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The life of


Jayden Chen, Felicia Teo,
Kristen Keh, Raymond Feng
haracter page

Lola Bobo Abdi

Abu Darius
haracter page

Lola Bobo Abdi

Abu Darius
I shall grant
your request
Great Zeus, we
request of your
power for our
species to be a bigger

In the past, there were many gigantic monsters like Cerberus,

Minotaur, Hydra… Animals were jealous of the power they
hold, but none dared to approach the Great Zeus. However,
everything changed when a small group of 5 lizards (Lola ,
Bobo , Abdi , Abu and Darius) went to visit Zeus, the God
of Gods.

They requested their species to be larger. They didn’t want to

be the prey anymore. Being such a small creature meant that
they had numerous predators, such as birds, snakes, wild dogs…
They were granted what they wished for multiple
decades. Overjoyed, they thanked the Great Zeus
profusely. They believed they could now
overpower every animal with their size, but they
thought wrong.

It wasn’t enough. They were burdened from their

large mass to move for a long time. So, in this
manner Zeus granted them the power to fly by
giving them wings. Again, they were grateful for
his generousity and thanked him

As time passed, they realised they lacked
something, something… more powerful. Soon,
they concluded what it was: powers.

The “lizards” revisited Zeus again and

complained that they did not have powers like
other monsters did.

Hence, Zeus gave the, the ability to spit fire.

He named them as dragons, as they were now
completely different from their original form.

The dragons loved the name, thinking it was as

cool as they were. They cheered together,
flying in the sky in a circle for hours.

From that point forward they lived as
equals to their monster counterparts,
roaming the lands and grazing amongst the

The dragons, however, soon felt superior to

most monsters. As time passed, they were
starting to abuse their powers. Soon after
the earth fell into a state of chaos.
They often fly in groups and
prey upon humans and animals,
who are defenceless against their
flames. Worse, they felt no
remorse for their actions.

The aftermath was often the

remains of burnt corpses and
debris of fallen buildings.

These actions angered Zeus, and
Zeus warned the dragons to stop
causing chaos.

Zeus warned them that he will

take away their powers and they
will return back to lizards if this

The arrogant dragons did not think that
would happen, they thought that Zeus
would not dare to destroy his own creations
and did not stop with what they did,
continuing to harm humans and other
smaller creatures.

Zeus was deeply saddened by this and did

not want to destroy his creations and give
them a second chance as he already warned
them. Therefore Zeus took away their

One day, when the dragons were
causing havo, their wings feel
off and their bodies suddenly
shrunk in size.

They collapsed to the ground, and were
now back to their original form as lizards

In no time, they ran away in fear and

disappeared from the fears of their
wrongdoings. That was the end of the
existence of dragons.

Voted Number 1 by the New York Times

Lizards were once normals

reptiles, blessed with the
might of the great god Zeus.
A story with deep meaning
and reference to people

“ With great power, comes great

responsibility”-Uncle Ben-

“ Absolutely first-rate. . .
““Intriguing for kids, love it!”
comparable to Roald Dahl” — The New
—Stephanie Garber-
Yorker —

$9.99 Classic
Cover photograph
@Robert Davies/ Kelly Kall

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