: M:
LMP: Date of Marriage:

History of Chief Complaint & Duration: _________________________________________________

History of Present Illness:

Past Gynecological History

Past Obstetrical History


Past Medical History

Past Surgical History

Drug History

Family History

Social History

Systemic Review

• Respiratory System:___________________________________________________________
• Cardiovascular System:________________________________________________________
• Nervous System:_____________________________________________________________
• Gastrointestinal System:_______________________________________________________
• Endocrine System:____________________________________________________________
• Musculoskeletal System:_______________________________________________________
• Integumentary System:________________________________________________________
Physical Examination

Vital Signs PR: RR: BP: Temp.: SpO2:

General Examination:

Abdominal Examination:

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