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10 Year 1 Workout: English

Warm up

1. Tick the sentence which uses spaces correctly.

I clean the window.

I cleanthewindow.
1 mark

2. Add the missing letter to each of the words below.

Use the pictures to help you.

p.....g c.....p

3 marks

© CGP 2020 Year 1 Workout: English

10 Choose a word from the box to complete the sentence.
Use the picture to help you. Write it on the line below.

dove cave move

The wolf lives in a ...............................

1 mark

4. Circle the words which are spelt correctly.

saw / sor corn / cawn 2 marks

5. Write the sentence below using spaces.

Use the picture to help you.


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Taken from CGP’s Year 1 English 10-Minute Weekly Workouts (E1XW11).
See the full range of KS1 Weekly Workouts at

Year 1 Workout: English © CGP 2020

Year 1 English Workout: Answers
1. I clean the window. 1 mark
2. pig 1 mark
bat 1 mark
cup 1 mark
3. The wolf lives in a cave. 1 mark
4. saw 1 mark
corn 1 mark
5. He digs a hole. 1 mark for each space
correctly added to the sentence.

Taken from CGP’s Year 1 English 10-Minute Weekly Workouts (E1XW11).

See the full range of KS1 Weekly Workouts at
© CGP 2020 Answers

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